Merging two objects with same keys override first array - javascript

I would like to merge an array with another array. The only catch is that each array is within an object.
Intuitively I tried {...arrObj, ...newArrObj} however this leads newArrObj overwriting items in the arrObj.
const array = ['an', 'array'];
const newArray = [, , 'new', 'ehrray'];
const obj = {
key: { ...array
const newObj = {
key: { ...newArray
const merged = { ...obj,
I would expect merged to be:
"key": {
"0": "an",
"1": "array",
"2": "new",
"3": "ehrray"
but receive
"key": {
"2": "new",
"3": "ehrray"

This might be useful
const a0 = ['1', '2', undefined , undefined, '5', '6', '7'];
const a1 = [undefined, undefined, '3', '4'];
function merge(a, b) {
return,i){ return v?v:b[i]});
console.log(a0 > a1?merge(a0, a1):merge(a1, a0));

I wanted to updated that I ended up going with a recursive merge to get the nested object containing an array merged.
const array = ['an', 'array'];
const newArray = [, , 'new', 'ehrray'];
const obj = {
key: { ...array
const newObj = {
key: { ...newArray
const merge = (obj1, obj2) => {
const recursiveMerge = (obj, entries) => {
for (const [key, value] of entries) {
if (typeof value === "object") {
obj[key] = obj[key] ? { ...obj[key]
} : {};
recursiveMerge(obj[key], Object.entries(value))
} else {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
return recursiveMerge(obj1, Object.entries(obj2))
console.log(merge(obj, newObj));

The idea is that there are unset values with only a few set. eg. const newArray = new Array(4); newArray[2] = 'new';
{ value: null }, even { value: undefined } is not the same thing as { foo: 42 } with no value at all. That's the reason that in your example "an" and "array" are overwritten with the nulls from the newArray.
This particular example you can solve by swapping the order in which you add the arrays to the result, but as soon as both arrays contain null-values there is no way to do it with spread-syntax / Object.assign alone. You have to implement the behaviour:
const array = new Array('an', 'array', null, null, "and", "more", "from", "array");
const newArray = new Array(null, null, 'new', 'ehrray');
function merge(a, b) {
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < a.length || i < b.length; ++i) {
result[i] = b[i] == null ? a[i] : b[i];
return result;
console.log(merge(array, newArray));


How to use spread operator but not get values null from the object

I have an array of object, something like this:
array = [
'propertyName1': 'name1',
'propertyValue1': 'value1',
'propertyName2': 'name2',
'propertyValue2': 'value2',
'propertyName3': 'name3',
'propertyValue3': 'value3',
'propertyName4': 'name4',
'propertyValue4': 'value4',
'propertyName1': 'name10',
'propertyValue1': 'value10',
'propertyName2': 'name22',
'propertyValue2': 'value22',
'propertyName3': 'name33',
'propertyValue3': 'value33',
'propertyName4': null,
'propertyValue4': null,
I want to get the first value as a key and the second value as a value in a new object, something like this result:
name1: "value1"
name10: "value10"
name2: "value2"
name22: "value22"
name3: "value3"
name33: "value33"
name4: "value4"
null: null
but I don't want to show the property with the value null, so I tried:
ngOnInit() {
let obj = {};
this.array.forEach((element: any) => {
obj = {
[element.propertyName1]: element.propertyValue1,
[element.propertyName2]: element.propertyValue2,
[element.propertyName3]: element.propertyValue3,
[element.propertyName4]: element.propertyValue4}
See the code here:
Just delete the null entry after
this.array.forEach((element: any) => {
obj = {
[element.propertyName1]: element.propertyValue1,
[element.propertyName2]: element.propertyValue2,
[element.propertyName3]: element.propertyValue3,
[element.propertyName4]: element.propertyValue4,
delete obj['null'];
You can spread all the values in a single array and check if the property is null while looping over:
ngOnInit() {
const valuesArray = [ //Array containing all the values
let obj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < valuesArray.length; i = i + 2) {
if (valuesArray[i + 1] !== null) {
obj[valuesArray[i]] = valuesArray[i + 1]; //Only copy when it is not null
If your first array also might contain null values and you want to exclude them you can use this if condition instead of the one above:
if (valuesArray[i + 1] !== null && valuesArray[i] !== null )
const data = [{"propertyName1":"name1","propertyValue1":"value1","propertyName2":"name2","propertyValue2":"value2","propertyName3":"name3","propertyValue3":"value3","propertyName4":"name4","propertyValue4":"value4"},{"propertyName1":"name10","propertyValue1":"value10","propertyName2":"name22","propertyValue2":"value22","propertyName3":"name33","propertyValue3":"value33","propertyName4":null,"propertyValue4":null}]
let r = {}
// get maximum number of keys that may need to be iterated over
let n =>Object.keys(o).length).reduce((a,c)=>Math.max(a,c))
for(let i=1; i<=n; i++) {
data.forEach(o=> {
let x = o[`propertyName${i}`]
let y = o[`propertyValue${i}`]
if (x && y) r[x] = y

How to compare and combine two objects [duplicate]

I have two objects: oldObj and newObj.
The data in oldObj was used to populate a form and newObj is the result of the user changing data in this form and submitting it.
Both objects are deep, ie. they have properties that are objects or arrays of objects etc - they can be n levels deep, thus the diff algorithm needs to be recursive.
Now I need to not just figure out what was changed (as in added/updated/deleted) from oldObj to newObj, but also how to best represent it.
So far my thoughts was to just build a genericDeepDiffBetweenObjects method that would return an object on the form {add:{...},upd:{...},del:{...}} but then I thought: somebody else must have needed this before.
So... does anyone know of a library or a piece of code that will do this and maybe have an even better way of representing the difference (in a way that is still JSON serializable)?
I have thought of a better way to represent the updated data, by using the same object structure as newObj, but turning all property values into objects on the form:
{type: '<update|create|delete>', data: <propertyValue>}
So if newObj.prop1 = 'new value' and oldObj.prop1 = 'old value' it would set returnObj.prop1 = {type: 'update', data: 'new value'}
Update 2:
It gets truely hairy when we get to properties that are arrays, since the array [1,2,3] should be counted as equal to [2,3,1], which is simple enough for arrays of value based types like string, int & bool, but gets really difficult to handle when it comes to arrays of reference types like objects and arrays.
Example arrays that should be found equal:
[1,[{c: 1},2,3],{a:'hey'}] and [{a:'hey'},1,[3,{c: 1},2]]
Not only is it quite complex to check for this type of deep value equality, but also to figure out a good way to represent the changes that might be.
I wrote a little class that is doing what you want, you can test it here.
Only thing that is different from your proposal is that I don't consider
[1,[{c: 1},2,3],{a:'hey'}]
[{a:'hey'},1,[3,{c: 1},2]]
to be same, because I think that arrays are not equal if order of their elements is not same. Of course this can be changed if needed. Also this code can be further enhanced to take function as argument that will be used to format diff object in arbitrary way based on passed primitive values (now this job is done by "compareValues" method).
var deepDiffMapper = function () {
return {
VALUE_CREATED: 'created',
VALUE_UPDATED: 'updated',
VALUE_DELETED: 'deleted',
VALUE_UNCHANGED: 'unchanged',
map: function(obj1, obj2) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1) || this.isFunction(obj2)) {
throw 'Invalid argument. Function given, object expected.';
if (this.isValue(obj1) || this.isValue(obj2)) {
return {
type: this.compareValues(obj1, obj2),
data: obj1 === undefined ? obj2 : obj1
var diff = {};
for (var key in obj1) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1[key])) {
var value2 = undefined;
if (obj2[key] !== undefined) {
value2 = obj2[key];
diff[key] =[key], value2);
for (var key in obj2) {
if (this.isFunction(obj2[key]) || diff[key] !== undefined) {
diff[key] =, obj2[key]);
return diff;
compareValues: function (value1, value2) {
if (value1 === value2) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (this.isDate(value1) && this.isDate(value2) && value1.getTime() === value2.getTime()) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (value1 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_CREATED;
if (value2 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_DELETED;
return this.VALUE_UPDATED;
isFunction: function (x) {
return === '[object Function]';
isArray: function (x) {
return === '[object Array]';
isDate: function (x) {
return === '[object Date]';
isObject: function (x) {
return === '[object Object]';
isValue: function (x) {
return !this.isObject(x) && !this.isArray(x);
var result ={
a: 'i am unchanged',
b: 'i am deleted',
e: {
a: 1,
b: false,
c: null
f: [1, {
a: 'same',
b: [{
a: 'same'
}, {
d: 'delete'
g: new Date('2017.11.25')
}, {
a: 'i am unchanged',
c: 'i am created',
e: {
a: '1',
b: '',
d: 'created'
f: [{
a: 'same',
b: [{
a: 'same'
}, {
c: 'create'
}, 1],
g: new Date('2017.11.25')
Using Underscore, a simple diff:
var o1 = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 2},
o2 = {a: 2, b: 1, c: 2};
_.omit(o1, function(v,k) { return o2[k] === v; })
Results in the parts of o1 that correspond but with different values in o2:
{a: 1, b: 2}
It'd be different for a deep diff:
function diff(a,b) {
var r = {};
_.each(a, function(v,k) {
if(b[k] === v) return;
// but what if it returns an empty object? still attach?
r[k] = _.isObject(v)
? _.diff(v, b[k])
: v
return r;
As pointed out by #Juhana in the comments, the above is only a diff a-->b and not reversible (meaning extra properties in b would be ignored). Use instead a-->b-->a:
(function(_) {
function deepDiff(a, b, r) {
_.each(a, function(v, k) {
// already checked this or equal...
if (r.hasOwnProperty(k) || b[k] === v) return;
// but what if it returns an empty object? still attach?
r[k] = _.isObject(v) ? _.diff(v, b[k]) : v;
/* the function */
diff: function(a, b) {
var r = {};
deepDiff(a, b, r);
deepDiff(b, a, r);
return r;
See for full example+tests+mixins
I'd like to offer an ES6 solution...This is a one-way diff, meaning that it will return keys/values from o2 that are not identical to their counterparts in o1:
let o1 = {
one: 1,
two: 2,
three: 3
let o2 = {
two: 2,
three: 3,
four: 4
let diff = Object.keys(o2).reduce((diff, key) => {
if (o1[key] === o2[key]) return diff
return {
[key]: o2[key]
}, {})
Here is a JavaScript library which can be used for finding diff between two JavaScript objects:
Github URL:
Npmjs url:
recursive-diff library can be used in the browser as well as in a Node.js based server side application. For browser, it can be used as below:
<script type="text" src=""/>
<script type="text/javascript">
const ob1 = {a:1, b: [2,3]};
const ob2 = {a:2, b: [3,3,1]};
const delta = recursiveDiff.getDiff(ob1,ob2);
/* console.log(delta) will dump following data
{path: ['a'], op: 'update', val: 2}
{path: ['b', '0'], op: 'update',val: 3},
{path: ['b',2], op: 'add', val: 1 },
const ob3 = recursiveDiff.applyDiff(ob1, delta); //expect ob3 is deep equal to ob2
Whereas in a node.js based application it can be used as below:
const diff = require('recursive-diff');
const ob1 = {a: 1}, ob2: {b:2};
const diff = diff.getDiff(ob1, ob2);
Using Lodash:
_.mergeWith(oldObj, newObj, function (objectValue, sourceValue, key, object, source) {
if ( !(_.isEqual(objectValue, sourceValue)) && (Object(objectValue) !== objectValue)) {
console.log(key + "\n Expected: " + sourceValue + "\n Actual: " + objectValue);
I don't use key/object/source but I left it in there if you need to access them.
The object comparison just prevents the console from printing the differences to the console from the outermost element to the innermost element.
You can add some logic inside to handle arrays. Perhaps sort the arrays first. This is a very flexible solution.
