I need to make sure that some specific native Javascript functions are not patched nor overrode.
Unfortunately, I cannot do that with accessing the .toString() of the function or Function.prototype.toString with one of bind apply or call, since the Function.prototype.toString is one of the functions I have to test.
Is there any other method which returns the value (the function itself) of a function? (Or [Native Code] for native JS functions)
Editing: One of the purposes of this test is to check if the client is a bot that patches some JS functions. Creating new frame and taking its Function.prototype.toString value won't work in that case
In response to edit
If it's a malicious client that can't or won't update their bot script in response to your checks, then just save a copy of Function.prototype.toString() using javascript in your HTML header to a temp variable. Then check against this to see if the client has mutated the js at all.
If the client is malicious AND is trying to actively avoid your checks by changing their bot, then there is simply no iron-clad way to stop them. It will become an arms-race where you patch in checks and they patch in fixes in response. Ultimately, the client has the final say in what gets run in their browser, so you might want to think again about why you're doing these checks to see if there's another viable approach to your problem.
Initial Answer
You could re-request the whole .js file and parse it all as a string. You would have to do this for every js file and find a good pattern for determining if your functions have been over-written, so it may not work for your needs.
// my JS file is being served from giorgiosjames.com/myjs.js
const myJs = await fetch('giorgiosjames.com/myjs.js').then(res => res.text());
// parse myJs here, something like
if (myJs.includes('Function.prototype.toString = ')) // do something
If you can constrain your use to the latest Firefox, you can use the method .toSource(), but no other browsers support it and it is not standard. More reading here
// only in latest Firefox
const x = () => 'wow';
// returns "() => 'wow'"
And as a frame challenge, you could probably still be using the (arguably) best approach of Function.prototype.toString by:
First checking if toString works.
Resetting .toString() if it has been overridden.
Checking your other functions with .toString()
Un-fixing .toString() if necessary
let temp = null;
if (Function.prototype.toString.toString() !== 'function toString() { [native code] }') {
// save overridden function if you need to come back to it
temp = Function.prototype.toString;
// getting the original toString function by creating an iframe
const iframe = docuemnt.createElement('iframe');
iframe.style.display = 'none';
Function.prototype.toString = iframe.contentWindow.Function.prototype.toString;
// do your other checks here ex//
if (Array.prototype.includes.toString() !== iframe.contentWindow.Array.prototype.includes.toString()) {
// do something
// ..or however you're planning on checking for overridden functions
// restore toString from temp if needed.
Function.prototype.toString = temp;
I spent days trying to share one of my Firefox for Android extension objects with the webpages I also open from my extension (declared as resources). The thing is I have read a lot about the last year's changes about unsafewindow, so I tryed a very small example with the new functions but didn't work. I copied the examples and I also tryed my owns, but there is no way to copy existing objects with functionality. See, I have a VERY big object to clone in the content window, but I decided to test with a small one:
//From addon
var dog = {
name: 'Spike',
woof: function(){alert('woof woof!')}
And after that I tryed to copy this object into the active window:
//From addon
var contentWindow = window.BrowserApp.selectedBrowser.contentWindow;
contentWindow.dog = Components.utils.cloneInto(
{cloneFunctions: true}
And after that, I tryed to check what was really copied:
alert(contentWindow.dog); //Shows: [object Object]
alert(contentWindow.dog.name); //Shows: Spike
alert(contentWindow.dog.woof); //Shows: undefined
So, I can clone the objects but no the functions, even when I declared "cloneFunctions: true".
I also tryed to create an empty object and then assign the functions (a lot of work thinking in my so big original object), and didn't work:
function greetme(user) {
return "cheers " + user;
var foo = Components.utils.createObjectIn(contentWindow,{defineAs: "foo"});
Components.utils.exportFunction(greetme, foo, {defineAs: "greetme"});
//foo is not an object in current window
So... Any idea is welcome, I really don't know what to do because theory and given examples doesn't work anymore.
Thanks (A LOT) in advance!!
Your code is more or less correct already, however, you're running into trouble with XRay wrappers. And, in order for the content window (website) to actually see you dog, you need to waive the XRay wrapper on the content window as well.
I tested the following with the current Firefox for Android Nightly (sorry, my release Firefox is not configured for remote debugging).
Ran this in the Main Process (using the WebIDE):
var dog = {
name: 'Spike',
woof: function () {
alert(contentWindow.document.title + "\n" + this.name + ': woof woof!');
var contentWindow = BrowserApp.selectedBrowser.contentWindow;
// Need to unwrap this, so that we can actually set properties on the
// object itself and not just the wrapper. Aka. make "dog" visible to
// the actual script.
var unsafeWindow = Components.utils.waiveXrays(contentWindow);
// Define Window.dog (on the unsafe window, so that the website code
// can actually see it).
unsafeWindow.dog = Components.utils.cloneInto(dog, contentWindow, {
cloneFunctions: true
Then I switched over to the actual tab and tested:
And it worked.
