Get value from ID and insert to input using javascript - javascript

I am new to JavaScript. I am getting result from label from another javascript. Now I want to send it to the input type hidden. Please help on how to do it
Below is the code that I am getting result from javascript
<label id="result"></label>
here i want to change the year input value to the above label id=result value. Please help
<script type="text/javascript">
var post_title = new Date();
<input type="hidden" name="post_title" id="post_title" class="form-control"/>

I would suggest bringing your <script> element all the way to the bottom of your HTML so that the rest of the HTML loads and you can avoid any errors where the element does not exist (As #Lain said in the comments)
We can get the inner value of the <label> using
var label = document.getElementById("result");
var labelValue = label.innerHTML; //What this does is it returns a string of all HTML and text inside this element, in this case it would just be the value
//Then using the rest of your code, set the post_title to the label value
var post_title = document.getElementById("post_title");
post_title.value = labelValue;
All of the above belongs inside of your script tags, in case that wasn't clear
Let me know if that works or if that's what you're looking for


How to get a string input and store it into a var

I know it's simple and there's probably something wrong with my syntax but I just don't understated it. I'm talking about the following:
//declaration of a string
var str_input = "";
//this is supposed to get the new inputs and to store them in str_input
str_input = $('input[name=po]').val();
//this is on html side, this should make an input field where the user to type in the needed
<input type"text" name = 'po' id="po" value="asd">
That's it, can you help me to sort it out? The problem so far is that str_input is undefined regardless of what is written in the input, though, it saves its initial value.
Your html tag is invalid:
<input type"text" name = 'po' id="po" value="asd">
Should be:
<input type="text" name = 'po' id="po" value="asd">
// ^ Missing this character (=)
Ok, Now I understood, you can do 2 things, first, you can create a button than when the user clicks it calls the function to store the value in the variable like this:
var str_input = "";
//this is supposed to get the new inputs and to store them in str_input
str_input = $('input[name=po]').val();
//this is on html side, this should make an input field where the user to type in the needed
<input type"text" name = 'po' id="po" value="asd">
<input type="button" id="MyButton" value="Click Here" />
Or the blur function when the user lose focus of the input text like this:
var str_input = "";
//this is supposed to get the new inputs and to store them in str_input
str_input = $('input[name=po]').val();
//this is on html side, this should make an input field where the user to type in the needed
<input type"text" name = 'po' id="po" value="asd">
Ok, so here is the solution, though it's a little bit in "from Alf to Alf" style. So, yes, the code I've posted in the main post uses correctly the 'by default' value of the input but the problem comes from that nothing is checking for further changes in the input text field. I'm using $(document).ready... which as far as I know runs during the web project is opened and of course enables the use of some jquery methods within it. There is an interesting function called .change() which actually put the whole thing up for me. Take a glance at the following:
str_input = $('input[name=polynom]').val();;
str_input = $('input[name=polynom]').val();
The second, third and fourth line make the magic actually, where the code in the .change() method updates str_input on each time a change have appeared in the input box field, whereas the str_input = $('input[name=polynom]').val(); outside of change() takes into account the initial value of the input. That's it... I knew I was forgetting something and yeah...
P.S. Another approach is to use a function and a button (a.k.a. an event-triggered function) which to 'update' the str_input on event. For this way check the post bellow this one.

How to pull javascript data into a form input field

I'm trying to create a gym membership database and it needs to store pictures taken with the webcam of the customer. I have the cam working and once you take the picture you can use the below code to 'echo' the url of the file.
The below code loads a URL:
<script type="text/javascript">
function getSnap(linky){
My question is how can I get it so the above code is automatically populated into a text field?
Any help would be appreciated :)
You would need to select the input field by either id or class and set the value to the returned URL. In the below case, we use ID, so it would be whatever is the ID tag of the input is.
<script type="text/javascript">
function getSnap(linky){
var elem = document.getElementById("myInput");
elem.value = linky;
<input id="myInput" />
Say you have a input called #example, you then place this instead of the alert
var example = document.getElementById('example');
example.value = linky; // set the value of an input
example.src = linky; // set the source of an image
example.innerHTML = linky; // Set as content of a div/block-element
example.href= linky; // set target for a anchor
Give your text field an ID (ex URL) and use document.getElementById('URL').value = linky;

