HTML form select to drive PHP/SQLSRV results - javascript

I'm working on a very basic web page to facilitate data entry. I have it working with PHP talking to SQL Server to both enter and display data. At the simplest level, they'll select a store from a dropdown and enter some data, then hit submit.
I'm trying to dynamically display the last 7 days worth of data when their store is chosen from the form select input. How do I get the Select value to drive the SQL query? I found how to use onchange to fire a javascript function, which I can alert the value. Do I really need to then use jquery or AJAX to link that back to the PHP select query or is there a simpler way to approach this?
I'm trying to learn this all from scratch and am quite admittedly out of my element. Here are some snippets of what I've got:
function OnSelectChange(obj)
<td align="right">Store</td><td width="125"><select style="width:100%" name="store" onchange="OnSelectChange(this)">
$tsql = "select * from test where DateStamp >= getdate()-7";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, $tsql);
//generate table view of data
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr><td>Store ID</td><td>Date</td><td>Data</td></tr>";
while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC))
$StoreID = $row['StoreID'];
$DateStamp = $row['DateStamp'];
$Donations = $row['Data'];
echo "<tr><td>".$StoreID."</td><td>".$DateStamp."</td><td>".$Data."</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
I've found a lot of helpful information to get me this far, but am stuck now.
Thank you in advance.

Got it! For anyone else looking, here are relevant snippets of code:
.hideable {
visibility: collapse;
<script language="JavaScript">
function OnSelectChange(cl)
var els = document.getElementsByClassName('hideable');
for(var i=0; i<els.length; ++i){
var s = els[i].style;
s.visibility = 'collapse';
var els = document.getElementsByClassName(cl);
for(var i=0; i<els.length; ++i){
var s = els[i].style;
s.visibility = 'visible';
<select style="width:100%" name="store" onchange="OnSelectChange(this.value)">
echo "<tr class='hideable ".$StoreID."'><td>".$StoreID."</td><td>".$DateStamp."</td><td>".$Data."</td></tr>";
Leveraging dual classes upon the table (tr) creation and the collapse CSS style property was key.


Sanitizing whitespace in generated URL parameters

I'm having an issue with a PHP page that generates an HTML document. On the page, there is a form that has a <select> box, and each <option> inside has a value with the URL parameters to use when changing the window location when the form is "submitted". The issue is that I noticed is that one of the parameters is a name, and when that name has a space in it, it breaks the window location because the space remains in the URL.
I've tried simply doing a str_replace() on the string before it generates the <option> tag, and when I view the <option> in Firefox' inspector, it DOES contain a %20 instead of a space, but when I look at the URL bar after clicking the <option>, it still retains the space instead of the %20. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the following snippet?
print("<form name=sel1>");
print("<select size=10 style='width:200;font-family:courier,monospace;
font-weight:bold;color:black;' ");
print("onchange=\"location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;\">");
for($i = 0; $i < count($allGroups); $i++)
print("<option value='groups.php?action=");
print(str_replace(" ", "%20", $allGroups[$i][0])."'>");
if($allGroups[$i][2] != 'Y')
print(" - inactive");
The relevant lines are the line with location = and the line just after the group_id parameter is added, where the str_replace() is done.
I do the str_replace() on just the value, not the display text, so it will show normally to the user, but contain the %20 character for when it is passed to the window location, but regardless, it either ignores it, or something else is happening I am not aware of.
This code is a whole mess of bad practices. First, separation of code (PHP) and presentation (HTML) is essential for making sense of things. You should be doing logic in a separate code block at the very least, if not a separate file. Definitely not in the middle of an HTML element. Exiting PHP and using alternative syntax and short echo tags make this separation much clearer.
You should be building HTTP query strings using the http_build_query() function, which will handle escaping issues like the one you're having, and you should always escape HTML for output using htmlspecialchars().
print is not commonly used, but note that it's a language construct and not a function. Parentheses are not needed, and rarely used.
Inline CSS and JavaScript declarations are very 20th century and should be avoided wherever possible.
Here's how I would start to rework this code...
// assuming $allGroups is created in a loop
// the following code could be incorporated into that loop
$options = [];
foreach ($allGroups as $group) {
$action = ($advancedPermissions && !$modGroups) ? "view" : "edit";
$group_id = $group[0];
$url = "groups.php?" . http_build_query(compact("action", "group_id"));
$options[$url] = $group[0] . ($group[4] !== "Y" ? " - inactive" : "");
<!doctype html>
#location_select {
width: 200px; font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; color: black;
<form name=sel1>
<select id="location_select" size="10">
<?php foreach ($options as $value => $option): ?>
<option value="<?= htmlspecialchars($value) ?>">
<?= htmlspecialchars($option) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
.addEventListener("change", function() {
window.location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
But if you are looking for the quick fix:
for($i = 0; $i < count($allGroups); $i++)
$action = ($advancedPermissions && !$modGroups) ? "view" : "edit";
$group_id = $allGroups[$i][0];
$url = "groups.php?" . http_build_query(compact("action", "group_id"));
print("<option value='$url'>");
if($allGroups[$i][2] != 'Y')
print(" - inactive");