I need to make a fake window.location = "testCall" call in order to generate an event to bypass parameters on a mobile device. Works as native, however, I need then to dissmiss a NotFound exception or mainly dissmiss a fake window.location call. Possible? Thank you
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'location').configurable === false
in Chrome and Safari (and I presume in other browsers). So seems like you can't change the native behavior.
If it behaved as a normal EcmaScript 5 property and configurable was set to true than you could have done something like that:
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'location');
var setter = descriptor.set; // Doesn't exist although it should in spirit of ES5
descriptor.set = function (newLocation) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log('Location error: ', newLocation, e);
// The line below will throw exception in real browser :(
// TypeError: Cannot redefine property: location
Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', descriptor);
I hope browser vendors migrate all their magical properties and objects to standard EcmaScript mechanics but at the moment we are out of luck.
I currently have this JS statement everywhere in my code:
window.console && console.log("Foo");
I am wondering if this is costly at all, or has any negative side-effects in production.
Am I free to leave client-side logging in, or should it go?
EDIT: In the end, I suppose the best argument I (and anyone else?) can come up with is that there is a possibly non-negligible amount of extra data transferred between the server and the client by leaving logging messages left in. If production code is to be fully optimized, logging will have to be removed to reduce the size of javascript being sent to the client.
Another way of dealing with this is to 'stub' out the console object when it isn't defined so no errors are thrown in contexts that do not have the console i.e.
if (!window.console) {
var noOp = function(){}; // no-op function
console = {
log: noOp,
warn: noOp,
error: noOp
you get the idea... there are a lot of functions defined on the various implementations of the console, so you could stub them all or just the ones you use (e.g. if you only ever use console.log and never used console.profile, console.time etc...)
This for me is a better alternative in development than adding conditionals in front of every call, or not using them.
see also: Is it a bad idea to leave "console.log()" calls in your producton JavaScript code?
You should not add development tools to a production page.
To answer the other question: The code cannot have a negative side-effect:
window.console will evaluate to false if console is not defined
console.log("Foo") will print the message to the console when it's defined (provided that the page does not overwrite console.log by a non-function).
If you are using this minifier, you can set drop_console option:
Pass true to discard calls to console.* functions
So I would suggest to leave console.log calls as they are for a most trickiest part of the codebase.
If minification is part of your build process, you may use it to strip out debug code, as explained here with Google closure compiler: Exclude debug JavaScript code during minification
if (DEBUG) {
console.log("Won't be logged if compiled with --define='DEBUG=false'")
If you compile with advanced optimizations, this code will even be identified as dead and removed entirely
Yes. console.log will throw an exception in browsers that don't have support for it (console object will not be found).
Generally yes, its not a great idea to expose log messages in your production code.
Ideally, you should remove such log messages with a build script before deployment; but many (most) people do not use a build process (including me).
Here's a short snippet of some code I've been using lately to solve this dilemma. It fixes errors caused by an undefined console in old IE, as well as disabling logging if in "development_mode".
// fn to add blank (noOp) function for all console methods
var addConsoleNoOp = function (window) {
var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error",
"assert", "dir", "dirxml", "group", "groupEnd", "time",
"timeEnd", "count", "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"],
i, l = names.length,
noOp = function () {};
window.console = {};
for (i = 0; i < l; i = i + 1) {
window.console[names[i]] = noOp;
// call addConsoleNoOp() if console is undefined or if in production
if (!window.console || !window.development_mode) {
I'm pretty sure I took much of the above addConsoleNoOp f'n from another answer on SO, but cannot find right now. I'll add a reference later if I find it.
edit: Not the post I was thinking of, but here's a similar approach: https://github.com/paulmillr/console-polyfill/blob/master/index.js
var AppLogger = (function () {
var debug = false;
var AppLogger = function (isDebug) {
debug = isDebug;
AppLogger.conlog = function (data) {
if (window.console && debug) {
AppLogger.prototype = {
conlog: function (data) {
if (window.console && debug) {
return AppLogger;
var debugMode=true;
var appLogger = new AppLogger(debugMode);
Don't overcomplicate things! I personally use console.log all the time during development, it's just such a timesaver. For production i just add a single line of code (in the "production profile" in my case) that disable all logs:
window.console.log = () => {};
done ;)
This monkey patches window.console and replace the log function with an empty function, disabling the output.
