How can i remove a selected item from asyncstorage? - javascript

I'm making a simple movie watchlist application.
I use asyncstorage to save the selected movies.
I want to remove the movie the user has selected in the watchlist section. Right now I am trying this code:
removeItemValue= async (item, index) => {
let value1 = await AsyncStorage.getItem('movies');
value1 =JSON.parse(value1);
//value = item.splice(index,1)
if (value1 !== null){
//var index = value.indexOf(x => x.Title === item.Title);
if (index > -1){
value1.splice(index, 1);
await AsyncStorage.removeItem('movies');
But this isn't working.
Can you tell me where is wrong?
Also my click part:

removeItemValue = async(index) => { // don't need item here
// avoid mutations, create new variables
const rawValue = await AsyncStorage.getItem('movies');
try {
const jsonValue = JSON.parse(rawValue) || []; // avoid undefined or null
const finalValue = [...jsonValue.slice(0, index), ...jsonValue.slice(index + 1)];
await AsyncStorage.setItem('movies', JSON.stringify(finalValue)); // add await here
} catch (e) {
console.log('Parsing failed', e)
And remove using () => this.removeItemValue(index)

Pleas try this
var moviesArray = [{title:'A1'},{title:'A2'},{title:'A3'},{title:'A4'},{title:'A5'},{title:'A6'},{title:'A7'},]
return moviesArray.filter(item=>item.title.toLowerCase() !== name.toLowerCase())
//removeSelectedMovie(MovieName here and its will return a //new array excluded selected movie name)


Javascript: How to update IndexedDB?

I'm trying to create a chrome extension, but I am having some trouble updating my DB.
In the code below I am using index.get to the the object that contains a certain value. If such an object doesn't exist I will create a new one, which works just fine.
But if the DB contains an object with the specified value, I want to append a new object to an array (allMessages) that is inside the object I searched for. The details doesn't really matter in this case.
What is important is to find out if the way I'm adding this new obj to the array (allMessages) is a valid way of updating the database.
records.forEach((person) => {
const index = objectStore.index("urlKeyValue");
let search = index.get(person.urlKeyValue);
search.onsuccess = function (event) {
if (search.result === undefined) {
// no record with that key
let request = objectStore.add(person);
request.onsuccess = function () {
console.log("Added: ", person);
} else {
// here I'm iterating an array that is inside the obj I searched for,
// and then checking if the key for that array matches **theUserId**
for (userObj of {
if (theUserId == Object.keys(userObj)) {
// is this part correct. Is it possible to update the DB this way?
let objToAdd1 = {
time: person.allMessages[0][theUserId][0].time,
msg: person.allMessages[0][theUserId][0].msg,
let currentObj = userObj[theUserId];
let updatedObj = currentObj.push(objToAdd1);
Using objectStore.openCursor you can update only part of the record.
The following updates only book prices.
const transaction = db.transaction("books", "readwrite");
const objectStore = transaction.objectStore("books");
records = [{ id: "kimetu", price: 600 }];
records.forEach((book) => {
const index = objectStore.index("id");
const search = index.get(;
search.onsuccess = () => {
if (search.result === undefined) {
const request = objectStore.add(book);
request.onsuccess = () => {
console.log("Added: ", book);
} else {
const request = objectStore.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(;
request.onsuccess = () => {
const cursor = request.result;
if (cursor) {
cursor.value.price = 1000;
const updateRequest = cursor.update(cursor.value);
updateRequest.onsuccess = () => {
console.log("Updated: ", cursor.value.price);

Taking out specific value from array with objects

Making a todo app, but got stucked at deleting specific value in array, what am i doing wrong and how should i correct it? splice acts same as shift method.
Also is there any other way or data structure that can be used for todo app.
const form = document.querySelector("form");
const todoInput = document.querySelector(".todoInput");
const list = document.querySelector(".renderListHere");
const todoList = [];
form.addEventListener("submit", (event) => {
const text = todoInput.value.trim();
if (text === "") {
console.log("enter something");
} else {
todoInput.value = "";
const addTodo = (text) => {
const todo = {
const renderTodo = ({ text, id }) => {
const li = document.createElement("li");
li.innerHTML = `
<span> ${text} </span>
<button id="${id}" class="del-btn"> x
list.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
if (( = "del-btn")) {
const arr = todoList.filter(
(item) => === parseInt(
todoList.splice(arr, 1);
I think you misunderstood the filter method.
The Array.filter() function returns a new array, so in your case, you could use:
todoList = todoList.filter(
(item) => !== parseInt(
So you are filtering todoList with only the items with id different than, and applying the result to the same todoList variable.
const arr = todoList.filter(
(item) => !== parseInt(
its return new array
you do not need splice()