Changed from _.merge to _.mergeWith due to lodash update. Thanks Aviron for noticing the change.
const diff = require("deep-object-diff").diff;
let differences = diff(obj2, obj1);
There is an npm module with over 500k weekly downloads:
I like the object like representation of the differences - especially it is easy to see the structure, when it is formated.
const diff = require("deep-object-diff").diff;
const lhs = {
foo: {
bar: {
a: ['a', 'b'],
b: 2,
c: ['x', 'y'],
e: 100 // deleted
buzz: 'world'
const rhs = {
foo: {
bar: {
a: ['a'], // index 1 ('b') deleted
b: 2, // unchanged
c: ['x', 'y', 'z'], // 'z' added
d: 'Hello, world!' // added
buzz: 'fizz' // updated
console.log(diff(lhs, rhs)); // =>
foo: {
bar: {
a: {
'1': undefined
c: {
'2': 'z'
d: 'Hello, world!',
e: undefined
buzz: 'fizz'
Here is a solution that is:
TypeScript (but easily convertible to JavaScript)
have no lib dependencies
generic, and doesn't care about checking object types (aside the object type)
supports properties with value undefined
deep of not (default)
First we define the comparison result interface:
export interface ObjectDiff {
added: {} | ObjectDiff;
updated: {
[propName: string]: Update | ObjectDiff;
removed: {} | ObjectDiff;
unchanged: {} | ObjectDiff;
with the special case of change where we want to know what are old and new values:
export interface Update {
oldValue: any;
newValue: any;
Then we can provide the diff function which is merely two loops (with recursivity if deep is true):
export class ObjectUtils {
* #return if obj is an Object, including an Array.
static isObject(obj: any) {
return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object';
* #param oldObj The previous Object or Array.
* #param newObj The new Object or Array.
* #param deep If the comparison must be performed deeper than 1st-level properties.
* #return A difference summary between the two objects.
static diff(oldObj: {}, newObj: {}, deep = false): ObjectDiff {
const added = {};
const updated = {};
const removed = {};
const unchanged = {};
for (const oldProp in oldObj) {
if (oldObj.hasOwnProperty(oldProp)) {
const newPropValue = newObj[oldProp];
const oldPropValue = oldObj[oldProp];
if (newObj.hasOwnProperty(oldProp)) {
if (newPropValue === oldPropValue) {
unchanged[oldProp] = oldPropValue;
} else {
updated[oldProp] = deep && this.isObject(oldPropValue) && this.isObject(newPropValue) ? this.diff(oldPropValue, newPropValue, deep) : {newValue: newPropValue};
} else {
removed[oldProp] = oldPropValue;
for (const newProp in newObj) {
if (newObj.hasOwnProperty(newProp)) {
const oldPropValue = oldObj[newProp];
const newPropValue = newObj[newProp];
if (oldObj.hasOwnProperty(newProp)) {
if (oldPropValue !== newPropValue) {
if (!deep || !this.isObject(oldPropValue)) {
updated[newProp].oldValue = oldPropValue;
} else {
added[newProp] = newPropValue;
return {added, updated, removed, unchanged};
As an example, calling:
a: 'a',
b: 'b',
c: 'c',
arr: ['A', 'B'],
obj: {p1: 'p1', p2: 'p2'}
b: 'x',
c: 'c',
arr: ['B', 'C'],
obj: {p2: 'p2', p3: 'p3'},
d: 'd'
will return:
added: {d: 'd'},
updated: {
b: {oldValue: 'b', newValue: 'x'},
arr: {oldValue: ['A', 'B'], newValue: ['B', 'C']},
obj: {oldValue: {p1: 'p1', p2: 'p2'}, newValue: {p2: 'p2', p3: 'p3'}}
removed: {a: 'a'},
unchanged: {c: 'c'},
and calling the same with the deep third parameter will return:
added: {d: 'd'},
updated: {
b: {oldValue: 'b', newValue: 'x'},
arr: {
added: {},
removed: {},
unchanged: {},
updated: {
0: {oldValue: 'A', newValue: 'B'},
1: {oldValue: 'B', newValue: 'C', }
obj: {
added: {p3: 'p3'},
removed: {p1: 'p1'},
unchanged: {p2: 'p2'},
updated: {}
removed: {a: 'a'},
unchanged: {c: 'c'},
I modified #sbgoran's answer so that the resulting diff object includes only the changed values, and omits values that were the same. In addition, it shows both the original value and the updated value.
var deepDiffMapper = function () {
return {
VALUE_CREATED: 'created',
VALUE_UPDATED: 'updated',
VALUE_DELETED: 'deleted',
map: function (obj1, obj2) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1) || this.isFunction(obj2)) {
throw 'Invalid argument. Function given, object expected.';
if (this.isValue(obj1) || this.isValue(obj2)) {
let returnObj = {
type: this.compareValues(obj1, obj2),
original: obj1,
updated: obj2,
if (returnObj.type != this.VALUE_UNCHANGED) {
return returnObj;
return undefined;
var diff = {};
let foundKeys = {};
for (var key in obj1) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1[key])) {
var value2 = undefined;
if (obj2[key] !== undefined) {
value2 = obj2[key];
let mapValue =[key], value2);
foundKeys[key] = true;
if (mapValue) {
diff[key] = mapValue;
for (var key in obj2) {
if (this.isFunction(obj2[key]) || foundKeys[key] !== undefined) {
let mapValue =, obj2[key]);
if (mapValue) {
diff[key] = mapValue;
//2020-06-13: object length code copied from
if (Object.keys(diff).length > 0) {
return diff;
return undefined;
compareValues: function (value1, value2) {
if (value1 === value2) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (this.isDate(value1) && this.isDate(value2) && value1.getTime() === value2.getTime()) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (value1 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_CREATED;
if (value2 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_DELETED;
return this.VALUE_UPDATED;
isFunction: function (x) {
return === '[object Function]';
isArray: function (x) {
return === '[object Array]';
isDate: function (x) {
return === '[object Date]';
isObject: function (x) {
return === '[object Object]';
isValue: function (x) {
return !this.isObject(x) && !this.isArray(x);
These days, there are quite a few modules available for this. I recently wrote a module to do this, because I wasn't satisfied with the numerous diffing modules I found. Its called odiff: . I also listed a bunch of the most popular modules and why they weren't acceptable in the readme of odiff, which you could take a look through if odiff doesn't have the properties you want. Here's an example:
var a = [{a:1,b:2,c:3}, {x:1,y: 2, z:3}, {w:9,q:8,r:7}]
var b = [{a:1,b:2,c:3},{t:4,y:5,u:6},{x:1,y:'3',z:3},{t:9,y:9,u:9},{w:9,q:8,r:7}]
var diffs = odiff(a,b)
/* diffs now contains:
[{type: 'add', path:[], index: 2, vals: [{t:9,y:9,u:9}]},
{type: 'set', path:[1,'y'], val: '3'},
{type: 'add', path:[], index: 1, vals: [{t:4,y:5,u:6}]}
I know I'm late to the party, but I needed something similar that the above answers didn't help.
I was using Angular's $watch function to detect changes in a variable. Not only did I need to know whether a property had changed on the variable, but I also wanted to make sure that the property that changed was not a temporary, calculated field. In other words, I wanted to ignore certain properties.
Here's the code:
function diff(obj1,obj2,exclude) {
var r = {};
if (!exclude) exclude = [];
for (var prop in obj1) {
if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop != '__proto__') {
if (exclude.indexOf(obj1[prop]) == -1) {
// check if obj2 has prop
if (!obj2.hasOwnProperty(prop)) r[prop] = obj1[prop];
// check if prop is object and
// NOT a JavaScript engine object (i.e. __proto__), if so, recursive diff
else if (obj1[prop] === Object(obj1[prop])) {
var difference = diff(obj1[prop], obj2[prop]);
if (Object.keys(difference).length > 0) r[prop] = difference;
// check if obj1 and obj2 are equal
else if (obj1[prop] !== obj2[prop]) {
if (obj1[prop] === undefined)
r[prop] = 'undefined';
if (obj1[prop] === null)
r[prop] = null;
else if (typeof obj1[prop] === 'function')
r[prop] = 'function';
else if (typeof obj1[prop] === 'object')
r[prop] = 'object';
r[prop] = obj1[prop];
return r;
Here's how to use it:
// To only return the difference
var difference = diff(newValue, oldValue);
// To exclude certain properties
var difference = diff(newValue, oldValue, [newValue.prop1, newValue.prop2, newValue.prop3]);
Hope this helps someone.
Another lodash based solution which is a bit specific to the case when we want to see the diff for the update made to an object:
const diff = return {
old: _.pickBy(oldObject, (value, key) => { return !_.isEqual(value, newObject[key]); }),
new: _.pickBy(newObject, (value, key) => { return !_.isEqual(oldObject[key], value); })
Didn't use _.omitBy because of performance implications.
I've developed the Function named "compareValue()" in Javascript.
it returns whether the value is same or not.
I've called compareValue() in for loop of one Object.
you can get difference of two objects in diffParams.
var diffParams = {};
var obj1 = {"a":"1", "b":"2", "c":[{"key":"3"}]},
obj2 = {"a":"1", "b":"66", "c":[{"key":"55"}]};
for( var p in obj1 ){
if ( !compareValue(obj1[p], obj2[p]) ){
diffParams[p] = obj1[p];
function compareValue(val1, val2){
var isSame = true;
for ( var p in val1 ) {
if (typeof(val1[p]) === "object"){
var objectValue1 = val1[p],
objectValue2 = val2[p];
for( var value in objectValue1 ){
isSame = compareValue(objectValue1[value], objectValue2[value]);
if( isSame === false ){
return false;
if(val1 !== val2){
isSame = false;
return isSame;
I composed this for my own use-case (es5 environment), thought this might be useful for someone, so here it is:
function deepCompare(obj1, obj2) {
var diffObj = Array.isArray(obj2) ? [] : {}
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj2).forEach(function(prop) {
if (typeof obj2[prop] === 'object') {
diffObj[prop] = deepCompare(obj1[prop], obj2[prop])
// if it's an array with only length property => empty array => delete
// or if it's an object with no own properties => delete
if (Array.isArray(diffObj[prop]) && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(diffObj[prop]).length === 1 || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(diffObj[prop]).length === 0) {
delete diffObj[prop]
} else if(obj1[prop] !== obj2[prop]) {
diffObj[prop] = obj2[prop]
return diffObj
This might be not really efficient, but will output an object with only different props based on second Obj.
Here is a typescript version of #sbgoran code
export class deepDiffMapper {
static VALUE_CREATED = 'created';
static VALUE_UPDATED = 'updated';
static VALUE_DELETED = 'deleted';
static VALUE_UNCHANGED ='unchanged';
protected isFunction(obj: object) {
return {}.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Function]';
protected isArray(obj: object) {
return {}.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Array]';
protected isObject(obj: object) {
return {}.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Object]';
protected isDate(obj: object) {
return {}.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Date]';
protected isValue(obj: object) {
return !this.isObject(obj) && !this.isArray(obj);
protected compareValues (value1: any, value2: any) {
if (value1 === value2) {
return deepDiffMapper.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (this.isDate(value1) && this.isDate(value2) && value1.getTime() === value2.getTime()) {
return deepDiffMapper.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if ('undefined' == typeof(value1)) {
return deepDiffMapper.VALUE_CREATED;
if ('undefined' == typeof(value2)) {
return deepDiffMapper.VALUE_DELETED;
return deepDiffMapper.VALUE_UPDATED;
public map(obj1: object, obj2: object) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1) || this.isFunction(obj2)) {
throw 'Invalid argument. Function given, object expected.';
if (this.isValue(obj1) || this.isValue(obj2)) {
return {
type: this.compareValues(obj1, obj2),
data: (obj1 === undefined) ? obj2 : obj1
var diff = {};
for (var key in obj1) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1[key])) {
var value2 = undefined;
if ('undefined' != typeof(obj2[key])) {
value2 = obj2[key];
diff[key] =[key], value2);
for (var key in obj2) {
if (this.isFunction(obj2[key]) || ('undefined' != typeof(diff[key]))) {
diff[key] =, obj2[key]);
return diff;
Here is a modified version of something found on gisthub.
isNullBlankOrUndefined = function (o) {
return (typeof o === "undefined" || o == null || o === "");
* Deep diff between two object, using lodash
* #param {Object} object Object compared
* #param {Object} base Object to compare with
* #param {Object} ignoreBlanks will not include properties whose value is null, undefined, etc.