This is good enough for me in most cases. If you want to go "all the way" and remove console.logs from your code to decrease bundle size, you have to change the way your js is bundled (e.g. drop console.logs with minifier or something)
Also I think you CAN actually make a strong point for leaving them in - even in production. It doesn't change anything for a normal user but can really speed up understanding weird "exotic-browser" problems. It's not like it's backend-logs that may contain critical information. It's all on the frontend anyway, not showing a log message because you are scared to reveal something a user shouldn't know really is only "security by obscurity" and should make you think why this information is even available on the frontend in the first place. Just my opinion.
Yes, its good practice to use console.log for javascript debugging purpose, but it needs to be removed from the production server or if needed can be added on production server with some key points to be taken into consideration:
**var isDebugEnabled="Get boolean value from Configuration file to check whether debug is enabled or not".**
if (window.console && isDebugEnabled) {
console.log("Debug Message");
Above code block has to be used everywhere for logging in order to first verify whether the console is supported for the current browser and whether debug is enabled or not.
isDebugEnabled has to be set as true or false based on our
Idea: Logging objects precludes them from being Garbage Collected.
If you pass objects to console.log then these objects are accessible by reference from console of DevTools. You may check it by logging object, mutating it and finding that old messages reflect later changes of the object.
If logs are too long old messages do get deleted in Chrome.
If logs are short then old messages are not removed, if these messages reference objects then these objects are not Garbage Collected.
It's just an idea: I checked points 1 and 2 but not 3.
If you want to keep logs for sake of client-side troubleshooting or other needs then:
['log', 'warn', 'error'].forEach( (meth) => {
const _meth = window.console[meth].bind(console);
window.console[meth] = function(...args) { _meth(...args.map((arg) => '' + arg)) }
If the workflow is done using the right tools such as parcel/webpack then it's no longer a headache, because with the production build console.log is being dropped. Even few years earlier with Gulp/Grunt it could've been automated as well.
Many of the modern frameworks such as Angular, React, Svelte, Vue.js come with that setup out-of-the-box. Basically, you don't have to do anything, as long as you deploy the correct build, i.e. production one, not development which will still have console.log.
I basically overwrite the console.log function with the one what has knowledge of where the code is being run. Thus i can keep using console.log as I do always. It automatically knows that I am in dev/qa mode or in production. There is also a way to force it.
Here is a working fiddle.
Here is the snippet as stack overflow is intimated by people posting jsfiddle
if(window.location.hostname === domainName)
if(window.myLogger.force === true)
}else {
I know this is quite an old question and hasn't had much activity in a while. I just wanted to add my solution that I came up with which seems to work quite well for me.
* Logger For Console Logging
Global.loggingEnabled = true;
Global.logMode = 'all';
Global.log = (mode, string) => {
case 'debug':
if(Global.logMode == 'debug' || Global.logMode == 'all'){
console.log('Debug: '+JSON.stringify(string));
case 'error':
if(Global.logMode == 'error' || Global.logMode == 'all'){
console.log('Error: '+JSON.stringify(string));
case 'info':
if(Global.logMode == 'info' || Global.logMode == 'all'){
console.log('Info: '+JSON.stringify(string));
Then I typically create a function in my scripts like this or you could make it available in a global script:
Something.fail = (message_string, data, error_type, function_name, line_number) => {
if(error_type == undefined){
error_type = 'error';
Global.showErrorMessage(message_string, true);
Global.spinner(100, false);
Global.log(error_type, function_name);
Global.log(error_type, 'Line: '+line_number);
Global.log(error_type, 'Error: '+data);
Global.spinner(100, false);
Global.log('error', 'Error: '+error);
Global.log('error', 'Undefined Error...');
console.log('Global Not Loaded!');
And then I just use that instead of console.log like this:
// To Do Somehting
Something.fail('Debug Something', data, 'debug', 'myFunc()', new Error().lineNumber);
Something.fail('Something Failed', error, 'error', 'myFunc()', new Error().lineNumber);
I am trying to use a Javascript callback to a Flex application embedded in my page. Looking through some examples, I've seen this code used to get a reference to the Flex application:
// Get the reference:
function thisFlexApp(appName) {
if(navigator.appName.indexOf ('Microsoft') != -1) {
return window[appName];
else {
return window.document[appName];
// Use it:
var someVariable = thisFlexApp('NameOfFlexApp').callbackMethod();
I used that method, but using IE9 I got errors indicating the "thisFlexApp" call didn't work. Turns out that window.document[appName] worked in IE9, but window[appName] didn't. Since I don't expect my government clients to be using IE9 yet, I'm wondering what version of IE this method would actually work on? Is there another test that would be better to use instead of the one above which just assumes all versions of IE work a certain way? Thanks in advance.
Don't check the browser version, check the browser's capabilities. You can just check if window[appName] exists, and if it does, use it.
function thisFlexApp(appName) {
if(window[appName]) {
return window[appName];
else {
return window.document[appName];
Or even shorter:
function thisFlexApp(appName) {
return window[appName] || window.document[appName];