Create and store different arrays in each object - javascript

I'm new programming in JS and I'm designing an application to search for sites by county (it would be something like state) and municipality (Counties).
From the data I obtain through an API I get the following results.
data from API
As you can see there are some counties that are repeated and what I am interested in is to assign the county in an object and within that object create an array with its municipalities.
At the moment I have removed the repeated counties, but I cannot put each object with its municipalities.
API to array
My code is the following basically what I do here is to remove the repeated data from the counties.
(variable data is the values from API picture 1)
for(let i=0; i< data.length; i++)
let found = false;
for (var j=0; j<array.length; j++) {
if (data[i].nom_comarca == array[j].comarca) {
found = true;
if(!found) // If not find we add into Array
comarca : data[i].nom_comarca,
municipis: municipis
//municipis = [];
Thanks for all really!!

Using a dictionary to keep track of duplicate nom_comarca. Transform the municipi property into an array if the element doesn't yet exist, otherwise push the municipi value to the existing element's array.
const data = [
{"nom_comarca": "1", "municipi": "1"},
{"nom_comarca": "1", "municipi": "2"},
{"nom_comarca": "2", "municipi": "3"},
const result = Object.values(data.reduce((acc, el) => {
if (!acc[el.nom_comarca]) {
acc[el.nom_comarca] = {...el, municipi: [el.municipi]};
} else {
return acc;
}, {}));


AngularJS: Merge object by ID, i.e. replace old entry when IDs are identical

I am using Ionic with AngularJS and I am using a localForage database and AJAX via $http. My app has a news stream that contains data like this:
"title":"Ein Hund",
"title":"Eine Katze",
ts stands for Timestamp. My app saves the feed locally via localForage.
When the app starts it first loads the locally saved items:
$localForage.getItem("feed").then(function(val) { vm.feed = val; })
Then, it loads the new or updated items (ts < current timestamp) and merges both the old and new data:
Updated items look like this:
"title":"Eine Katze",
That is, the comments count on feed item 2 has changed from 2 to 4. When I merge the old and new data, vm.feed has two items with id = 2.
Does angularjs has a built-in "merge by id" function, i. e. copy from source to destination (if it is a new element), or otherwise replace the old element? In case angularjs does not have such a function, what's the best way to implement this?
Thanks in advance!
Probably, it will not merge correctly, so you have to update all properties manually. Update ts property and then find your object with id and replace it.
There is no builtin, I usually write my own merge function:
function itemsToArray(items) {
var result = [];
if (items) {
// items can be a Map, so don't use angular.forEach here
items.forEach(function(item) {
return result;
function idOf(obj) {
function defaultMerge(newItem, oldItem) {
return angular.merge(oldItem, newItem);
function mergeById(oldItems, newItems, idSelector, mergeItem) {
if (mergeItem === undefined) mergeItem = defaultMerge;
if (idSelector === undefined) idSelector = idOf;
// Map retains insertion order
var mapping = new Map();
angular.forEach(oldItems, function(oldItem) {
var key = idSelector(oldItem);
mapping.set(key, oldItem);
angular.forEach(newItems, function(newItem) {
var key = idSelector(newItem);
if (mapping.has(key)) {
var oldItem = mapping.get(key);
mapping.set(key, mergeItem(newItem, oldItem));
} else {
// new items are simply added, will be at
// the end of the result list, in order
mapping.set(key, newItem);
return itemsToArray(mapping);
var olds = [
{ id: 1, name: 'old1' },
{ id: 2, name: 'old2' }
var news = [
{ id: 3, name: 'new3' },
{ id: 2, name: 'new2' }
var merged = mergeById(olds, news);
/* Prints
{ id: 1, name: 'old1' },
{ id: 2, name: 'new2' },
{ id: 3, name: 'new3' }
This builds a Map from the old items by id, merges in the new items, and converts the map back to list. Fortunately the Map object will iterate on the entries in insertion order, according to the specification. You can provide your idSelector and mergeItem functions.
Thanks hege_hegedus. Based on your code, I've written my own and tried to use less loops to speed things up a bit:
function updateCollection(localCollection, fetchedCollection) {
angular.forEach(fetchedCollection, function(item) {
var append = true;
for (var i = 0; i < localCollection.length; i++) {
if (localCollection[i].id == {
// Replace item
localCollection[i] = item;
append = false;
} else if (localCollection[i].id > {
// Add new element at the right position, if IDs are descending check for "<" instead
localCollection.splice(i, 0, item);
append = false;
if (append) {
// Add new element with a higher ID at the end
// When IDs are descending use .unshift(item) instead
There is still room for improvements, i. e. the iteration through all the objects should use binary search since all items are sorted by id.