* #return {Object} Return a new object who represent the diff
objectDifference = function (object, base, ignoreBlanks = false) {
if (!lodash.isObject(object) || lodash.isDate(object)) return object // special case dates
return lodash.transform(object, (result, value, key) => {
if (!lodash.isEqual(value, base[key])) {
if (ignoreBlanks && du.isNullBlankOrUndefined(value) && isNullBlankOrUndefined( base[key])) return;
result[key] = lodash.isObject(value) && lodash.isObject(base[key]) ? objectDifference(value, base[key]) : value;
I have used this piece of code for doing the task that you describe:
function mergeRecursive(obj1, obj2) {
for (var p in obj2) {
try {
if(obj2[p].constructor == Object) {
obj1[p] = mergeRecursive(obj1[p], obj2[p]);
// Property in destination object set; update its value.
else if (Ext.isArray(obj2[p])) {
// obj1[p] = [];
if (obj2[p].length < 1) {
obj1[p] = obj2[p];
else {
obj1[p] = mergeRecursive(obj1[p], obj2[p]);
obj1[p] = obj2[p];
} catch (e) {
// Property in destination object not set; create it and set its value.
obj1[p] = obj2[p];
return obj1;
this will get you a new object that will merge all the changes between the old object and the new object from your form
I just use ramda, for resolve the same problem, i need to know what is changed in new object. So here my design.
const oldState = {id:'170',name:'Ivab',secondName:'Ivanov',weight:45};
const newState = {id:'170',name:'Ivanko',secondName:'Ivanov',age:29};
const keysObj1 = R.keys(newState)
const filterFunc = key => {
const value = R.eqProps(key,oldState,newState)
return {[key]:value}
const result =, keysObj1)
result is, name of property and it's status.
[{"id":true}, {"name":false}, {"secondName":true}, {"age":false}]
The more extended and simplified function from sbgoran's answer.
This allow deep scan and find an array's simillarity.
var result = objectDifference({
a:'i am unchanged',
b:'i am deleted',
e: {a: 1,b:false, c: null},
f: [1,{a: 'same',b:[{a:'same'},{d: 'delete'}]}],
g: new Date('2017.11.25'),
h: [1,2,3,4,5]
a:'i am unchanged',
c:'i am created',
e: {a: '1', b: '', d:'created'},
f: [{a: 'same',b:[{a:'same'},{c: 'create'}]},1],
g: new Date('2017.11.25'),
h: [4,5,6,7,8]
function objectDifference(obj1, obj2){
if((dataType(obj1) !== 'array' && dataType(obj1) !== 'object') || (dataType(obj2) !== 'array' && dataType(obj2) !== 'object')){
var type = '';
if(obj1 === obj2 || (dataType(obj1) === 'date' && dataType(obj2) === 'date' && obj1.getTime() === obj2.getTime()))
type = 'unchanged';
else if(dataType(obj1) === 'undefined')
type = 'created';
if(dataType(obj2) === 'undefined')
type = 'deleted';
else if(type === '') type = 'updated';
return {
type: type,
data:(obj1 === undefined) ? obj2 : obj1
if(dataType(obj1) === 'array' && dataType(obj2) === 'array'){
var diff = [];
obj1.sort(); obj2.sort();
for(var i = 0; i < obj2.length; i++){
var type = obj1.indexOf(obj2[i]) === -1?'created':'unchanged';
if(type === 'created' && (dataType(obj2[i]) === 'array' || dataType(obj2[i]) === 'object')){
objectDifference(obj1[i], obj2[i])
type: type,
data: obj2[i]
for(var i = 0; i < obj1.length; i++){
if(obj2.indexOf(obj1[i]) !== -1 || dataType(obj1[i]) === 'array' || dataType(obj1[i]) === 'object')
type: 'deleted',
data: obj1[i]
} else {
var diff = {};
var key = Object.keys(obj1);
for(var i = 0; i < key.length; i++){
var value2 = undefined;
if(dataType(obj2[key[i]]) !== 'undefined')
value2 = obj2[key[i]];
diff[key[i]] = objectDifference(obj1[key[i]], value2);
var key = Object.keys(obj2);
for(var i = 0; i < key.length; i++){
if(dataType(diff[key[i]]) !== 'undefined')
diff[key[i]] = objectDifference(undefined, obj2[key[i]]);
return diff;
function dataType(data){
if(data === undefined || data === null) return 'undefined';
if(data.constructor === String) return 'string';
if(data.constructor === Array) return 'array';
if(data.constructor === Object) return 'object';
if(data.constructor === Number) return 'number';
if(data.constructor === Boolean) return 'boolean';
if(data.constructor === Function) return 'function';
if(data.constructor === Date) return 'date';
if(data.constructor === RegExp) return 'regex';
return 'unknown';
update 2022:
I came up with a breeze dead-simple algorithm that addresses the most edge cases:
flatten the objects
simple compare the two flattened objects and create a flattened diff object
unflatten the diff object
If you saved the flatted object you can repeat using it and do the "3)unflatten ..." just when you really need
let oldObject = {var1:'value1', var2:{ var1:'value1', var2:'value2'},var3:'value3'};
let newObject = {var2:{ var1:'value11', var3:'value3'},var3:'value3'};
let flatOldObject = flattenObject(oldObject)
let flatNewObject = flattenObject(newObject)
let flatDiff = diffFlatten(flatOldObject, flatNewObject)
let [updated,removed] = flatDiff
updated = {
removed = {
Of course you can come with your implementations for that steps. but here is mine:
function flattenObject(obj) {
const object = Object.create(null);
const path = [];
const isObject = (value) => Object(value) === value;
function dig(obj) {
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
if (isObject(value)) dig(value);
else object[path.join('.')] = value;
return object;
function diffFlatten(oldFlat, newFlat) {
const updated = Object.assign({}, oldFlat);
const removed = Object.assign({}, newFlat);
/**delete the unUpdated keys*/
for (let key in newFlat) {
if (newFlat[key] === oldFlat[key]) {
delete updated[key];
delete removed[key];
return [updated, removed];
function unflatenObject(flattenObject) {
const unFlatten = Object.create(null);
for (let [stringKeys, value] of Object.entries(flattenObject)) {
let chain = stringKeys.split('.')
let object = unFlatten
for (let [i, key] of chain.slice(0, -1).entries()) {
if (!object[key]) {
let needArray = Number.isInteger(Number(chain[+i + 1]))
object[key] = needArray ? [] : Object.create(null)
object = object[key];
let lastkey = chain.pop();
object[lastkey] = value;
return unFlatten;
I already wrote a function for one of my projects that will comparing an object as a user options with its internal clone.
It also can validate and even replace by default values if the user entered bad type of data or removed, in pure javascript.
In IE8 100% works. Tested successfully.
// ObjectKey: ["DataType, DefaultValue"]
reference = {
a : ["string", 'Defaul value for "a"'],
b : ["number", 300],
c : ["boolean", true],
d : {
da : ["boolean", true],
db : ["string", 'Defaul value for "db"'],
dc : {
dca : ["number", 200],
dcb : ["string", 'Default value for "dcb"'],
dcc : ["number", 500],
dcd : ["boolean", true]
dce : ["string", 'Default value for "dce"'],
e : ["number", 200],
f : ["boolean", 0],
g : ["", 'This is an internal extra parameter']
userOptions = {
a : 999, //Only string allowed
//b : ["number", 400], //User missed this parameter
c: "Hi", //Only lower case or case insitive in quotes true/false allowed.
d : {
da : false,
db : "HelloWorld",
dc : {
dca : 10,
dcb : "My String", //Space is not allowed for ID attr
dcc: "3thString", //Should not start with numbers
dcd : false
e: 40,
f: true,
function compare(ref, obj) {
var validation = {
number: function (defaultValue, userValue) {
return userValue;
else return defaultValue;
string: function (defaultValue, userValue) {
if(/^[a-z][a-z0-9-_.:]{1,51}[^-_.:]$/i.test(userValue)) //This Regex is validating HTML tag "ID" attributes
return userValue;
else return defaultValue;
boolean: function (defaultValue, userValue) {
if (typeof userValue === 'boolean')
return userValue;
else return defaultValue;
for (var key in ref)
if (obj[key] && obj[key].constructor && obj[key].constructor === Object)
ref[key] = compare(ref[key], obj[key]);
else if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key))
ref[key] = validation[ref[key][0]](ref[key][1], obj[key]); //or without validation on user enties => ref[key] = obj[key]
else ref[key] = ref[key][1];
return ref;
alert(JSON.stringify( compare(reference, userOptions),null,2 ))
/* result
"a": "Defaul value for \"a\"",
"b": 300,
"c": true,
"d": {
"da": false,
"db": "Defaul value for \"db\"",
"dc": {
"dca": 10,
"dcb": "Default value for \"dcb\"",
"dcc": 500,
"dcd": false
"dce": "Default value for \"dce\""
"e": 40,
"f": true,
"g": "This is an internal extra parameter"
I stumbled here trying to look for a way to get the difference between two objects. This is my solution using Lodash:
// Get updated values (including new values)
var updatedValuesIncl = _.omitBy(curr, (value, key) => _.isEqual(last[key], value));
// Get updated values (excluding new values)
var updatedValuesExcl = _.omitBy(curr, (value, key) => (!_.has(last, key) || _.isEqual(last[key], value)));
// Get old values (by using updated values)
var oldValues = Object.keys(updatedValuesIncl).reduce((acc, key) => { acc[key] = last[key]; return acc; }, {});
// Get newly added values
var newCreatedValues = _.omitBy(curr, (value, key) => _.has(last, key));
// Get removed values
var deletedValues = _.omitBy(last, (value, key) => _.has(curr, key));
// Then you can group them however you want with the result
Code snippet below:
var last = {
"authed": true,
"inForeground": true,
"goodConnection": false,
"inExecutionMode": false,
"online": true,
"array": [1, 2, 3],
"deep": {
"nested": "value",
"removed": "value",
var curr = {
"authed": true,
"inForeground": true,
"deep": {
"nested": "changed",
"array": [1, 2, 4],
"goodConnection": true,
"inExecutionMode": false,
"online": false,
"new": "value"
// Get updated values (including new values)
var updatedValuesIncl = _.omitBy(curr, (value, key) => _.isEqual(last[key], value));
// Get updated values (excluding new values)
var updatedValuesExcl = _.omitBy(curr, (value, key) => (!_.has(last, key) || _.isEqual(last[key], value)));
// Get old values (by using updated values)
var oldValues = Object.keys(updatedValuesIncl).reduce((acc, key) => { acc[key] = last[key]; return acc; }, {});
// Get newly added values
var newCreatedValues = _.omitBy(curr, (value, key) => _.has(last, key));
// Get removed values
var deletedValues = _.omitBy(last, (value, key) => _.has(curr, key));
console.log('oldValues', JSON.stringify(oldValues));
console.log('updatedValuesIncl', JSON.stringify(updatedValuesIncl));
console.log('updatedValuesExcl', JSON.stringify(updatedValuesExcl));
console.log('newCreatedValues', JSON.stringify(newCreatedValues));
console.log('deletedValues', JSON.stringify(deletedValues));
<script src=""></script>
I took the answer above by #sbgoran and modified it for my case same as the question needed, to treat arrays as sets (i.e. order is not important for diff)
const deepDiffMapper = function () {
return {
VALUE_CREATED: "created",
VALUE_UPDATED: "updated",
VALUE_DELETED: "deleted",
VALUE_UNCHANGED: "unchanged",
map: function(obj1: any, obj2: any) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1) || this.isFunction(obj2)) {
throw "Invalid argument. Function given, object expected.";
if (this.isValue(obj1) || this.isValue(obj2)) {
return {
type: this.compareValues(obj1, obj2),
data: obj2 === undefined ? obj1 : obj2
if (this.isArray(obj1) || this.isArray(obj2)) {
return {
type: this.compareArrays(obj1, obj2),
data: this.getArrayDiffData(obj1, obj2)
const diff: any = {};
for (const key in obj1) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1[key])) {
let value2 = undefined;
if (obj2[key] !== undefined) {
value2 = obj2[key];
diff[key] =[key], value2);
for (const key in obj2) {
if (this.isFunction(obj2[key]) || diff[key] !== undefined) {
diff[key] =, obj2[key]);
return diff;
getArrayDiffData: function(arr1: Array<any>, arr2: Array<any>) {
const set1 = new Set(arr1);
const set2 = new Set(arr2);
if (arr1 === undefined || arr2 === undefined) {
return arr1 === undefined ? arr1 : arr2;
const deleted = [...arr1].filter(x => !set2.has(x));
const added = [...arr2].filter(x => !set1.has(x));
return {
added, deleted
compareArrays: function(arr1: Array<any>, arr2: Array<any>) {
const set1 = new Set(arr1);
const set2 = new Set(arr2);
if (_.isEqual(_.sortBy(arr1), _.sortBy(arr2))) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (arr1 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_CREATED;
if (arr2 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_DELETED;
return this.VALUE_UPDATED;
compareValues: function (value1: any, value2: any) {
if (value1 === value2) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (this.isDate(value1) && this.isDate(value2) && value1.getTime() === value2.getTime()) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (value1 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_CREATED;
if (value2 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_DELETED;
return this.VALUE_UPDATED;
isFunction: function (x: any) {
return === "[object Function]";
isArray: function (x: any) {
return === "[object Array]";
isDate: function (x: any) {
return === "[object Date]";
isObject: function (x: any) {
return === "[object Object]";
isValue: function (x: any) {
return !this.isObject(x) && !this.isArray(x);
This returns new object only with changed properties. (omit and isEmpty are functions from lodash)
export const getObjectDifference = <T extends {}>(originalObject: T, newObject: T) => {
const sameProperties: string[] = [];
Object.entries(originalObject).forEach(original => {
Object.entries(newObject).forEach(newObj => {
if (original[0] === newObj[0]) {
if (original[1] === newObj[1])
const objectDifference: T = omit(newObject, sameProperties) as T;
if (isEmpty(objectDifference))
return null;
return objectDifference; }
this will treat [1,2,3] and [3,2,1] as equal (deep object)
since I needed to visualize the difference between:
"a":"OH NO",
"b":"an insertion"
so I wanted to see them collide, here's what's left:
"a":"OH NO",
"b":"an insertion"
imo this is the best way to represent it.
