How to pass html content in zendesk using node-zendesk - javascript

I using node-zendesk package to create ticket on zendesk platform. It has created the ticket successfully on the zendesk platfrom. But unable to send the html content through below code. So how to pass the html content on the zendesk api.
var ticket = {
"comment": {
"body": "<p>Hello</p>"
};, (err, req, result)=> {
if (err) {
console.log('', err);

i had the same issue, you can use markdown syntax to do different stuff for example text(one * before and after text) text (two * before and after text) text (three * before and after text).
Or to do different stuff try to edit the text using markdown before assign it to body.

If you want to pass HTML into the ticket body don't use "body" instead use "html_body", then your HTML will be parsed like this:
"comment": {
"html_body": "<p>Hello</p>"


Display Images from JSON Array using JavaScript

I tried to display an image from the image folder in JSON array to Javascript but I am not sure if I am getting the right path.
When the click event happens, everything works except for the image is not showing in the <img id "picture">, the picture is not showing up in the img section of my HTML.
I tried to change the path to ../Images/room_1.jpg but it still not working.
FYI: I have a separate folder that stores images, both json and js are stored in the javascript folder. should I put the same image file in the javascript folder?
<h2>Select a Hotel</h2>
<ul class ="hotels">
<li> Marriott Hotel Rooms</li>
<h2 id="hotelName">Hotel</h2>
<h3>Adress: <span id="address"></span></h3>
<img id="picture">
"hotels": [
"name": "Marriott",
"address": "098 hollywood Street",
"picture": "room_1.jpg"
async function getHotelData() {
try {
const response = await fetch('Javascript//hotel.json')
return await response.json()
} catch (error) {
let hotelData = {}
getHotelData().then(data => hotelData = data)
const hotelEvent = document.querySelectorAll("a").forEach(a => {
a.addEventListener('click', hotelInfo )
function hotelInfo(event) {
let hotelChoice = => {
return ===
return === hotel.address.toLowerCase()
return === hotel.picture.toLowerCase()
document.querySelector("#hotelName").textContent = `${} Hotel`
document.querySelector("#address").textContent = `${hotelChoice.address}`
document.querySelector("#picture").innerHTML = `${hotelChoice.picture}`
You need to set the src property to the image instead of setting its innerHTML.
A normal img tag would look something like this:
<img id="image" src="/path/to/image.png">
You need to replicate the same using JavaScript:
document.querySelector("#picture").innerHTML = `${hotelChoice.picture}`
// Becomes
document.querySelector("#picture").src = `${hotelChoice.picture}`
Also, pay attention to the image path inside the JSON file, it should be relative to the HTML document you're using it, not the JavaScript one. So if your images are stored inside a separate directory you should change the path inside your JSON file accordingly.
If your HTML file is in the project root and there is an images folder, you JSON should be something like:
"hotels": [
"name": "Something",
"address": "Some Street, 12",
"picture": "images/picture_name.jpg"

How to translate text generated with javascript

So adminlte has the trans() function which works perfectly when its used in blade.php.
Lets say i have a form that if completed incorrectly throws a warning. I do the checking in js. And I want to have a pop up message that is displayed. The message need to be translatable.
What I tried is - in the php file make an array with the translatable text:
$returnArr = [
'titleSuccess' => trans('title.success'),
'titleWarning' => trans('title.warning')
Then retrieve it in the js and display the message.
$.post('/' + currentLanguage.locale + '/admin/page/error', {id:sId, note:note})
.done(function (result) {
if (result.status === 1) {
.html(createAlert(result.titleSuccess, result.msg, 'success'))
} else {
.html(createAlert(result.titleError, result.msg, 'danger'))
The problem is these keywords- title.warning, title.success are translated but in the default language that is set in the system. Not the one that the user has set.
Why is that happening? And is there a way to use trans() in js?

