What to put for hubCallback for youtube-notifaction api - javascript

I am using this: https://www.npmjs.com/package/youtube-notification to get new uploads for my discord bot.
I'm not sure what to put for the urlCallback section?
This is the example code:
const notifier = new YouTubeNotifier({
hubCallback: 'https://example.com/youtube',
port: 8080,
secret: 'Something',
path: '/youtube'

I think, the documentation for the package makes it pretty clear
Quoting it
options is an object that you may write your own properties to. The following properties are read by YouTubeNotifier:
hubCallback - Your ip/domain name that will be used as a callback URL by Pubsubhubbub. It must be in a URL format, ex: 'https://example.com/'. This is a required property as the default is undefined.
So basically your callback will be your localhost kinda thing, where the server will get data from. If you have let's say on a Repl in Repl.it, then it will have to get the data from the Repl hosting URL


How can I make a script in python to reload an app in qlik cloud

At this moment I'm trying to reload a Qlik app through a python script, but I had a few problems, I'm gonna explain the things I already tested, but if someone knows how can I solve that, I will appreciate it a lot
The first thing I tried, was the "reloads API" from qlik, to do this you have to send a request with the app id, and with the parameter "Partial" true or false, but even more important, you have to send with this request a JSON web token, so I was searching how to obtain the jwt of qlik and I found this page: "https://qlik.dev/tutorials/create-signed-tokens-for-jwt-authorization", I created all as the page said, and finally I make this code in javascript to test, but this doesn't work:
const fs = require('fs');
const uid = require('uid-safe');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const https = require('https')
const payload = {
jti: uid.sync(32), // 32 bytes random string
sub: '(id of my user that appears in assignment users)',
subType: 'user',
name: '(Name of my user)',
email: '(email of my user)',
email_verified: true,
const privateKey = fs.readFileSync("path/certificate.pem");
// I don't know the meaning of that 'kid and issuer have to match with the IDP config'
// audience has to be qlik.API/jwt-login-session
const signingOptions = {
keyid: I put = 'my-custom-jwt',
algorithm: I put = 'RS256',
issuer: '(hostname)',
audience: I put = 'qlik.api/login/jwt-session',
const myToken = jwt.sign(payload, privateKey, signingOptions);
const qlikUrl = "(hostname)"
const data = JSON.stringify({"appId": "(appId)", "partial": true})
const options = {
hostname: qlikUrl,
port: 443,
path: '/api/v1/reloads',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer '+ myToken
The second thing I did was, try to use the "qsAPI" library of python to connect to my qlik and reload an app specifying their id by a method of this library, but I don't understand what I have to put here, and in the documentation, doesn't say nothing about what's the meaning of the parameters, except ('hostname'). The problem is in the method to do the connection because I have to do this:
qrs = qsAPI.QRS(proxy='hostname', user=('yor_domain', 'username', 'password'))
I say that because if I go to the python IDE, this show which parameters I have to put, and these are different, now I have to put this:
qrs = qsAPI.QRS(proxy='hostname', user=('userDirectory', 'userId', 'password'))
I don't know where I can find the user directory because I don't know
what it is.
The user id (I'm guessing it's the user id that appears in "mapping
The "password", is no problem
But still have an opportunity, because I can connect to Qlik through python if I find where I can download the certificate authentication of a user, but I don't know where is it in qlik cloud.
Can someone help me, please
I havent tried with Python (only with JS/TS) but the approach should be the same.
Couple of things:
imo instead of web token you can try with API Key (for a start). Managing API keys -> Generating an API key from the hub.
the second point is that qsAPI seems to be for Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows and not for SaaS.
the only Python lib dedicated for Qlik SaaS (that im aware of) is qsaas. Havent used it myself ... just found it on GH
and a bit of a warning regarding the partial: true. Please make sure that you really have to use partial reload. Partial reloads have a specific use case and be careful when using them ... just saying :)
I finally have the solution of that as Stefan Stoichev said before publishing this post, the qsApi seems to be a python library for Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows, and the correct library for the Qlik Cloud is qsaas, but I'm going to explain every step because I don't want that any person of this world suffer this.
First of all, you have to create an API KEY, in Qlik Cloud, IMPORTANT, you have to save the api_key code that appears in a green text box when you created successfully your API KEY, save this as your dear friend because you will need this code in the future
Subsequently, you have to create a new python code as this:
from qsaas.qsaas import Tenant
import JSON
api_key = <API_KEY>
q = Tenant(api_key=api_key, tenant=<hostname>,
q.post('reloads', json.dumps({'appId': 'dbf3e4ce-c6b3-4190-876c-c443a8691fa6'})))
Don't worry my dear friend if you don't know where is it, the 'hostname' and the 'tenant_id' are in qlik cloud, here is a little tutorial for you:
First login to your qlik
Then click on your profile photo
Click in about, and there you have these two data information