{add:{...},upd:{...},del:{...}} is hard to read
I provide 2 functions : ObjectCollide(obj1,obj2) and ArrayCollide(arr1,arr2)
// false
//everything collided -> false
// [ [], [ 2 ] ]
//1 and 1 collided, even if they are on different indices
//array of objects
const arr1 =
const arr2 =
"a":"OH NO",
"b":"an insertion"
const newArrays = ArrayCollide(arr1, arr2)
// []
// [ { a: 'OH NO', b: 'an insertion' } ]
// everything collided until this is left
const obj1 = { a: '111', c: { q: 'no', a: '333' } }
const obj2 = { a: '111', p: 'ok', c: { a: '333' } }
ObjectCollide(obj1, obj2) //in place
// { c: { q: 'no' } }
// { p: 'ok', c: {} }
// obj["a"] collided and obj["c"]["a"] collided
//testing empty array
const a1 = { a: [] }
const a2 = { a: [], b: '2' }
ObjectCollide(a1, a2) //in place
// {}
// { b: '2' }
// obj["a"] collided
const b1 = {a:true}
const b2 = {a:[1,2]}
ObjectCollide(b1,b2) //in place
// { a: true }
// { a: [ 1, 2 ] }
function ObjectCollide(obj1, obj2) {
//in place, returns true if same
// delete same
const keys = Object.keys(obj1)
const len = keys.length
let howManyDeleted = 0
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const key = keys[i]
const type1 = Array.isArray(obj1[key]) === true ? 'array' : typeof obj1[key]
const type2 = Array.isArray(obj2[key]) === true ? 'array' : typeof obj2[key]
if (type1!==type2) {
switch (type1) {
case 'object':
if (ObjectCollide(obj1[key], obj2[key])) {
delete obj1[key]
delete obj2[key]
case 'array':
const newArrays = ArrayCollide(obj1[key], obj2[key])
if (newArrays) {
obj1[key] = newArrays[0]
obj2[key] = newArrays[1]
} else {
delete obj1[key]
delete obj2[key]
//string, number, I hope it covers everything else
if (obj1[key] === obj2[key]) {
delete obj1[key]
delete obj2[key]
if (howManyDeleted === len && Object.keys(obj2).length === 0) {
// return 'delete the stuff'
// same. we've deleted everything!
return true
function ArrayCollide(arr1, arr2) {
// returns [newArr1, newArr2] or false if same arrays (ignore order)
const stringifyObj = {}
const newArr1 = []
const newArr2 = []
for (let i = 0, len = arr1.length; i < len; i++) {
const value = arr1[i]
const stringified = JSON.stringify(value)
// arr = [count, ...]
const arr = stringifyObj[stringified] || (stringifyObj[stringified] = [0])
//in 2 but not in 1
for (let i = 0, len = arr2.length; i < len; i++) {
const value = arr2[i]
const stringified = JSON.stringify(value)
const arr = stringifyObj[stringified]
if (arr === undefined) {
} else {
if (arr[0] === 0) {
} else {
//in 1 but not in 2
stringifyKeys = Object.keys(stringifyObj)
for (let i = 0, len = stringifyKeys.length; i < len; i++) {
const arr = stringifyObj[stringifyKeys[i]]
for (let i = 1, len = arr[0] + 1; i < len; i++) {
if (newArr1.length || newArr2.length) {
return [newArr1, newArr2]
} else {
return false
what I was trying to solve:
JSON file keeps reordering, I want to revert the JSON if it's equivalent: like {a:1,b:2} and {b:2,a:1}
but because I don't trust my code (I made a mistake once), I want to see the diff and check it myself, I can Ctrl+F into the original file using this diff.
Below method will create a new object with only changed fields
const findDiff = (obj1, obj2) => {
const isNativeType1 = typeof obj1 !== "object";
const isNativeType2 = typeof obj2 !== "object";
if (isNativeType1 && isNativeType2) {
return obj1 === obj2 ? null : obj2;
if (isNativeType1 && !isNativeType2) {
return obj2;
if (!isNativeType1 && isNativeType2) {
return obj2;
const isArray1 = Array.isArray(obj1);
const isArray2 = Array.isArray(obj2);
if (isArray1 && isArray2) {
const firstLenght = obj1.length;
const secondLenght = obj2.length;
const hasSameLength = firstLenght === secondLenght;
if (!hasSameLength) return obj2;
let hasChange = false;
for (let index = 0; index < obj1.length; index += 1) {
const element1 = obj1[index];
const element2 = obj2[index];
const changed = findDiff(element1, element2);
if (changed) {
hasChange = true;
return hasChange ? obj2 : null;
if (isArray1 || isArray2) return obj2;
const keys1 = Object.keys(obj1);
const keys2 = Object.keys(obj2);
const hasSameKeys = keys1.length === keys2.length;
if (!hasSameKeys) {
const retObj = { ...obj2 };
for (let index = 0; index < keys1.length; index += 1) {
const key = keys1[index];
if (!keys2.includes(key)) {
retObj[key] = null;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
delete retObj[key];
return retObj;
let hasChange = false;
const retObj = {};
for (let index = 0; index < keys1.length; index += 1) {
const key = keys1[index];
const element1 = obj1[key];
const element2 = obj2[key];
const changed = findDiff(element1, element2);
if (changed) {
hasChange = true;
if (changed) {
retObj[key] = changed;
return hasChange ? retObj : null;
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: {
a: ['1', 'b', { a: 'b', c: false }, true],
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: {
a: ['1','b', { a: 'b', c: true }, true],
), null, 2)
var base = [
{"value": "01", "label": "Pendências"},
{"value": "02", "label": "Ambulatório"},
{"value": "03", "label": "Urgência"},
{"value": "04", "label": "Clínica Médica"},
{"value": "05", "label": "Revisão"},
{"value": "06", "label": "Imagens"},
var used = [
{"value": "01", "label": "Pendências"},
{"value": "02", "label": "Ambulatório"},
{"value": "03", "label": "Urgência"},
{"value": "04", "label": "Clínica Médica"},
function diff(obj1,obj2) {
var temp = JSON.stringify(> x.value));
return obj1.filter((y)=> temp.indexOf(y.value)<0 && y);
var result = diff(base, used);
function Difference (ob1,ob2){
let ob3={}
let status=false
for ( var a1 in ob1 ) {
for (var a2 in ob2){
if (a1===a2 && ob1[a1]===ob2[a2]){
if (status===false){
if (ob1[a2]===undefined){
ob3[a1]="ob1:"+ob1[a1]+", ob2:"+ob2[a1];
if ( ob2[a1]===undefined){
ob3[a2]="ob1:"+ob1[a2]+", ob2:"+ob2[a2];
}else {
ob3[a1]="ob1:"+ob1[a1] +", ob2:"+ob2[a1];
}else {
For a simple object diff I like the very straightforward:
function simpleObjectDiff(obj1, obj2) {
return Object.fromEntries(
.filter(([key, value]) => value !== obj2[key])

Rebuilding/Parsing plain JavaScript object

Let's say I have an object containing objects that have 30 key-value pairs each:
const data = {
"foo": {
"3/16/21": 'buzz',
"3/17/21": 'fizz',
"4/13/21": 'lorem',
"4/14/21": 'ipsum'
"bar": {
"3/16/21": 'sit',
"3/17/21": 'amet',
"4/13/21": 'dummy',
"4/14/21": 'text'
My goal is to rebuild this object into something like this:
myData = [
{date: "3/16/21", foo: 'buzz', bar : 'sit'}
{date: "3/17/21", foo: 'fizz', bar : 'amet'} ,
{date: "4/13/21", foo: 'lorem', bar : 'dummy'}
{date: "4/14/21", foo: 'ipsum', bar : 'text'}
The function below works like charm but I feel like there is a 10x better way to do it. I would love to see your suggestions on how I could improve it.
const processAPIdata = (data) => {
if (data) {
var myData = [];
for (var key in data) {
if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
var obj = data[key];
for (var prop in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) continue;
if (myData.length < 30) {
myData.push({ date: prop });
let pos = (e) { return; }).indexOf(prop);
myData[pos][key] = obj[prop];
return myData;
I'd group into an object indexed by date. When iterating, create the object for that date if it doesn't exist yet, with { date } (where date is the inner property being iterated over), and assign a new property from the outer key (for the new key) and the inner value (for the new value):
const data = {
"foo": {
"3/16/21": 'buzz',
"3/17/21": 'fizz',
"4/13/21": 'lorem',
"4/14/21": 'ipsum'
"bar": {
"3/16/21": 'sit',
"3/17/21": 'amet',
"4/13/21": 'dummy',
"4/14/21": 'text'
const newDataByDate = {};
for (const [key, obj] of Object.entries(data)) {
for (const [date, val] of Object.entries(obj)) {
newDataByDate[date] ??= { date };
newDataByDate[date][key] = val;
You can complete by doing this simple way.