How to remove html tags from text in angular 2

I am working with rss feed and got rss feed from my server so i am sending stringfy data but when i bind this in my angular 2 application it shows text with html tags so how we can remove this tags. I just want to show text only.
Here is server code:
db.executeSql("select header,text,teaser from news_d",function(data,err){
app.get('/newspage', function(req, resp) {
let headers = new Headers();
var options = new RequestOptions({headers: headers});
return this.http.get('',options).map((res:Response) => res.json())
.catch((error:any) => Observable.throw(error.json().error || 'Server error'));
<div *ngFor="let daily of tagesnews">
<span style="font-size: 13px">{{daily.text}}</span> </button>
i got response with some like this:
sample text
You just need to bind html:
<div *ngFor="let daily of tagesnews">
<span style="font-size: 13px" [innerHTML]="daily.text"></span>
All of the [innerHTML] answers have the content of the HTML actually rendered... so images are loaded, etc. well if you don't want that, and just the text... you can use a conversion method like this:
stripHtml(html: string) {
var div = document.createElement("DIV");
div.innerHTML = html;
let cleanText = div.innerText;
div = null; // prevent mem leaks
return cleanText;
Use replace method with regx to remove the unwanted patterns from the content.
content.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '\n')
There are two ways to handle it.
1) use the innerHTML tag in your html file
like this =
<pre [innerHTML]="description"></pre>
here, description is field which hold the data with html tags(<div>hi<br></br></div>)
2) Second way is that convert your html tags data in plain string then bind with respective form control.
like :- formData['description'] = formData['description'].replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');

jQuery autocomplete json file

Hi everyone i have an issue i want to make an autocomplete in jQuery and i have an json file in the same folder here is the code
var auto = $(function() {
source: "code.json",
minLength: 1,
and here is a sample of the json file :
"__type": "Featsee",
"feat": [
"id": {
"ID_THING": 1111
"properties": {
"CODTHING": "405136",
the html code is the following :
<label for="tags" >Recherche lot : <input id="recherche" type="text" class="searchable" placeholder="rechercher ici"/></label>
the plugin is the following :
<script src="libs/jquery/js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="libs/jquery/js/jquery-ui.js"></script>
the json file is correct but i want the autocomplete to be jus for CODTHING do you see how can i do that ??
and CODTHING is the code a want it to be the autocomplete
The JSON you provide to jQuery UI's autocomplete needs to be an array of objects with label and value properties or an array of strings.
The rest of the answer I can only guess due to the brevity of the JSON you gave us.
If lots.json is just a plain JS file you can look through the `feat" array in your JSON data and return strings based on that.
var lots = $.get('lots.json');
lots.done(function (results) {
var data = $.map(results.feat, function (lot) {
source: data
If lots.json is really a server side file that you can feed some data to and filter it there you can use a function like documented on this answer:
JQuery autocomplete source from another js function

search to json pull from API to html all nice and pretty?

I'm working on a project for a client where the site visitors can search and get the results displayed.
Contacted Campusbooks and was told that I can use their API and have fun... and that's it.
I've found how to create a search form that pulls the results as posts the raw JSON. There's no formatting in the JSON so what I am getting is
"name":"Textbooks 4 You"
"title":"Life on the Mississippi",
"author":"Mark Twain",
"title":"How to Tell a Story and Other Essays (Dodo Press)",
"author":"Mark Twain",
"publisher":"Dodo Press",
"title":"Autobiography of Mark Twain, Vol. 1",
"author":"Mark Twain",
"publisher":"University of California Press",
"title":"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn",
"author":"Mark Twain",
"publisher":"Tribeca Books",
I need to take that output and make it all nice and pretty in HTML.
The script I am using to do this with at this point is:
// Vanilla JS Example: CampusBooksJS
(function () {
var CampusBooks = require('campusbooks'),
// This key is a special dummy key from CampusBooks for public testing purposes
// Note that it only works with, not the other 20 textbook sites, so it's not very useful,
// but good enough for this demo
cb = CampusBooks.create("T4y4JKewp48J2C72mbJQ"),
cbform = document.getElementById("vanilla-campusbooksjs-form");
// Note: This is for demonstration purposes only (with modern browsers)
// Use MooTools or jQuery for a real-world solution that works cross-browser
// (and please don't write you own, it's not worth it)
function cbSearch(e) {
var cbform = this,
search = cbform.querySelector("select").value,
data = cbform.querySelector("input").value;
if (!data) {
alert("Try Typing in a Keyword or Two First");
alert("Your Search: " + search + ": " + JSON.stringify(data, null, ' '));
var params = {};
params[search] = data; (err, nativeHttpClient, data) {
if (err || !data) {
alert("Error: " + JSON.stringify(err) || "No Data Returned");
document.querySelectorAll("#vanilla-campusbooksjs-display")[0].innerHTML = JSON.stringify(data, null, ' ');
// This will work on modern browsers only
cbform.addEventListener("submit", cbSearch, false);
The search form is:
<form id="vanilla-campusbooksjs-form">
<select name="cb_search">
: <input name="cb_value" type="text"/>
<input type="submit" value="Search"/>
<code id="vanilla-campusbooksjs-display">
I hope this isn't too long of a post. If additional information is needed, please let me know.
I would suggest using Mustache Templates. Its easy to apply mustache templates to JSON and get some markup. It can be done on the server or client side.
