Page not loaded on refresh using vuex and getter - javascript

Trying to solve page refresh issue that occurs using vuex and getters. I must be missing something on how the reactivity works, but haven't been able to identify what after searching around and reading vue pages on reactivity.
As an example, I have a component that will initially load just fine:
Create lifecycle dispatches action to retrieve data from API and push to array in state
Computed property in component retrieves data using getter (filter array to specific person)
Component displays a few properties in array
When page is refreshed it seems that the action is called again and data retrieved but it doesn't seem like the getter works correctly to get the new data and page does not load. If I test accessing the data in the state directly then refresh works fine. So it seems that the data is properly loaded to the state when refreshing but the getter somehow doesn't have it?
Appreciate any help!
export default {
props: ["id"],
computed: {
player() {
return this.$store.getters["player/getPlayerById"](;
created() {
getPlayerById: state => id => {
return state.players.find(plr => plr.PlayerID === id);
var promise = EventService.getPlayer(id)
.then(response => {
ADD_PLAYER mutation:
ADD_PLAYER(state, player) {


unable to access vuex store property in safari. code is working fine in Chrome

I am desperately needing some help with vuejs vuex store. it is working absolutely fine in chrome but in safari store property is not being picked up. basically I have stored a user object in Vuex store as follows: -
here is the image of my code
here is the image of within component where I am trying to access the property from store
here is the image of when axios call is made and within response I am triggering the mutation
setUser(state,payload) {
state.user = payload;
setLoggedIn (state,payload) {
state.isLoggedIn = payload;
state.student = payload;
isStudent: state => {
if(state.user.user_type === 'student') {
return true;
I am calling the mutation from inside the login component whilst executing axios call request and setting the user and student through appropriate commit from the component.
However, when I am trying to access the user property inside the component, it works fine for Chrome but it is not working for Safari. Here is how I am calling for state user property inside the component: -
return this.$store.state.isLoggedIn;
return this.$store.state.user.user_type;
return this.$store.getters.isStudent;
The property isUserStudent is used inside the component and is a dependency to further functionalities. This property is assessed correctly and as expected inside Chrome/Firefox, but in safari it is not being assessed. I am really puzzled what's going on here and hope that someone can support please

How do i fetch json from a url and display json content on my js page

Im making a custom MS Teams app and in the app im trying to fetch a json from a url to then display the contents later. However, the fetch is failing. My goal is to fetch a list of data from a supplied url and then displaying it in the Tab within my teams app, which would be here: Where i want my json content to show up
As you can probably tell, i dont have any experience with javascript at all, but the custom MS teams app wants javascript...
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import * as microsoftTeams from "#microsoft/teams-js";
* The 'GroupTab' component renders the main tab content
* of your app.
class Tab extends React.Component {
this.state = {
context: {}
//React lifecycle method that gets called once a component has finished mounting
//Learn more:
// Get the user context from Teams and set it in the state
microsoftTeams.getContext((context, error) => {
context: context
// Next steps: Error handling using the error object
componentDidMount() {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data));
render() {
var jsondata = data;
let userName = Object.keys(this.state.context).length > 0 ? this.state.context['upn'] : "";
return (
export default Tab;
So to sum it all up, how do i fetch my json from a url and display the content of that json on my tab.js page within teams?
Thanks in advance for any help.
While I can't speak to how the Teams API works, I can help you understand how to render things from a json API in your react component.
In your componentDidMount function, your example is sending and receiving the response from the API. To render this response, we need to assign the data to your component's "state" and then use that to render it in HTML.
This will be pretty simple. First, you need to extend your component's state, in a similar manner as you've done for context. Do this first in the constructor, where we'll declare an initial state of an empty object (I'll name it content but you can use whatever name makes most sense):
// inside the constructor() function
this.state = {
context: {},
content: {}
In React, we use setState to update this state object state when something changes, like on a lifecycle method such as componentDidMount. You just need to call this setState again when you want to change the state object from its initial value to something else. In our case, when we receive the data from the API.
setState takes whatever you provide it and merges it into the state object, so you only should declare anything you want to change. Anything else not declared will remain unchanged.
So, in componentDidMount, we can make a small change to do something with data when it arrives:
componentDidMount() {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
content: data
This is basically saying:
once the component has mounted, make a call to fetch from the API
then, with that response, take the json from the body
and then, assign the json "data" into our component's state object under the key of content.
You can then do things with this data by calling this.state.content. I'm not sure what format the data will come in, but whatever json object arrives back from the API will be stored under this.state.content.
As an example, imagine we get a simple object back from the API that looks like this { title: "Tab title" }. It means that, on a successful call to the API, our state object will look like this:
context: "whatever you have here", // whatever you have here, I don't know this
content: { title: "Tab title" }
When this state object is updated, react will trigger a new render of the component.
So, to make it appear in our component, we need to use this state in our render function (we wrap things in curly braces if they need to be dynamically rendered rather than hardcoded):
render() {
return (
//... the rest of your function
As you might have guessed, this will show the title inside a div, if the title exists.
Eventually, you should consider handling the state of the component before that API call has resolved itself. The lifecycle method componentDidMount will be called after the component is mounted, and because you're hitting an API, there will be something rendered to the DOM before the API call resolves itself. In my example, it'll be just be an empty div, and then it'll appear when the state updates and the render function is called again.
You could do this more effectively by extending your state object to see whether the API response is done (you'd update this in the same place you set the content), and you could render the UI conditionally on this.
The official docs on lifecycle methods will help you understand this pattern more.
Good luck!
Well, you can rely on #Josh Vince for an explanation as he did it perfectly, I will just write the code a bit cleaner for you.
Let's create 2 methods that will set the state with respective data and then simply call the state values and render the following as per your wish.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import './App.css';
import * as microsoftTeams from "#microsoft/teams-js";
class Tab extends Component {
this.state = {
context: {},
movies: null
getContext = () => {
try {
microsoftTeams.getContext((context) => this.setState({context}));
console.log('ERROR ->', error);
throw error;
fetchMoviesData = () => {
try {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => this.setState({movies: data}));
} catch(error){
console.log('ERROR ->', error);
throw error;
componentDidMount() {
render() {
let {movies, context} = this.state;
const jsondata = movies;
let userName = Object.keys(this.state.context).length ? context['upn'] : "";
return <>JSONDATA: {jsondata}, USERNAME: {userName}</>
export default Tab;

