I have managed to use fleek to update IPFS via straight javascript. I am now trying to add this functionality to a clean install of a svelteKit app. I think I am having trouble with the syntax around imports, but am not sure what I am doing wrong. When I click the button on the index.svelte I get the following error
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
uploadIPFS upload.js:3
listen index.mjs:412..........(I truncated the error here)
A few thoughts
I am wondering if it could be working in javascript because it is being called in node (running on the server) but running on the client in svelte?
More Details
The index.svelte file looks like this
import {uploadIPFS} from '../IPFS/upload'
<button on:click={uploadIPFS}>
upload to ipfs
the upload.js file looks like this
export const uploadIPFS = () => {
const fleek = require('#fleekhq/fleek-storage-js');
const apiKey = 'cZsQh9XV5+6Nd1+Bou4OuA==';
const apiSecret = '';
const data = 'pauls test load';
const testFunctionUpload = async (data) => {
const date = new Date();
const timestamp = date.getTime();
const input = {
key: `file-${timestamp}`,
try {
const result = await fleek.upload(input);
} catch (e) {
console.log('error', e);
I have also tried using the other import syntax and when I do I get the following error
global is not defined....
import with the other syntax is
import fleekStorage from '#fleekhq/fleek-storage-js';
function uploadIPFS() {
export default uploadIPFS;
*I erased the api secret in the code above. In future I will store these in a .env file.
Even more details (if you need them)
The file below will update IPFS and runs via the command
npm run upload
That file is below. For my version that I used in svelte I simplified the file by removing all the file management and just loading a variable instead of a file (as in the example below)
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const fleek = require('#fleekhq/fleek-storage-js');
const apiKey = process.env.FLEEK_API_KEY;
const apiSecret = process.env.FLEEK_API_SECRET;
const testFunctionUpload = async (data) => {
const date = new Date();
const timestamp = date.getTime();
const input = {
key: `file-${timestamp}`,
try {
const result = await fleek.upload(input);
} catch(e) {
console.log('error', e);
// File management not used a my svelte version to keep it simple
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'README.md');
fs.readFile(filePath, (err, data) => {
if(!err) {
I'm trying to make a GitHub webhook server with Deno, but I cannot find any possible way to do the validation.
This is my current attempt using webhooks-methods.js:
import { Application } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
import { verify } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/#octokit/webhooks-methods?dts";
const app = new Application();
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
try {
await next();
} catch (_err) {
ctx.response.status = 500;
const secret = "...";
app.use(async (ctx) => {
const signature = ctx.request.headers.get("X-Hub-Signature-256");
if (signature) {
const payload = await ctx.request.body({ type: "text" }).value;
const result = await verify(secret, payload, signature);
ctx.response.status = 200;
The verify function is returning false every time.
Your example is very close. The GitHub webhook documentation details the signature header schema. The value is a digest algorithm prefix followed by the signature, in the format of ${ALGO}=${SIGNATURE}:
X-Hub-Signature-256: sha256=d57c68ca6f92289e6987922ff26938930f6e66a2d161ef06abdf1859230aa23c
So, you need to extract the signature from the value (omitting the prefix):
const signatureHeader = request.headers.get("X-Hub-Signature-256");
const signature = signatureHeader.slice("sha256=".length);
Update: Starting in release version 3.0.1 of octokit/webhooks-methods.js, it is no longer necessary to manually extract the signature from the header — that task is handled by the verify function. The code in the answer has been updated to reflect this change.
Here's a complete, working example that you can simply copy + paste into a project or playground on Deno Deploy:
import { assert } from "https://deno.land/std#0.177.0/testing/asserts.ts";
import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/oak#v11.1.0/mod.ts";
import type { ServerRequest } from "https://deno.land/x/oak#v11.1.0/types.d.ts";
import { verify } from "https://esm.sh/#octokit/webhooks-methods#3.0.2?pin=v106";
// In actual usage, use a private secret:
// const SECRET = Deno.env.get("SIGNING_SECRET");
// But for the purposes of this demo, the exposed secret is:
const SECRET = "Let me know if you found this to be helpful!";
type GitHubWebhookVerificationStatus = {
id: string;
verified: boolean;
// Because this uses a native Request,
// it can be used in other contexts besides Oak (e.g. `std/http/serve`):
async function verifyGitHubWebhook(
request: Request,
): Promise<GitHubWebhookVerificationStatus> {
const id = request.headers.get("X-GitHub-Delivery");
// This should be more strict in reality
assert(id, "Not a GH webhhok");
const signatureHeader = request.headers.get("X-Hub-Signature-256");
let verified = false;
if (signatureHeader) {
const payload = await request.clone().text();
verified = await verify(SECRET, payload, signatureHeader);
return { id, verified };
// Type predicate used to access native Request instance
// Ref: https://github.com/oakserver/oak/issues/501#issuecomment-1084046581
function isNativeRequest(r: ServerRequest): r is NativeRequest {
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
return (r as any).request instanceof Request;
const webhookLogger = new Router().post("/webhook", async (ctx) => {
const status = await verifyGitHubWebhook(ctx.request.originalRequest.request);
ctx.response.status = 200;
const app = new Application()
// The port is not important in Deno Deploy
await app.listen({ port: 8080 });
So I've been searching for a long time on mqtt.js examples for structuring and best practices and haven't found anything worthwhile. thus [main] how do you structure your mqtt.js code in your node/express application?
