Check collision within circle bounds - javascript

I am trying to fill circle with some line alike sprites.
I generate random position x and y within +- radius, but I olny want to draw sprite when it not intersects with circle bounds like:
Green lines I want to draw, and the red ones - I don't.
I am wondering on some ideas that can help to detect unwanted sprites fast. Is there anything I can use for this purposes?
I am using pixi.js and sprite`s height and width are always the same.

A simple idea could be the following one:
For segment (line?), defined by the two point P1 = (x0,y0) and P2 = (x1, y1).
The circle is defined by center R = (xc, yc) and a radius r.
Now check
distance P1 - C < r, also meaning point is IN the circle
distance P2 - C < r, (same)
If both true, green line ! Depending on the library you used, you'll probably find a method such pointIsInCircle that will do half of the job.
Here is a simple exemple from w3resource
function check_a_point(a, b, x, y, r) {
var dist_points = (a - x) * (a - x) + (b - y) * (b - y);
r *= r;
if (dist_points < r) {
return true;
return false;


Generate Radial/Ellipse/Oval/Stadium Gradient Mask (Nested For Loop)

What I'm attempting to do
Loop through two axes and generating a shape with a width and height, either less or equal to the length of the nested for-loops, and calculate the distance from all positions to the center of that shape.
Main Issue(s)
How do I specify the width and height of an ellipse shape to draw using a nested for-loop with different dimensions to that ellipse?
For example a nested for-loop which goes for 0 to 45 in the X axis, and 0 to 100 in the Y axis but draws an ellipse with a width of 39 and a height of 90 - with the remaining difference used as padding (3 on either side, and 5 on top and bottom).
I have this half working using the EdgeOrInBounds function below, however I'm having trouble understanding why the values I'm using are giving the results they are.
Using a nested for-loop the same as above, but specifying an ellipse with a width of 30 and a height of 70 doesn't have the expected padding, it instead draws an ellipse with only one extra sprite surrounding all sides.
How do I calculate the distance from the center of the ellipse to the positions generated by the nested for-loop as a value between zero and one?
For example, any position outside the ellipse returns a value of zero and any position within the ellipse returns the distance scaled between zero and one from the center of the ellipse.
Similar to above, I have this half working as I can return a value of zero for all posiitons outside of the ellipse, but I do not understand how scale the distances for positions within the ellipse.
Bonus Issue(s)
I'm doing this on a platform where code isn't easily shareable and there are few built in functions, so I've had to create my own versions stolen from based on examples from the Nvidia developer site.
I have a basic understanding of some C# and JavaScript, but zero understanding of mathematical formulas.
Ellipse Function(s)
bool EdgeOrInBounds (Vector2 position) {
int x = ((int) Math.Pow (position.x - center.x, 2) / (int) Math.Pow (radius.x, 2));
int y = ((int) Math.Pow (position.y - center.y, 2) / (int) Math.Pow (radius.y, 2));
return (x + y <= 1);
Distance Function(s)
float distance (Vector2 position) {
return (sqrt (dot (centerPosition - position, centerPosition - position));
float dot (Vector2 a, Vector2 b) {
return (a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y);
float sqrt (float a) {
return (1.0 / pow (a, -0.5));
int mapWidth = 45;
int mapHeight = 100;
Vector2 radius = new Vector2 (mapWidth - 8, mapHeight - 4);
Vector2 center = new Vector2 (mapWidth / 2, mapHeight / 2);
Nested For Loops
for (int x = 0; x < width; x ++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y ++) {
// Store current position to reference in a minute
Vector2 position = new Vector2 (x, y);
// Check if position is within bounds or lies on the edge of the ellipse
if (EdgeOrInBounds (position)) {
// Calculate distance from center to current position
float dist = distance (position);
Example Image:
Closing Remarks
I know I haven't done a good job of explaining what I'm tring to achieve, so I'd like to apologize in advance, and I'd also like to thank anyone who reads this as any help would be very much appreciated.
To get color shade better under control, you could use an elliptic spiral, instead of a square grid traverse. Start out with the two radii, use X=R1 * Cos(angle) and Y=R2 * Sin(angle), where you gradually decrease R1 and R2 to zero. Your loop will use polar coordinates (angle,r), see below. You are then sure of the size of your "plot" and you won't need to test distances underways. It can probably do without any distance function for color scaling, but I'm not sure how to do that properly.. I have included a few options.
// The image is 440x240, I want ellipse in the center, margins 20 pix
// Parameters, dependent on size and shape of elllipse
Point pc = new Point(220,120); // pixel center
double r1=200; // radius 1 margin 2x20 on 440
double r2=100; // radius 2 margin 2x20 on 240
// Covering all pixels
int rmax = (int)Math.Max(r1,r2);
// scaling for color
var ravgmax = (r1+r2)/2.0;
// Find suitable loop counts
var nr = rmax; // number of radius steps in loop
var nh = 2*nr*Math.PI); // number of angles in loop
// Prepare initial loop displacements
var h=0.0;
var dr1 = r1/(nr*nh);
var dr2 = r2/(nr*nh);
var dh=(Math.PI*2.0)/nh;
// The loop
for (int i=0; i<nr; i++)
for (int j=0; j<(int)nh; j++)
var p = new PointF((float)(pc.X+r1*Math.Cos(h)),(float)(pc.Y+r2*Math.Sin(h)));
// vanilla shading
// int grayscale = 255 - (int)(255 * ((r1+r2)/2.0)/ravgmax );
// elliptical option without using distance, scale along axes
// grayscale = 255 - (int)(Math.Abs(p.X-pc.X)*255/200+Math.Abs((p.Y-pc.Y)*255/100)/2;
// "Distance grayscale" which is circular, not elliptical
int grayscale = (int)(255 * floatFDistance(p,pc)/rmax);
PlotF(p,grayscale); // you provide: plotpixel(PointF, int)
r1-=dr1; r2-=dr2;
float floatFDistance(PointF p1, PointF p2)
double d1 = (p1.X - p2.X);
double d2 = (p1.Y - p2.Y);
return (float)(Math.Sqrt(d1 * d1 + d2 * d2));

