Creating a Function to Process an RSS Feed in Google Sheets - javascript

I am trying to create a function that I can import into Google Sheets to view the latest bills from this website. A problem that I am having is that when I create only one variable to be appended to the Google Sheet this code will work and append the first cell. But when I create multiple variables using the same logic, but for different parts of the xml file that this link brings you to, it gives me this error even when I create completely different variables for the original document and root: TypeError: Cannot read property 'getValue' of null. Would anyone be able to show me what I am doing wrong so that I can at least get it so that all of these items can be appended to the Google Sheet through solving for this error and show me a way to do a loop to get all these items?
function getData() {
//get the data from boardgamegeek
var url = '';
var xmlrss = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
var document = XmlService.parse(xmlrss);
var root = document.getRootElement();
//Clear out existing content
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var rangesAddressesList = ['A:F'];
//set variables to data from rss feed
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var title = root.getChild('channel').getChild('item').getChild('title').getText();
var session = root.getChild('channel').getChild('item').getChild('derss:legislativeSession').getText();
var link = root.getChild('channel').getChild('item').getChild('link').getText();
var category = root.getChild('channel').getChild('item').getChild('category').getText();
var description = root.getChild('channel').getChild('item').getChild('description').getText();
var pubDate = root.getChild('channel').getChild('item').getChild('pubDate').getText();
sheet.appendRow(["Session", "Title", "Category", "Pub Date", "Description", "Link"]);
sheet.appendRow([session, title, category, pubDate, description, link]);

I believe your goal as follows.
You want to retrieve the values of legislativeSession, title, category, pubDate, description, link in order using Google Apps Script.
You want to put the retrieved values to Google Spreadsheet.
Modification points:
In the case of derss:legislativeSession, derss is the name space. So in this case, it is required to use the name space.
When I saw your XML data, there are many item tags. But in your script, 1st item is trying to be retrieved.
When the values from all items are retrieved, when appendRow is used in a loop, the process cost will become high.
When above points are reflected to your script, it becomes as follows.
Modified script:
function getData() {
var url = '';
var xmlrss = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
// Set the object for retrieving values in order.
var retrieveNames = {legislativeSession: "Session", title: "Title", category: "Category", pubDate: "PubDate", description: "Description", link: "Link"};
// Parse XML data.
var document = XmlService.parse(xmlrss);
var root = document.getRootElement();
// Retrieve itmes.
var item = root.getChild('channel').getChildren("item");
// Retrieve name space of "derss".
var derssNs = root.getChild('channel').getNamespace("derss");
// By retrieving values from each item, create an array for putting values to Spreadsheet.
var values = item.reduce((ar, e) => ar.concat(
[Object.keys(retrieveNames).map(k => e.getChild(...(k == "legislativeSession" ? [k, derssNs] : [k])).getText())]
), [Object.values(retrieveNames)]);
// Put the created array to Spreadsheet.
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var rangesAddressesList = ['A:F'];
sheet.getRange(1, 1, values.length, values[0].length).setValues(values);
In this modified script, it supposes that the active sheet is the 1st sheet. If your actual situation is different, please modify above script.
XML Service