[1] So the libraries mqttjs/async-MQTT provides some example on connecting and on-message but on a real app with lots of subscription and publishes how to structure code so that it initiliazes on the app.js and uses the same client (return from the mqtt.connect) for all the sub/pub in different files.
[2] and from the question[1] should my app only use 1 client for all the works or can use multiple clients as needed on multiple files (let's say I have 3 files mqttInit, subscriber, publisher. so if I use the init on subscriber and get a client should I export it or just make a new instance of a client on the publisher file)
[3] so the mqttjs API provides only an onMessage function so all subscribed topics message gets here thus I put a switch or a if else to manage this so if we have a lot of topics how do you manage this
[4] so my current setup is kind of messed up
this is the initializer file lets say'
const mqtt = require("mqtt");
const { readFileSync } = require("fs");
module.exports = class mqttService {
constructor() {
this.client = mqtt.connect("mqtt://xxxxxxxxxxx", {
cert: readFileSync(process.cwd() + "/certificates/client.crt"),
key: readFileSync(process.cwd() + "/certificates/client.key"),
rejectUnauthorized: false,
this.client.on("error", (err) => {
this.client.once("connect", () => {
console.log("connected to MQTT server");
this is the function(subscribe()) that I call in app.js to init the mqtt thing
const { sendDeviceStatus, sendSensorStatus } = require("../socketApi");
const { client } = new (require("./mqttService"))();
function subscribe() {
let state = {
timer: false,
let topics = {
client.on("message", async (topic, buffer) => {
if (topic) {
module.exports = {
const { AsyncClient } = require("async-mqtt");
const _client = require("./subscribe").client;
const client = new AsyncClient(_client);
async function sendSensorList(daqId) {
let returnVal = await client.publish(
{ qos: 1 }
return publishObject;
module.exports = {
so as you can see from the above code everything is kind of linked with one another and messed up thus I need some expo on how you structure code
thanks for reading, please feel free to provide any info and any info is much appreciated
I have a Discord Bot which needs sharding now. I created a file named "botlaunch.js", which I start from the console (pm2 start botlaunch.js). In this file is all stuff you need for sharding.
Here is how my botlaunch.js looks like:
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const settings = require('./settings.json');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const shardingManager = new Discord.ShardingManager('./lenoxbot.js',
token: settings.token
shardingManager.spawn('auto', 500).then(() => {
console.log(chalk.green(`[ShardManager] Started ${shardingManager.totalShards} shards`));
}).catch(error => {
I need to access the client object after this code. I tried it with the following function but this doesn't work either. No errors or something like this, it only returns undefined for everything I request, doesn't matter what:
function exec(script) {
let requestId = 0;
const currentRequestId = requestId++;
process.send({ cmd: 'exec', script: script, reqId: currentRequestId });
const promiseExec = new Promise(resolve => {
_promiseQueue[currentRequestId] = resolve;
const promiseTimer = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject('Promise timed out before completion # LenoxBotLauncher/exec');
}, 60 * 1000);
return Promise.race([promiseExec, promiseTimer]);
Do you have any solutions on how I can use the client under the code of my botlaunch.js?
You could use ShardingManager#broadcastEval() if you want to obviously eval something, if you need some properties use ShardingManager#fetchClientValues() like:
.then(results => {
console.log(`${results.reduce((prev, guildCount) => prev + guildCount, 0)} total guilds`);
If you want to broadcastEval/fetchClientValues from inside the Bot you can use client.shard.fetchClientValues()/client.shard.broadcastEval()
There is also a nice guide about it here: https://discordjs.guide/sharding/#broadcasteval
Another way would be to use 2 Clients instead of the ShardingManager like:
const client1 = new Discord.Client({ shardId: 0, shardCount: 2});
const client2 = new Discord.Client({ shardId: 1, shardCount: 2});
This would mean that the bot will run in 1 process only and this might cause performance issues.
