I'm using dhee.ai widgets to take orders on my site. I've identified cases where I want to programattically launch the widget with certain user intents upfront. This should happen without user having to click on the bot icon.
How can I do that ?
It can be done using a javascript call as below
var myIntent = 'yourIntentToBeServedOnStartup'
var myParams = {param1:value1} //optional
var phoneNum = '9999999999'
DheeChatWidget.launchWithIntent("Guest", phoneNum, language, myIntent, myParams);
An example HTML which uses a custom intent to launch, can be seen here
I'm developing javascript add-on where part of functionality is reminder. User entered some data and set what this email will be sent for example tomorrow.
My idea/task is to make possible what on pressing for example btn in my add-in it will open in gmail the needed email.
What I have is id of the email that I need re-open in gmail.
Is it possible, if you know needed email id, in the gmail to open it again by add-in in separate window? Assuming you clicked btn in your add-on?
Any ideas?
btw I am using gmail api for my rest calls to app
Depending on what you want to accomplish, I'm thinking of two alternatives.
Open existing message in a new window:
Use setOpenLink or setOnClickOpenLinkAction to open a URL in a new tab when a button is clicked.
This tab can be full size or as a popup (via setOpenAs):
var message = GmailApp.getMessageById(messageId);
var url = message.getThread().getPermalink();
var openLinkButton = CardService.newTextButton()
.setText('Open link')
var buttonSet = CardService.newButtonSet()
var section = CardService.newCardSection()
var card = CardService.newCardBuilder()
return card.build();
Create and display a draft:
Use setComposeAction to create and display a draft as a popup when a button is clicked. This draft can be standalone or a response to whatever message id you provide.
For example, in the sample below, a draft is created and displayed when clicking the button Compose Reply:
function createCard(e) {
var composeAction = CardService.newAction()
var composeButton = CardService.newTextButton()
.setText('Compose Reply')
var buttonSet = CardService.newButtonSet()
var section = CardService.newCardSection()
var card = CardService.newCardBuilder()
return card.build();
function createReplyDraft(e) {
// ...Get messageId ...
var message = GmailApp.getMessageById(messageId);
var draft = message.createDraftReply("I'm a draft!");
return CardService.newComposeActionResponseBuilder()
Gmail interactions
I have made my self a speadsheet to enter my working times. For some cases I have to enter some links and name them with part of the linkname. So I decided to create a custom menu where I simply post the link in a prompt and the script cuts out needed name and enters this to my sheet.
Now this is only running in my sheet. Guess there is no need to publish something like this :)
To my problem:
I have a main workingsheet and copy this every week because one sheet only solves one week. My script causes me to grant permissions to it so it can do upper described actions on current sheet. But everytime I copy the sheet (so every week) I have to grand the permissions again. Looking to my google account seeing granted permissions giving me headache since there are planty of entries for granting permissions :(
Is there a way to stay in kind of a developermode to prevent this permission requests?
Why do I have to grand permissions to my own script?
function onOpen(e) {
var menu = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu('Custom Menu');
menu.addItem('Add Ticket', 'addTicket');
menu.addItem('Rename to KW XX', 'renameDocument');
function addTicket() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi(); // Same variations.
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var myCell = sheet.getActiveCell();
var result = ui.prompt(
'Add Ticket',
'Please enter Ticket-link:',
// Process the user's response.
var button = result.getSelectedButton();
var link = result.getResponseText();
if (button == ui.Button.OK) {
var n = link.lastIndexOf('/');
var linkName = link.substring(n+1);
var vals = myCell.setValue('=HYPERLINK("' + link + '";"' + linkName + '")');
} else if (button == ui.Button.CANCEL) {
// User clicked "Cancel".
ui.alert('You cancled adding ticket.');
} else if (button == ui.Button.CLOSE) {
// User clicked X in the title bar.
ui.alert('You closed the dialog. No ticket was inserted.');
function renameDocument() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var kw = moment().format('ww');
var name = sheet.getName();
sheet.setName('KW ' + kw);
I understand that by "sheet" you mean spreadsheet, a.k.a. workbook, document and file, because using a script on several sheets that are on the same spreadsheet doesn't require to authorize the script for each one and because you are seeing a "plenty of entries for granting permissions"
Also I understand that your script is on a script project bounded to an spreadsheet.
When we make a copy of an spreadsheet it will contain a copy to the script project bounded to it. The new spreadsheet and its bounded project as they are different files and the policy of Google is that the authorization to run a script is given by script project.