How can I offset a global directional force to be applied over a local axis?

I want to apply a forward force in relation to the object's local axis, but the engine I'm using only allows to me apply a force over the global axis.
I have access to the object's global rotation as a quaternion. I'm not familiar with using quats however (generally untrained in advanced maths). Is that sufficient information to offset the applied force along the desired axis? How?
For example, to move forward globally I would do:
this.entity.rigidbody.applyForce(0, 0, 5);
but to keep that force applied along the object's local axis, I need to distribute the applied force in a different way along the axes, based on the object's rotational quat, for example:
I've researched quaternions trying to figure this out, but watching a video on what they are and why they're used hasn't helped me figure out how to actually work with them to even begin to figure out how to apply the offset needed here.
What I've tried so far was sort of a guess on how to do it, but it's wrong:
Math.degrees = function(radians) {
return radians * 180 / Math.PI;
//converted this from a python func on wikipedia,
//not sure if it's working properly or not
function convertQuatToEuler(w, x, y, z){
ysqr = y * y;
t0 = 2 * (w * x + y * z);
t1 = 1 - 2 * (x * x + ysqr);
X = Math.degrees(Math.atan2(t0, t1));
t2 = 2 * (w * y - z * x);
t2 = (t2 >= 1) ? 1 : t2;
t2 = (t2 < -1) ? -1 : t2;
Y = Math.degrees(Math.asin(t2));
t3 = 2 * (w * z + x * y);
t4 = 1 - 2 * (ysqr + z * z);
Z = Math.degrees(Math.atan2(t3, t4));
console.log('converted', {w, x, y, z}, 'to', {X, Y, Z});
return {X, Y, Z};
function applyGlobalShift(x, y, z, quat) {
var euler = convertQuatToEuler(quat.w, quat.x, quat.y, quat.z);
x = x - euler.X; // total guess
y = y - euler.Y; // total guess
z = z - euler.Z; // total guess
console.log('converted', quat, 'to', [x, y, z]);
return [x, y, z];
// represents the entity's current local rotation in space
var quat = {
console.log(applyGlobalShift(-5, 0, 0, quat));
Don't laugh at my terrible guess at how to calculate the offset :P I knew it was not even close but I'm really bad at math
Quaternions are used as a replacement for euler angles. Your approach, thus, defeats their purpose. Instead of trying to use euler angles, levy the properties of a quaternion.
A quaternion has 4 components, 3 vector components and a scalar component.
q = x*i + y*j + z*k + w
A quaternion therefore has a vector part x*i + y*j + z*k and a scalar part w. A vector is thus a quaternion with a zero scalar or real component.
It is important to note that a vector multiplied by a quaternion is another vector. This can be easily proved by using the rules of multiplication of quaternion basis elements (left as an exercise for the reader).
The inverse of a quaternion is simply its conjugate divided by its magnitude. The conjugate of a quaternion w + (x*i + y*j + z*k) is simply w - (x*i + y*j + z*k), and its magnitude is sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z + w*w).
A rotation of a vector is simply the vector obtained by rotating that vector through an angle about an axis. Rotation quaternions represent such an angle-axis rotation as shown here.
A vector v can be rotated about the axis and through the angle represented by a rotation quaternion q by conjugating v by q. In other words,
v' = q * v * inverse(q)
Where v' is the rotated vector and q * v * inverse(q) is the conjugation operation.
Since the quaternion represents a rotation, it can be reasonably assumed that its magnitude is one, making inverse(q) = q* where q* is the conjugate of q.
On separating q into real part s and vector part u and simplifying the quaternion operation (as beautifully shown here),
v' = 2 * dot(u, v) * u + (s*s - dot(u, u)) * v + 2 * s * cross(u, v)
Where dot returns the dot product of two vectors, and cross returns the cross product of two vectors.
Putting the above into (pseudo)code,
function rotate(v: vector3, q: quaternion4) -> vector3 {
