Im creating my first CRUD in Vue/Laravel and now I'm trying to send a create to my backend application, this is my code:
async addDespesa() {
let uri = "api/despesas/create";
const response = await axios.get(uri, this.despesa).then((response) => {
this.$router.push({ name: "despesas" });
public function create()
Errors in inspect on Browser:
>[vue-router] Route with name 'despesas' does not exist
>Uncaught (in promise) NavigationDuplicated: Avoided redundant navigation to current location: "/".
at createRouterError
at createNavigationDuplicatedError
at HashHistory.confirmTransition
at HashHistory.transitionTo
at eval
at HashHistory.push
at new Promise
at VueRouter.push
at eval
Your backend seems fine, the problem is in the .then part of your Axios call:
this.$router.push({ name: "despesas" });
You should check your frontend routes (probably in a file called routes.js) and make sure you have a route named despesas. So something like this:
let routes = [
'path': '/path/to/despesas',
'name': 'despesas',
component: require('./path/to/despesas-component').default
other routes
I m trying to get an array from react frontend (stored in local storage) to my view class in django but i'm getting this error:
In console:
GET 500 (Internal Server Error)
Django LOGS:
for quiz in quizzes:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
ERROR:django.server:"GET /api/quiz/multiple/ HTTP/1.1" 500 20064
Here's how i store the data in the LocalStorage:
localStorage.setItem('quizzes', JSON.stringify(quizList));
And here's how i get it from local storage and pass it to the django using axios:
export default function QuizPage() {
const [DataState,setDataState] = useState([]);
const storedQuizzes = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("quizzes"))
useEffect(() => {
.get(`quiz/multiple/`, {
quizzes: storedQuizzes
}).then((res) => {
.catch((function (error) {
}, [setDataState]);
and, finally, that's my django view:
class MultipleQuizView(APIView):
permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]
def get(self,request):
questionsList = []
quizzes ='quizzes')
for quiz in quizzes:
currentQuiz = Quiz.objects.get(url=quiz)
quizSerializer = QuizSerializerForMultipleQuizzes(currentQuiz)
question = Question.objects.filter(quiz__url=quiz)
questionSerializer = QuestionSerializer(question, many=True)
quizSerializerData =
if questionsList:
return Response(questionsList)
return Response(status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
I'm pretty sure the problem isn't from my view class because i tested it using Postman and it works without any problem.
I just tryed with postman using this body and it works properly:
So i need to send data from react like this but i don't know how:
Try changing the second param to axios.get as follows:
.get(`quiz/multiple/`, {
params: {
quizzes: storedQuizzes
Read more about the properties that the second param supports.
The problem was that i wrote:
quizzes ='quizzes')
instead of:
quizzes =['quizzes']
I have some queries from an API-Server that returns a json object that will be static over a user session, but not static forever.
It's a one-pager with Vue router.
How can I achieve that I:
can access this.myGlobals (or similar eg window.myGlobals) in all components, where my prefetched json-data from API-Server is stored.
My approach that is already working is to embed help.js via a mixin.
Oddly enough, I get hundreds of calls to this query. At first I thought that it only happened in the frontend and is chached, but the requests are actually sent hundreds of times to the server. I think it is a mistake of my thinking, or a systematic mistake.
i think the problem is, that the helper.js is not static living on the vue instance
import helpers from './helpers'
export default {
data: function () {
return {
globals: {},
}, methods: {
//some global helper funktions
}, mounted() {
let url1 = window.datahost + "/myDataToStore"
this.$http.get(url1).then(response => {
this.globals.myData =
log in console:
(31) call
(2) call
log on server:
call (pew pew)
My next idea would be to learn vuex, but since its a easy problem, im not sure if i really need that bomb ?
You can use plugin to achieve this.
// my-plugin.js
export default {
install (Vue, options) {
// start fetching data right after install
let url1 = window.datahost + "/myDataToStore"
let myData
Vue.$http.get(url1).then(response => {
myData =
// inject via global mixin
computed: {
myData () {
return myData
// or inject via instance property
Vue.prototype.$myData = myData
// or if you want to wait until myData is available
Vue.prototype.$myData = Vue.$http.get(url1)
.then(response => {
myData =
and use it:
I'm starting with Next.js and after going through docs, I cannot figure out how to get the route param code inside getStaticPaths method as shown below!?. code is not known before hand by any means and it can be anything.
I don't want to call api and get the data using useEffect inside the component.
File: pages/post/[code].js
import React from 'react';
import apiCall from 'api/something';
export default ({post}) => {
return <>
render components here based on prop `post`
export async function getStaticPaths() {
// How to get [code] from the route here, which can be used below?
return {
paths: // NEED [code] HERE from current route,
fallback: false
export async function getStaticProps(ctx) {
return {
props: {
// [ctx.code] resolved from current route with the help of getStaticPaths,
post: apiCall(ctx.code)
I've tried getServerSideProps which works for me:
export const getServerSideProps = async (ctx) => {
return {
props: {
post: await apiCall(ctx.query.code)
But it fails when I do next export stating:
pages with getServerSideProps can not be exported. See more info here:
After investigating further on this error I found this solution, which is not feasible for me as my app is hosted on Heroku.
