How to make a hole in a polygon with CreateJs? - javascript

As you can see on attached image it has the rhombus with the ellipse inside which is almost transparent.
But this is just an image.
How can I create this with createjs?
A more detailed description of the problem:
What you see in the picture is not exactly what I need.
Ideally, my task is to make two triangles out of this rhombus with an ellipse inside.
The ellipse should create some kind of transparency in the triangle so that all the elements that will be under this triangle are visible through.
My implementation:
I make a triangle according to this example:
(thank to this fiddle)
(createjs.Graphics.Polygon = function(x, y, points) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.points = points;
}).prototype.exec = function(ctx) {
// Start at the end to simplify loop
var end = this.points[this.points.length - 1];
ctx.moveTo(end.x, end.y);
this.points.forEach(function(point) {
ctx.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
createjs.Graphics.prototype.drawPolygon = function(x, y, args) {
var points = [];
if (Array.isArray(args)) {
args.forEach(function(point) {
point = Array.isArray(point) ? {x:point[0], y:point[1]} : point;
} else {
args =;
var px = null;
args.forEach(function(val) {
if (px === null) {
px = val;
} else {
points.push({x: px, y: val});
px = null;
return this.append(new createjs.Graphics.Polygon(x, y, points));
stage = new createjs.Stage("demoCanvas");
poly1 = new createjs.Shape();"Red").drawPolygon(0,0,10,10,10,40,40,30,60,5,30,0);
poly1.x = 10;
poly1.y = 10;
(if there is a more convenient or even correct way to make a triangle and this will help in solving my problem, I will gladly accept your solution).
Next, I simply overlay the ellipse drawn with drawEllipse on top of this triangle.
I understand that I may be doing something wrong, and that is why I am here.
Any help will be accepted!

I assume you are using the Graphics API to draw your content. If so, you simply need to ensure the "hole" draws with reverse winding. This just means the shape needs to be drawn in the reverse direction.
For example, the Canvas2D rect method draws clockwise, so to subtract from them, the instructions need to be drawn in the other direction.
var s = new createjs.Shape();"red")
.drawRect(0,0,300,300) // Draw a square
// Then draw a smaller square
.moveTo(100,100) // Top left
.lineTo(100,200) // Bottom left
.lineTo(200,200) // Bottom right
.lineTo(200,100) // Top right
.lineTo(100,100) // Top left
.closePath(); // Optional if you are done
The drawEllipse has an anticlockwise parameter which does the trick as well. Here is a jsfiddle sample, which actually draws it the other way (small cut-out first), but with the same result.
In order for the shape to "cut out" the other one, it has to be part of the same graphics instance, and part of the same path instructions. If you closePath() after any drawing instructions, any new instructions are drawn on top of that without cutting it out. Using separate shape instances does this automatically.
Using the updated code, I added a simple drawEllipse() call using default clockwise winding, and it cut out the circle: -- Note that I scaled up the coordinates from above x10 to make it more visible.