Get the list of all Modules inside the Project on ThirdWeb

I was ultimately trying to get the list of all the modules I created inside my Project over the ThirdWeb.com dashboard and filter out the NFT collections out of it. So I asked on discord and someone told me to use the getAllModulesMetadata() to do so, I did something like this
const sdk = new ThirdwebSDK();
const NftModules = sdk
.getAppModule("<Project Address>")
I also did something like this but getting the same issue.
const sdk = new ThirdwebSDK();
async function getAllModules() {
const NftModules = await sdk
.getAppModule("<Project Address>")
Now it gives this error
Unhandled Runtime Error
Error: call revert exception (method="getAllModulesOfType(uint256)", errorArgs=null, errorName=null, errorSignature=null, reason=null, code=CALL_EXCEPTION, version=abi/5.5.0)
Is something wrong? Any help will be appreciated :)
You need to pass in an RPC url or a signer in the ThirdwebSDK() constructor before you can use modules:
An RPC URL (which means the sdk is in read-only mode, you won't be able to change state of things on-chain, only fetch it). You can either use something like alchemy or use a public RPC for that particular chain.
A valid ethers signer (which could be connected from metamask, magiclink, coinbase wallet, etc)
A valid ethers.Wallet object, which can be initialised from a private key
const sdk = new ThirdwebSDK("your_rpc_url_or_signer");
Let me know if you still face any issues!

Is it possible to link a random html site with node javascript?

Is it possible to link a random site with node.js, when I say that, Is it possible to link it with only a URL, if not then I'm guessing it's having the file.html inside the javascript directory. I really wanna know if it's possible because the html is not mine and I can't add the line of code to link it with js that goes something like (not 100% sure) <src = file.html>
I tried doing document = require('./page.html'); and ('./page') but it didn't work and when I removed the .html at the end of require it would say module not found
My keypoint is that the site shows player count on some servers, and I wanna get that number by linking it with js and then using it in some code which I have the code to (tested in inspect element console) but I don't know how to link it properly to JS.
If you wanna take a look at the site here it is: https://portal.srbultras.info/#servers
If you have any ideas how to link a stranger's html with js, i'd really appreciate to hear it!
You cannot require HTML files unless you use something like Webpack with html-loader, but even in this case you can only require local files. What you can do, however, is to send an HTTP Request to the website. This way you get the same HTML your browser receives whenever you open a webpage. After that you will have to parse the HTML in order to get the data you need. The jsdom package can be used for both steps:
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
.then(({ window: { document }}) => {
const servers = Array.from(
document.querySelectorAll('#servers tbody>tr')
).map(({ children }) => {
const name = children[3].textContent;
const [ip, port] = children[4]
const [playersnum, maxplayers] = children[5]
.map(n => Number.parseInt(n));
return { name, ip, port, playersnum, maxplayers };
/* Your code here */
However, grabbing the server information from a random website is not really what you want to do, because there is a way to get it directly from the servers. Counter Strike 1.6 servers seem to use the GoldSrc / Source Server Protocol that lets us retrieve information about the servers. You can read more about the protocol here, but we are just going to use the source-server-query package to send queries:
const query = require('source-server-query');
const servers = [
{ ip: '', port: 27015 },
{ ip: '', port: 27017 },
{ ip: '', port: 27021 },
{ ip: '', port: 27500 },
{ ip: '', port: 27018 },
{ ip: '', port: 27016 }
const timeout = 5000;
Promise.all(servers.map(server => {
return query
.info(server.ip, server.port, timeout)
.then(info => Object.assign(server, info))
})).then(() => {
/* Your code here */
servers is just a normal JavaScript array consisting of objects that describe servers, and you can see its structure when it is logged into the console after the information has been received, so it should not be hard to work with. For example, you can access the playersnum property of the third server in the list by writing servers[2].playersnum. Or you can loop through all the servers and do something with each of them by using functions like map and forEach, or just a normal for loop.
But note that in order to use the data you get from the servers, you have to put your code in the callback function passed to the then method of Promise.all(...), i.e. where console.log(servers) is located. This has to do with the fact that it takes some time to get the responses from the servers, and for that reason server queries are normally asynchronous, meaning that the script continues execution even though it has not received the responses yet. So if you try to access the information in the global scope instead of the callback function, it is not going to be there just yet. You should read about JavaScript Promises if you want to understand how this works.
Another thing you may want to do is to filter out the servers that did not respond to the query. This can happen if a server is offline, for example. In the solution I have provided, such servers are still in the servers array, but they only have the ip and port properties they had originally. You could use filter in order to get rid of them. Do you see how? Tell me if you still need help.