(JS) Google Script App Search / Filter for keyword

I have been stumped on this for a while. I am fairly new to Google script app and wanted to see if there is a way to make this happen. So far, I've used a few methods within Google Sheet but seem to not get it working.
The code below does give me an output of all the data, however, the data that is nested in the data.custom_fields[x] has multiple objects that is separated by ",". I would like to be able to filter out the other key words and just use whatever is inside "display_value=". The display_value= is not always in the same area so have to run a search for them.
I am assuming some kind of If statement would be used here..
An example of the object is:
{type=x, resource_subtype=x, created_by={name=x, gid=x, resource_type=x}, display_value=Cool Value, description=x, enabled=x, resource_type=custom_field, gid=x, enum_options=[x.lang.Object;x, enum_value={x}, name=x}
I've tried to split function as well but not sure how to filter out the words I need.
function Users() {
var options = {
"headers" : {
"Authorization": "API Key here"
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("URL here", options);
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheets = ss.getSheets();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Tab Name here"); // specific sheet name getSheetByName(""); alternatively use ss.getActiveSheet()
var dataAll = JSON.parse(response.getContentText()); //
var dataSet =; // "data" is the key containing the relevant objects
var rows = [],
for (i = 0; i < dataSet.length; i++) {
data = dataSet[i];
]); //your JSON entities here
// [row to start on], [column to start on], [number of rows], [number of entities]
dataRange = sheet.getRange(2, 1, rows.length, 12);
Thank you in advance!
Example Image of JSON imported data
Although they appear separated by ,'s, that is only how they're displayed in the log. Because you're using JSON.parse, you're receiving/converting to an Object, not a string.
Because data.custom_fields is an array of objects, you can access the property/key values as : data.custom_fields[x].display_value.
Learn More:
Accessing Object Properties
If you want to extract display_value, try
let myVal = myData.match(/(?<=display_value=)[^,]+/g)[0]
I guess that myData could be data.custom_fields[5], so replace it by

Cross reference names on spreadsheets to get specific data points (looping through an array)

I have two sheets. Test Data has 3-4k entries of many columns of data and Order Changes has no data at all. I would like to search two specific columns on Test Data, a column of names and a column of yes or no. If column two of Test Data contains a 'yes' in the cell then the name of that person would be placed into a cell on order changes.
This is what I have so far:
function isThreshold(){
var data = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Test Data");
var cdata = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Order Changes");
var lc = data.getLastColumn();
var lookUp = data.getRange(1,6,3,2).getValues();
lookUp.forEach(var info in lookUp){
I probably shouldn't loop through that many entries but I don't know of any other way. Should I combine the forEach loop with an if loop to get the desired result or use some other method?
I believe your goal as follows.
You want to retrieve the values from the cells "F1:G" of sheet "Test Data".
You want to search yes from the column "G" and when the column "G" is yes, you want to put the value of the column "F" to the sheet "Order Changes".
Modification points:
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() can be declared one time.
In this case, you can retrieve the values from the range of "F1:G" + data.getLastRow() of "Test Data", and create the array for putting to the sheet "Order Changes", and put it.
When above points are reflected to your script, it becomes as follows.
Modified script:
function isThreshold(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var data = ss.getSheetByName("Test Data");
var cdata = ss.getSheetByName("Order Changes");
var valuesOfTestData = data.getRange("F1:G" + data.getLastRow()).getValues();
var valuesForOrderChanges = valuesOfTestData.reduce((ar, [f, g]) => {
if (g.toLowerCase() == "yes") ar.push([f]);
return ar;
}, []);
if (valuesForOrderChanges.length > 0) {
cdata.getRange(1, 1, valuesForOrderChanges.length, valuesForOrderChanges[0].length).setValues(valuesForOrderChanges);
// or cdata.getRange(cdata.getLastRow() + 1, 1, valuesForOrderChanges.length, valuesForOrderChanges[0].length).setValues(valuesForOrderChanges);
In this modified script, from your question, it supposes that the columns "F" and "G" are the value of name and yes or no.
getRange(a1Notation) of Class Sheet

Linking a google sheet to automatically create calendar events and update them when the google sheet is updated

