I need to store one image and text in clipboard. I'd like to use Clipboard API. Is it possible?
I'm using following sample to store Image or Text but is it possible to combine?
copyImgBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const response = await fetch(img.src)
const blob = await response.blob()
const blob1 = new Blob([textarea.value], { type: 'text/plain' })
var data = [new ClipboardItem({[blob.type] : blob})]
navigator.clipboard.write(data).then(function() {
console.log("Copied to clipboard successfully!");
}, function() {
console.error("Unable to write to clipboard. :-(");
Thank you
As you cannot write multiple ClipBoardItems at once, I used a single text/html blob.
(Note that the below snippet will not run here, because of browser permissions policy)
I found the blobToBase64 function here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18650249/91017
Hope this helps,
async function copyToClipboard() {
const imageUrl = 'https://i.picsum.photos/id/739/200/300.jpg?hmac=xApsFbHx511SUVG612QiltrATotVTYu3Q4wfvGyYC1g';
try {
const imageData = await fetch(imageUrl);
const imageBlob = await imageData.blob();
const imageBase64Data = await blobToBase64(imageBlob);
const html =
`<p>Some text</p>
<p><img src="${imageBase64Data}" alt="Some image"></p>`;
const textBlob = new Blob([html], {
type: 'text/html'
await navigator.clipboard.write([
new ClipboardItem({
[textBlob.type]: textBlob
} catch (err) {
console.error(err.name, err.message);
function blobToBase64(blob) {
return new Promise((resolve, _) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.result);
<button onclick="copyToClipboard()">Copy text and image to clipboard</button>
The problem is when i do no not see the form data in the console. I do not know what is wrong. here is the code:
So I got firstly the nodes and tried to create a function thta reads the file and a function that returns a src that would be stored in the readForm data function
const mainContainer = document.getElementById("main");
const postTitleNode = document.getElementById("postTitle");
const postDateNode = document.getElementById("postDate");
const postFileNode = document.getElementById("postFile");
const postContentNode = document.getElementById("postContent");
//image file reader
function readImageFile(file) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener("load", () => {
reader.addEventListener("error", () => {
//reading the src of the image uploaded
function readFileSrc(elementNode) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
elementNode.addEventListener("change", async () => {
const file = elementNode.files[0];
if (file.type.startsWith("image/")) {
const dataUrl = await readImageFile(file);
postFileNode.value = dataUrl;
} else {
console.error("Selected file is not an image.");
reject("Selected file is not an image.");
//clear form data
function clearInputValue() {
postTitleNode.value = "";
postDateNode.value = "";
postFileNode.value = "";
postContentNode.value = "";
//get form Data
async function readFormData() {
//values: store the values in an object
const postFile = await readFileSrc(postFileNode);
const formData = {
title: postTitleNode.value,
postDate: postDateNode.value,
postFile: postFile,
postContent: postContentNode.value,
return formData;
//onClick function
async function onClickEvent() {
//read data
await readFormData();
//clear data after clicking
const createPostButton = document.getElementById("modalCreatePostButton");
createPostButton.addEventListener("click", onClickEvent);
what can I do to solve the problem or where is my mistake? why am i not getting any data in the console
i am trying to make a component that take a pdf from input or an already uploaded one and then extract pages from it and uploaded again
when choosing a file from input (choosing file from my computer)
i am using this
const handleFileChange = async (event) => {
const file = event.target.files[0];
const fileName = event.target.files[0].name
const fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = async () => {
const pdfBytes = new Uint8Array(fileReader.result);
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(pdfBytes);
we get a pdfDoc and a Unit8Array
then i use the pdfDoc to get pages and extract a new pdf file....
