Ok, i'm done. Please someone help me :(
I don't know how js and lambda works
What i have to do:
Send GET request and get response.
Write data from response to DynamoDb
I can do it 1by1 but can't do everything by 1 lambda call.
My code:
const https = require('https');
const crypto = require("crypto");
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const DynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB({region: 'eu-central-1'});
exports.handler = async (event) => {
let response;
let steamTicket;
let steamId;
const body = JSON.parse(event.body);
if(body.steamticket && body.steamid){
steamTicket = body.steamticket;
steamId = body.steamid;
response = {
statusCode: 400,
body: JSON.stringify({
authenticated: false,
reason: 'cant find steamid or steamticket in your request'
return response;
response = {
statusCode: 400,
body: JSON.stringify({
authenticated: false,
reason: 'cant find request body'
return response;
await httprequest(steamTicket).then((data) =>{
if(data.response && data.response.params){
if(data.response.params.result == 'OK' && data.response.params.steamid == steamId){
const sessionId = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString("hex");
console.log('Generated session id: ' + sessionId);
PutToDB(sessionId, steamId);
response = {
statusCode: 400,
body: JSON.stringify({
authenticated: false,
reason: 'steam response is not OK or session != steamId'
return response;
response = {
statusCode: 400,
body: JSON.stringify({
authenticated: false,
reason: 'invalid response from steam: ' + JSON.stringify(data)
return response;
async function PutToDB(sessionId, steamId){
var WriteParams = {
SteamSessions: []
Item: {
SteamId: {S: steamId},
SessionId: {S: sessionId},
ttl: {N: (Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 600).toString()}
console.log('SessionIdToWrite: ' + sessionId);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{
DynamoDb.batchWriteItem(WriteParams, function(err, data){
console.log("Error", err);
console.log("Success write", JSON.stringify(data));
async function httprequest(steamTicket) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const options = {
host: 'partner.steam-api.com',
path: '/ISteamUserAuth/AuthenticateUserTicket/v1/?key=somekey&appid=someid&ticket=' + steamTicket,
port: 443,
method: 'GET'
const req = https.request(options, (res) => {
if (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode >= 300) {
return reject(new Error('statusCode=' + res.statusCode));
var body = [];
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
res.on('end', function() {
try {
body = JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(body).toString());
} catch(e) {
req.on('error', (e) => {
// send the request
I lost way already, i'm not even sure it should work like that.
And most confusing thing! This b give me this test results:
Run 1:
2021-03-05T13:28:47.741Z INFO Start
2021-03-05T13:28:48.612Z INFO {"response":{"params":{"result":"OK","steamid":"mysteamid","ownersteamid":"mysteamid","vacbanned":false,"publisherbanned":false}}}
2021-03-05T13:28:48.650Z INFO Generated session id: 6a5633a5f862d8663d0fe546a9c89feb
2021-03-05T13:28:48.650Z INFO SessionIdToWrite: 6a5633a5f862d8663d0fe546a9c89feb
DynamoDb is empty, here we can't see log from DynamoDb.batchWriteItem result.
Run 2:
2021-03-05T13:29:53.308Z INFO Start
2021-03-05T13:29:53.674Z INFO Success write {"UnprocessedItems":{}}
2021-03-05T13:29:54.048Z INFO {"response":{"params":{"result":"OK","steamid":"mysteamid","ownersteamid":"mysteamid","vacbanned":false,"publisherbanned":false}}}
2021-03-05T13:29:54.048Z INFO Generated session id: 05c62de782202fc100cea9d47e38242c
2021-03-05T13:29:54.048Z INFO SessionIdToWrite: 05c62de782202fc100cea9d47e38242c
And after second run i can see in DynamoDb sessionId from FIRST RUN (6a5633a5f862d8663d0fe546a9c89feb)
If i run it again, there will be id from 2nd run
I think it continues to run previous tasks on new run? Or what? I'm lost
Thank you for any help with it
You need to call reject / resolve in the DynamoDb.batchWriteItem call.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{
DynamoDb.batchWriteItem(WriteParams, function(err, data){
console.log("Error", err);
console.log("Success write", JSON.stringify(data));
When I go to test my code, the lambda does nothing, and at other times it runs my query and returns the data I have queried for. It's very inconsistent. It doesn't even give me an error. I am also using a proxy and that's not showing any errors. That's also not triggering.
