Recording and uploading audio from javascript - javascript

I am trying to record and upload audio from javascript. I can successfullly record audio Blobs from a MediaRecorder. My understanding is that after recording several chunks into blobs, I would concatenate them as a new Blob(audioBlobs) and upload that. Unfortunately, the result on the server-side keeps being more or less gibberish. I'm currently running a localhost connection, so converting to uncompressed WAV isn't a problem (might be come one later, but that's a separate issue). Here is what I have so far
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: true, video: false})
.then(stream => {
const mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);
const audioChunks = [];
mediaRecorder.addEventListener("dataavailable", event => {
function sendData () {
const audioBlob = new Blob(audioChunks);'', [XXXXXX see below XXXXXX])
The session object here is an autobahn.js websockets connection to a python server (using soundfile. I tried a number of arguments in the place that was labelled by XXXXX in the code.
Just pass the audioBlob. In that case, the python side just receives an empty dictionary.
Pass audioBlob.text() in that case, I get something that looks somewhat binary (starts with OggS), but it can't be decoded.
Pass audioBlob.arrayBuffer(). In that case the python side receives an empty dictionary.
A possible solution could be to convert the data to WAV on the serverside (just changing the mime-type on the blob doesn't work) or to find a way to interpret the .text() output on the server side.

The solution was to use recorder.js and then use the getBuffer method in there to get the wave data as a Float32Array.


Web Audio API - How do I save the audio buffer to a file including all changes?

I made changes to an audio buffer like gain and panning, connected them to an audio context.
Now I want to save to a file with all the implemented changes.
Saving the buffer as is would give me the original audio without the changes.
Any idea of a method or a procedure existed to do that?
On way is to use a MediaRecorder to save the modified audio.
So, in addition to connecting to the destination, connect to a MediaStreamDestinationNode. This node has a stream object that you can use to initialize a MediaRecorder. Set up the recorder to save the data when data is available. When you're down recording, you have a blob that you can then download.
Many details are missing here, but you can find out how to use a MediaRecorder using the MDN example.
I found a solution, with OfflineAudioContext.
Here is an example with adding a gain change to my audio and saving it.
On the last line of the code I get the array buffer with the changes I made.
From there, I can go on saving the file.
let offlineCtx = new OfflineAudioContext(this.bufferNode.buffer.numberOfChannels, this.bufferNode.buffer.length, this.bufferNode.buffer.sampleRate);
let obs = offlineCtx.createBufferSource();
obs.buffer = this.buffer;
let gain = offlineCtx.createGain();
gain.gain.value = this.gain.gain.value;
let obsRES = this.ctx.createBufferSource();
await offlineCtx.startRendering().then(r => {
obsRES.buffer = r;

Is AudioContext / getChannelData deterministic?

I'm analysing an audio file in order to use the channelData to drive another part of my webapp (basically draw graphics based on the audio file). The callback function for the playback looks something like this:
successCallback(mediaStream) {
var audioContext = new (window.AudioContext ||
source = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(mediaStream);
node = audioContext.createScriptProcessor(256, 1, 1);
node.onaudioprocess = function(data) {
var monoChannel = data.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
Somehow I thought if I run the above code with the same file it would yield the same results all the time. But that's not the case. The same audio file would trigger the onaudioprocess function sometimes 70, sometimes 72 times for instance, yielding different data all the time.
Is there a way to get consistent data of that sort in the browser?
EDIT: I'm getting the audio from a recording function on the same page. When the recording is finished the resulting file gets set as the src of an <audio> element. recorder is my MediaRecorder.
recorder.addEventListener("dataavailable", function(e) {
fileurl = URL.createObjectURL(;
document.querySelector("#localaudio").src = fileurl;
To answer your original question: getChannelData is deterministic, i.e. it will yield the same Float32Array from the same AudioBuffer for the same channel (unless you happen to transfer the backing ArrayBuffer to another thread, in which case it will return an empty Float32Array with a detached backing buffer from then on).
I presume the problem you are encountering here is a threading issue (my guess is that the MediaStream is already playing before you start processing the audio stream from it), but it's hard to tell exactly without debugging your complete app (there are at least 3 threads at work here: an audio processing thread for the MediaStream, an audio processing thread for the AudioContext you are using, and the main thread that runs your code).
Is there a way to get consistent data of that sort in the browser?
Instead of processing through a real-time audio stream for real-time analysis, you could just take the recording result (, read it as an ArrayBuffer, and then decode it as an AudioBuffer, something like:
recorder.addEventListener("dataavailable", function (e) {
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
audioContext.decodeAudioData( (audioBuffer) {
var monoChannel = audioBuffer.getChannelData(0);
// monoChannel contains the entire first channel of your recording as a Float32Array
// ...
Note: this code would become a lot simpler with async functions and Promises, but it should give a general idea of how to read the entire completed recording.
Also note: the ScriptProcessorNode is deprecated due to performance issues inherent in cross-thread data copy, especially involving the JS main thread. The preferred alternative is the much more advanced AudioWorklet, but this is a fairly new way to do things on the web and requires a solid understanding of worklets in general.