First of all please note that this is not about creating a bot.
My goal is to create an application that will simply listen to any number of telegram channels that the account I will provide it with is subscribed to and retrieve all messages sent to those channels (as if I was a normal user). My guess is that I will need to
Authenticate myself using my account's phone number
Be able to setup a callback listener either per channel or a general listener for all incoming messages
I've been looking around the telegram api for a couple of days now and I am extremely confused as to how it works. After giving up on it, I started looking at readymade implementations, mostly for NodeJS but was still not able to find a concrete solution. I'm testing some things with the telegram-js api but running it directly using node didn't work. Does it need to run in a browser? Is there any more streamlined approach to this? Preferably something with good documentation.
PS: I'm fluent in Java and Javascript mostly so I've prioritized libraries based on those languages.
Here is the code that I've written (essentially copied an example)
var { Telegram } = require("../libs/telegram");
var TypeLanguage = require("telegram-tl-node") ;
var MTProto = require("telegram-mt-node");
var schema = require("../libs/api-schema.json");
const APP_ID = "111111";
const APP_HASH = "fb6da8f6abdf876abd6a9d7bf6";
const SERVER = { host: "", port: "443" };
const config = {
id: APP_ID,
hash: APP_HASH,
version: '0.0.1',
lang_code: 'en',
authKey: null
let telegram = new Telegram(MTProto, TypeLanguage);
let connection = new MTProto.net.HttpConnection(SERVER);
let client = telegram.createClient();
connection.connect(function() {
let ready = client.setup(config);
ready.then(function(client) {
// it never resolves this promise
function callback(response) {
client.callApi("help.getConfig").then(callback, callback);
It uses those 2 libs:
Late answer but might help others.
You can utilize mtproto-core to authenticate with a regular telegram account and listen to updates (or do anything you can with telegram clients, really)
Here is a sample script I've written that listens to new messages from channels/supergroups the user is subscribed to:
const { MTProto, getSRPParams } = require('#mtproto/core');
const prompts = require('prompts');
const api_id = ...; // insert api_id here
const api_hash = ' ... '; // insert api_hash here
async function getPhone() {
return (await prompts({
type: 'text',
name: 'phone',
message: 'Enter your phone number:'
async function getCode() {
// you can implement your code fetching strategy here
return (await prompts({
type: 'text',
name: 'code',
message: 'Enter the code sent:',
async function getPassword() {
return (await prompts({
type: 'text',
name: 'password',
message: 'Enter Password:',
const mtproto = new MTProto({
function startListener() {
console.log('[+] starting listener')
mtproto.updates.on('updates', ({ updates }) => {
const newChannelMessages = updates.filter((update) => update._ === 'updateNewChannelMessage').map(({ message }) => message) // filter `updateNewChannelMessage` types only and extract the 'message' object
for (const message of newChannelMessages) {
// printing new channel messages
console.log(`[${message.to_id.channel_id}] ${message.message}`)
// checking authentication status
.call('users.getFullUser', {
id: {
_: 'inputUserSelf',
.then(startListener) // means the user is logged in -> so start the listener
.catch(async error => {
// The user is not logged in
console.log('[+] You must log in')
const phone_number = await getPhone()
mtproto.call('auth.sendCode', {
phone_number: phone_number,
settings: {
_: 'codeSettings',
.catch(error => {
if (error.error_message.includes('_MIGRATE_')) {
const [type, nextDcId] = error.error_message.split('_MIGRATE_');
return sendCode(phone_number);
.then(async result => {
return mtproto.call('auth.signIn', {
phone_code: await getCode(),
phone_number: phone_number,
phone_code_hash: result.phone_code_hash,
.catch(error => {
if (error.error_message === 'SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED') {
return mtproto.call('account.getPassword').then(async result => {
const { srp_id, current_algo, srp_B } = result;
const { salt1, salt2, g, p } = current_algo;
const { A, M1 } = await getSRPParams({
gB: srp_B,
password: await getPassword(),
return mtproto.call('auth.checkPassword', {
password: {
_: 'inputCheckPasswordSRP',
.then(result => {
console.log('[+] successfully authenticated');
// start listener since the user has logged in now
You can find the values for api_id and api_hash from https://my.telegram.org.