How can get a count with nested objects with a certain property?

Okay so I'm using angular to get a json saved to my computer to recreate a github gradebook.
I can get the data with my $http request but for the love of me all I want is to get a count of the number of issues with the label "Not Yet".
Here is the javascript:
.then(function(response) {
var counter = 0;
for(var index = 0; index <; index++) {
if([index].labels[0].name == "Not Yet") {
That's the latest try, I also tried using lodash to get it earlier:
.then(function(response) {
mile.notYet.width = _.forEach(, function(n){
var counter = 0;
if(_.result(_.find(n.labels[0], 'name')) == "Not Yet") {
counter = ((counter/10) * 100) + '%';
This is a bit of the json data:
"url": "",
"labels_url": "{/name}",
"comments_url": "",
"events_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"id": 73013825,
"number": 11,
"title": "00 -- Brace Yourself -- BEN GRIFFITH",
"user": {
"login": "Epicurean306",
"id": 11682684,
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"organizations_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
"labels": [
"url": "",
"name": "Not Yet",
"color": "e11d21"
As you can see the labels property is an object, nested in an array, nested in an object, nested in an array, real lovely. Putting labels[0] results in an error for me each time and doesn't get me a count. Can anybody tell me where I'm messing up please? Thank you!
If you need a solution that includes lodash, which is much more performant than the native high order functions then you can try this solution below:
var size = _(
.where({ name: 'Not Yet' })
If you want it to be more reusable, you can save a reference for a cloned chained sequence and simply supply another array for that cloned sequence.
var data1 = [/*array from data1*/];
var data2 = [/*array from data2*/];
var notYetSequence = _(data1)
.where({ name: 'Not Yet' });
notYetSequence.size(); // returns data 1 count
notYetSequence.plant(data2).size(); // returns data 2 count
You don't need lodash for the task
var cnt =
.map(function(i) { return i.labels; })
// here we extract labels object only (and get an array of arrays of objects)
.map(function(i) { return i.filter(function(l) { return == 'Not yet'; }).length; })
// then for every nested array we return a number of items with
// Not Yet names (and get an array of numbers)
.filter(function(c) { return c > 0; })
// then we filter issues that don't have one (and still get an array of numbers)
// and finally get length (which is a number)
As a comparison, a plain for loop looks like:
var data =;
var count = 0;
var re = /not yet/i;
for (var a, i=0, iLen=data.length; i<iLen; i++) {
a = data[i].labels;
for (var j=0, jLen=a.length; j<jLen; j++) {
if (re.test(a[j].name)) ++count;
So really not a lot of code either way, the for loop will be compatible with every browser ever (though using xmlHTTPRequest means at least ed 3+) and fastest… untested of course. ;-)

Get all string values from a nested object

I have an object, with nested objects. How do I target a specific index of the object and loop through all the nested values of image. As you will note the length of the nested objects vary.
Target example: productArray[0].image = test1.png, test2.png, test3.png
var products = [
identifier: "item-0",
image: {
"img1": "test1.png",
"img2": "test2.png",
"img3": "test3.png"
identifier: "item-1",
image: {
"img1": "test1.png",
"img2": "test2.png"
identifier: "item-2",
image: {
"img1": "test1.png",
"img2": "test2.png",
"img3": "test3.png",
"img4": "test4.png",
"img5": "test5.png",
"img6": "test6.png",
"img7": "test7.png"
We can do this. What you need to do is a simple loop through the object at a specific index, or you can target them all. Note that the image object is not an array, so it will not have an accurate length property.
Target all indexes:
for(var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
console.log("Item: " + i);
var images = products[i].image;
for(var a in images)
Target specific:
for(var i in products[0].image)
I used a for loop here, but you can use a while loop if you would like.
You need to iterate over your original array of products. products
Each element (product) will be in format { identifier: "", image : {"img1" : "img2", ..}} products[i]
You get the image property of current product - this is an object. products[i].image
Now you need to iterate over the properties of the image object. products[i].image[j]
for(var i = 0; i < products.length; i++)
for(var j in products[i].image)
// Here you have all the images for the current product.
// You can print them, group them or whatever you want to do with them
Also you can change the code (introduce variables) to be more readable.
var strs = (function( obj ) {
var ret = [];
for( im in obj ) {
ret.push( obj[im] );
//You could access each image URL here
//ad strs in the end will have all of them
//comma-separated after this code completes
// im is the key, obj[ im ] the value
return ret.join(',');
})( products[0].image );
console.log( strs );
Here is another way of doing this, with newer functions in ECMAScript 5
var images = Object.keys(products[2].image).map(function(key){
return products[2].image[key]
console.log(images) // Returns: ["test1.png", "test2.png", "test3.png", "test4.png", "test5.png", "test6.png", "test7.png"]
How It Works:
Object#keys returns an array of key names. Array#map creates a new array using the keys from Object#keys. By looking up the key from the object you get the value, which will be the image name.