Use Blazor to play local audio file in browser

Disclaimer: I am familiar with web technologies but still a newbie.
Scenario: I want user to choose an audio file from local file system. Then I wish to show a small audio control on the webpage to play the selection and send the audio back to the server (after clicking a button).
Problem: Using MatBlazor FileUpload, I am able to get a stream to the local audio file, but I am at a loss on how to use it with the html audio element. Specifically, how can I pass on the audio stream to src in the element?
One clear way to do this in javascript is to use <input type="file"/> element and then use the Filereader() to play the audio. Something like this shown here: Using Filereader.readAsDataURL(), Using URL.createObjectURL()
How can I do this in Blazor, ie play local audio file in browser using stream, the right way?
Current Workaround: For now, I am reading the stream and converting the audio to base64 string and then passing it on to audio element.
The downside of this approach is that for a large audio file of about 18 MB the conversion time is ~30 seconds, and the UI is stuck till then. If I use the javascript way with Interops, then the load time is almost instantaneous, but then I have to use the input element and not the MatFileUpload component. Another reason to have local file stream is because I want to send this audio file to server for further processing and have found it could be done easily using streams.
The code I am using to convert the audio stream to base64 string:
async Task FilesReadyForContent(IMatFileUploadEntry[] files)
string base64Audio; // variable defined outside the function to update DOM
bool loadingAudio; // defined outside
file = files.FirstOrDefault();
if (file == null)
base64Audio = "Error! Could not load file";
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
loadingAudio = true;
await InvokeAsync(() => this.StateHasChanged());
await file.WriteToStreamAsync(ms);
base64Audio = System.Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
loadingAudio = false;
await InvokeAsync(() => this.StateHasChanged());
catch (Exception ex)
base64Audio = $"Error! Exception:\r\n{ex.Message}\r\n{ex.StackTrace}";
await InvokeAsync(() => { this.StateHasChanged(); });

How to create a live media stream with Javascript

I am wanting to create a live audio stream from one device to a node server which can then broadcast that live feed to several front ends.
I have searched extensively for this and have really hit a wall so hoping somebody out there can help.
I am able to get my audio input from the window.navigator.getUserMedia API.
const constraints = {
video: false,
audio: {deviceId: this.state.deviceId ? {exact: this.state.deviceId} : undefined},
This then passes the stream to the initializeRecorder function which utilises the AudioContext API to create a createMediaStreamSource`
initializeRecorder = (stream) => {
const audioContext = window.AudioContext;
const context = new audioContext();
const audioInput = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
const bufferSize = 2048;
// create a javascript node
const recorder = context.createScriptProcessor(bufferSize, 1, 1);
// specify the processing function
recorder.onaudioprocess = this.recorderProcess;
// connect stream to our recorder
// connect our recorder to the previous destination
In my recorderProcess function, I now have an AudioProcessingEvent object which I can stream.
Currently I am emitting the audio event as as a stream via a socket connection like so:
recorderProcess = (e) => {
const left = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
this.socket.emit('stream', this.convertFloat32ToInt16(left))
Is this the best or only way to do this? Is there a better way by using fs.createReadStream and then posting the an endpoint via Axios? As far as I can tell this will only work with a file as opposed to a continuous live stream?
I have a very simple socket server running ontop of express. Currently I listen for the stream event and then emit that same input back out:
io.on('connection', (client) => {
client.on('stream', (stream) => {
client.emit('stream', stream)
Not sure how scalable this is but if you have a better suggestion, I'm very open to it.
Now this is where I am really stuck:
On my client I am listening for the stream event and want to listen to the stream as audio output in my browser. I have a function that receives the event but am stuck as to how I can use the arrayBuffer object that is being returned.
retrieveAudioStream = () => {
this.socket.on('stream', (buffer) => {
// ... how can I listen to the buffer as audio
Is the way I am streaming audio the best / only way I can upload to the node server?
How can I listen to the arrayBuffer object that is being returned on my client side?
Is the way I am streaming audio the best / only way I can upload to the node server?
Not really the best but i have seen worse, its not the only way either using websockets its considered ok from point of view since you want things to be "live" and not keep sending http post request every 5sec.
How can I listen to the arrayBuffer object that is being returned on my client side?
You can try this BaseAudioContext.decodeAudioData to listen to data streamed, the example is pretty simple.
From the code snippets you provide i assume you want to build something from scratch to learn how things work.
In that case, you can try MediaStream Recording API along with an websocket server that sends the chunks to X clients so they can reproduce the audio, etc.
It would make sense to invest time into WebRTC API, to learn how to stream from client to another client.
Also take a look at the links below for some useful information.
(stackoverflow) Get live streaming audio from NodeJS server to clients
(github) video-conference-webrtc tech stack article

