react-native navigation false route params in navigation listener - javascript

I am using react native navigation and have two tabs. One of them has a list of entites, the other has a form to submit entities. When ever a new entity is submitted, I'd like to refresh the first tab to be sure, the newest data gets loaded.
I navigate to the first tab like this:
navigation?.navigate('Main', {refresh: true});
This props gets saved as follows:
let {refresh} = route.params;
To check, if the screen needs to refresh, I added a listener in useEffect() like this:
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () =>{
}, [])
Unfortunately, neither "refresh" nor "route.params" directly is ever true inside the listener. Passing the param works, because I took a closer look at the var and it gets true, whenever I submit.
Do I need to access the route.params inside a navigation listener in another way?
Thanks and hit me up, if you need more information on this

The issue is that your useEffect only runs once as your dependencies array [] is empty, and therefore your listener only receives the initial value of refresh.
You need to pass refresh as a dependency to useEffect, and I don't think you even need the focus listener in your case so you would end up with this:
useEffect(() => {
if (refresh) {
}, [refresh])

const onPressCountry = (item,index) => {
navigation.push('SignUp2', {selectedCountryId:item?.countryID, selectedCountryName: item?.name} )
use navigation.push instead of navigation.navigate


Next.js behavior on back button pressed

I have a page I am trying to fix in order to keep scroll position when user presses back button (browser). Let's say I have a component called list, where I show the user some products. To see all the products the user can scroll down the list component. When the user clicks on some product, the application redirects the user to the detail component. Then when the user tries to go back to the list, hits the back button of the browser, the list component gets rendered and it seems like it scrolls to top automatically.
As far as I know, pressing the back button of the browser triggers a window.history.back() action, nothing else happens.
For a solution, I have implemented a variable in the context of my application that saves the scrollY value and then, in the componentWillMount (or useEffect) of the component I am trying to render (list component), I set the scroll position to the value set in the context.
Details of my solution are here, as I have based my entire code in this stack overflow's post:
How to change scroll behavior while going back in next js?
I have checked the value using some logs and the scroll position is saved correctly in the context, however, as I am using a window event listener, it sets the value to zero just after the list component is rendered.
In my code I am not using any kind of scroll configuration, so I was wondering if that behavior is some sort of default for either Next.js or react. It happens when the user hits the back button of the browser, but I am a newbie to next and I don't know if I am missing something or what, I don't even know if this issue has something to do with React or Next.js itself.
This gist may be of assistance as it includes a custom hook to manage scroll position:
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import Router from 'next/router';
function saveScrollPos(url) {
const scrollPos = { x: window.scrollX, y: window.scrollY };
sessionStorage.setItem(url, JSON.stringify(scrollPos));
function restoreScrollPos(url) {
const scrollPos = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(url));
if (scrollPos) {
window.scrollTo(scrollPos.x, scrollPos.y);
export default function useScrollRestoration(router) {
useEffect(() => {
if ('scrollRestoration' in window.history) {
let shouldScrollRestore = false;
window.history.scrollRestoration = 'manual';
const onBeforeUnload = event => {
delete event['returnValue'];
const onRouteChangeStart = () => {
const onRouteChangeComplete = url => {
if (shouldScrollRestore) {
shouldScrollRestore = false;
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', onBeforeUnload);'routeChangeStart', onRouteChangeStart);'routeChangeComplete', onRouteChangeComplete);
Router.beforePopState(() => {
shouldScrollRestore = true;
return true;
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', onBeforeUnload);'routeChangeStart', onRouteChangeStart);'routeChangeComplete', onRouteChangeComplete);
Router.beforePopState(() => true);
}, [router]);
Looking at your url, using shallow routing could solve the problem. Where the URL will get updated. And the page won't get replaced, only the state of the route is changed. So you can change your logic according to that.
A good example is in the official documentation:
And you might use display: 'hidden' to hide and show your components conditionally according to your state!
It's a way around but it could be even more useful depending on your exact situation !
After looking for another solution that does not use the window.scroll and similar methods, I have found a solution.
1st solution (worked, but for me that I have an infinite list that is loaded via API call, sometimes the window.scroll method wasn't accurate): I take the window.scrollY value and set it in the session storage, I did this before leaving the list page, so in the details page, if user hits the back button, at the moment the page is loading, I get the Y value from session storage and use the window.scroll method to force the page to scroll to the previously configured value.
As I mentioned earlier, this worked, but in my case, I have a list that is populated from an async API call, so sometimes the page loaded without all the images and the scroll was already configured, then the images and data were loaded and the user ended up seeing some other place in the page rather than the desire position.
2nd solution: In my case we are talking about a e commerce app, so I found this solution useful as it focuses in a particular item with its corresponding ID instead of the Y coord of the window. Scroll Restoration in e commerce app

