Enable right-click on a page (or image) of my website - javascript

I discovered this website while stuck on my own website development and couldn't find exactly the answer I am looking for.
I am using Photocrati to build a photographers website, and I need to enable right click on one page so visitors can download free pictures.
The page is the following : https://lacanneetletrepied.com/cadeau/
Unfortunately, the option "enable" or "disable" right click for the whole theme somehow doesn't function as it should. The right click is always disabled no matter how I change it.
This question has already been mainly answered on this topic : Enable Right Click Wordpress Site
The answer is globally the following : Just remove it from functions.php look for wp_enqueue_script().
But as I am new to website development (and quite new to development in general), I still have questions.
On my website, I press F12 to get the developers panel (on Chrome or Firefox, PC, W10).
But (this is where I am a complete beginner) : where can I find : wp_enqueue_script(), functions.php and how do I remove a JavaScript from there ?
Also, is mentionned the code : var photocrati_image_protection_global = {"enabled":"1"};
I can't find it either in the developers tab. Where can it be ? Do I need to both remove the JS and change the code ?
And finally, how can I make this modification happen only on the page I mentioned above ?
Finally, If you have a simple option to enable right click on the images of this page (https://lacanneetletrepied.com/cadeau/) , I would gladly take it :)
Thank you so much for your help.


How to disable the whole navigation bar using javascript on pageload in any browsers

Hi I am trying to figure out if there is any way to disable the browser navigation bar so that the user is not able to reload the url or unable to the click on browser reload . I tried to find the solution but I could only see like this below in most of the sites .
window.open('URL', 'null', 'width=900,height=750,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,location=no,resizable =no');
window.moveTo(0, 0);
I am trying to find the solution using Java Script or JQuery and learn in the process. In my application after the first page and after click on submit button then the second page is OTP page and I want to not show the navigation bar or not to allow the user to reload the page while entering the OTP . I am hardly find the solution and any help would be appreciated.
Most of the browsers dont have that feature or has that feature but not turned on due to user experience concerns. It could be easily exploited by hackers so its usually not possible for safety concerns

Need to open link in new tab and close current tab with one click

I find myself in need of a script to (1) open a link in a new tab and (2) close the current tab so the back button cannot be used to see the website that was previously being viewed. This is a security feature for a site, and unfortunately I'm at a complete loss. Nothing I've tried works and I don't know where to begin. This is likely very simple and is staring me in the face, but I don't normally find myself needing to use java for anything. Any ideas?
Its impossible, but as found in this thread how to stop browser back button using javascript you can prevent users from going back.
Theres a JS bin with an example
Edit - Please bear in mind the warning 'It is generally a bad idea overriding the default behavior of web browser.'

How to execute Apple Script when click on HTML link?

I tried to embedded apple script in a link in HTML, but all it does is brought up the Apple Script Editor Application with profiled script in it.
I want it to execute after I click on the link - so I don't have to press the play button.
Can someone help me fix this real quick ?
<a href = "
tell application %22Safari%22%0D%09
make new document with properties {URL:%22https://www.google.com%22}%0D%09
end tell ">
Click me to run the script !
You'll find your answer to your question here.
You'll also want to install the RCDefaults preference pane.
You have to use the full protocol, with the '?' and all that, in order to make your own protocol work as expected. You have to follow the scheme, or whatever that is called, for that kind of requests. The linktrigger demo at MaxOsXAutomation.com, worked for me, within the last month.

Will Firefox start my SDK extension automatically after the browser starts - loading screen

I am new on add-on development using the SDK.
I want to ask you guys if it is possible to start my extension automatically after I open my browser? At the moment I starts after I press my widget icon in the toolbar (the panel shows a table with some data I get from the DOM).
Another thing I want to ask you: is it possible to show a loading screen (like a ajax gif) inside my panel (my extension needs a few seconds after switching a tab, to get the DOM data) every time I press the toolbar button.
First of all: One question per post, please.
Extensions are always started with the browser. When it comes to SDK add-ons, your main.js will be called. It's your job to perform any additional initialization form there.
Panels contain regular HTML pages and therefore can use images.
It's impossible to tell you more, without you providing more details and the code you got so far!

Possible to run Javascript from address bar (bookmarklet) within Google Chrome's settings panel?

I would like to make a bookmarklet to open google chrome's settings panel and clear my cache with a single click.
For a while now, Ive had a bookmark that opens chrome's settings panel with the 'clear cache' setting already selected. After clicking the bookmark (normally opening it in a new tab) I have to then opent the tab and submit the form. However, when developing this is a task I have to do quite often and these several repeated steps just seem unnecessary.
This link opens the page to clear one's cache (obviously for Chrome users only): chrome://chrome/settings/clearBrowserData#cache
I recently discovered bookmarklets and thought it would be a good way to accomplish the task of clearing my cache with a single click. However, I've discovered that putting even a basic javascript sample in the address bar when on the settings page (linked above) fails to work.
For example, this works in the address bar on any given page, but not from the chrome settings page:
javascript:alert('hello stackoverflow');
Is there a way to execute javascript from the chrome settings page? Are there other options? Im looking for any route to achieve this goal and would love to learn something along the way, even if it means doing some evil. :)
add a bookmark:
javascript:document.write('<form onsubmit="window.open(\'javascript:\'+js_line.value, \'target\');return false;">javascript:<input type=text name=js_line style="width:90%;"/></form><iframe src="" name="target" style="width:100%;height:90%;"/>');
What you want might not be fully possible through a bookmarklet, but it's certainly possible with a Chrome App. There is an app Clear Cache already. I find it pretty useful.