The way to avoid having a lot of copies of the same code code and have to authorize each of them is to use an add-on, that is the reason that I vote to close this question as duplicate of Use script in all spreadsheets
Anyway the answer to
Is there a way to stay in kind of a developermode to prevent this permission requests?
is develop an add-on.
and to
Why do I have to grand permissions to my own script?
Because you are not being asked to grant permissions to one script you are being asked to grant permission to each copy.
It's worth to note that besides the headache of having to grant permissions to each copy, if you made a change to "your script" it will be only on the script project where you write it, that change will not be "propagated" to the copies.
An alternative is to use a library but you still will have to grant permissions to each script project where you use the library.
Regarding the developer fee to publish on the Google Chrome Web Store, you could run your add-on on test mode but you will have to add each file to the corresponding list which is not very friendly to handle a large list of files.
I'm looking for a way, how set data from var title, to other data ( var t ), and see result in page source.
Now i have:
// example: home
var title = document.title;
var t = title;
Now, in souce view, var title = document.title and var t also.
How can i parse this code, and see document.title returned value ?
Thanks for explain.
With this code:
var title = document.title
i Want to see in source code of browser:
var title = 'title of page being viewed' instead of var title = document.title
This isn't how JavaScript works.
It is a dynamic scripting language that runs in the web browser and affects that visitors page only.
When you choose View Source you are looking at the underlying code before it is executed.
If you want to pull information from another source then you need to look into either:
Screen scraping
Web services
Screen scraping is the process of downloading a webpage and then looking inside of it to pull information out. This can be messy if the website changes the layout of the page or the content is badly formatted.
A better way to provide information to 3rd party sources is to create a web service. This gives you an API which you can query and then you can return data in a computer readable format.
You mean that display the value of variable on your browser?
Just use this code:
And you can see the result on console panel.
Found solution from Microsoft Blog... see below
OK, to start I don't like the word random but I cannot find any correlation in test cases for this problem so I am going to use random to describe parts of this problem.
The setup: I have a list where i have crated a customized UI for the EditForm.aspx and NewForm.aspx. I use the same JS file and JavaScript between the two of them. I have added in a google map to help illustrate the location selection. I have added extra code to the "OK" button for some dynamic validation. I have done a lot of dynamic menu things as well. All users use IE 9 and the site is on a MOSS 2007 server.
The problem: Only on the EditForm.aspx, clicking OK "Randomly" results in an immediate white screen. The form is not saved and when viewing the source code of the white screen i find a blank html page.
What I have tried to find this problem:
- I tried to narrow down the user and computer this happens on and found that it happens for everyone on every computer(once again "Randomly").
- I tried disabling the code that is pre-pended to the "OK" button
- I tried following the code with the IE9's external script debugged and found no errors
I can provide the code but it is a bit long and I really do not know where to begin. So i can provide it if needed.
Thanks for the help ahead of time.
This is the code re-wiring my OK button(i reset the value to "Save" earlier)
var okBtns = $('input[value="Save"]')
$.each(okBtns, function(index,value){
$(value).attr('onclick','return false;')
$(value).bind('click', function(){
if ($('#'+StatusBox).val()=='Draft') {$('#'+StatusBox).val('New Request')}
var err = clickOKbutton();
if(err==0) {okFunction()};
This is the clickOKbutton function witch is th code prepended to the orgianal sharepoint operations:
function clickOKbutton()
//all of the imput validation i could ever wish for!!!!
var NoteVal = ''
var NameAry = $('#'+PersonnelBox).parent().children(":first").children("SPAN").children("SPAN");
$.each(NameAry, function(index,value){
var $n=$(value).html();
if(NoteVal.length==0) {NoteVal=$n} else {NoteVal=NoteVal+';'+$n};
var plh = $('#'+PersonnelBox).parent().html()
userNameTx = $('#zz8_Menu').text();
userNameTx = userNameTx.replace('Welcome ','');
$.each(OICUsers, function(i,v){
if(plh.indexOf(v) > -1 && st=='New Request'){
$('#'+StatusBox).val('OIC Bypassed')
$('#'+CommentsBox).val('OIC is travling on this TDY/TAD and cannot approve. So this request is bypassing the "OIC Approval" step')
/*userNameTx = $('#zz8_Menu').text();
userNameTx = userNameTx.replace('Welcome ','')
$('#' + ModBox).closest('TR').show();*/
var message=''
message = detectFieldChanges(AllFieldsArray,AllOrgValArray,"Draft,New Request,Modified")
message = detectFieldChanges(ValFieldsArray,OrgValuesArray,"Draft,New Request,Modified,OIC Approved,OIC Bypassed,Pending RFI,Ready for COS")
userNameTx = $('#zz8_Menu').text();
userNameTx = userNameTx.replace('Welcome ','');
//Subject box
var pb = NoteVal;
var ep = $('#'+ExtPersonnel).val();
var ab = $('#'+AddressBox).val();
var sd = $('#'+sDateBox).val();
var ed = $('#'+eDateBox).val();
var st = $('#'+StatusBox).val();
var p = pb+';'+ep;
var p = p.replace(/mossaspnetmembershipprovider:/g,'');
var p = p.slice(0,-1);
var ad = ab+' '+sd+' to '+ed;
var s = 'eTDY | '+st+' - '+p+' - '+ad;
var l = s.length-255;
p = p.substring(0,p.length-l);
s = 'eTDY | '+p+' - '+ad;
//check Lat/Lng value
if($('#'+LatBox).val()=='' || $('#'+LngBox).val()==''){
//alert("Cannot continue unless the Lat Lng has a vallid coordinate");
errorHTML='<br><span class="ms-error" id="LatLngError">You must specify a value for Lat and Lng</span>'
return -1
return 0
It is messy but hopefully you can make sense of it.