Getting an empty value with val()

I have table with the following id inside one of the rows
<td class="firstRow"> <span id="randomWordToTranslate"></span></td>
the firstRow class just include padding preferences in css.
In my java script class, I am calling two functions
the first randomly assigned a value to this id , so when I am loading my page I will get a different word each time : this part is working
$("#randomWordToTranslate").html(current_dict[listOfKeys[Math.floor(Math.random() * listOfKeys.length)]]);
the second inside a button listener trying to get the value of the word inside this field whenever the button is clicked
var spanishWord = $("#randomWordToTranslate");
var inputValue = $(spanishWord).val();
but when I doing console.log(inputValue) I am printing an empty row into my log.
Any ideas?
Since the <span> isn't an <input> tag (or other form input like <select>), it will not have a .val() (value). Instead, you need either .html() or .text():
var spanishWord = $("#randomWordToTranslate");
var inputValue = spanishWord.text();
// Or:
var inputValue = spanishWord.html();

Javascript to get sharepoint form field value to a variable

I want to copy the content of a sharepoint form field to a variable using Javascript.
Eg. I have a field named "Language" in my sharepoint edit form. Now I just want to get the value of that field to a varaible x.
Please help.
It depends on the type (e.g. user, lookup, multilookup, text, note, etc.) of field. I am using jQuery in my custom list forms and the name of the field for any given content type will be added to the id of the corresponding html control with the text 'Field' appended to it. However, like any typical control, the id of the html form control rendered to the client will reflect its control hierarchy so you have to account for that when searching for a field. anyhow, the following works for me if i need to reference fields in my custom forms. ** notice the +Field which implies that the name of the field is concatenated with 'Field'
var $titleField = $('input[id*=TitleField]');
var $lookupField = $('select[id*=Name_Of_Field+Field]')
var $multiLookUpCandidate = $('select[id*=Name_Of_Field+Field][id*=SelectCandidate]')
var $multiLookUpResult = $('select[id*=Name_Of_Field+Field][id*=SelectResult]')
var $note = $('textarea[id*=Name_Of_Field+Field]');
You can pick up on the trend by viewing source and seaching for your contenttype/sitecolumn field name. You will find it in an html form control id. use that information to learn how to reference other field types.
Without posting your code its very difficult to understand what you want to do.... to get a value from a form you can do the following :
<form id="myform">
<input id="myinput" type="text" value="something" />
var myinputval = document.getElementById("myinput").value;
myinputval would be "something" in this example
Demo :
This might help:
Using that function you'd get the reference using something like:
var LanguageFld = getFieldRef("Language");
Once you have the refernece it's easy to get the value:
var CurValue = LanguageFld.value;
Hope this helps!

How do I get the value of the input field?

this is my input field:$("<td class='testclass'><input id='field-search' value='' type='text'></td>")
How do I get the value of the input field?
I tried it this way:
var mytest =$('#field-search').val();
The result is that I get an alert being undefined though the input field has got a value e.g. 10.
Is there a way to get the value when the value of the input field changes?
A link or an example would be very helpful. Thank you.
Link to the code:
That's because you've not appended that html to the page. Either do that (someElement.append($("<td>...</td>"));), or search in that part specifically
var e = $("<td class='testclass'><input id='field-search' value='1' type='text'></td>");
var mytest =e.find('#field-search').val();
You don't insert element into the page just by calling $("...").
In jQuery
var myVal = $('#field-search').val();
In vanilla JavaScript
var myVal = document.getElementById('field-search').value;