const data = {"foo":{"3/16/21":'buzz',"3/17/21":'fizz',"4/13/21":'lorem',"4/14/21":'ipsum'},"bar":{"3/16/21":'sit',"3/17/21":'amet',"4/13/21":'dummy',"4/14/21":'text'},};
const result = Object.entries(data).reduce((acc, [key, values]) => {
for(const [date, v] of Object.entries(values)){
acc[date] = acc[date] || {date}
acc[date][[key]] = v;
return acc;
}, {});
We can achieve this using Object.entries, Array.reduce & Object.values like below
const data = {"foo":{"3/16/21":'buzz',"3/17/21":'fizz',"4/13/21":'lorem',"4/14/21":'ipsum'},"bar":{"3/16/21":'sit',"3/17/21":'amet',"4/13/21":'dummy',"4/14/21":'text'}};
const formatData = (data) => {
//Convert the object to array of arrays with value at first index being the keys and value at second index being values
const result = Object.entries(data).reduce((acc, [key, val]) => {
//Since we have object as value, we need to again convert to array of arrays in order to get the date and the corresponding value
Object.entries(val).forEach(([date, innerVal]) => {
//update the accumulator with new key-value
acc[date] = {
...(acc[date] || {date}),
[key]: innerVal
return acc;
}, {});
//Return the values of the accumulator
return Object.values(result);
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important;

JavaScript - build a tree data structure recursively

I have a function called tree, which takes array of objects (as data fields from a database) and array of strings for keys. The function loops through rowsArray and recursively creates object with nested properties based on keyArray.
const tree = (rowsArray, keysArray) => {
return rows.reduce((acc, row) => {
const groupBy = (row, keys,) => {
const [first,] = keys;
if (!first) return [row];
return {
[row[first]]: groupBy(row, rest),
acc = {...groupBy(row, keys), ...acc};
return acc;
}, {});
The data is following:
const data = [{
ID: 1,
Main: "Financial",
Sub: "Forecasts",
Detail: "General"
}, {
ID: 2,
Main: "Financial",
Sub: "HR",
Detail: "Headcount"
const result1 = tree(data, ["Main", "Sub", "Detail"]);
When I log the result, I get:
// actual output
Financial: {
Forecasts: {
General: [Array]
Whereas, I would like to get following:
// expected
Financial: {
Forecasts: {
General: [Array]
HR: {
Headcount: [Array]
The problem is, that acc variable in main function gets overridden and I get new object, instead of accumulative and I am not quite sure how to recursively build this object. I tried to pass instances of acc to groupBy function (to remember previous results), but no luck.
Do you have any idea how I could rewrite tree function or groupBy function to accomplish my goal? Thanks!
You could do it like this:
function tree(rows, keys) {
return rows.reduce( (acc, row) => {
keys.reduce( (parent, key, i) =>
parent[row[key]] = parent[row[key]] || (i === keys.length - 1 ? [row] : {})
, acc);
return acc;
}, {});
const data = [{ID: 1,Main: "Financial",Sub: "Forecasts",Detail: "General"}, {ID: 2,Main: "Financial",Sub: "HR", Detail: "Headcount" }];
const result1 = tree(data, ["Main", "Sub", "Detail"]);
Be aware that the spread syntax makes a shallow copy. Instead, in this solution, the accumulator is passed to the inner reduce. And so we actually merge the new row's hierarchical data into the accumulator on-the-spot.
The problem is your merge function is not deep. When you assign the values to the accumulator you overwrite existing properties - in this case Financial.
I included a deep merge function from here and now it works.
I also fixed some reference errors you had:
rows => rowsArray
keys = keysArray
// deep merge function
function merge(current, update) {
Object.keys(update).forEach(function(key) {
// if update[key] exist, and it's not a string or array,
// we go in one level deeper
if (current.hasOwnProperty(key) &&
typeof current[key] === 'object' &&
!(current[key] instanceof Array)) {
merge(current[key], update[key]);
// if update[key] doesn't exist in current, or it's a string
// or array, then assign/overwrite current[key] to update[key]
} else {
current[key] = update[key];
return current;
const tree = (rowsArray, keysArray) => {
return rowsArray.reduce((acc, row) => {
const groupBy = (row, keys, ) => {
const [first,] = keys;
if (!first) return [row];
return {
[row[first]]: groupBy(row, rest),
acc = merge(groupBy(row, keysArray), acc);
return acc;
}, {});
const data = [{
ID: 1,
Main: "Financial",
Sub: "Forecasts",
Detail: "General"
}, {
ID: 2,
Main: "Financial",
Sub: "HR",
Detail: "Headcount"
const result1 = tree(data, ["Main", "Sub", "Detail"]);
You could iterate the keys and take either an object for not the last key or an array for the last key and push then the data to the array.
const tree = (rowsArray, keysArray) => {
return rowsArray.reduce((acc, row) => {
.map(k => row[k])
.reduce((o, k, i, { length }) => o[k] = o[k] || (i + 1 === length ? []: {}), acc)
return acc;
}, {});
const data = [{ ID: 1, Main: "Financial", Sub: "Forecasts", Detail: "General" }, { ID: 2, Main: "Financial", Sub: "HR", Detail: "Headcount" }];
const result1 = tree(data, ["Main", "Sub", "Detail"]);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
You can iterate over the data and created a unique key based on the keys provided and then recursively generate the output structure by deep cloning.
const data = [{
ID: 1,
Main: "Financial",
Sub: "Forecasts",
Detail: "General"
}, {
ID: 2,
Main: "Financial",
Sub: "HR",
Detail: "Headcount"
function generateKey(keys,json){
return keys.reduce(function(o,i){
o += json[i] + "_";
return o;
function merge(first,second){
for(var i in second){
first[i] = second[i];
first[i] = merge(first[i],second[i]);
return first;
function generateTree(input,keys){
let values = input.reduce(function(o,i){
var key = generateKey(keys,i);
o[key] = [];
return o;
return Object.keys(values).reduce(function(o,i){
var valueKeys = i.split('_');
var oo = {};
for(var index = valueKeys.length -2; index >=0 ;index--){
var out = {};
if(index === valueKeys.length -2){
out[valueKeys[index]] = values[i];
out[valueKeys[index]] = oo;
oo = out;
o = merge(o,oo);
return o;
console.log(generateTree(data,["Main", "Sub", "Detail"]));
jsFiddle Demo -

Generic deep diff between two objects

I have two objects: oldObj and newObj.
The data in oldObj was used to populate a form and newObj is the result of the user changing data in this form and submitting it.
Both objects are deep, ie. they have properties that are objects or arrays of objects etc - they can be n levels deep, thus the diff algorithm needs to be recursive.
Now I need to not just figure out what was changed (as in added/updated/deleted) from oldObj to newObj, but also how to best represent it.
So far my thoughts was to just build a genericDeepDiffBetweenObjects method that would return an object on the form {add:{...},upd:{...},del:{...}} but then I thought: somebody else must have needed this before.
So... does anyone know of a library or a piece of code that will do this and maybe have an even better way of representing the difference (in a way that is still JSON serializable)?
I have thought of a better way to represent the updated data, by using the same object structure as newObj, but turning all property values into objects on the form:
{type: '<update|create|delete>', data: <propertyValue>}
So if newObj.prop1 = 'new value' and oldObj.prop1 = 'old value' it would set returnObj.prop1 = {type: 'update', data: 'new value'}
Update 2:
It gets truely hairy when we get to properties that are arrays, since the array [1,2,3] should be counted as equal to [2,3,1], which is simple enough for arrays of value based types like string, int & bool, but gets really difficult to handle when it comes to arrays of reference types like objects and arrays.
Example arrays that should be found equal:
[1,[{c: 1},2,3],{a:'hey'}] and [{a:'hey'},1,[3,{c: 1},2]]
Not only is it quite complex to check for this type of deep value equality, but also to figure out a good way to represent the changes that might be.
I wrote a little class that is doing what you want, you can test it here.
Only thing that is different from your proposal is that I don't consider
[1,[{c: 1},2,3],{a:'hey'}]
[{a:'hey'},1,[3,{c: 1},2]]
to be same, because I think that arrays are not equal if order of their elements is not same. Of course this can be changed if needed. Also this code can be further enhanced to take function as argument that will be used to format diff object in arbitrary way based on passed primitive values (now this job is done by "compareValues" method).
var deepDiffMapper = function () {
return {
VALUE_CREATED: 'created',
VALUE_UPDATED: 'updated',
VALUE_DELETED: 'deleted',
VALUE_UNCHANGED: 'unchanged',
map: function(obj1, obj2) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1) || this.isFunction(obj2)) {
throw 'Invalid argument. Function given, object expected.';
if (this.isValue(obj1) || this.isValue(obj2)) {
return {
type: this.compareValues(obj1, obj2),
data: obj1 === undefined ? obj2 : obj1
var diff = {};
for (var key in obj1) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1[key])) {
var value2 = undefined;
if (obj2[key] !== undefined) {
value2 = obj2[key];
diff[key] =[key], value2);
for (var key in obj2) {
if (this.isFunction(obj2[key]) || diff[key] !== undefined) {
diff[key] =, obj2[key]);
return diff;
compareValues: function (value1, value2) {
if (value1 === value2) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (this.isDate(value1) && this.isDate(value2) && value1.getTime() === value2.getTime()) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (value1 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_CREATED;
if (value2 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_DELETED;
return this.VALUE_UPDATED;
isFunction: function (x) {
return === '[object Function]';
isArray: function (x) {
return === '[object Array]';
isDate: function (x) {
return === '[object Date]';
isObject: function (x) {
return === '[object Object]';
isValue: function (x) {
return !this.isObject(x) && !this.isArray(x);
var result ={
a: 'i am unchanged',
b: 'i am deleted',
e: {
a: 1,
b: false,
c: null
f: [1, {
a: 'same',
b: [{
a: 'same'
}, {
d: 'delete'
g: new Date('2017.11.25')
}, {
a: 'i am unchanged',
c: 'i am created',
e: {
a: '1',
b: '',
d: 'created'
f: [{
a: 'same',
b: [{
a: 'same'
}, {
c: 'create'
}, 1],
g: new Date('2017.11.25')
Using Underscore, a simple diff:
var o1 = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 2},
o2 = {a: 2, b: 1, c: 2};
_.omit(o1, function(v,k) { return o2[k] === v; })
Results in the parts of o1 that correspond but with different values in o2:
{a: 1, b: 2}
It'd be different for a deep diff:
function diff(a,b) {
var r = {};
_.each(a, function(v,k) {
if(b[k] === v) return;
// but what if it returns an empty object? still attach?
r[k] = _.isObject(v)
? _.diff(v, b[k])
: v
return r;
As pointed out by #Juhana in the comments, the above is only a diff a-->b and not reversible (meaning extra properties in b would be ignored). Use instead a-->b-->a:
(function(_) {
function deepDiff(a, b, r) {
_.each(a, function(v, k) {
// already checked this or equal...
if (r.hasOwnProperty(k) || b[k] === v) return;
// but what if it returns an empty object? still attach?
r[k] = _.isObject(v) ? _.diff(v, b[k]) : v;
/* the function */
diff: function(a, b) {
var r = {};
deepDiff(a, b, r);
deepDiff(b, a, r);
return r;
See for full example+tests+mixins
I'd like to offer an ES6 solution...This is a one-way diff, meaning that it will return keys/values from o2 that are not identical to their counterparts in o1:
let o1 = {
one: 1,
two: 2,
three: 3
let o2 = {
two: 2,
three: 3,
four: 4
let diff = Object.keys(o2).reduce((diff, key) => {
if (o1[key] === o2[key]) return diff
return {
[key]: o2[key]
}, {})
Here is a JavaScript library which can be used for finding diff between two JavaScript objects:
Github URL:
Npmjs url:
recursive-diff library can be used in the browser as well as in a Node.js based server side application. For browser, it can be used as below:
<script type="text" src=""/>
<script type="text/javascript">
const ob1 = {a:1, b: [2,3]};
const ob2 = {a:2, b: [3,3,1]};
const delta = recursiveDiff.getDiff(ob1,ob2);
/* console.log(delta) will dump following data
{path: ['a'], op: 'update', val: 2}
{path: ['b', '0'], op: 'update',val: 3},
{path: ['b',2], op: 'add', val: 1 },
const ob3 = recursiveDiff.applyDiff(ob1, delta); //expect ob3 is deep equal to ob2
Whereas in a node.js based application it can be used as below:
const diff = require('recursive-diff');
const ob1 = {a: 1}, ob2: {b:2};
const diff = diff.getDiff(ob1, ob2);
Using Lodash:
_.mergeWith(oldObj, newObj, function (objectValue, sourceValue, key, object, source) {
if ( !(_.isEqual(objectValue, sourceValue)) && (Object(objectValue) !== objectValue)) {
console.log(key + "\n Expected: " + sourceValue + "\n Actual: " + objectValue);
I don't use key/object/source but I left it in there if you need to access them.