need to pass an effect via props or force component reload from outside the root component in preact/react

I have a situation that an item outside the component might influence the item in the backend. ex: change the value of one of the properties that are persisted, let's say the item status moves from Pending to Completed.
I know when it happens but since it is outside of a component I need to tell to the component that it is out of sync and re-fetch the data. But from outside. I know you can pass props calling the render method again. But the problem is I have a reducer and the state will pick up the last state and if I use an prop to trigger an effect I get into a loop.
Here is what I did:
useEffect(() => {
if (props.effect && !state.effect) { //this runs when the prop changes
return dispatch({ type: props.effect, });
if (state.effect) { // but then I get here and then back up and so on
return ModelEffect[state.effect](state?.data?.item)}, [state.status, state.effect, props.effect,]);
In short since I can't get rid of the prop the I get the first one then the second and so on in an infinite loop.
I render the root component passing the id:
render(html`<${Panel} id=${id}/>`,
Then the idea was that I could do this to sync it:
render(html`<${Panel} id=${id} effect="RELOAD"/>`,
any better ways to solve this?
Thanks a lot
I resolved it by passing the initialized dispatch function to a global.
function Panel (props) {
const [state, dispatch,] = useReducer(RequestReducer, initialData);
useEffect(() => {
window.GlobalDispatch = dispatch;
}, [state.status, state.effect,]);
with that I can do:

How to use useEffect deps when page reload?

I got simple blog with arficles, and when user click edit button he got form filled with articles data - title, description, body and tags. I use useEffect to get data and fill form, when I got "id". If there is no "id" form should be blank. here is my useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
if (id) {
isLoading = true;
return props.onLoad(userService.articles.get(id));
}, [id]
but when I reload page id not changed, and func userService.articles.get(id) not run, and all datas gone. I need advice how to fix it? may be I need to use other deps for useEffect, but now I have no idea what deps i can use exept id.
thank you all for help. all i want is:
when the edit page load/reload and "id" exist -> fills form fields
when "id" not exist -> blank form fields
now when I reload edit page i got id - but all datas gone, and i got blank form :(
Here is the full code: codesandbox
p.s. i use free API - so you can create user in a sec with any imagined email, username and password. you don't need mail confirmation.
You should use this.props.match.params to access your id that comes from the url.
useEffect(() => {
if ( {
.then((resp) => {
} else {
}, []);
Also you should rely on useState to manage your isLoading variable.
const [isLoading, setIsloading] = useState(false);
I did a bit more digging into the code you have provided.
The initialValues will be first empty because the data coming from the props is not there yet. And once the initialValues have been set you can't change them dynamically, you have to resort to the antd Form api.
You cannot set value for each form control via value or defaultValue
prop, you should set default value with initialValues of Form. Note that initialValues cannot be updated by setState dynamically, you
should use setFieldsValue in that situation.
The key here is to use another useEffect with dependencies to your form values comming from the props and use those to reset the form values via setFieldsValue.
try to useEffect without options and it will run just when the page loads for the first time
useEffect(() => {
if (id) {
isLoading = true;
return props.onLoad(userService.articles.get(id));
}, []
Based on the assumption that you want props.onLoad to run whenever there is a defined "id" or the defined "id" changes:
Returning a function from a useEffect hook (as you do with return props.onLoad(...)) is specifically for "cleaning up" things like side effects or subscriptions. A function returned inside a useEffect hook will only run when the component unmounts. See docs here. Also it doesn't seem like you are even passing a function to run on cleanup. You're passing the result of props.onLoad to run on cleanup, which based on the function name doesn't seem like it is intended to return another function.
So, if you want props.onLoad() to run if the "id" is defined, remove the return before props.onLoad. That return is telling React to hold (what it thinks is a function) for cleanup on unmount. If it's still not working, I think we'll need more information on what exactly props.onLoad is doing.