javascript: get index of object from dictonary key

my data array
data : [
"name": "Autauga, AL",
"value": 5.6
"name": "Baldwin, AL",
"value": 5.3
How can I retrieve the index of an array object if I just have the name "Autauga, AL"?
I am aware of the brute force loops. is there a better way?
In ECMAScript 5.1+, you can use the Array#filter method to get the actual object:
data.filter(function(item){return == 'Autauga, AL'})[0]
That doesn't get you the index, though. You could do this:,index){
return [item, index]
return a[0].name == 'Autauga, AL'
Those methods still wind up using loops under the covers, but I guess they look cooler..
For efficient access, you could build an index for the target field:
var dataIndexByName = {}, i, len;
for (i=0, len=data.length; i<len; ++i) {
dataIndexByName[data[i].name] = i
After which you can just look for dataIndexByName['Autauga, AL']. That also has the advantage of working in older implementations. It gets a bit more complicated if a given name might show up more than once in the original array, though.
You could do something like this:
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].name.indexOf("Autauga, AL") > -1) {
return i;
You could write a small function to do the job based on Array.prototype.some:
function getIndex(arr, prop, value) {
var idx;
arr.some(function(v, i) {
if (v[prop] == value) {
idx = i;
return true;
return idx;
data = [{"name": "Autauga, AL","value": 5.6},
{"name": "Baldwin, AL","value": 5.3}];
console.log(getIndex(data, 'name', 'Baldwin, AL')); // 1
some is efficient because it stops when the callback first returns true. You may wisht to adjust the condition to suit.

Best way to store this data (array, object, etc)

I need to store (many) objects or arrays of data, which need to have the following criteria:
I need to be able to add a new set of data into the existing data easily
I need to be able to sort the data by date/ time added easily (array in order of when entries were pushed to it)
I need to be able to grab an entry easily using a reference, either integer or string. This is important, at the moment I have to do an $.each() to loop through my data until I find the entry I want.
I have tried using a structure like:
saved_info = {
1001: {//all my data for ref 1001},
1002: {//all my data for ref 1002}
which gave me what wanted of being able to grab the info easily given a reference:
info = saved_info[1001];
however, the reference numbers I use aren't in order - I use a reference given to me (its a unique identifier), therefore the object isn't in order of when items were added/saved/pushed.
You can use two objects:
One that stores the data by key
Another that stores the sort order
This way you can (i) lookup an element by key (ii) loop over elements in the order they were inserted. Rough outline of the structure:
var DataObject = {
data: {},
sort: []
Here is how you add data to this structure:[1004] = {name: "Test 4"};
DataObject.sort.push(1004);[1001] = {name: "Test 1"};
DataObject.sort.push(1001);[1003] = {name: "Test 3"};
DataObject.sort.push(1003);[1002] = {name: "Test 2"};
Here is how you perform a random access:
And here is how you iterate over all elements in the order they were added:
var i;
for (i = 0; i < DataObject.sort.length; i++) {
It is possible to wrap the entire logic inside a class:
function DataObject() { = {};
this.sort = [];
this.setItem = function (k, v) {[k] = v;
this.getItemByKey = function (k) {
this.getItemByPos = function (i) {
this.getAllItems = function () {
var i, r = [];
for (i = 0; i < this.sort.length; i++) {
return r;
var t = new DataObject();
t.setItem(1001, {name: "Test 1"});
t.setItem(1002, {name: "Test 2"});
t.setItem(1003, {name: "Test 3"});
t.setItem(1004, {name: "Test 4"});
Try to build a Json like this,
var xJson = {
"1001":{//all my data for ref 1001},
"1002":{//all my data for ref 1002}
and you can fetch the records as per your wish using the bracket notation, since we are using a numeric value as a key.
var xData = xJson["1001"];