I suspect it's something to do with the await/ async...
Here is my code:
async function RDSToken() {
vr signer = new AWS.RDS.Signer({
region: 'us-east-1',
hostname: 'proxy',
port: 3306,
username: 'username'
var host ='proxy'
var user ='username'
var db ='name'
let token = signer.getAuthToken({username: 'admin' });
let connectionConfig = {
host: host,
user: user,
database: db,
ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false},
password: token,
authSwitchHandler: function ({pluginName, pluginData}, cb) {
console.log("Setting new auth handler.");
connectionConfig.authSwitchHandler = (data, cb) => {
if (data.pluginName === 'mysql_clear_password') {
let password = token + '\0';
let buffer = Buffer.from(password);
cb(null, password);
try {
connection = await mysql2.createConnection(connectionConfig);
} catch(err) {
console.error('error connecting to the database');
var response = {
statusCode: 500,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: 'error connecting to the database' +err
return response;
return connection
async function randomfact() {
var connection = await RDSToken();
let sql = 'SELECT * FROM quote_header;';
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
connection.query(sql, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
else {
async function Dashboard() {
const result = await randomfact();
So I was correct there is something to do await/asnyc/promise.
Here is my updated code.
const connection = mysql2.createPool({
host: "host",
user: "admin",
password: "pw",
database : 'name',
waitForConnections: true,
connectionLimit: 3,
SelectAllElements = (connection) =>{
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
connection.query('SELECT * FROM quote_header ', (error, elements)=>{
return reject(error);
return resolve(elements);
async function Dashboard() {
const result1 = await SelectAllElements(connection);
// here you can do something with the three results
} catch(error){
But this works around 95% of the time. It doesn't like to work the first time I run the lambda but after then it works for a short time, then returns null again, then works again. I still dont understand what's causing it not to connect.
I'm doing requests to my API server to authenticate a user, that's not the problem. The problem is that I don't know why my async function doesn't return anything, and I get an error because the data that I want from this function is undefined.
Don't worry if the error management is ugly and in general I can do this better, I'll do that after fixing this problem.
Utils.js class
async Auth(username, password) {
const body = {
username: username,
password: password
let req_uuid = '';
await this.setupUUID()
.then((uuid) => {
req_uuid = uuid;
.catch((e) => {
let jwtData = {
"req_uuid": req_uuid,
"origin": "launcher",
"scope": "ec_auth"
let jwtToken = jwt.sign(jwtData, 'lulz');
await fetch('http://api.myapi.cc/authenticate', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "identify": jwtToken },
body: JSON.stringify(body),
.then((res) => {
// console.log(res);
// If the status is OK (200) get the json data of the response containing the token and return it
if (res.status == 200) {
.then((data) => {
return Promise.resolve(data);
// If the response status is 401 return an error containing the error code and message
} else if (res.status == 401) {
.then((data) => {
throw ({ code: 401, msg: 'Wrong username or password' });
// If the response status is 400 (Bad Request) display unknown error message (this sould never happen)
} else if (res.status == 400) {
throw ({ code: 400, msg: 'Unknown error, contact support for help. \nError code: 400' });
// If there's an error with the fetch request itself then display a dialog box with the error message
.catch((error) => {
// If it's a "normal" error, so it has a code, don't put inside a new error object
if(error.code) {
return Promise.reject(error);
} else {
return Promise.reject({ code: 'critical', msg: error });
Main.js file
utils.Auth('user123', 'admin')
.then((res) => {
console.log(res); // undefined
Your Async function must return the last promise:
return fetch('http://api.myapi.cc/authenticate', ...);
or await the result and return it:
var x = await fetch('http://api.myapi.cc/authenticate', ...);
// do something with x and...
return x;
Notice that you don’t need to mix promise syntax (.then) with await. You can, but you don’t need to, and probably shouldn’t.