Edit 2:
I think I have tracked the randomness down... I completely turned off all custom code and still have the problem. I then tried comparing a working record with a non working record. Everything looked normal until i got to the field with a multiple people picker. If i have more than 2 people in that field it will save normal but when i go to make a modification on that record with more than 2 people in the people picker field is causes this problem. I am going to do some more research and will post my results.
Edit 3:
This problem all boils down to IIS configuration and the Impersonation Level. Apparently our server admins decided to change it without telling anyone.
Usually, when you get [seemingly random] behavior from a web page (especially in MOSS), it means that you have ambiguous events defined on the page. Usually, I get this when I add some kind of JScript to a button or form on_submit.
Without seeing your code, I can't really narrow it down further than that. I recommend: look for JavaScript events on your HTML form or on your button click events or look for anchor [a] tags that point to nowhere (href=#) but have javascript. Then decide to do it (strictly) the HTML way (forms, submit buttons) or the javascript way, (no forms, no asp:button) and un-wire the other.
This problem all boils down to IIS configuration and the Impersonation Level. Apparently our server admins decided to change it without telling anyone.
On IIS6, I can use WMI to list available websites, like this:
var iis = GetObject("winmgmts://localhost/root/MicrosoftIISv2");
var query = "SELECT * FROM IIsWebServerSetting"
// get the list of virtual servers
var results = iis.ExecQuery(query);
for(var e = new Enumerator(results); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
var site = e.item();
// site.Name // W3SVC/1, W3SVC/12378398, etc
// site.Name.substr(6) // 1, 12378398, etc
// site.ServerComment) // "Default Web Site", "Site2", etc
// site.ServerBindings(0).Port // 80, 8080, etc
I know I can run this script on IIS7, if I have previously installed the IIS6 Compatibility Pack.
Is it possible to get the list of WebSites without requiring the compatibility pack as a pre-requisite?
I know I can run AppCmd to do this from the command line:
\Windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd list sites
But... can I run that from a custom action in an MSI?
And... if not, how can I do the equivalent thing (list websites on IIS7) from javascript?
Here's how I tried running the command from within Javascript.
function GetWebSites_IIS7()
var ParseOneLine = function(oneLine) {
...a bunch of regex parsing here....
LogMessage("GetWebSites_IIS7() ENTER");
var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var windir = shell.Environment("system")("windir");
// aka Session.Property("%WINDIR%")
var appcmd = windir + "\\system32\\inetsrv\\appcmd.exe list sites";
var oExec = shell.Exec(appcmd);
var sites = [];
while (!oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream) {
var oneLine = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine();
var line = ParseOneLine(oneLine);
LogMessage(" site: " + line.name);
return sites;
This works, but it briefly pops a visible console window, which then disappears. Doesn't look very polished. I think I can avoid the console window by using shell.Run() instead of shell.Exec(). But shell.Run() doesn't give access to the stdout, so I would have to redirect the output to a temporary file, then read the output. I haven't tried that yet. That may introduce some security issues; I'll have to see.
Where and how should my CustomAction create and read a temporary file?
Yes, you can run appcmd from the custom action the same way you do any custom action which runs exe. First off, you should author a DirectorySearch/FileSearch elements to find the full path to the executable. Next, add a custom action with ExeCommand attribute. You're probably trying to get feedback from a user, so leave it immediate. Also, think about using QuietExec in order not to show console window to your users.
By the way, if my guess is correct, you're trying to do something like this. Hope this helps.