The object comparison just prevents the console from printing the differences to the console from the outermost element to the innermost element.
You can add some logic inside to handle arrays. Perhaps sort the arrays first. This is a very flexible solution.
Changed from _.merge to _.mergeWith due to lodash update. Thanks Aviron for noticing the change.
const diff = require("deep-object-diff").diff;
let differences = diff(obj2, obj1);
There is an npm module with over 500k weekly downloads:
I like the object like representation of the differences - especially it is easy to see the structure, when it is formated.
const diff = require("deep-object-diff").diff;
const lhs = {
foo: {
bar: {
a: ['a', 'b'],
b: 2,
c: ['x', 'y'],
e: 100 // deleted
buzz: 'world'
const rhs = {
foo: {
bar: {
a: ['a'], // index 1 ('b') deleted
b: 2, // unchanged
c: ['x', 'y', 'z'], // 'z' added
d: 'Hello, world!' // added
buzz: 'fizz' // updated
console.log(diff(lhs, rhs)); // =>
foo: {
bar: {
a: {
'1': undefined
c: {
'2': 'z'
d: 'Hello, world!',
e: undefined
buzz: 'fizz'
Here is a solution that is:
TypeScript (but easily convertible to JavaScript)
have no lib dependencies
generic, and doesn't care about checking object types (aside the object type)
supports properties with value undefined
deep of not (default)
First we define the comparison result interface:
export interface ObjectDiff {
added: {} | ObjectDiff;
updated: {
[propName: string]: Update | ObjectDiff;
removed: {} | ObjectDiff;
unchanged: {} | ObjectDiff;
with the special case of change where we want to know what are old and new values:
export interface Update {
oldValue: any;
newValue: any;
Then we can provide the diff function which is merely two loops (with recursivity if deep is true):
export class ObjectUtils {
* #return if obj is an Object, including an Array.
static isObject(obj: any) {
return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object';
* #param oldObj The previous Object or Array.
* #param newObj The new Object or Array.
* #param deep If the comparison must be performed deeper than 1st-level properties.
* #return A difference summary between the two objects.
static diff(oldObj: {}, newObj: {}, deep = false): ObjectDiff {
const added = {};
const updated = {};
const removed = {};
const unchanged = {};
for (const oldProp in oldObj) {
if (oldObj.hasOwnProperty(oldProp)) {
const newPropValue = newObj[oldProp];
const oldPropValue = oldObj[oldProp];
if (newObj.hasOwnProperty(oldProp)) {
if (newPropValue === oldPropValue) {
unchanged[oldProp] = oldPropValue;
} else {
updated[oldProp] = deep && this.isObject(oldPropValue) && this.isObject(newPropValue) ? this.diff(oldPropValue, newPropValue, deep) : {newValue: newPropValue};
} else {
removed[oldProp] = oldPropValue;
for (const newProp in newObj) {
if (newObj.hasOwnProperty(newProp)) {
const oldPropValue = oldObj[newProp];
const newPropValue = newObj[newProp];
if (oldObj.hasOwnProperty(newProp)) {
if (oldPropValue !== newPropValue) {
if (!deep || !this.isObject(oldPropValue)) {
updated[newProp].oldValue = oldPropValue;
} else {
added[newProp] = newPropValue;
return {added, updated, removed, unchanged};
As an example, calling:
a: 'a',
b: 'b',
c: 'c',
arr: ['A', 'B'],
obj: {p1: 'p1', p2: 'p2'}
b: 'x',
c: 'c',
arr: ['B', 'C'],
obj: {p2: 'p2', p3: 'p3'},
d: 'd'
will return:
added: {d: 'd'},
updated: {
b: {oldValue: 'b', newValue: 'x'},
arr: {oldValue: ['A', 'B'], newValue: ['B', 'C']},
obj: {oldValue: {p1: 'p1', p2: 'p2'}, newValue: {p2: 'p2', p3: 'p3'}}
removed: {a: 'a'},
unchanged: {c: 'c'},
and calling the same with the deep third parameter will return:
added: {d: 'd'},
updated: {
b: {oldValue: 'b', newValue: 'x'},
arr: {
added: {},
removed: {},
unchanged: {},
updated: {
0: {oldValue: 'A', newValue: 'B'},
1: {oldValue: 'B', newValue: 'C', }
obj: {
added: {p3: 'p3'},
removed: {p1: 'p1'},
unchanged: {p2: 'p2'},
updated: {}
removed: {a: 'a'},
unchanged: {c: 'c'},
I modified #sbgoran's answer so that the resulting diff object includes only the changed values, and omits values that were the same. In addition, it shows both the original value and the updated value.
var deepDiffMapper = function () {
return {
VALUE_CREATED: 'created',
VALUE_UPDATED: 'updated',
VALUE_DELETED: 'deleted',
map: function (obj1, obj2) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1) || this.isFunction(obj2)) {
throw 'Invalid argument. Function given, object expected.';
if (this.isValue(obj1) || this.isValue(obj2)) {
let returnObj = {
type: this.compareValues(obj1, obj2),
original: obj1,
updated: obj2,
if (returnObj.type != this.VALUE_UNCHANGED) {
return returnObj;
return undefined;
var diff = {};
let foundKeys = {};
for (var key in obj1) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1[key])) {
var value2 = undefined;
if (obj2[key] !== undefined) {
value2 = obj2[key];
let mapValue =[key], value2);
foundKeys[key] = true;
if (mapValue) {
diff[key] = mapValue;
for (var key in obj2) {
if (this.isFunction(obj2[key]) || foundKeys[key] !== undefined) {
let mapValue =, obj2[key]);
if (mapValue) {
diff[key] = mapValue;
//2020-06-13: object length code copied from
if (Object.keys(diff).length > 0) {
return diff;
return undefined;
compareValues: function (value1, value2) {
if (value1 === value2) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (this.isDate(value1) && this.isDate(value2) && value1.getTime() === value2.getTime()) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (value1 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_CREATED;
if (value2 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_DELETED;
return this.VALUE_UPDATED;
isFunction: function (x) {
return === '[object Function]';
isArray: function (x) {
return === '[object Array]';
isDate: function (x) {
return === '[object Date]';
isObject: function (x) {
return === '[object Object]';
isValue: function (x) {
return !this.isObject(x) && !this.isArray(x);
These days, there are quite a few modules available for this. I recently wrote a module to do this, because I wasn't satisfied with the numerous diffing modules I found. Its called odiff: . I also listed a bunch of the most popular modules and why they weren't acceptable in the readme of odiff, which you could take a look through if odiff doesn't have the properties you want. Here's an example:
var a = [{a:1,b:2,c:3}, {x:1,y: 2, z:3}, {w:9,q:8,r:7}]
var b = [{a:1,b:2,c:3},{t:4,y:5,u:6},{x:1,y:'3',z:3},{t:9,y:9,u:9},{w:9,q:8,r:7}]
var diffs = odiff(a,b)
/* diffs now contains:
[{type: 'add', path:[], index: 2, vals: [{t:9,y:9,u:9}]},
{type: 'set', path:[1,'y'], val: '3'},
{type: 'add', path:[], index: 1, vals: [{t:4,y:5,u:6}]}
I know I'm late to the party, but I needed something similar that the above answers didn't help.
I was using Angular's $watch function to detect changes in a variable. Not only did I need to know whether a property had changed on the variable, but I also wanted to make sure that the property that changed was not a temporary, calculated field. In other words, I wanted to ignore certain properties.
Here's the code:
function diff(obj1,obj2,exclude) {
var r = {};
if (!exclude) exclude = [];
for (var prop in obj1) {
if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop != '__proto__') {
if (exclude.indexOf(obj1[prop]) == -1) {
// check if obj2 has prop
if (!obj2.hasOwnProperty(prop)) r[prop] = obj1[prop];
// check if prop is object and
// NOT a JavaScript engine object (i.e. __proto__), if so, recursive diff
else if (obj1[prop] === Object(obj1[prop])) {
var difference = diff(obj1[prop], obj2[prop]);
if (Object.keys(difference).length > 0) r[prop] = difference;
// check if obj1 and obj2 are equal
else if (obj1[prop] !== obj2[prop]) {
if (obj1[prop] === undefined)
r[prop] = 'undefined';
if (obj1[prop] === null)
r[prop] = null;
else if (typeof obj1[prop] === 'function')
r[prop] = 'function';
else if (typeof obj1[prop] === 'object')
r[prop] = 'object';
r[prop] = obj1[prop];
return r;
Here's how to use it:
// To only return the difference
var difference = diff(newValue, oldValue);
// To exclude certain properties
var difference = diff(newValue, oldValue, [newValue.prop1, newValue.prop2, newValue.prop3]);
Hope this helps someone.
Another lodash based solution which is a bit specific to the case when we want to see the diff for the update made to an object:
const diff = return {
old: _.pickBy(oldObject, (value, key) => { return !_.isEqual(value, newObject[key]); }),
new: _.pickBy(newObject, (value, key) => { return !_.isEqual(oldObject[key], value); })
Didn't use _.omitBy because of performance implications.
I've developed the Function named "compareValue()" in Javascript.
it returns whether the value is same or not.
I've called compareValue() in for loop of one Object.
you can get difference of two objects in diffParams.
var diffParams = {};
var obj1 = {"a":"1", "b":"2", "c":[{"key":"3"}]},
obj2 = {"a":"1", "b":"66", "c":[{"key":"55"}]};
for( var p in obj1 ){
if ( !compareValue(obj1[p], obj2[p]) ){
diffParams[p] = obj1[p];
function compareValue(val1, val2){
var isSame = true;
for ( var p in val1 ) {
if (typeof(val1[p]) === "object"){
var objectValue1 = val1[p],
objectValue2 = val2[p];
for( var value in objectValue1 ){
isSame = compareValue(objectValue1[value], objectValue2[value]);
if( isSame === false ){
return false;
if(val1 !== val2){
isSame = false;
return isSame;
I composed this for my own use-case (es5 environment), thought this might be useful for someone, so here it is:
function deepCompare(obj1, obj2) {
var diffObj = Array.isArray(obj2) ? [] : {}
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj2).forEach(function(prop) {
if (typeof obj2[prop] === 'object') {
diffObj[prop] = deepCompare(obj1[prop], obj2[prop])
// if it's an array with only length property => empty array => delete
// or if it's an object with no own properties => delete
if (Array.isArray(diffObj[prop]) && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(diffObj[prop]).length === 1 || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(diffObj[prop]).length === 0) {
delete diffObj[prop]
} else if(obj1[prop] !== obj2[prop]) {
diffObj[prop] = obj2[prop]
return diffObj
This might be not really efficient, but will output an object with only different props based on second Obj.
