How to implement with next.js without separate node server - javascript

I want to build a chat system with Next.js. I am not sure how I have to setup the socket server.
I want this to implement Next server not with a separate server.
Should I have to make a server.js file in root and run a server?

You will need to create custom server however, then you can't deploy to vercel, and you got yourself a regular nodejs application.
You could use cloud providers to handle sockets for you, or as you said, you could split your application to a regular next.js app and deploy your socket application separately.


How to run some server-side JS then start a react app

I'm wondering how to run some server side JS which then starts a react app. Or if there is a way to explicitly segment sever vs client side JS, or do I have to just add and use Express to the react app?
Essentially I want to
node somefile.js
//do some server js stuff, then
npm run start
For example, if I wanted to check a users authentication status from a separate Next app before starting and serving a Docusaurus app.

registering socket IO to vite for sveltekit

I have written a few apps using svelte and sapper and thought I would give sveltekit a go.
All in all it works, but I am now running into the issue of registering a worker on ther server.
Basically I am trying to add to my app because I want to be able to send and receive data from the server. With sapper this wasn't really an issue because you had the server.js file where you could connect to the polka/express server. But I cannot find any equivalent in sveltekit and vite.
I experimented a bit and I can create a new server in a route, but that will lead to a bunch of new problems, such as it being on a separate port and causing cors issues.
So I am wondering is this possible with sveltekit and how do you get access to the underlying server?
The #sveltejs/adapter-node also builds express/polka compatible middleware which is exposed as build/middelwares.js which you can import into a custom /server.cjs:
const {
} = require("./build/middlewares.js");
app.use(assetsMiddleware, prerenderedMiddleware, kitMiddleware);
The node adaptor also has an entryPoint option, which allows bundling the custom server into the build, but I ran into issues using this approach.
Adapters are not used during development (aka npx svelte-kit dev).
But using the svelte.config.js you're able to inject into the vite server:
kit: {
vite: {
plugins: [
name: "sveltekit-socket-io",
configureServer(server) {
const io = new Server(server.httpServer);
Note: the dev server needs to be restarted to apply changes in the server code.
You could use entr to automate that.
You cannot connect to a polka/express server because depending on the adapter you choose there can be no polka/express server used - if you deploy to a serverless platform for example. Sockets for serverless are not so easy to implement and their implementation depend on the provider.
You are raising an important concern but right now I'm afraid this is not possible - someone corrects me if I'm wrong.
What you still can do is to write your front with SvelteKit, build it as a static/SPA/node application and then use your build from your own polka/express server. You lose the swift development experience offered by SvelteKit though, since your development will be parted in two: first the client, then the server.
You can also use a data-pusher third service. They are straightforward to use but not necessarily free. Here is a list of data-pusher services from the Vercel page:
Firebase Realtime Database

How to handle backend API request for create-react-app bootstrapped app which is build and ran using "serve-s build" on AWS ec2?

I have create-react-app bootstrapped application which I build and then serve it to the static server using serve-s build. The React app is running on http://locahost:3000.
This app talks to my backend REST API(using java) which is running on http://locahost:8080.
Inside my React application, I have set axios.default.baseURL=http://localhost:8085/api.
Everything is fine on the localhost on my system. The React app talks to http://localhost:8085/api/xyz for CRUD operations and everything works great.
Now I have to deploy the project on AWS EC2 instance. The MySQL and REST API got deployed and rest API there is running on same instance on the port 8085 as http://locahost:8085. I have Apache server configured which sends the hostname( to the http://locahost:3000 on the server. Everything is fine till now. The home page is visible on the browser.
Now, when the React app tries to communicate to the REST API from the browser, it is sending the request to the http://locahost:8085. Obviously, now the browser looks for some service running on port 8085 on my system and it couldn't find. Ideally, the request should go to the server with my hostname( How to make this REST API call looks like an actual call like
NOTE: Please note that this is not a server-side-rendered application.

How to connect frontend and backend on domain

I don't really have experience with backend and how things work together. I have created a simple live message sending app with node.js and When I host a static web server on my machine (http-server which runs on local port using node.js) my app works perfectly fine but when I upload it on my host or github pages just for test, the backend doesn't seem to work. I uploaded all my files with an FTP program and the frontend loads fine but the backend doesn't. Do I have to know something like Django or ASP.NET to make these work on my host?
EDIT: One more thing, first line in my server.js is const io = require('')(3000)and in my script.js - const socket = io('http://localhost:3000')where 3000 and localhost:3000 stands for local host in my machine. What do i need to put instead of these?
You probably need to install and setup Node.js on your server, contact yout hosting provider for node installation if the option isn't available in yout cPanel.

Is there a way to run a Node.js application within a Tomcat server?

I have a REST Web Service running within Tomcat and I do not want to run the Node.js application manually. Can I somehow run my Node application using Tomcat?
You cannot run Nodejs server inside tomcat.
I would suggest to ge to and read some docs and refer some videos.
I have used openshift to host my node js application
please refer this link to know more about where to host nodejs application