These two functions do exactly the same thing:
function a() {
return functionReturningPromise().then(function (result) {
return result + 1;
async function b() {
return (await functionReturningPromise()) + 1;
await is not to be used with then.
let data = await this.setupUUID();
let data=null;
setupUUID().then(res=> data = res)
I would try something like this:
const postReq = async (jwtToken) => {
const body = {
username: username,
password: password,
try {
const res = await fetch('http://api.myapi.cc/authenticate', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "identify": jwtToken },
body: JSON.stringify(body),
if (res) {
if (res.status == 200) {
return res.json();
} else if (res.status == 401) {
const data = res.json();
throw ({ code: 401, msg: 'Wrong username or password' });
} else if (res.status == 400) {
throw ({ code: 400, msg: 'Unknown error, contact support for help. \nError code: 400' });
} catch (err) {
const Auth = async (username, password) => {
const jwtData = {
"origin": "launcher",
"scope": "ec_auth"
try {
const req_uuid = await this.setupUUID();
if (req_uuid) {
jwtData["req_uuid"] = req_uuid;
const jwtToken = jwt.sign(jwtData, 'lulz');
return await postReq(jwtToken);
} catch (err) {
I have a function that I call using
stateName=' +stateName)
on my client side.
the token-hider function looks like this:
const qs = require("qs");
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
var alertEndpoint = "";
var parkEndpoint = "";
var parksWithAlerts = "";
exports.handler = async function getURLS(event, context, callback)
// Get env var values defined in our Netlify site UI
const {api_key, alert_api_url, park_api_url} = process.env;
var stateName =event.queryStringParameters.stateName;
alertEndpoint = `${alert_api_url}${stateName}${api_key}`;
parkEndpoint = `${park_api_url}${stateName}${api_key}`;
async function getData(alertsArea, alertHeader) {
const [getAlertData, getParkData] = await
Promise.all([fetch(alertEndpoint), fetch(parkEndpoint)] );
var alertResults = await getAlertData.json();
var parkResults= await getParkData.json();
var alertData = alertResults.data;
var parkData = parkResults.data;
parksWithAlerts = parkData.map(park => {
park.alertData = alertData.filter(alert => alert.parkCode ===
return park
how could I return the contents of parksWithAlerts back to the client side after this function is finished?
Try to learn more about callback functions in Javascript.
It is right there in your code, the callback that you are printing is actually suppose to be called after you have executed your code and you can do like this callback(parksWithAlerts);.
While calling the function getURLS you will provide the function which is suppose to get called with args.
Examples : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/javascript-callbacks/
Here is an example with error handling and returning a response type of JSON
import fetch from "node-fetch";
// Get env var values defined in our Netlify site UI
const {api_key, alert_api_url, park_api_url} = process.env;
async function getJson(response) {
return await response.json();
const alertEndpoint = stateName => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) { // NOT res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300
return reject({ statusCode: response.status, body: response.statusText });
return resolve(getJson(response))
.catch(err => {
console.log('alertEndpoint invocation error:', err); // output to netlify function log
reject({ statusCode: 500, body: err.message });
const parkEndpoint = stateName => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) { // NOT res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300
return reject({ statusCode: response.status, body: response.statusText });
return resolve(getJson(response))
.catch(err => {
console.log('parkEndpoint invocation error:', err); // output to netlify function log
reject({ statusCode: 500, body: err.message });
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
const stateName = event.queryStringParameters.stateName;
return Promise.all([alertEndpoint(stateName), parkEndpoint(stateName)])
.then(values => {
const [alertData, parkData] = values;
const parksWithAlerts = parkData.map(park => {
park.alertData = alertData.filter(alert => alert.parkCode === park.parkCode);
return park;
return {
statusCode: 200,
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(parksWithAlerts)
.catch(error => {
return error;
NOTE: If you are trying to hide the token, make sure to not deploy this from a public repository on Netlify.
Also, this code has not been tested 100%, so there may be some things to resolve. The response layout and structure is something I use in a few of my lambda functions on Netlify.
I have tried several ways for mocking this unit of my code but still, it doesn't work. I'm using create-react-app and jest for testing.
I have a function in admin adminSignup.js for sending data to my server(Node.js and Mongoose) for creating account:
/* eslint-disable no-undef */
function signup(user, cb) {
return fetch(`signup`, {
headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
method: "POST",
username: user.username,
email: user.email,
password: user.password,
picode: user.pincode,
building: user.building,
city: user.city,
state: user.state
.catch(err => console.log(err));
function checkStatus(response) {
if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
return response;
const error = new Error(`HTTP Error ${response.statusText}`);
error.status = response.statusText;
error.response = response;
console.log(error); // eslint-disable-line no-console
throw error;
function parseJSON(response) {
return response.json();
const adminSignup = { signup };
export default adminSignup;
and I have called this in my component(RegisterPage.jsx) :
adminSignup.signup( user, response => {
this.setState({response: response});
Now I want to write a mock for my signup call(adminSignup.js). But just wonder how can I do this?