How would I delete the same item from UI and localStorage

I am trying to remove an item of a ToDo app both from the UI and localStorage when its delete button is clicked. I can remove the item from the UI when === 'delete'. However, I can't access the index of the array in localStorage and delete the same item from there as well. Here is the code I am working on. Any help would be highly appreciated.
const addTask = document.querySelector('#addItem');
const inputForm = document.querySelector('#inputForm');
const saveButton = document.querySelector('#saveButton');
const output = document.querySelector('#output');
// Add task button
const addItem = () => { = 'block';
// Add and update item to localstorage
const checkStorage = () => {
const input = document.querySelector('#taskInput');
if(input.value) {
const task = {
name: input.value
if(localStorage.getItem('tasks') === null) {
const tasks = [];
localStorage.setItem('tasks', JSON.stringify(tasks));
} else {
const tasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tasks'));
localStorage.setItem('tasks', JSON.stringify(tasks));
} else {
return false;
// Display item on UI
const displayItem = () => {
const tasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tasks'));
if(tasks !== null) {
const html =, index) => {
return `
<ul class="item" id="${index}">
<button class="edit" id="${index}">Edit</button>
<button class="delete" id="${index}">Delete</button>
output.innerHTML = html;
} else {
// Save the task and display the item
const saveTask = (e) => {
inputForm.reset(); = 'none'
// Delete item from UI and localStorage
const deleteItem = (e) => {
const tasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tasks'));
// Not sure how to loop throuh the tasks array and delete the item which is deleted from the UI
document.addEventListener('click', deleteItem);
document.addEventListener('onload', displayItem())
saveButton.addEventListener('click', saveTask);
addTask.addEventListener('click', addItem);
You can use Array#splice to delete an element from an array.
const deleteItem = (e) => {
const tasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tasks'));
tasks.splice(+("id")), 1);
localStorage.setItem('tasks', JSON.stringify(tasks));
many different ways to do way is to user filter. More about filter
var tasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tasks'));
tasks = tasks.filter(task=> "your condition");
localStorage.setItem('tasks', JSON.stringify(tasks));
Note: if you have the the id of the task it should go like this.
tasks = tasks.filter(task=> != id );

Break the loop in the map function and move

So basically im working on a cron job in my app that fires every 3 hours and updating users 'score' by calling the RiotApi
basically the function so far
exports.updatePlayersPoints = async () => {
console.log('STARTED UPDATING');
try {
const players = await UserLadder.findAll();
await Promise.all( (player) => {
const p = await RiotAccount.findOne({
where: {
userId: player.userId,
include: RiotRegions,
const beginTime = new Date(player.dataValues.createdAt);
let data;
try {
const res = await axios.get(
data =;
} catch (error) {
if (!error.response.status === 404) {
if (!data) {
let totalScore = player.dataValues.userPoints;
await Promise.all( (match, i) => {
if (i < 15) {
const { data } = await axios.get(
const calculateScore = () => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const { stats } = _.find(
(o) => o.championId === match.champion
const killsPts = stats.kills * 2;
const deathPts = stats.deaths * -1.5;
const assistsPts = stats.assists;
const wardsPts = stats.wardsPlaced / 4;
const firstBloodPts = stats.firstBloodKill ? 3 : 0;
const firstBloodAssistPts = stats.firstBloodAssist ? 3 : 0;
const firstTowerPts = stats.firstTowerKill ? 2 : 0;
const firstTowerAssistPts = stats.firstTowerAssist ? 2 : 0;
const score =
killsPts +
deathPts +
assistsPts +
wardsPts +
firstBloodPts +
firstBloodAssistPts +
firstTowerPts +
totalScore += score;
await calculateScore();
const user = await UserLadder.findOne({
where: {
userId: player.userId,
user.userPoints = parseFloat(totalScore);
user.lastGameId = data.matches[0].gameId;
console.log('FINISHED UPDATING');
} catch (error) {
Basically it just looks up the table userladder to find the players that are signed to the ladder and for each one of these players it fires a map function that makes a request to the riotapi to get the match history of this player and then later make an inside map function to map each one of these matches.
but basically I updated it to now keep track of the game id of the last call before 3 hours so it doesn't have to make request that was already done.
user.lastGameId = data.matches[0].gameId;
but now in my second map function that maps the matches I wasn't it so that if the last game from my database matches the game id that currently being mapped I want to stop the map function and not continue this record or the ones after because it also means they all have been already counted.
but I can not seem to find a way to do it.
i tried using break; but it didn't work
any ideas?
using for loop
I tried a small test with for loop so I tried
for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
await new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const match = data.matches[i];
if (i === 1) {
but I still go the same error
SyntaxError: Illegal break statement
Instead of trying to "break" a map, you should filter the matches that you want to process before you execute the map.
Something like this:
await Promise.all(
const filteredMatches = data.matches.filter(match => match.gameId > previousId); (match, i) => { ...
More on filter() in javascript.
Edit: If generated id's are random and are not ordered, you can store all previous id's in a Set, and then just ask if it has been previously added
await Promise.all(
const filteredMatches = data.matches.filter(match => mySet.has(match.gameId)); (match, i) => { ...
More on Set in javascript.