Here is a typescript version of #sbgoran code
export class deepDiffMapper {
static VALUE_CREATED = 'created';
static VALUE_UPDATED = 'updated';
static VALUE_DELETED = 'deleted';
static VALUE_UNCHANGED ='unchanged';
protected isFunction(obj: object) {
return {}.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Function]';
protected isArray(obj: object) {
return {}.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Array]';
protected isObject(obj: object) {
return {}.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Object]';
protected isDate(obj: object) {
return {}.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Date]';
protected isValue(obj: object) {
return !this.isObject(obj) && !this.isArray(obj);
protected compareValues (value1: any, value2: any) {
if (value1 === value2) {
return deepDiffMapper.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (this.isDate(value1) && this.isDate(value2) && value1.getTime() === value2.getTime()) {
return deepDiffMapper.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if ('undefined' == typeof(value1)) {
return deepDiffMapper.VALUE_CREATED;
if ('undefined' == typeof(value2)) {
return deepDiffMapper.VALUE_DELETED;
return deepDiffMapper.VALUE_UPDATED;
public map(obj1: object, obj2: object) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1) || this.isFunction(obj2)) {
throw 'Invalid argument. Function given, object expected.';
if (this.isValue(obj1) || this.isValue(obj2)) {
return {
type: this.compareValues(obj1, obj2),
data: (obj1 === undefined) ? obj2 : obj1
var diff = {};
for (var key in obj1) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1[key])) {
var value2 = undefined;
if ('undefined' != typeof(obj2[key])) {
value2 = obj2[key];
diff[key] =[key], value2);
for (var key in obj2) {
if (this.isFunction(obj2[key]) || ('undefined' != typeof(diff[key]))) {
diff[key] =, obj2[key]);
return diff;
Here is a modified version of something found on gisthub.
isNullBlankOrUndefined = function (o) {
return (typeof o === "undefined" || o == null || o === "");
* Deep diff between two object, using lodash
* #param {Object} object Object compared
* #param {Object} base Object to compare with
* #param {Object} ignoreBlanks will not include properties whose value is null, undefined, etc.
* #return {Object} Return a new object who represent the diff
objectDifference = function (object, base, ignoreBlanks = false) {
if (!lodash.isObject(object) || lodash.isDate(object)) return object // special case dates
return lodash.transform(object, (result, value, key) => {
if (!lodash.isEqual(value, base[key])) {
if (ignoreBlanks && du.isNullBlankOrUndefined(value) && isNullBlankOrUndefined( base[key])) return;
result[key] = lodash.isObject(value) && lodash.isObject(base[key]) ? objectDifference(value, base[key]) : value;
I have used this piece of code for doing the task that you describe:
function mergeRecursive(obj1, obj2) {
for (var p in obj2) {
try {
if(obj2[p].constructor == Object) {
obj1[p] = mergeRecursive(obj1[p], obj2[p]);
// Property in destination object set; update its value.
else if (Ext.isArray(obj2[p])) {
// obj1[p] = [];
if (obj2[p].length < 1) {
obj1[p] = obj2[p];
else {
obj1[p] = mergeRecursive(obj1[p], obj2[p]);
obj1[p] = obj2[p];
} catch (e) {
// Property in destination object not set; create it and set its value.
obj1[p] = obj2[p];
return obj1;
this will get you a new object that will merge all the changes between the old object and the new object from your form
I just use ramda, for resolve the same problem, i need to know what is changed in new object. So here my design.
const oldState = {id:'170',name:'Ivab',secondName:'Ivanov',weight:45};
const newState = {id:'170',name:'Ivanko',secondName:'Ivanov',age:29};
const keysObj1 = R.keys(newState)
const filterFunc = key => {
const value = R.eqProps(key,oldState,newState)
return {[key]:value}
const result =, keysObj1)
result is, name of property and it's status.
[{"id":true}, {"name":false}, {"secondName":true}, {"age":false}]
The more extended and simplified function from sbgoran's answer.
This allow deep scan and find an array's simillarity.
var result = objectDifference({
a:'i am unchanged',
b:'i am deleted',
e: {a: 1,b:false, c: null},
f: [1,{a: 'same',b:[{a:'same'},{d: 'delete'}]}],
g: new Date('2017.11.25'),
h: [1,2,3,4,5]
a:'i am unchanged',
c:'i am created',
e: {a: '1', b: '', d:'created'},
f: [{a: 'same',b:[{a:'same'},{c: 'create'}]},1],
g: new Date('2017.11.25'),
h: [4,5,6,7,8]
function objectDifference(obj1, obj2){
if((dataType(obj1) !== 'array' && dataType(obj1) !== 'object') || (dataType(obj2) !== 'array' && dataType(obj2) !== 'object')){
var type = '';
if(obj1 === obj2 || (dataType(obj1) === 'date' && dataType(obj2) === 'date' && obj1.getTime() === obj2.getTime()))
type = 'unchanged';
else if(dataType(obj1) === 'undefined')
type = 'created';
if(dataType(obj2) === 'undefined')
type = 'deleted';
else if(type === '') type = 'updated';
return {
type: type,
data:(obj1 === undefined) ? obj2 : obj1
if(dataType(obj1) === 'array' && dataType(obj2) === 'array'){
var diff = [];
obj1.sort(); obj2.sort();
for(var i = 0; i < obj2.length; i++){
var type = obj1.indexOf(obj2[i]) === -1?'created':'unchanged';
if(type === 'created' && (dataType(obj2[i]) === 'array' || dataType(obj2[i]) === 'object')){
objectDifference(obj1[i], obj2[i])
type: type,
data: obj2[i]
for(var i = 0; i < obj1.length; i++){
if(obj2.indexOf(obj1[i]) !== -1 || dataType(obj1[i]) === 'array' || dataType(obj1[i]) === 'object')
type: 'deleted',
data: obj1[i]
} else {
var diff = {};
var key = Object.keys(obj1);
for(var i = 0; i < key.length; i++){
var value2 = undefined;
if(dataType(obj2[key[i]]) !== 'undefined')
value2 = obj2[key[i]];
diff[key[i]] = objectDifference(obj1[key[i]], value2);
var key = Object.keys(obj2);
for(var i = 0; i < key.length; i++){
if(dataType(diff[key[i]]) !== 'undefined')
diff[key[i]] = objectDifference(undefined, obj2[key[i]]);
return diff;
function dataType(data){
if(data === undefined || data === null) return 'undefined';
if(data.constructor === String) return 'string';
if(data.constructor === Array) return 'array';
if(data.constructor === Object) return 'object';
if(data.constructor === Number) return 'number';
if(data.constructor === Boolean) return 'boolean';
if(data.constructor === Function) return 'function';
if(data.constructor === Date) return 'date';
if(data.constructor === RegExp) return 'regex';
return 'unknown';
update 2022:
I came up with a breeze dead-simple algorithm that addresses the most edge cases:
flatten the objects
simple compare the two flattened objects and create a flattened diff object
unflatten the diff object
If you saved the flatted object you can repeat using it and do the "3)unflatten ..." just when you really need
let oldObject = {var1:'value1', var2:{ var1:'value1', var2:'value2'},var3:'value3'};
let newObject = {var2:{ var1:'value11', var3:'value3'},var3:'value3'};
let flatOldObject = flattenObject(oldObject)
let flatNewObject = flattenObject(newObject)
let flatDiff = diffFlatten(flatOldObject, flatNewObject)
let [updated,removed] = flatDiff
updated = {
removed = {
Of course you can come with your implementations for that steps. but here is mine:
function flattenObject(obj) {
const object = Object.create(null);
const path = [];
const isObject = (value) => Object(value) === value;
function dig(obj) {
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
if (isObject(value)) dig(value);
else object[path.join('.')] = value;
return object;
function diffFlatten(oldFlat, newFlat) {
const updated = Object.assign({}, oldFlat);
const removed = Object.assign({}, newFlat);
/**delete the unUpdated keys*/
for (let key in newFlat) {
if (newFlat[key] === oldFlat[key]) {
delete updated[key];
delete removed[key];
return [updated, removed];
function unflatenObject(flattenObject) {
const unFlatten = Object.create(null);
for (let [stringKeys, value] of Object.entries(flattenObject)) {
let chain = stringKeys.split('.')
let object = unFlatten
for (let [i, key] of chain.slice(0, -1).entries()) {
if (!object[key]) {
let needArray = Number.isInteger(Number(chain[+i + 1]))
object[key] = needArray ? [] : Object.create(null)
object = object[key];
let lastkey = chain.pop();
object[lastkey] = value;
return unFlatten;
I already wrote a function for one of my projects that will comparing an object as a user options with its internal clone.
It also can validate and even replace by default values if the user entered bad type of data or removed, in pure javascript.
In IE8 100% works. Tested successfully.
// ObjectKey: ["DataType, DefaultValue"]
reference = {
a : ["string", 'Defaul value for "a"'],
b : ["number", 300],
c : ["boolean", true],
d : {
da : ["boolean", true],
db : ["string", 'Defaul value for "db"'],
dc : {
dca : ["number", 200],
dcb : ["string", 'Default value for "dcb"'],
dcc : ["number", 500],
dcd : ["boolean", true]
dce : ["string", 'Default value for "dce"'],
e : ["number", 200],
f : ["boolean", 0],
g : ["", 'This is an internal extra parameter']
userOptions = {
a : 999, //Only string allowed
//b : ["number", 400], //User missed this parameter
c: "Hi", //Only lower case or case insitive in quotes true/false allowed.