JavaScript: Writing to download stream

I want to download an encrypted file from my server, decrypt it and save it locally. I want to decrypt the file and write it locally as it is being downloaded rather than waiting for the download to finish, decrypting it and then putting the decrypted file in an anchor tag. The main reason I want to do this is so that with large files the browser does not have to store hundreds of megabytes or several gigabytes in memory.
This is only going to be possible with a combination of service worker + fetch + stream
A few browser has worker and fetch but even fewer support fetch with streaming (Blink)
new Response(new ReadableStream({...}))
I have built a streaming file saver lib to communicate with a service worker in other to intercept network request: StreamSaver.js
It's a little bit different from node's stream here is an example
function unencrypt(){
// should return Uint8Array
return new Uint8Array()
// We use fetch instead of xhr that has streaming support
fetch(url).then(res => {
// create a writable stream + intercept a network response
const fileStream = streamSaver.createWriteStream('filename.txt')
const writer = fileStream.getWriter()
// stream the response
const reader = res.body.getReader()
const pump = () =>
.then(({ value, done }) => {
let chunk = unencrypt(value)
// Write one chunk, then get the next one
writer.write(chunk) // returns a promise
// While the write stream can handle the watermark,
// read more data
return writer.ready.then(pump)
// Start the reader
pump().then(() =>
console.log('Closed the stream, Done writing')
There are also two other way you can get streaming response with xhr, but it's not standard and doesn't mather if you use them (responseType = ms-stream || moz-chunked-arrayBuffer) cuz StreamSaver depends on fetch + ReadableStream any ways and can't be used in any other way
Later you will be able to do something like this when WritableStream + Transform streams gets implemented as well
fetch(url).then(res => {
const fileStream = streamSaver.createWriteStream('filename.txt')
It's also worth mentioning that the default download manager is commonly associated with background download so ppl sometimes close the tab when they see the download. But this is all happening in the main thread so you need to warn the user when they leave
window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
if( download_is_done() ) return
var dialogText = 'Download is not finish, leaving the page will abort the download'
e.returnValue = dialogText
return dialogText
New solution has arrived: showSaveFilePicker/FileSystemWritableFileStream, supported in Chrome, Edge, and Opera since October 2020 (and with a ServiceWorker-based shim for Firefox—from the author of the other major answer!), will allow you to do this directly:
async function streamDownloadDecryptToDisk(url, DECRYPT) {
// create readable stream for ciphertext
let rs_src = fetch(url).then(response => response.body);
// create writable stream for file
let ws_dest = window.showSaveFilePicker().then(handle => handle.createWritable());
// create transform stream for decryption
let ts_dec = new TransformStream({
async transform(chunk, controller) {
controller.enqueue(await DECRYPT(chunk));
// stream cleartext to file
let rs_clear = rs_src.then(s => s.pipeThrough(ts_dec));
return (await rs_clear).pipeTo(await ws_dest);
Depending on performance—if you're trying to compete with MEGA, for instance—you might also consider modifying DECRYPT(chunk) to allow you to use ReadableStreamBYOBReader with it:
…zero-copy reading from an underlying byte source. It is used for efficient copying from underlying sources where the data is delivered as an "anonymous" sequence of bytes, such as files.
For security reasons, browsers do not allow piping an incoming readable stream directly to the local file system, so you have two ways to solve it: download the resource in a new window with
Content_Disposition set to "attachment";
<a download href="path/to/resource"></a>: using the "download" attribute of
AnchorElement to download stream into the hard disk;
hope these helps :)