On the first run the script prompts the user for phone_number, code, and password.
[+] You must log in
√ Enter your phone number: ... <phone_number>
√ Enter the code sent: ... <code>
√ Enter Password: ... <2FA password>
and after the authentication is over
a sample run outputs:
[+] starting listener
[13820XXXXX] Ja
[13820XXXXX] Bis bald guys��
[13820XXXXX] Ja. �
[13820XXXXX] Bis später
[13820XXXXX] Jaaa�
The way I've checked the authentication status was taken from here.
Alternative libraries worth checking out that are active the time of writing (and can be used to create the same behavior with): Airgram (tdlib) and GramJs
I used gram.js library and essentially did this:
import { TelegramClient } from 'telegram'
TelegramClient().addEventHandler(handler, { chats: [1234567890] })
The bot does NOT need to be a member of the channel you want to listen to.
My code runs as a Node.js app.
You need to first create a token by talking to #BotFather with Telegram.
here is my working code by using gramjs and its purely on nodejs.
Getting all the messages from all the channels without any delay's.
import {
} from "telegram";
import {
} from "telegram/events";
import {
} from "telegram/sessions";
const input = require("input");
const apiId = 1233456677;
const apiHash = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
let stringSession = new StringSession("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
(async() => {
console.log("Loading interactive example...");
const client = new TelegramClient(stringSession, apiId, apiHash, {
connectionRetries: 5,
await client.start({
phoneNumber: async() => await input.text("Please enter your number: "),
password: async() => await input.text("Please enter your password: "),
phoneCode: async() =>
await input.text("Please enter the code you received: "),
onError: (err) => console.log(err),
console.log("You should now be connected.");
const session: any = client.session.save();
stringSession = new StringSession(session); // Save this string to avoid logging in again - specially in nodemon
console.log(client.session.save()); // --> you can also copy this session from your console once you get it and paste it in line number 8 - new StringSession("XXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
// once you saved add the JWT Token on line no. 8 as mention above next time you will getting directly connected.
await client.sendMessage("me", {
message: "Hello!"
async function handler(event: NewMessageEvent) {
console.log("[newmessage]", event);
client.addEventHandler(handler, new NewMessage({}));
Note - Ignore the "Run Code Snippet" as found it best way to add whole code instead of formatting.
You can use the gram.js library in the following way:
Install these:
npm install properties-reader
npm install telegram
npm install input
Then get your apiId and apiHash from Telegram Auth in the App Configuration section.
Create a file config.properties with a content similar to that:
Inside of your nodejs code you can listen to a specific chat like this (see chatId inside of the code below):
const PropertiesReader = require('properties-reader');
const configs = PropertiesReader('config.properties');
getProp = (bundle, key) => {return configs.get(`${bundle}.${key}`);}
const { TelegramClient } = require("telegram");
const { StoreSession } = require("telegram/sessions");
const { NewMessage } = require("telegram/events");
const { EditedMessage } = require("telegram/events/EditedMessage");
const input = require("input");
const apiId = getProp("telegram", "apiId")
const apiHash = getProp("telegram", "apiHash")
const storeSession = new StoreSession("telegram_session"); // see: https://painor.gitbook.io/gramjs/getting-started/authorization#store-session
(async () => {
console.log("Loading interactive example...");
const client = new TelegramClient(storeSession, apiId, apiHash, {
connectionRetries: 5,
await client.start({
phoneNumber: async () => await input.text("Please enter your number: "),
password: async () => await input.text("Please enter your password: "),
phoneCode: async () =>
await input.text("Please enter the code you received: "),
onError: (err) => console.log(err),
console.log("You should now be connected.");
client.session.save(); // Save the session to avoid logging in again
async function eventPrint(event) {
// see 'node_modules/telegram/tl/custom/message.d.ts'
const message = event.message
const isNew = message.editDate === undefined
const text = message.text
const date = new Date(message.date*1000)
console.log(`The message is ${isNew ? 'new' : 'an update'}`)
console.log(`The text is: ${text}`)
console.log(`The date is: ${date}`)
// to get the chatId:
// option 1: open telegram on a web browser, go to the chat, and look the url in the address bar
// option 2: open telegram app, copy link to any message, it should be something like: https://t.me/c/1234567890/12345, the first number after "/c/" is the chatId
const chatId = 1234567890
client.addEventHandler(eventPrint, new NewMessage({ chats: [chatId] }));
client.addEventHandler(eventPrint, new EditedMessage({ chats: [chatId] }));