How to access current state of component from useEffect without making it a dependency?

I've got the following component (simplified) which, given a note ID, would load and display it. It would load the note in useEffect and, when a different note is loaded or when the component gets unmounted, it saves the note.
const NoteViewer = (props) => {
const [note, setNote] = useState({ title: '', hasChanged: false });
useEffect(() => {
const note = loadNote(props.noteId);
return () => {
if (note.hasChanged) saveNote(note); // bug!!
}, [props.noteId]);
const onNoteChange = (event) => {
setNote({ ...note, title:, hasChanged: true });
return (
<input value={note.title} onChange={onNoteChange}/>
The issue is that within the useEffect I use note, which is not part of the dependencies so it means I always get stale data.
However, if I put the note in the dependencies then the loading and saving code will be executed whenever the note is modified, which is not what I need.
So I'm wondering how can I access the current note, without making it a dependency? I've tried to replace the note with a ref, but it means the component no longer updates when the note is changed, and I'd rather not use references.
Any idea what would be the best way to achieve this? Maybe some special React Hooks pattern?
You can't get the current state because this component does not render on the app render that removes it. Which means your effect never runs that last time.
Using an effect cleanup function is not a good place for this sort of thing. That should really be reserved for cleaning up that effect and nothing else.
Instead, whatever logic you have in the app that changes the state to close the NoteViewer should also save the note. So in some parent component (perhaps a NoteList or something) you'd save and close like:
function NoteList() {
const [viewingNoteId, setViewingNoteId] = useState(null)
// other stuff...
function closeNote() {
if (note.hasChanged) saveNote(note)
return <>{/* ... */}</>

How to reload a react component without using any event handler?

Is it possible to reload a component in react without using the help of a function like onClick. I want my component to reload again after it just got loaded.
I tried using
window.location.reload(false); in the constructor. I even tried using useEffect() but they make the page reload infinitely.
Is there any work around?
I have seen people accomplish this by setting a dummy setState method that is strictly used to trigger a refresh. Consider this component:
export const Proof = () => {
console.log("Component re-rendered")
const [dummyState,rerender] = React.useState(1);
const onClick = () => {
rerender(dummyState + 1);
React.useEffect( () => {
console.log("dummyState's state has updated to: " + dummyState)
}, [dummyState])
<button onClick={onClick}>reRender</button>
Whenever you want to rerender the component you just need to trigger a change in the dummyState. Clicking the button will cause the components state to change, which will cause the component to rerender (i used a console.log() for proof). It is worth noting that simply calling a method that instantly changes the state of the component will result in an infinite loop.
From reading your comment above, it sounds like you are passing a value as a prop to a child component and you would like the value to be recalculated as soon as any interaction with that component occurs. Ideally, the interaction itself should cause the recalculation. But if you would just like to quickly recalculate the value and rerender the component as soon as it renders then i think this would work:
export const Proof = () => {
console.log("Component re-rendered")
const [dummyState,rerender] = React.useState(1);
//the empty brackets will cause this useEffect
//statement to only execute once.
React.useEffect( () => {
rerender(dummyState + 1);
}, [])
You could also recalculate the value in the useEffect method, as it will get called as soon as the component initially renders but not on any subsequent rerenders (due to the empty brackets as the second parameter to the useEffect method)
Have you tried to enter some dependecies to your useEffect hook ?
Like :
useEffect(() => {
}, [isLoad];
Here you're component will re-render only if isLoad is changing.