BeforeMount not working on a computed method

Hello i have a problem whenever i reload my page i want to call a beforeMount() method to call my filterRecords (computed method) so that i can receive the data ,but it is just not working fine it is telling me that filterRecords is not a function.
My computed:
computed: {
sec: "sec"
createdDate() {
return moment().format("DD-MM-YYYY ");
createdHours() {
return moment().format("HH:mm ");
filteredRecords() {
return this.records.filter(record => {
return record.template_id === this.sec;
so i just do this:
beforeMount() {
it is not calling it so i get nothing to my filteredRecords.
how am i able to call it when i reload the page ( i am recieving the records data from an API rails)
Be sure to check the Vue docs about computed properties.
You should not call them as functions, but as properties (since they are computed properties).
You can try to console log filteredRecords in the beforeMount hook like this:
beforeMount() {
This seems like a fundamental misunderstanding on how Computed properties work. Computed properties are accessed the same way you would access props or data on a component. They are consumed as values, not as methods. A big hint to this fact is that you're calling map**Getters**
You could consume filteredRecords in your template something like:
<div v-for="record of filteredRecords" :key="record.someKey">...</div>
or by assigning it to a data property
this.records = this.filteredRecords

Nuxt.js Loading data serverside with nuxtServerInit and Vuex

Currently i am working on storing data for a job opening application.
For the backend i use Laravel and for the frontend i use Nuxt.js
I am new to Nuxt, so i'm kinda stuck on the following issue.
I have a page for creating a new job opening called new-job.vue. I also created a store called jobs.js for handling the states.
On new-job.vue i have a form with data that has to be rendered in a list before the form starts.Like a list of all countries etc.. in order for me to select them in the form.
At this point i'm using asyncData within the export default on new-job.vue:
export default {
asyncData(context) {
.then(data => {
//'jobs/getTypes', data.types)'jobs/getPlatforms', data.platforms)'jobs/getCountries', data.countries)data.branches)
// return {
// loadedPost: {, id: context.params.postId }
// }composer required barr
.catch(e => context.error(e))
computed: {
types () { return this.$ },
platforms () { return this.$ },
countries () { return this.$ },
The asyncData method works and the lists of types, platforms and countries are getting filled with data from the database and the state from the Vuex store gets updated. .Only the data is being rendered on the client side.
I prefer this data to be loaded server side, so i was looking at nuxtServerInit. Only can someone explain to me how i can make this happen.
I placed an async call inside the export default of new-job.vue:
async nuxtServerInit ({ commit, state }, { app }) {
let res = await axios.get(`jobs/create`)
I created the commits in the mutations of the, but the states are not being updated.
What am i doing wrong and/or what am i missing?
Or maybe another question, is nuxtServerInit the way to go? Or is loading these lists of data on the clientside not a big deal?
I use modules mode for the store, so i created a store called jobs.js. Inside this file i tried to call nuxtServerInit as well, but i didn't get any response.
nuxtServerInit(vuexContext, context) {
.then(data => {
.catch(e => context.error(e))
From nuxtServerInit API reference in Nuxt.js documentation:
If the action nuxtServerInit is defined in the store, Nuxt.js will call it with the context (only from the server-side).
In other words, it is a reserved store action available only in store/index.js file and if defined will be called on server-side before rendering requested routes.
Only asyncData and fetch methods are available within pages.

How can I access the object properties loaded with axios?

I'm making a site that is to store variables from a JSON file, then I can show that data. I'm attempting to pull data from an object, but I keep getting undefined or empty arrays/objects.
Here's content from my parent component.
export default class App extends Component {
this.state = {
arrival: {}
axiosFunc = () => {
axios.get('').then(results => {
setTimeout(this.axiosFunc,1000 * 60);
componentDidMount() {
Next, in the child component, I use props to store the arrival data.
<Baro arrival={this.state.arrival}/>
However, when I switch to the child component's file to show the data, I get an empty object...
How can I make the proper data show?
Your child component may be mounting before the GET request has resolved. That console log you showed is in componentDidMount. Try console logging it from componentWillReceiveProps or componentDidUpdate and see if the data is getting there a little later.
Alternatively, install the excellent React Dev Tools Chrome extension and watch the component's props in real time.