Duplication of rows in Javascript Table

I am quite new to javascript and for some time now i cant figure a solution to a problem that i have on my own. The web application i am building is using javavascript and Firebase. I am creating a table that pulls some data from mysql and display them as a table in my website. The table consists of three columns ID,NAME, AND SURNAME.Along with that i am also creating a new column called Recipient that consists of buttons. The table looks like this:
I give a different value to each of the buttons, the value of each button is the number of the ID that is in the same row as the current button. For example the first button has a value = 2, the 3rd a value = 123. Al the buttons have an id = contact
The source code of the table is
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",'');
die("Cannot Connect" . mysql_error());
$get_user_clients = "SELECT `ID`,`Name`,`SurName`,`storagefolder` FROM `clients` ";
$clients = mysql_query($get_user_clients,$con);
echo "<table class=table table-condensed>
while($record = mysql_fetch_array($clients)){
echo "<action=usersfiles.php method=post>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>".$record['ID']." </td>";
echo "<td>".$record['Name']." </td>";
echo "<td>".$record['SurName']." </td>";
echo "<td>"."<button value=".$record['ID']." id=contact>Folder Data</button>"." </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</table>";
When i click on a button from the table the application get the value of the corresponding button and store it in a variable, then it sends the variable to a function that will drug all the files from firebase database that are store in the folder with the same name as the variable, And then it will display them.
My firebase Database
So for example when I click on the button of the first column I will get the files that are stored in the folder with name 2 form firebase.database. The result of after I click the first button will be this:
My source code works fines as it gets the files from the corresponding folders from firebase.database. The problem that i have is when i dont refresh the page and i click a button again then the outpout will be the result of the previous button click plus the new one. For example if i dont refresh my page and i click the second button to get the files from the file from database with the name = 3 the outpout will be :
The outpout is a merging of all the results that i have oupouted so far. If i refresh my page and click on the second button now i will get the result i want which it is:
How can i edit my source code so the tables wont merge?
My source code is the follwing:
Source code of saving the value after button is clicked and passsing it to function:
var contactName; //prepare var to save contact name/ PLACE outside document ready
$(function() {
// contact form animations
$('button[id="contact"]').click(function() {
contactName = $(this).val(); //set var contactName to value of the pressed button
$(document).mouseup(function (e) {
var container = $("#contactForm");
if (! // if the target of the click isn't the container...
&& container.has( === 0) // ... nor a descendant of the container
Source code of function receiving the value and displays the corresponding file from firebase database:
function store(value){
var tblUsers = document.getElementById('tbl_users_list');
var databaseRef = firebase.database().ref().child(`files/${value}/`);
var rowIndex = 1;
snapshot.forEach(function(childsnapshot) {
var childKey = childsnapshot.key;
var childData = childsnapshot.val();
//var urls = childData.url;
var row = tblUsers.insertRow(rowIndex);
var cellId = row.insertCell(0);
var cellName = row.insertCell(1);
var button = row.insertCell(2);
var itd = document.createElement('input');
itd.onclick=function () {;
rowIndex = rowIndex+1;
Thanks in Regards
You only append data to the existing table, without ever removing existing rows in the table:
var row = tblUsers.insertRow(rowIndex);
You should make sure to remove all existing rows before adding the new one(s):
for (var i = tblUsers.rows.length; i >= 0; i--) {
tblUsers.deleteRow(i - 1);