I am trying to link my google sheet to a calendar to automatically create calendar events and update them when they are updated in the google sheet. My google sheet tracks new building opening dates and new building construction start dates so for each row I need it to create two calendar events when applicable (sometimes only one of the dates have been filled out).
The Headings of the sheet are "Loc. #", "Location", "Cons Start", and "Whse Open."
The values for each of these headings are populated from a reference to a different sheet and updates automatically from that sheet due to being a reference.
I am not the most inclined in javascript, but so far the code I have for the google apps script is as follows:
// Calendar ID can be found in the "Calendar Address" section of the Calendar Settings.
var calendarId = '';
// Configure the year range you want to synchronize, e.g.: [2006, 2017]
var years = [2017,2020];
// Date format to use in the spreadsheet.
var dateFormat = 'M/d/yyyy H:mm';
var titleRowMap = {
'loc#': 'Loc. #',
'location': 'Location',
'conStart': 'Cons Start',
'whseOpen': 'Whse Open',
var titleRowKeys = ['loc#', 'location', 'conStart', 'WhseOpen'];
var requiredFields = ['loc#', 'location', 'conStart', 'WhseOpen'];
// This controls whether email invites are sent to guests when the event is created in the
// calendar. Note that any changes to the event will cause email invites to be resent.
// Setting this to true will silently skip rows that have a blank start and end time
// instead of popping up an error dialog.
var SKIP_BLANK_ROWS = false;
// Updating too many events in a short time period triggers an error. These values
// were tested for updating 40 events. Modify these values if you're still seeing errors.
// Adds the custom menu to the active spreadsheet.
function onOpen() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var menuEntries = [
name: "Update from Calendar",
functionName: "syncFromCalendar"
}, {
name: "Update to Calendar",
functionName: "syncToCalendar"
spreadsheet.addMenu('Calendar Sync', menuEntries);
// Creates a mapping array between spreadsheet column and event field name
function createIdxMap(row) {
var idxMap = [];
for (var idx = 0; idx < row.length; idx++) {
var fieldFromHdr = row[idx];
for (var titleKey in titleRowMap) {
if (titleRowMap[titleKey] == fieldFromHdr) {
if (idxMap.length <= idx) {
// Header field not in map, so add null
return idxMap;
// Converts a spreadsheet row into an object containing event-related fields
function reformatEvent(row, idxMap, keysToAdd) {
var reformatted = row.reduce(function(event, value, idx) {
if (idxMap[idx] != null) {
event[idxMap[idx]] = value;
return event;
}, {});
for (var k in keysToAdd) {
reformatted[keysToAdd[k]] = '';
return reformatted;
Not really sure what to do next to make this happen. Any suggestions on how to implement this?
You can try to check these tutorials and SO questions on how to use Google Apps Script in creating a calendar events. These links includes some sample code that you can copy of follow.
Create Google Calendar Events from Spreadsheet but prevent duplicates
Tutorial: Using Google Spreadsheets to Update a Google Calendar – Our New Vacation Management System
For more informationor more ideas, you can also check this tutorials on how to use Google Apps Script in creating a calendar events from Google Form.