I'm trying to server-side render the html along with the data based on the route param code. But not able to do so now.
The purpose of the function getStaticPaths is to generate a list of paths for which static HTML will be rendered at build time. For example, for a list of 10 posts, you can generate 10 posts/[id] routes ahead of time if you know the id of the posts.
How getStaticPaths works with dynamic routes in more details..
Suppose you have a dynamic route /posts/[postId] if you choose to use static-generation you have to generate a list of paths that will include the postId as a route param and for each path returned, the function getStaticProps will be called to query the data at build time. Example,
// for /post/[postId]
export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
// if you know all the postId ahead of time
const paths = [
{ params: { postId: '1234' } }, // keep in mind postId has to be a string
{ params: { postId: '3792' } },
{ params: { postId: '1749' } },
return {
fallback: false // we are disabling fallback because we know all the paths ahead of time
// for each path returned getStaticProps will be called at build time
export const getStaticProps = async (context) => {
// you have access to the postId params that you returns from
// getStaticPaths here
const postId = context.params.postId
// now you can query the data from postId and return as props
return {
props: // queried data
If fallback is set to false any for any route path that is not returned from the function getStaticPaths nextjs will simply show a 404 error page.
How to use fallback: true to generate static pages for route params not known ahead of time
If you know some postId of the posts and the data for the posts do not change very often, you can choose to generate the pages with fallback property set to true, which will display a fallback version of the page for the paths that are not returned from the function getStaticPaths. And on request for the page nextjs will call getStaticProps and send the data as JSON which will be used to render the page in the browser.
// for /post/[postId]
export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
// you can get how many ever postIds are know ahead of time
// and return as paths with fallback set to true
const posts = // queried data from db or fetched from remote API
const paths = => { params:{ postId: }})
return {
fallback: true
// in your page Component check for fallback and render a loading indicator
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
const MyPage = (props) => {
// before you do anything
const router = useRouter();
if (router.isFallback) {
return <div>Loading....</div>
// rest of your page logic
If your data is very dynamic, let's say changing every 30mins or an hour or so. You can choose to use server-side rendering which will fetch the data on per request basis, but TTFB(time to first byte) will be higher. For example,
// for /post/[postId]
export const getServerSideProps = async (context) => {
// you also have access to the param postId from the context
const postId = context.params.postId
// query the data based on the postId and return as props
return {
props: // queried data
Keep in mind if you choose to go with getServerSideProps the function will be called on per-request basis so time to first byte will be higher.
Depending on use-cases you can also use static generation with client-side data fetching using swr from nextjs team repo link.
As I understand, you want to statically generate dynamic routes at build time.
To do so you need to let Next.js know what pages to generate, by specifying all codes.
export async function getStaticPaths() {
// you don't need here a code from current route
// but you need to specify all known post codes
return {
paths: [
{ params: { code: '1' } },
{ params: { code: '2' } },
{ params: { code: '3' } },
fallback: false
You would need to re-build app every time you change the posts.
Use getServerSideProps if you don't want to re-build project every time. Then the data would be fetched at request time. You can't export it because it requires Node.js server.
I'm doing a react project using create-react-app and my current goal is to load an external js file (that is hosted in iis) and use their data.
I'm getting this file throught a script in index.html like:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:5000/GetJsFile"></script>
Example of my js file:
var data = {
vars: {
id: ****,
user ******,
name: *******,
date: *******,
My question is: how can I use/access the data from js file inside a component of react js?
In your utils.js page
you must change your code to this shape:
utils page
const data = {
vars: {
id: ****,
user ******,
name: *******,
date: *******,
export default data;
and after that in other component that you want to use this data write this code:
import data from '../../../../utils';
console.log('data', data);
The problem with loading the JSON's data from the html file directly is that it will not be available for your react code to use.
Since you are loading it from an external source, you need to use something like fetch, axios or superagent to retrieve it.
You can either use async/await or promises.
async function loadJsonFromExternal() {
const dataFromJSON = await axios.get('http://localhost:5000/GetJson');
return dataFromJSON;
Say you have your component.js file with something like this:
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default function CoolComponent (props) {
let myName = 'Enigma';
useEffect(() => {
.then((result) => { myName = });
}, [])
return (
<div>My name is: {myName}</div>
That would be the approach to do.
I am trying to create a API using nodejs and access it using GET method by sending parameters using Angular 5 GET method. When I am testing my API using Postman, it works fine, but sending the GET request from Angular is not giving me the result. My node js router for receiving multiple parameters code is as follow:
router.get('/:min&:max',(req,res,next)=> {
Image.find({hue: {$gt:req.params.min,$lt:req.params.max}})
.select('name url hue')
.then(docs => {
const response={
images:> {
return {
url: doc.url,
hue: doc.hue,
_id: doc._id,
.catch(err => {
error: err
My angular GET method goes like this :
getSearchedImages(min, max) {
let params = {
'min': String(min),
'max': String(max)
this.http.get('http://localhost:3000/', { params: params})
.subscribe(val=> console.log(val))
Is there any problem in Angular part or is my code in Node is to be adjusted
Use POST if you want to pass parameters in request body. Otherwise, if you like GET, pass parameters in URL.
HTTP itself doesnt restrict this, but some front-end implementations do