Rendering array items after making changes to its properties

I'm having an issue re-rendering items in an array after changes are made to elements in the array. Whether I add by pushing or remove by splicing, when the array is rendered again on the page, it like more items are being added to the array. So if I push onto the array, the item is added, but the old items are then duplicated into the array. Something similar happens when I remove items. The item looks to be removed, but the elements that were in the array show on the page, they are then duplicated and the item that was spliced is gone.
I'm trying to avoid a location.reload('/edit.html') to refresh the page. Kind of cheating. It seems to work, but I'm trying to get the page to refresh with my renderIngredients function. The toggleIngredient function is also duplicating the list of items when I check an item.
import { initializeEditPage, generateLastEdited } from './views'
import { updateRecipe, removeRecipe, saveRecipes, getRecipes, createIngredient } from './recipes'
const titleElement = document.querySelector('#recipe-title')
const bodyElement = document.querySelector('#recipe-body')
const removeElement = document.querySelector('#remove-recipe')
const addElement = document.querySelector('#add-recipe')
const dateElement = document.querySelector('#last-updated')
const addIngredient = document.querySelector('#new-ingredient')
const recipeStatus = document.querySelector('#recipe-status')
const recipeId = location.hash.substring(1)
const recipeOnPage = getRecipes().find((item) => === recipeId)
titleElement.addEventListener('input', (e) => {
const recipe = updateRecipe(recipeId, {
dateElement.textContent = generateLastEdited(recipe.updatedAt)
bodyElement.addEventListener('input', (e) => {
const recipe = updateRecipe(recipeId, {
dateElement.textContent = generateLastEdited(recipe.updatedAt)
addElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
removeElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
addIngredient.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
const text =
if (text.length > 0) {
createIngredient(recipeId, text) = ''
const removeIngredient = (text) => {
const ingredientIndex = recipeOnPage.ingredients.findIndex((ingredient)=> ingredient.text === text)
if (ingredientIndex > -1) {
recipeOnPage.ingredients.splice(ingredientIndex, 1)
const toggleIngredient = (text) => {
const ingredient = recipeOnPage.ingredients.find((ingredient) => ingredient.text === text)
if (ingredient.included) {
ingredient.included = false
} else {
ingredient.included = true
const ingredientSummary = (recipe) => {
let message
const allUnchecked = recipeOnPage.ingredients.every((ingredient) => ingredient.included === false)
const allChecked = recipeOnPage.ingredients.every((ingredient) => ingredient.included === true)
if (allUnchecked) {
message = `none`
} else if (allChecked) {
message = `all`
} else {
message = `some`
return `You have ${message} ingredients for this recipe`
const generateIngredientDOM = (ingredient) => {
const ingredientEl = document.createElement('label')
const containerEl = document.createElement('div')
const checkbox = document.createElement('input')
const ingredientText = document.createElement('span')
const removeButton = document.createElement('button')
recipeStatus.textContent = ingredientSummary(recipeOnPage)
// Setup ingredient container
// Setup ingredient checkbox
checkbox.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox')
checkbox.checked = ingredient.included
// Create checkbox button in ingredient div
checkbox.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Setup ingredient text
ingredientText.textContent = ingredient.text
// Setup the remove button
removeButton.textContent = 'remove'
removeButton.classList.add('button', 'button--text')
// Create remove button in ingredient div
removeButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
return ingredientEl
const renderIngredients = (recipeId) => {
// Grab the ingredient display from the DOM
const ingredientList = document.querySelector('#ingredients-display')
const recipe = getRecipes().find((item) => {
return === recipeId
// Iterate through the list of ingredients on the page and render all items from recipeDOM
recipe.ingredients.forEach((ingredient) => {
const recipeDOM = generateIngredientDOM(ingredient)
I believe the issue stems from my renderIngredients function but I can't figure out how to fix it. Again, when I refresh the page, the results I want display, but I want to avoid using location.reload. I'm expecting the removeIngredient function to remove the ingredient with a button click and the page refreshes with the renderIngredients function. Also expecting the toggleIngredient function to just display a checkbox next to the ingredient I checked off, but that's not what's happening. The Same thing is happening when I use the addIngredient function, the ingredient is being added, but the ingredient that was already on the page is being duplicated.
I guess you want to clear the list before adding the elements again:
ingredientList.innerHTML = "";