u = vector3(q.x, q.y, q.z)
s = q.w
return 2 * dot(u, v) * u + (s*s - dot(u, u)) * v + 2 * s * cross(u, v)
Now that we know how to rotate a vector with a quaternion, we can use the world (global) rotation quaternion to find the corresponding world direction (or axis) for a local direction by conjugating the local direction by the rotation quaternion.
The local forward axis is always given by 0*i + 0*j + 1*k. Therefore, to find the world forward axis for an object, you must conjugate the vector (0, 0, 1) with the world rotation quaternion.
Using the function defined above, the forward axis becomes
forward = rotate(vector3(0, 0, 1), rotationQuaternion)
Now that you have the world forward axis, a force applied along it will simply be a scalar multiple of the world forward axis.

How can I make a tetradecagon with Processing.Js?

I want to make a Tetradecagon, a polygon with 14 sides, with Processing.JS.
(I want to make the Tetradecagon like the one shown in the Image below!)
Using the numbers given in the image, which I would like to replicate, I concluded that each piece (I don't know it's proper name), has an angle of 25.714285714°.....25 and 10/14 = 25 and 5/7 - 5/7 in decimal form = 0.714285714So, I arrived at 25.714285714°
Now, in Processing.JS, I was wanting to use a while loop:
var r = 0;
var draw = function() {
while(r < 361){
r = r + 25.714285714;
Here, I have set one variable, r. r will be the variable for the rotate() function. The while loop will keep going until r meets 360 - this will allow for the the change in r, the angle, to increase by 25.714285714°, while r < 361.
But, sadly, this is not happening. What I see on my canvas is the line being shot off the screen.
(edit) I added translate(200,200); just above the while() loop - this helped, but the lines are still not looking like the picture above.
The second point of the line is not staying in the center; the whole line is being shifted. I only want the first (top) point to be shifted by the given change in angles.
How do I change the code in order to achieve the goal that I am striving for? Any help would be appreciated - Thanks for your time!
P.S. This is my result with the current code -
Processing.js is just for running Processing code. This looks like a mix of Processing and Javascript code so my first advice would be "write real Processing code".
With that said, if you want to do this based on coordinate rotation, look at your 14-gon: it's 14 repeated triangles, so analyze one triangle and draw that 14 times. Any triangular slice is defined by a line from "the center" to "a vertex on the 14-gon" at a (necessary) distance r, the radius of the circumscribing circle. So, given a vertex (r,0) on the 14-gon where is the next vertex (nx,ny)?
Simple maths:
first vertex = (x, y) = (r,0)
next vertex = (nx,ny) = (r,0) rotated over (0,0) by (phi = tau/14)
(I'm using tau here because it's a far more convenient constant for programming purposes. It's simply equal to 2*pi, and as such represents an entire circle, rather than a half circle)
Now, computing that rotate coordinate using basic trigonometry:
nx = r * cos(phi) - 0 * sin(phi) = r * cos(phi)
ny = r * sin(phi) + 0 * cos(phi) = r * sin(phi)
Alright, done. And this nx,ny computation is clearly not specific to the number 14, it about arbitrary angles, so let's code the solution and make it work for any n-sided polygon:
void setup() {
void draw() {
// offset the coordinate system so that (0,0) is the sketch center
// then draw a polygon. In this case, radius width/2, and 14 sided
drawNgon(width/2, 14);
void drawNgon(float r, float n) {
// to draw (r,0)-(x',y') we need x' and y':
float phi = TAU/n;
float nx = r * cos(phi);
float ny = r * sin(phi);
// and then we just draw that line as many times as there are sides
for(int a=0; a<n; a++) {
// draw line...
line(r,0, nx,ny);
// rotate the entire coordinate system...
// repeat until done.
And now we can freely change both the polygon radius and the number of sides by changing the input to drawNgon(..., ...).