this works fine
now when selecting a file that we already uploaded
i use this to ping the api to get the file
const handleGetFile = async (url) => {
const headers = {
Authorization: "Bearer " + (localStorage.getItem("token")),
Accept: 'application/pdf'
await axios.put(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}getPdfFileBlob`, {
pdfUrl: `https://handle-pdf-photos-project-through-compleated-task.s3.amazonaws.com/${url}`
}, { responseType: 'arraybuffer', headers }).then((res) => {
const handlePdf = async () => {
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(res.data);
const pdfBlob = new Blob([uint8Array], { type: 'application/pdf' });
// setPdfDoc(pdfBlob) .....? how do i create a pdf doc from the unit8array
}).catch((err) => {
this the the end point i am pinging
app.put('/getPdfFileBlob',async function(req,res){
try {
const url =req.body.pdfUrl;
const fileName = 'file.pdf';
const file = fs.createWriteStream(fileName);
https.get(url, (response) => {
file.on('finish', () => {
// Serve the file as a response
const pdf = fs.readFileSync(fileName);
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');
res.setHeader( 'Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'Binary'
res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="' + fileName + '"');
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({success:false,msg:"server side err"})
after getting this file here is what am trying to do
const handlePageSelection = (index) => {
setSelectedPages(prevSelectedPages => {
const newSelectedPages = [...prevSelectedPages];
const pageIndex = newSelectedPages.indexOf(index);
if (pageIndex === -1) {
} else {
newSelectedPages.splice(pageIndex, 1);
return newSelectedPages;
const handleExtractPages = async () => {
for (let i = pdfDoc.getPageCount() - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
if (!selectedPages.includes(i + 1)) {
await pdfDoc.save();
well in the first case where i upload the pdf file from local storage i get a pdfDoc
console of pdf Doc and pdfBlob
and when i select already existing file i can't find a way to transfer unit8array buffer to pdf doc
log of pdfBlob and no pdf doc
what i want is transform the pdfblob to pdfDcoument or get the pdf document from the array buffer so i can use getpages on it
When I run tesseract.js on a URL it works fine. But when I run it on a local file I get these errors. How can I solve this?
I am running tesseract.js v2.1.0 and here is my code:
const { createWorker } = require('tesseract.js');
const worker = createWorker({
logger: m => console.log(m), // Add logger here
(async () => {
await worker.load();
await worker.loadLanguage('eng');
await worker.initialize('eng');
const { data: { text } } = await worker.recognize('download.png');
await worker.terminate();
If you want to load local images in tesseract you have to load them via input tag, Here is the working example.
<input type="file" id="input_image" accept="image/*">
const input_image = document.getElementById("input_image");
const offscreen_canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(0, 0);
const offscreen_canvas_context = offscreen_canvas.getContext("2d");
input_image.addEventListener("change", () => {
var file = input_image.files[0];
if (file == undefined) return;
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (event) {
const reader_image = event.target.result;
const image = new Image();
image.onload = function () {
offscreen_canvas.width = image.width;
offscreen_canvas.height = image.height;
offscreen_canvas_context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
offscreen_canvas.convertToBlob().then((blob) => {
Tesseract.recognize(blob, "eng", {
logger: (m) => console.log(m)
}).then(({ data: { text } }) => {
image.src = reader_image;
I am attempting to grab a PDF stored in Azure Blob Storage via a node backend and then serve that PDF file to a React Frontend. I am using Microsofts #azure/storage-blob with a BlockBlobClient but every example I find online converts the readableStreamBody to a string. The blob has a content type of application/pdf. Ive tried passing the readableStreamBody and the pure output to the frontend but those result in broken pdf's. I also followed the documentation online and made it a string and passed that to the frontend. That produced a PDF that would open and had the proper amount of pages but was completly blank.
Node.js Code on the Backend
app.get('/api/file/:company/:file', (req, res) => {
const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(req.params.company);
const blockBlobClient = containerClient.getBlockBlobClient(req.params.file);
.then(blob => streamToString(blob.readableStreamBody))
.then(response => res.send(response))
FrontEnd Code
getFileBlob = (company,file) => {
axios(`/api/file/${company}/${file}`, { method: 'GET', responseType: 'blob'})
.then(response => {
const file = new Blob(
{type: 'application/pdf'});
const fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
.catch(error => {
This might help you, its working for me.