anchoring a geomety/mesh to it's corner for scaling three.js

I'm create a rectangle in three.js based on 2 coordinates. The first coordinate is the cell of the first user click, the second coordinate is where the user drags the cursor.
The rectanlge that is being created is the correct size, however it 'grows' from it's center, whereas I want it to 'grow' from the corner of the first user click. I've tried a few potential solutions to change the origin of the geometry but I haven't found a fix yet.
The demo can be see here - with the code below.
var startPoint = startPlace;
var endPoint = endPlace;
var zIntersect = new THREE.Vector3(startPoint.x, 0, endPoint.z);
var xIntersect = new THREE.Vector3(endPoint.x, 0, startPoint.z);
var differenceZ = Math.abs(startPlace.z - zIntersect.z);
var differenceX = Math.abs(startPlace.x - xIntersect.x);
floorGeometryNew.rotateX(-Math.PI / 2);
var floorGeometryNew = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(differenceX, differenceZ);
floorGeometryNew.rotateX(-Math.PI / 2);
var x = startPoint.x;
var y = startPoint.y;
var z = startPoint.z;
var voxel = new THREE.Mesh(floorGeometryNew, tempMaterial);
voxel.position.set(x, y, z);
Center of your rectangle is in the middle between startPoint and endPoint and it's the average of them:
voxel.position.addVectors(startPoint, endPoint).divideScalar(2);
Approach 1. Without creating of a new geometry every time when you change size of a rectangle. The idea is:
Create a mesh of a plane once on start with a double-sided material
Set the first vertex of the plane's geometry with the current point of intersection
Track the point of intersection and apply its value to the last vertex of the plane's geometry and change the second and the third vertices accordingly to positions of the first and the last vertices
For example, we created a plane mesh newRect on mouseDown event and set its geometry's first vertex to the point of intersection which was on that moment:
newRectGeom.vertices[0].set(onPlanePoint.x, onPlanePoint.y + .5, onPlanePoint.z);
and then on mouseMove we get the point of intersection and apply its coordinate to the fourth (last) vertex, also we change values of vertices 1 and 2:
newRect.geometry.vertices[1].set(onPlanePoint.x, newRect.geometry.vertices[0].y, newRect.geometry.vertices[0].z);
newRect.geometry.vertices[2].set(newRect.geometry.vertices[0].x, newRect.geometry.vertices[0].y, onPlanePoint.z);
newRect.geometry.vertices[3].set(onPlanePoint.x, onPlanePoint.y + .5, onPlanePoint.z);
It's simplier than it sounds :)
jsfiddle example. Build mode off - OrbitControls are enabled; Build mode on - controls are disabled, you can draw rectangles.
Approach 2. Instead of controlling vertices we can control position and scaling of rectangle.
On mousedown event we'll set the startPoint with the point of intersection
and then we'll find position and scaling of our rectangle:
newRect.position.addVectors(startPoint, onPlanePoint).divideScalar(2);
newRect.position.y = 0.5; // to avoid z-fight
newRect.scale.set(Math.abs(onPlanePoint.x - startPoint.x), 1, Math.abs(onPlanePoint.z - startPoint.z))
jsfiddle example. Visually and functionally it's the same as the Approach 1. From my point of view, Approach 2 is simplier.
When you call
voxel.position.set(x, y, z);
then the center of your mesh is setted to this position. So you have to take half of the length and half of the width of your rectangle to add to this position. These values you can get with a bounding box.
var bbox = new THREE.Box3();
bbox.setFromObject( voxel );
var val = bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x;

How do I fix this image (pixel by pixel) distortion issue?

I am attempting to distort an image displayed within a canvas, so it looks like a "planet". However I am struggling to find away to deal with a distortion issue. The only solution coming to mind is to find a way to reduce the radiusDistance variable, the bigger it is. That said, I am unsure how to achieve this. Any suggestions?
Below is the math and objects I am currently using to achieve this:
polarArray = [];
var polar = function(a,r,c){ //polar object, similar to pixel object.
this.a = a; //angle
this.r = r; //radius (distance)
this.color = c; //color, stored using an object containg r,g,b,a variables
loopAllPixels(function(loop){//loop through every pixel, stored in a pixel array
var pixel = loop.pixel;
/*each pixel object is structured like this:
pixel {
color {
var angle = pixel.x/360*Math.PI;
var radiusDistance = pixel.y/Math.PI;
polarArray.push(new polar(angle,radiusDistance,pixel.color));//store polar coordinate pixel + colour.
pixel.color = new colorRGBA(255,255,255,255);//set background as white.
for (var i=0;i<polarArray.length;i++){//loop through polarArray (polar coordinate pixels + colour)
var p = polarArray[i]; //polar pixel
var x = (p.r*Math.cos(p.a))+(canvas.width/2); //x coordinate
var y = (p.r*Math.sin(p.a))+(canvas.height/2); //y coordinate
if (setpixel(x,y,p.color)==true){ //set pixel at location.
updatePixelsToContext();//draw to canvas
And here is the effect it currently produces (note that I flip the image horizontally before applying it to the canvas, and in this example, I set the background with a magenta kind of colour, for better clarity of the issue):
I am intending for the warping effect, just not the "ripping" of the pixels, caused by not obtaining all the neccessary pixel data required.
Also bear in mind that speed and effeciency isn't my priority here as of yet.

Dragging point along vector with mouse

I've been experimenting with trigonometry for the past few days, and came up with one of those neat stat pentagons you find in some games. (fiddle!)
I'd really like to allow the vertices of the inner polygon to be draggable to change the stat values. I have mouse functionality working well, but what's the best way to drag a point on the line with the mouse?
I've created a picture to visualize my problem; the red polygon is the "current" polygon, the pink lines represent the new polygon, the pink circle emphasizes the new point for the vertex, the blue line is the vector tangent, and the green circle is the cursor.
I've written a program which deals with vectors before, but I'm not sure how to apply it to this situation.
Here's some code (in the loop function):
for(var i = 0; i < innerPolygonKnobs.length; i ++){
var knob = innerPolygonKnobs[i];
distX = knob.x-mouse.x;
distY = knob.y-mouse.y;
distTotal = Math.sqrt(distX*distX + distY*distY);
if(distTotal < 8){
if(!knob.over)change = true;
knob.over = true;
// What goes here?
} else {
if(knob.over)change = true;
knob.over = false;
Thanks so much in advance! :D
This function will give you the closest point to the mouse on any given line:
// given a line defined like this
var line={x0:50,y0:50,x1:150,y1:150};
// calculate the closest point on the line to [x,y]
function getClosestPointOnLine(line,x,y) {
lerp=function(a,b,x){ return(a+x*(b-a)); };
var dx=line.x1-line.x0;
var dy=line.y1-line.y0;
var t=((x-line.x0)*dx+(y-line.y0)*dy)/(dx*dx+dy*dy);
var lineX=lerp(line.x0, line.x1, t);
var lineY=lerp(line.y0, line.y1, t);
Then just redraw your inner polygon to connect to the point found above.
Interesting app...good luck with it!