Javascript Determine if a point resides above or below a line defined by two points

I am trying to calculate if a point resides above or below a line that is defined by two points. For clarification I only need to know if the point is on "this side" or "that side". I realize if the line is perfectly vertical there will be no "above" or "below". I have a line defined by two points (centerX, centerY) and (xprime, yprime). For simplicity centerX, centerY can be converted to (0,0). I want to determine if (mouseX, mouseY) is above or below that line.
I have tried to use this formula but it is not giving me the results I expected.
var position = Math.sin((xprime -centerX) * (mouseY - centerY) - (yprime - centerY) * (mouseX - prime));
The values for position seem to oscillate randomly from positive to negative as mouseX,mouseY values rotate around the line. I was under the impression the sign would change one time from positive to negative as the mouse position (mouseX,mouseY) crossed over the line. Values above the line would be positive, and values below would be negative.
I am using this code in conjunction with a formula to determine the angle of deflection from the original click. But I am not able to determine if the mouse is now above the initial click, or below. (again please excuse "above" and "below")
Simple solution exploiting cross product properties.
dx = xprime - centerX
dy = yprime - centerY
mx = mouseX - centerX
my = mouseY - centerY
cross = dx * my - dy * mx //zero means point on line
below = (cross > 0) //mouse is "at the right hand" of the directed line
if dx <> 0 then // check for vertical line
if dy/dx < 0 then //negative slope, invert result
below = not below
I'll try to give you general solution.
How to check if exact point is above or below line function:
Just imagine, we have line f(x) = 4x + 2. We need check, if point (x1, y1) below or above the line, we need to calculate f(x1) and compare it with y1.
if f(x1) > y1 it means, that (x1, y1) below the line.
if f(x1) < y1 means point (x1, y1) above the line.
if f(x1) = y1 - point on a line.
You can see on plot:
All line functions looks like f(x) = k * x + b, so, you need know k and b constants to know exact line function.
How to get line function by two points:
Imagine points A (x_a, y_a) and B (x_b, y_b) and we want to get line function, we need to solve system of two equations:
y_a = k * x_a + b
y_b = k * x_b + b
That is very easy. After you will know k and b and after you can check if point below or above AB line