I have tried Jest Fetch Mock for mock testing(it doesnt need to create mock file) and it's working but I'm not quite sure is it correct or no :
describe('testing api', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('calls signup and returns message to me', () => {
fetch.mockResponseOnce(JSON.stringify('Account Created Successfully,Please Check Your Email For Account Confirmation.' ));
//assert on the response
"email" : "sample#yahoo.com",
"password" : "$2a$0yuImLGh1NIoJoRe8VKmoRkLbuH8SU6o2a",
"username" : "username",
"pincode" : "1",
"city" : "Sydney",
"building" : "1",
"state" : "NSW"
}).then(res => {
expect(res).toEqual('Account Created Successfully,Please Check Your Email For Account Confirmation.');
//assert on the times called and arguments given to fetch
I really like to create a mock file and test with that but reading jest website is not working for me.
Thanks in advance.
I have found this way(using mock-http-server) for another POST request and it works for me:
async function getUser (id, cb) {
const response = await fetch(`/getUserById/${id}`, {
// headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
method: "POST",
id : id
.catch(err => console.log(err));
const user = response.json();
return user;
function checkStatus(response) {
if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
return response;
const error = new Error(`HTTP Error ${response.statusText}`);
error.status = response.statusText;
error.response = response;
console.log(error); // eslint-disable-line no-console
throw error;
function parseJSON(response) {
return response.json();
import ServerMock from "mock-http-server";
import userLists from '../components/UserList/userLists';
describe('Test with mock-http-server', function() {
// Run an HTTP server on localhost:3000
var server = new ServerMock({ host: "localhost", port: 3000 });
beforeEach(function(done) {
afterEach(function(done) {
it('should do something', function(done) {
var id = 4;
method: 'POST',
path: `/getUserById/${id}`,
reply: {
status: 200,
headers: { "content-type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify({ id: 4 })
// Now the server mock will handle a GET http://localhost:3000//getUserById/${id}
// and will reply with 200 `{"id": 4}`
function cb(data) {
const response = userLists.getUser(4, cb);
Ok, I have Three functions. the first two generate data for the third.
Gets post data (email)
Gets API key
Uses API key, User_key and email and post them to the API
What I need
I need the third to print the following to my console providing the email is present.
else {
console.log("Login successful !");
console.log("API Key", api);
console.log("userKey", userkey);
console.log("useremail", login_email);
console.error("Third You have logged in !");
What I am getting
error null
I am getting this even though I post a email that exist. Dose anyone see where I am going wrong in my code ?
Node Code
var firstFunction = function () {
var promise = new Promise(function (resolve) { // may be redundant
setTimeout(function () {
app.post('/test.js', function (req, res) {
// Get varibles from the post form
var login = req.body.LoginEmail;
// res.send(email_user);
//resolve when get the response
data_login_email: login
console.error("First done");
}, 2000);
return promise;
//---------------------------------- Function to get API key from Pardot (AUTHENTICATION) ------------------------------
var secondFunction = function () {
var promise = new Promise(function (resolve) {
setTimeout(function () {
userKey: userkey,
email: emailAdmin,
password: password,
DEBUG: false
}, function (err, client) {
if (err) {
// Authentication failed
console.error("Authentication Failed", err);
} else {
// Authentication successful
var api_key = client.apiKey;
console.log("Authentication successful !", api_key);
resolve({data_api: api_key});
console.error("Second done");
}, 2000);
return promise;
//---------------------------------- Function to post data to Pardot ---------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function thirdFunction(result) {
var promise = new Promise(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
var headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Super Agent/0.0.1',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
// Configure the request
var api = result[1].data_api;
var userEmail = result[0].data_login_email;
var options = {
url: 'https://pi.pardot.com/api/prospect/version/4/do/read',
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
form: {
'email': userEmail,
'user_key': userkey,
'api_key': api
// Start the request
request(options, function (error, response) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
console.log("error", error);
else {
console.log("Login successful !");
console.log("API Key", api);
console.log("userKey", userkey);
console.log("useremail", login_email);
console.error("Third You have logged in !");
}, 3000);
return promise;
// sequence of functions
Promise.all([firstFunction(), secondFunction()])