adding rectangles and rotate them

Im trying to write a program to generate random rectangles within a tag,
and then rotate each rectangle within its origin, if I hit the start button again the canvas should clear out to draw a new set of rectangles and rotate them and so on.
pasting my whole program would look hideous, so Ill post what I think is important:
Creating my arrays and initializing some values :
var rectArrayStartX,rectArrayStartY,rectArrayDimY, rectArrayDimX;
function start()
if (i >= 1){
window.setInterval( "rotateShape()", 500 );
function construct()
if ( i < 1) {;
var canvas = document.getElementById("gameId");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var k,m;
var points = parseInt(;
the code goes on but this bit gives me this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '100' of undefined
im trying to create an array for each point, origin x and y + width and height.
then using the fillRect ill pass the array values to draw my rectangles.
Second bit im having problem with is rotating them, im using the following function:
function rotateShape()
var randomAngle;
randomAngle = Math.random() * 5 ;
if (randomAngle>3.14)
//context.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2);
im calling it in the following function but it does nothing, althought later I need to locate each rect origin and rotate it in the right way but for now I just want to make sure the function works :
function start()
if (i >= 1){
window.setInterval( "rotateShape()", 500 );
if revising my whole code will make it easier, do let me know to provide it.
thank you for your time and sorry for the long topic.
Here's some code to get you started...
This code will:
Draw a 50x30 rectangle,
That is rotated 30 degrees around its centerpoint,
And is positioned with its centerpoint at canvas coordinate [100,100]
The code:
// save the untransformed context state;
// move (translate) to the "rotation point" of the rect
// this will be the centerpoint of the rect
// rotate by 30 degrees
// rotation requires radians so a conversion is required
context.rotate( 30*Math.PI/180 );
// draw a 50 x 30 rectangle
// since rects are positioned by their top-left
// and since we're rotating from the rects centerpoint
// we must draw the rect offset by -width/2 and -height/2
var width=50;
var height=30;
context.fillRect( -width/2, -height/2, width, height );
// restore the context to its untransformed state

JS Canvas Collision-Detection using getImageData

As a very inexperienced programmer, I'm trying to code a game that detects when the player collides with certain colors on the canvas. I have a black square with coordinates "player.x" and "player.y" and dimensions 50x50 that moves around when you press the arrow keys. I also have a stationary red (255,0,0) square elsewhere on the canvas.
The function below is supposed to grab a slightly larger square around the "player" square and find out if there's any red in it. If there is, it will send up an alert. The problem is, this doesn't seem to be working.
function collideTest(){
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var c = canvas.getContext("2d");
var whatColor = c.getImageData(player.x - 5, player.y - 5,60,60);
for (var i = 0; i < 3600; i++) {
if ([i] == 255) {
I'm semi-aware that this is not the most efficient way to detect red pixels, but I wanted to simplify the code before posting it here. Is there something obviously wrong with the function?
The problem could lie in the way the function is called. It gets called at the end of another function that detects user-input and changes the coordinates of the "player" square. THAT function gets called right before everything is drawn on the canvas.
Thanks in advance for any help!
var whatColor = c.getImageData(player.x - 5, player.y - 5,60,60);
player.x and player.y must not be decimal, make sure they are rounded or getImageData will be angry and not play nice.
For each single pixel on the canvas, the array holds 4 sequential pieces of color information: red,green,blue,alpha(opacity). So the looks like this for each pixel:[i] is the red component of the color.[i+1] is the green component of the color.[i+2] is the blue component of the color.[i+3] is the alpha(opacity) component of the color.
So your iteration would look like this (4 indexes per pixel):
for(var i = 0, n =; i < n; i += 4) {
var red =[i];
var green =[i + 1];
var blue =[i + 2];
var alpha =[i + 3];
if(red==255){ ... it's a hit, do your thing! ... }
See here for a mini-tutorial on the array:
By the way, you might look at one of the canvas libraries that simplify game making with canvas. Here are just a few: easelJs, KineticJs, FabricJs, and more!