How to make a parallel lines in html canvas

I have these conditions:
Point A, B and C are created.
Point A to Point B will create a line.
Parallel lines are created depending on the position of Point A, B and C (refer to the figure below).
If you move Point A, the lines will also move but Points B and C remain on their respective positions.
They can be moved at any position.
What I want is to create this:
Consider the figure 1 below (I'm sure you already know this basic 2D geometry but without this my answer would be incomplete):
Coordinates for points A and B are known and we want to find function that can be used to calculate y-coordinate whenever x-coordinate is known, in such a way that point (x,y) lies on the line. From the figure 1:
k = tan(alpha) = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) - the slope of line
Putting coordinates of either A or B into well known line equation y = kx + m we can calculate m to make the equation complete. Having this equation, for any coordinate x we can calculate coordinate y using this equation. The good thing about it is that it doesn't depend on the position of point A and B or slop (angle) of the line - you will have to take care of the special case of vertical/horizontal lines where y/x will be infinite according to this equation.
Back to your question. Take a look at figure 2 below:
We have very similar situation here, there is a line between points A and C, and line between points B and D. I assumed that point A is at the center of the coordinate system! This generally won't be the case but this is really not a restriction as you can perform translation that will put A in the center, then make your calculations and then translate everything back.
Using the technique described at the beginning, you can find the line equation for the line that connects A and C points and for the line that connects B and D points (D coordinates can be easily calculated). Let's assume you did just that:
A-C: y = k1*x (m is zero as line goes through the center A)
B-D: y = k2*x + m2 (m2 is not zero as line doesn't go through the center A)
Finally the algorithm you could use to draw these parallel lines:
Choose a space with which you want to take x-coordinates between x1 and x3. For example, if you want 4 lines this space will be s = (x3 - x1) / 4 and so on.
Set value x_start = x1 + s (and later x_start += s), and calculate y-coordinate using the equation for A-C line y_end = k1*x_start. This will give you point that lies on the line A-C and this is the start of your line.
Similarly, calculate the end point that will lie on the line that connects B and D:
x_end = x2 + s (later x_end += s)
y_end = k2*x_end + m2
Using these equations calculate points (x_start,y_start) and (x_end,y_end) for all lines that you want to draw (there is |x3 - x1| / desired_num_of_lines of them).
You'll have to form new equations each time point A moves out of the current A-C line, as every time this happens the slop of the A-C (and B-D) line changes invalidating the current equations.
I'm not going to write any JS code, but having the logic behind the possible solution should give you more then enough information to move forward with you own implementation.
Always think, when using the Context2D, that using the transforms (translate, rotate, scale), can spare you some math.
With those transforms you can think of your drawing like you would do with a pen : where do you put the pen ? where do you move next (translate) ? do you rotate the page ? do you get closer or further from the page (scale) ?
Here you want to start at A, then move along AC.
Each step on the way, you want to draw the AB vector.
Here's how you could code it, as you see, just simple vector math here, so if you remember that AB vector has (B.x-A.x, B.y-A.y) coordinates, you know most of the math you'll need.
// boilerPlate
var ctx = document.getElementById('cv').getContext('2d');
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
// params : Points : {x,y}
var A, B, C;
A = { x: 20, y: 170 };
B = { x: 80, y: 60 };
C = { x: 140, y: 120 };
// param : number of lines to draw.
var stepCount = 5;
// ----------
// compute AB vector = B - A
var AB = { x: B.x - A.x, y: B.y - A.y };
// compute step : ( C - A ) / stepCount
var step = { x: (C.x - A.x) / stepCount, y: (C.y - A.y) / stepCount };
// -- start draw;
// Move pen to A
ctx.translate(A.x, A.y);
for (var i = 0; i <= stepCount; i++) {
// draw AB vector at current position
ctx.lineWidth= ( i==0 || i==stepCount ) ? 2 : 1 ;
// move pen one step further
ctx.translate(step.x, step.y);
// --
// draws vector V at the current origin ((0,0)) of the context.
function drawVector(V) {
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(V.x, V.y);
// ----------
// legend
drawPoint(A, 'A');
drawPoint(B, 'B');
drawPoint(C, 'C');
function drawPoint(P, name) {
ctx.arc(P.x, P.y, 3, 0, 6.28);
ctx.strokeText(name, P.x + 6, P.y + 6);
<canvas id='cv' width=300 height=200></canvas>
Džanan has it right, and in simple terms, you need the X and Y offsets between the starting points of the two lines, i'e' point A and point C. When drawing the line that starts at C, and assuming that it ends at D, you will need to add the same X and Y offsets, e.g., if you draw AB with starting coordinates (100, 150) as follows:
context.moveTo(100, 150);
context.lineTo(450, 50);
And if C has to start at (150, 200), the offset here would be
X: 50, Y:50
so CD would be drawn as
context.moveTo(150, 200);
context.lineTo((450+50), (50+50));
Now this assumes that the length of both the lines are going to be same. If they are to differ, the equation will be slightly more complex.