Node JS sending data via URL

Recently i started programming with Node JS and found it an amazing replacement for php . In php i used to send get requests with Data in the url .
Something like : http://sample.com/public.php?x=helloworld
How to perform something like this in Node JS or is there a better way to send data to node unlike using the url in the above case .
Also , I have noticed that in some cases like stackoverflow , queries are different and dont include the file name
like /public?= instead of /public.php?=
How is this achieved , i always thought this was something related to REST . Also , if you have the answer you might as well guide me if it could be done with Node and a few sources to learn could be of help too .
the most regular way to use REST api
// GET /search?q=foo+bar
// => "foo bar"
// GET /phone?order=desc&phone[color]=black&shoe[type]=apple
// => "desc"
// => "black"
// GET /user/william
// => "william"
req.body(for form data)
// POST /login
// => "william"
// => "xxxxxx"
You'll probably be much better off using a pre-existing module as your web server. You can set one up manually, but you have to know about a lot of potential edge cases and really understand web servers. Most people in node use express. In node, as in any server-side language, you can pass data around in a few ways. The query string is one. You can also put some parameters directly in the url (like "/users/12" where 12 is a user id). Depending on the type of request, you can put data in the body of the request. You can also pass cookies. These are not node-specific. Explaining how express works in a post like this would be crazy, so I'll just give you a short example of a what a route handler matching your example route might look like:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/public', function(req, res, next) {
// Get the value from the query string. Express makes the query
// available as an object on the request parameter.
var x = req.query.x;
// Execute your main logic
// Send a response
res.status(200).json({ foo: 'bar' });

How to pass cookie options in cookie-session 1.0.2

I'm trying to learn the "cookie-session" module for Node.
I have a hard time understanding how to pass options for the cookie. For example expiration. Default seems to be a year!
This is the instructions about options for the cookie:
"Other options are passed to cookies.get() and cookies.set() allowing you to control security, domain, path, and signing among other settings."
But i dont get it!
Am I supposed to require cookies module as well?
Or do I somehow change the options trough var session = require('cookie-session')?
I have tried session.cookies.set(), but that doesnt seems to work.
I have tried to read the sourcecode in the "cookie-session" and "cookies" module for clues, but I dont know what to look for!
Short answer
Define the options you want to specify in the creation of the session, as illustrated in the docs: https://github.com/expressjs/cookie-session. They will be used when creating the cookie (including the expires option).
keys: ['key1', 'key2'],
secureProxy: true // if you do SSL outside of node
// more options here...
Long answer
Using the example above, when you pass in the configuration object into session, you are sending this object into the function here. This opts is passed around, but in particular, stored as req.sessionOptions here. req is passed in when creating a new Session, and stored as this._ctx. Finally, when save is called on the Session, these options are pulled from the sessionOptions and used in the set call for the cookies:
Session.prototype.save = function(){
var ctx = this._ctx;
var json = this._json || encode(this);
var opts = ctx.sessionOptions;
var name = ctx.sessionKey;
debug('save %s', json);
ctx.sessionCookies.set(name, json, opts);
So the options you pass in originally are passed to the set call when creating the cookie.