Apps Script, convert a Sheet range to Blob

I'm trying to upload an individual row of data from a Google Sheet and append it to a BigQuery table.
Method: I've been using to do this, but instead of a file of data as the example is, I am using my own sheet with data from a specific row:
var file = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var currentSheet = file.getSheetByName(name);
var lastRow = currentSheet.getLastRow()
var lastC = currentSheet.getLastColumn()
var rows = currentSheet.getRange(2,1,1,lastC).getValues();
"rows" is the row of data to be imported to BQ. I've tried a multitude of things, and according to another StackOverflow question, "rowsCSV" makes the 2D array of values CSV.
var rowsCSV = rows.join("\n");
var data = rowsCSV.getBlob().setContentType('application/octet-stream');
Problem: Every time I run the function, I get the error "Cannot find function getBlob in object Blob. " or, "Cannot convert Array to (class)[][]", or "Cannot find function getBlob in object Tue May 16 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (CEST),58072.4,,,,,,,,,,,test ", where the last bit ("Tue May..") is the actual data of the row.
What am I doing wrong here?
There is no getBlob method for an array. You will have to use the Utilities.newBlob() to get your blob from a string. You can find the documentation on the same here
var rowsCSV = rows.join("\n");
var blob = Utilities.newBlob(rowsCSV, "text/csv")
var data = blob.setContentType('application/octet-stream');
Equivalently you can do this
var rowsCSV = rows.join("\n");
var data = Utilities.newBlob(rowsCSV, 'application/octet-stream')
For anyone else viewing this, Jack Brown's answer is correct, you just need to change
var rows = currentSheet.getRange(2,1,1,lastC).getValues();
var rows = currentSheet.getRange(2,1,lastRow,lastC).getValues();
Based on the correction given by #JackBrown I have edited my code, however unable to push data to the Big Query. The below code create table, but don't push values.
* Loads a CSV into BigQuery
function loadCsv() {
// Replace this value with the project ID listed in the Google
// Cloud Platform project.
var projectId = 'master-ad-data';
// Create a dataset in the BigQuery UI (
// and enter its ID below.
var datasetId = 'DataImportFromSpreadsheet';
// Sample CSV file of Google Trends data conforming to the schema below.
var csvFileId = '17kYH6hP2RlsFeUmwM1v6WOgm2FKrwLTXWDhA2ZLISN8';
var name = 'Sheet1';
// Create the table.
var tableId = 'pets_' + new Date().getTime();
var table = {
tableReference: {
projectId: projectId,
datasetId: datasetId,
tableId: tableId
schema: {
fields: [
{name: 'CampaignLabels', type: 'STRING'},
{name: 'ImpressionShare', type: 'INTEGER'}
table = BigQuery.Tables.insert(table, projectId, datasetId);
Logger.log('Table created: %s',;
var file = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var currentSheet = file.getSheetByName(name);
var lastRow = currentSheet.getLastRow()
var lastC = currentSheet.getLastColumn()
var rows = currentSheet.getRange(2,1,1,lastC).getValues();
var rowsCSV = rows.join("\n");
Logger.log("Check This"+" "+rowsCSV);
var data = Utilities.newBlob(rowsCSV, 'application/octet-stream')
// Create the data upload job.
var job = {
configuration: {
load: {
destinationTable: {
projectId: projectId,
datasetId: datasetId,
tableId: tableId
skipLeadingRows: 1
job = BigQuery.Jobs.insert(job, projectId, data);
Logger.log('Load job started. Check on the status of it here: ' +
'', projectId);

Alfresco: update data list line

I have data being sent to a custom data list from the following code:
// Get the site name and dataLists
var site = siteService.getSite("Testing");
var dataLists = site.getContainer("dataLists");
// Check for data list existence
if (!dataLists) {
var dataLists = site.createNode("dataLists", "cm:folder");
var dataListProps = new Array(1);
dataListProps["st:componentId"] = "dataLists";
dataLists.addAspect("st:siteContainer", dataListProps);;
// Create new data list variable
var orpList = dataLists.childByNamePath("orplist1");
// If the data list hasn't been created yet, create it
if (!orpList) {
var orpList = dataLists.createNode("orplist1","dl:dataList");
// Tells Alfresco share which type of items to create["dl:dataListItemType"] = "orpdl:orpList";;
var orpListProps = [];
orpListProps["cm:title"] = "Opportunity Registrations: In Progress";
orpListProps["cm:description"] = "Opportunity registrations that are out for review.";
orpList.addAspect("cm:titled", orpListProps);
// Create new item in the data list and populate it
var opportunity = orpList.createNode(execution.getVariable("orpWorkflow_nodeName"), "orpdl:orpList");["orpdl:nodeName"] = orpWorkflow_nodeName;["orpdl:dateSubmitted"] = Date().toString();["orpdl:submissionStatus"] = "Requires Revisions";;
This correctly creates data list items, however, at other steps of the workflow require these items to be updated. I have thought of the following options:
Remove the data list item and add another with the updated information
Simply update the data list item
Unfortunately I have not found adequate solutions elsewhere to either of these options. I attempted to use orpWorkflow_nodeName, which is a unique identifier generated at another step, to identify a node to find it. This does not seem to work. I am also aware that nodes have unique identifiers generated by Alfresco itself, but documentation doesn't give adequate information on how to obtain and use this.
My question:
Instead of var opportunity = orpList.createNode(), what must I use in
place of createNode() to identify an existing node so I can update its
You can use this to check existing datalist item.
var opportunity = orpList .childByNamePath(execution.getVariable("orpWorkflow_nodeName"));
// If the data list Item is not been created yet, create it
if (!opportunity ) {
var orpList = orpList .createNode(execution.getVariable("orpWorkflow_nodeName"),"dl:dataList");}