var express = require('express');
const { BlobServiceClient } = require('#azure/storage-blob');
var router = express.Router();
async function connectAzure() {
// Create the BlobServiceClient object which will be used to create a container client
const blobServiceClient = BlobServiceClient.fromConnectionString(
const containerName = 'filestorage';
const blobName = 'sample.pdf';
console.log('\nConnecting container...');
console.log('\t', containerName);
// Get a reference to a container
const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(containerName);
// Get a block blob client
const blockBlobClient = containerClient.getBlockBlobClient(blobName);
for await (const blob of containerClient.listBlobsFlat()) {
console.log('\t', blob.name);
const downloadBlockBlobResponse = await blockBlobClient.download(0);
const data = await streamToString(downloadBlockBlobResponse.readableStreamBody)
return data;
async function streamToString(readableStream) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const chunks = [];
readableStream.on('data', data => {
readableStream.on('end', () => {
readableStream.on('error', reject);
router.get('/', async function(req, res, next) {
const data = await connectAzure();
module.exports = router;
function createFile() {
fetch('/createfile').then(res => {
res.json().then(data => {
var blob = new Blob([data.data], { type: 'application/pdf' });
var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
if (filename) {
if (typeof a.download === 'undefined') {
window.location.href = fileURL;
} else {
window.open(fileURL, '_blank');
}).catch(err => console.log(err))
<body><h1>Express</h1><p>Welcome to Express</p><button onclick="createFile()">Create File</button></body>
I manually upload the JSON file to google cloud storage by creating a new project. I am able to read the metadata for a file but I don't know how to read the JSON content.
The code I used to read the metadata is:
var Storage = require('#google-cloud/storage');
const storage = Storage({
keyFilename: 'service-account-file-path',
projectId: 'project-id'
.then(results => {
console.log("results is", results[0])
.catch(err => {
console.error('ERROR:', err);
Can someone guide me to the way to read the JSON file content?
I've used the following code to read a json file from Cloud Storage:
'use strict';
const Storage = require('#google-cloud/storage');
const storage = Storage();
exports.readFile = (req, res) => {
console.log('Reading File');
var archivo = storage.bucket('your-bucket').file('your-JSON-file').createReadStream();
console.log('Concat Data');
var buf = '';
archivo.on('data', function(d) {
buf += d;
}).on('end', function() {
I'm reading from a stream and concat all the data within the file to the buf variable.
Hope it helps.
To read multiple files:
'use strict';
const {Storage} = require('#google-cloud/storage');
const storage = new Storage();
async function listFiles() {
const bucketName = 'your-bucket'
console.log('Listing objects in a Bucket');
const [files] = await storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles();
files.forEach(file => {
console.log('Reading: '+file.name);
var archivo = file.createReadStream();
console.log('Concat Data');
var buf = '';
archivo.on('data', function(d) {
buf += d;
}).on('end', function() {
I was using the createWriteStream method like the other answers but I had a problem with the output in that it randomly output invalid characters (�) for some characters in a string. I thought it could be some encoding problems.
I came up with my workaround that uses the download method. The download method returns a DownloadResponse that contains an array of Buffer. We then use Buffer.toString() method and give it an encoding of utf8 and parse the result with JSON.parse().
const downloadAsJson = async (bucket, path) => {
const file = await new Storage()
return JSON.parse(file[0].toString('utf8'));
There exists a convenient method:'download' to download a file into memory or to a local destination. You may use download method as follows:
const bucketName='bucket name here';
const fileName='file name here';
const storage = new Storage.Storage();
const file = storage.bucket(bucketName).file(fileName);
file.download(function(err, contents) {
console.log("file err: "+err);
console.log("file data: "+contents);
A modern version of this:
const { Storage } = require('#google-cloud/storage')
const storage = new Storage()
const bucket = storage.bucket('my-bucket')
// The function that returns a JSON string
const readJsonFromFile = async remoteFilePath => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let buf = ''
.on('data', d => (buf += d))
.on('end', () => resolve(buf))
.on('error', e => reject(e))
// Example usage
(async () => {
try {
const json = await readJsonFromFile('path/to/json-file.json')
} catch (e) {