I am making a control panel for my Minecraft mining turtle and I need to communicate between the two using websockets. I have troubleshooted the Lua side of things and that works as intended when I connected it to a echo server.
Code here:
local ws,err = http.websocket("wss://localhost:5757")
if ws then
However, I can not get the NodeJS side to work. I have tried different ports, I've tried opening ports.
Code here:
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 5757 });
wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {
console.log('received: %s', message);
ws.send('testing 123');
I can't figure out where I have gone wrong. All help is appreciated.
EDIT: Thought I'd add that it's not giving errors either, that I am using the ws npm package and running the latest LTS node version.
EDIT 2: I tried this code example here
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const ws = new WebSocket('wss://echo.websocket.org/');
ws.on('open', function open() {
ws.send('testing 123');
ws.on('message', function incoming(data) {
And it worked and replied with 'testing 123' so it seems that the web socket doesn't want to run on local host.
I have a simple snippet on the front end as follows which I can verify is working. I can do this by changing the port to something other than 3000 and it will error.
It is definitely finding the server at that port:
// Create WebSocket connection .. will error if I change the port
const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:3000');
console.log('DEBUG: Web socket is up: ');
// Connection opened
socket.addEventListener('open', function (event) {
socket.send('Hello Server!');
I am using ws-express on the server side as follows. This was the minimal example given in the NPM docs:
const expressWs = require('express-ws')(app);
app.ws('/echo', (ws, req) => {
ws.on('message', (msg) => {
However, the open event on the client never fires. I would like to send messages from the client to the server, but I assume, that I need an open event to fire first.
I'm using ws library to handle Websocket connections client-side.
Here's example from ws docs (https://github.com/websockets/ws#usage-examples):
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const ws = new WebSocket('ws://www.host.com/path');
ws.on('open', function open() {
ws.on('message', function incoming(data) {
The problem is that this program exits after receiving just the first message from server.
How do I make it run and listen for messages indefinitely?
I'm trying to push messages from server to client using ws module in node.js application.
Please find below the code in app.js.
var server = app.listen(port);
var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server
var wss = new WebSocketServer({ server: server});
wss.on('connection', function (ws) {
ws.on('message', function (data, flags) {
code in the client side js file.
window.WebSocket = window.WebSocket || window.MozWebSocket;
var host = window.document.location.host.replace(/:.*/, '');
var port = window.document.location.port;
var socketConnection = new WebSocket('ws://'+ host+':'+ port);
socketConnection.onerror = function (error) {
// TODO : report error here..
socketConnection.onmessage = function (message) {
var obj = JSON.parse(message.data)
The problem is when i'm running the node application locally.i.e http://localhost:port and when I try to handshake with ws connection through "ws://localhost:port\". The handshake happens and i am able to send and receive messages.
But when i access the same application using the ip of my machine i.e as http://10.xx.yy.zz:port. Im able to open the application and do evrything but the handshake with websockets time out. The same happens when the app is running in another machine and i try to connect to it from my machines browser.The handshake doesnot happen and it times out.
I have tried the same with demos provided out of box by ws module. The same happens. Am I missing something when creating the websocket server?
So I'm using Sails.js, and when I run sails lift it works properly in serving the website. However, how can I create a TCP server that also runs when I sails lift and constantly listens for raw TCP messages from clients? I have found this simple TCP server example for Node.js (which obviously will work for Sails):
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(socket) {
socket.write('Echo server\r\n');
server.listen(1337, '');
How can I integrate this into Sails? Do I need to modify the app.js file (which is what I presume gets run when sails lift is entered)? Any ideas?
I'm a little bit late to the party, but recently i had the same requirement and came up with the following code:
let net = require('net');
net.createServer(function (socket) {
socket.on('data', function (data) {
const req = {
url: '/controllername/method',
method: 'get'
const res = {
_clientCallback: function _clientCallback(clientRes) {
// TODO: do something useful with clientRes
message = clientRes.body;
if (clientRes.body && clientRes.body.message) {
message = clientRes.body.message;
sails.router.route(req, res);
Have a look at the project sails-hook-sockets too.
node.js WebSocket example code snippet
I have a simple node.js application using express. Now everytime a client connects to the node server I see the string 'new client connected' but I would like to know which IP the new client had.
var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server;
var connIds = [];
var server = require('http').createServer(app).listen(80);
// set up the websocket server
var wss = new WebSocketServer( { server: server } );
wss.clientConnections = {};
// websocket server eventlisteners and callbacks
wss.on('connection', function (connection) {
console.log('wss.on.connection - new client connected');
See the code at:
The object connection has properties but I don't understand how to query them or what they are. All I want is to print the client IP and maybe, if existent, other similar properties as well.
How do I do that?
Remote IP is a property of the pre-upgrade connection:
var wss = new WebSocketServer({port: 9876});
wss.on('connection', function(ws) {
i don't recall how i found it, but i know it took me a while; i wish the docs were as good as the code...
WS has moved some things around, so here's an updated example of how to get the original HTTP info in current code. Note the 2nd argument to the connection event handler:
wss.on('connection', function conn(ws, req) {
var ip = req.connection.remoteAddress;