d : {
da : false,
db : "HelloWorld",
dc : {
dca : 10,
dcb : "My String", //Space is not allowed for ID attr
dcc: "3thString", //Should not start with numbers
dcd : false
e: 40,
f: true,
function compare(ref, obj) {
var validation = {
number: function (defaultValue, userValue) {
return userValue;
else return defaultValue;
string: function (defaultValue, userValue) {
if(/^[a-z][a-z0-9-_.:]{1,51}[^-_.:]$/i.test(userValue)) //This Regex is validating HTML tag "ID" attributes
return userValue;
else return defaultValue;
boolean: function (defaultValue, userValue) {
if (typeof userValue === 'boolean')
return userValue;
else return defaultValue;
for (var key in ref)
if (obj[key] && obj[key].constructor && obj[key].constructor === Object)
ref[key] = compare(ref[key], obj[key]);
else if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key))
ref[key] = validation[ref[key][0]](ref[key][1], obj[key]); //or without validation on user enties => ref[key] = obj[key]
else ref[key] = ref[key][1];
return ref;
alert(JSON.stringify( compare(reference, userOptions),null,2 ))
/* result
"a": "Defaul value for \"a\"",
"b": 300,
"c": true,
"d": {
"da": false,
"db": "Defaul value for \"db\"",
"dc": {
"dca": 10,
"dcb": "Default value for \"dcb\"",
"dcc": 500,
"dcd": false
"dce": "Default value for \"dce\""
"e": 40,
"f": true,
"g": "This is an internal extra parameter"
I stumbled here trying to look for a way to get the difference between two objects. This is my solution using Lodash:
// Get updated values (including new values)
var updatedValuesIncl = _.omitBy(curr, (value, key) => _.isEqual(last[key], value));
// Get updated values (excluding new values)
var updatedValuesExcl = _.omitBy(curr, (value, key) => (!_.has(last, key) || _.isEqual(last[key], value)));
// Get old values (by using updated values)
var oldValues = Object.keys(updatedValuesIncl).reduce((acc, key) => { acc[key] = last[key]; return acc; }, {});
// Get newly added values
var newCreatedValues = _.omitBy(curr, (value, key) => _.has(last, key));
// Get removed values
var deletedValues = _.omitBy(last, (value, key) => _.has(curr, key));
// Then you can group them however you want with the result
Code snippet below:
var last = {
"authed": true,
"inForeground": true,
"goodConnection": false,
"inExecutionMode": false,
"online": true,
"array": [1, 2, 3],
"deep": {
"nested": "value",
"removed": "value",
var curr = {
"authed": true,
"inForeground": true,
"deep": {
"nested": "changed",
"array": [1, 2, 4],
"goodConnection": true,
"inExecutionMode": false,
"online": false,
"new": "value"
// Get updated values (including new values)
var updatedValuesIncl = _.omitBy(curr, (value, key) => _.isEqual(last[key], value));
// Get updated values (excluding new values)
var updatedValuesExcl = _.omitBy(curr, (value, key) => (!_.has(last, key) || _.isEqual(last[key], value)));
// Get old values (by using updated values)
var oldValues = Object.keys(updatedValuesIncl).reduce((acc, key) => { acc[key] = last[key]; return acc; }, {});
// Get newly added values
var newCreatedValues = _.omitBy(curr, (value, key) => _.has(last, key));
// Get removed values
var deletedValues = _.omitBy(last, (value, key) => _.has(curr, key));
console.log('oldValues', JSON.stringify(oldValues));
console.log('updatedValuesIncl', JSON.stringify(updatedValuesIncl));
console.log('updatedValuesExcl', JSON.stringify(updatedValuesExcl));
console.log('newCreatedValues', JSON.stringify(newCreatedValues));
console.log('deletedValues', JSON.stringify(deletedValues));
<script src=""></script>
I took the answer above by #sbgoran and modified it for my case same as the question needed, to treat arrays as sets (i.e. order is not important for diff)
const deepDiffMapper = function () {
return {
VALUE_CREATED: "created",
VALUE_UPDATED: "updated",
VALUE_DELETED: "deleted",
VALUE_UNCHANGED: "unchanged",
map: function(obj1: any, obj2: any) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1) || this.isFunction(obj2)) {
throw "Invalid argument. Function given, object expected.";
if (this.isValue(obj1) || this.isValue(obj2)) {
return {
type: this.compareValues(obj1, obj2),
data: obj2 === undefined ? obj1 : obj2
if (this.isArray(obj1) || this.isArray(obj2)) {
return {
type: this.compareArrays(obj1, obj2),
data: this.getArrayDiffData(obj1, obj2)
const diff: any = {};
for (const key in obj1) {
if (this.isFunction(obj1[key])) {
let value2 = undefined;
if (obj2[key] !== undefined) {
value2 = obj2[key];
diff[key] =[key], value2);
for (const key in obj2) {
if (this.isFunction(obj2[key]) || diff[key] !== undefined) {
diff[key] =, obj2[key]);
return diff;
getArrayDiffData: function(arr1: Array<any>, arr2: Array<any>) {
const set1 = new Set(arr1);
const set2 = new Set(arr2);
if (arr1 === undefined || arr2 === undefined) {
return arr1 === undefined ? arr1 : arr2;
const deleted = [...arr1].filter(x => !set2.has(x));
const added = [...arr2].filter(x => !set1.has(x));
return {
added, deleted
compareArrays: function(arr1: Array<any>, arr2: Array<any>) {
const set1 = new Set(arr1);
const set2 = new Set(arr2);
if (_.isEqual(_.sortBy(arr1), _.sortBy(arr2))) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (arr1 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_CREATED;
if (arr2 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_DELETED;
return this.VALUE_UPDATED;
compareValues: function (value1: any, value2: any) {
if (value1 === value2) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (this.isDate(value1) && this.isDate(value2) && value1.getTime() === value2.getTime()) {
return this.VALUE_UNCHANGED;
if (value1 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_CREATED;
if (value2 === undefined) {
return this.VALUE_DELETED;
return this.VALUE_UPDATED;
isFunction: function (x: any) {
return === "[object Function]";
isArray: function (x: any) {
return === "[object Array]";
isDate: function (x: any) {
return === "[object Date]";
isObject: function (x: any) {
return === "[object Object]";
isValue: function (x: any) {
return !this.isObject(x) && !this.isArray(x);
This returns new object only with changed properties. (omit and isEmpty are functions from lodash)
export const getObjectDifference = <T extends {}>(originalObject: T, newObject: T) => {
const sameProperties: string[] = [];
Object.entries(originalObject).forEach(original => {
Object.entries(newObject).forEach(newObj => {
if (original[0] === newObj[0]) {
if (original[1] === newObj[1])
const objectDifference: T = omit(newObject, sameProperties) as T;
if (isEmpty(objectDifference))
return null;
return objectDifference; }
this will treat [1,2,3] and [3,2,1] as equal (deep object)
since I needed to visualize the difference between:
"a":"OH NO",
"b":"an insertion"
so I wanted to see them collide, here's what's left:
"a":"OH NO",
"b":"an insertion"
imo this is the best way to represent it.
{add:{...},upd:{...},del:{...}} is hard to read
I provide 2 functions : ObjectCollide(obj1,obj2) and ArrayCollide(arr1,arr2)
// false
//everything collided -> false
// [ [], [ 2 ] ]
//1 and 1 collided, even if they are on different indices
//array of objects
const arr1 =
const arr2 =
"a":"OH NO",
"b":"an insertion"
const newArrays = ArrayCollide(arr1, arr2)
// []
// [ { a: 'OH NO', b: 'an insertion' } ]
// everything collided until this is left
const obj1 = { a: '111', c: { q: 'no', a: '333' } }
const obj2 = { a: '111', p: 'ok', c: { a: '333' } }
ObjectCollide(obj1, obj2) //in place
// { c: { q: 'no' } }
// { p: 'ok', c: {} }
// obj["a"] collided and obj["c"]["a"] collided
//testing empty array
const a1 = { a: [] }
const a2 = { a: [], b: '2' }
ObjectCollide(a1, a2) //in place
// {}
// { b: '2' }
// obj["a"] collided
const b1 = {a:true}
const b2 = {a:[1,2]}
ObjectCollide(b1,b2) //in place
// { a: true }
// { a: [ 1, 2 ] }
function ObjectCollide(obj1, obj2) {
//in place, returns true if same
// delete same
const keys = Object.keys(obj1)
const len = keys.length
let howManyDeleted = 0
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const key = keys[i]
const type1 = Array.isArray(obj1[key]) === true ? 'array' : typeof obj1[key]
const type2 = Array.isArray(obj2[key]) === true ? 'array' : typeof obj2[key]
if (type1!==type2) {
switch (type1) {
case 'object':
if (ObjectCollide(obj1[key], obj2[key])) {
delete obj1[key]
delete obj2[key]
case 'array':
const newArrays = ArrayCollide(obj1[key], obj2[key])
if (newArrays) {
obj1[key] = newArrays[0]
obj2[key] = newArrays[1]
} else {
delete obj1[key]
delete obj2[key]
//string, number, I hope it covers everything else
if (obj1[key] === obj2[key]) {
delete obj1[key]
delete obj2[key]
if (howManyDeleted === len && Object.keys(obj2).length === 0) {
// return 'delete the stuff'
// same. we've deleted everything!
return true
function ArrayCollide(arr1, arr2) {
// returns [newArr1, newArr2] or false if same arrays (ignore order)
const stringifyObj = {}
const newArr1 = []
const newArr2 = []
for (let i = 0, len = arr1.length; i < len; i++) {
const value = arr1[i]
const stringified = JSON.stringify(value)
// arr = [count, ...]
const arr = stringifyObj[stringified] || (stringifyObj[stringified] = [0])
//in 2 but not in 1
for (let i = 0, len = arr2.length; i < len; i++) {
const value = arr2[i]
const stringified = JSON.stringify(value)
const arr = stringifyObj[stringified]
if (arr === undefined) {
} else {
if (arr[0] === 0) {
} else {
//in 1 but not in 2
stringifyKeys = Object.keys(stringifyObj)
for (let i = 0, len = stringifyKeys.length; i < len; i++) {
const arr = stringifyObj[stringifyKeys[i]]
for (let i = 1, len = arr[0] + 1; i < len; i++) {
if (newArr1.length || newArr2.length) {
return [newArr1, newArr2]
} else {
return false
what I was trying to solve:
JSON file keeps reordering, I want to revert the JSON if it's equivalent: like {a:1,b:2} and {b:2,a:1}
but because I don't trust my code (I made a mistake once), I want to see the diff and check it myself, I can Ctrl+F into the original file using this diff.
Below method will create a new object with only changed fields
const findDiff = (obj1, obj2) => {
const isNativeType1 = typeof obj1 !== "object";
const isNativeType2 = typeof obj2 !== "object";
if (isNativeType1 && isNativeType2) {
return obj1 === obj2 ? null : obj2;
if (isNativeType1 && !isNativeType2) {
return obj2;
if (!isNativeType1 && isNativeType2) {
return obj2;
const isArray1 = Array.isArray(obj1);
const isArray2 = Array.isArray(obj2);
if (isArray1 && isArray2) {
const firstLenght = obj1.length;
const secondLenght = obj2.length;
const hasSameLength = firstLenght === secondLenght;
if (!hasSameLength) return obj2;
let hasChange = false;
for (let index = 0; index < obj1.length; index += 1) {
const element1 = obj1[index];
const element2 = obj2[index];
const changed = findDiff(element1, element2);
if (changed) {
hasChange = true;
return hasChange ? obj2 : null;
if (isArray1 || isArray2) return obj2;
const keys1 = Object.keys(obj1);
const keys2 = Object.keys(obj2);
const hasSameKeys = keys1.length === keys2.length;
if (!hasSameKeys) {
const retObj = { ...obj2 };
for (let index = 0; index < keys1.length; index += 1) {
const key = keys1[index];
if (!keys2.includes(key)) {
retObj[key] = null;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
delete retObj[key];
return retObj;
let hasChange = false;
const retObj = {};
for (let index = 0; index < keys1.length; index += 1) {
const key = keys1[index];
const element1 = obj1[key];
const element2 = obj2[key];
const changed = findDiff(element1, element2);
if (changed) {
hasChange = true;
if (changed) {
retObj[key] = changed;
return hasChange ? retObj : null;
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: {
a: ['1', 'b', { a: 'b', c: false }, true],
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: {
a: ['1','b', { a: 'b', c: true }, true],
), null, 2)
var base = [
{"value": "01", "label": "Pendências"},
{"value": "02", "label": "Ambulatório"},
{"value": "03", "label": "Urgência"},
{"value": "04", "label": "Clínica Médica"},
{"value": "05", "label": "Revisão"},
{"value": "06", "label": "Imagens"},
var used = [
{"value": "01", "label": "Pendências"},
{"value": "02", "label": "Ambulatório"},
{"value": "03", "label": "Urgência"},
{"value": "04", "label": "Clínica Médica"},
function diff(obj1,obj2) {
var temp = JSON.stringify(> x.value));
return obj1.filter((y)=> temp.indexOf(y.value)<0 && y);
var result = diff(base, used);
function Difference (ob1,ob2){
let ob3={}
let status=false
for ( var a1 in ob1 ) {
for (var a2 in ob2){
if (a1===a2 && ob1[a1]===ob2[a2]){
if (status===false){
if (ob1[a2]===undefined){
ob3[a1]="ob1:"+ob1[a1]+", ob2:"+ob2[a1];
if ( ob2[a1]===undefined){
ob3[a2]="ob1:"+ob1[a2]+", ob2:"+ob2[a2];
}else {
ob3[a1]="ob1:"+ob1[a1] +", ob2:"+ob2[a1];
}else {
For a simple object diff I like the very straightforward:
function simpleObjectDiff(obj1, obj2) {
return Object.fromEntries(
.filter(([key, value]) => value !== obj2[key])