populate dropdown onload by passing php array to javascript function

im trying to pass a php array to javascript function onload that will display the js array in a drop down list but now im already doing it for sometime i guess i need to pop it again
first i pass it from one php file to another using this code
header("location: Rules.php?varFields=".serialize($varFields));
secondly i transfer to another variable as it had been passed to the said php file
$varArray = unserialize($_GET['varFields']);
third part is im tyring to pass it into a jS functon that will then display it to a drop down list
<body id="body" onclick="cmbRuleField(\'' + <?php echo json_encode($varArray);?> + '\');" >
and here is the external javascript code
function cmbRuleField(varArray)//ruleField
var varDisplay = JSON.stringify(varArray);
var sel = document.getElementById("ruleField") // find the drop down
for (var i in varDisplay)
{ // loop through all elements
var opt = document.createElement("option"); // Create the new element
opt.value = varDisplay [i]; // set the value
opt.text = varDisplay [i]; // set the text
sel.appendChild(opt); // add it to the select
for the first two part i already tested it and it is working but for the last parts i cant make it work
I think this part looks suspicious
<body id="body" onclick="cmbRuleField(\'' + <?php echo json_encode($varArray);?> + '\');" >
<body id="body" onclick="cmbRuleField(<?php echo json_encode($varArray);?>)">
is more like it.
One more tip, you can see the output on the rendered page to determine what the written out code looks like. So if you see something like:
<body id="body" onclick="cmbRuleField('['a', 'b']')">
you know there is a problem. You want a native Javascript array to be passed like this
<body id="body" onclick="cmbRuleField(['a', 'b'])">
After talking on chat it became clear the top portion of OP's code needed a tweak as well.
header("location: Rules.php?varFields=".http_build_query($varFields));
The problem has to do with quotes not being terminated here:
<body id="body" onclick="cmbRuleField(\'' + <?php echo json_encode($varArray);?> + '\');" >
The JSON created using json_encode will have a lot of double quotes. Try this:
var array = <?php echo json_encode($varArray);?>;
<body id="body" onclick="cmbRuleField(array);">
There is a much easier way. Encode the $varArray as direct HTML options before sending to the browser. For instance:
<select id="ruleField">
<?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($varArray); $i++) { ?>
<option value="<?php= $varArray[$i].val ?>"><?php= $varArray[$i].name ?></option>
<?php } ?>
Might be because you are calling JSON.stringify on something that is already a string?
Also what is myCars?
for (var i in myCars)
Possibly rename it to varArray.
or rename varDisplay to varArray.
and lastly try calling JSON.parse instead:
function cmbRuleField(varArray)//ruleField
var varDisplay = JSON.parse(varArray);
var sel = document.getElementById("ruleField") // find the drop down
for (var i in myCars)
{ // loop through all elements
var opt = document.createElement("option"); // Create the new element
opt.value = varDisplay [i]; // set the value
opt.text = varDisplay [i]; // set the text
sel.appendChild(opt); // add it to the select
If that didn't work post the html output here so peeps can create a fiddle :)

How to get value from multiple different textbox through javascript

function showUser()
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var internal = document.getElementById("inte[i]").value; /* but its not working */
var external = document.getElementById("exte[i]").value;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
echo "<td><input type='text' name='internal' id = 'inte[$i]' width='30'/> </td>";
echo "<td><input type='text' name='external' id = 'exte[$i]' width='30'/> </td>";
echo "<td><input type='submit' name='submit1' value='Save Marks' width='30' onclick = 'showUser()' /></td>";
i am using the above code but i cant get 10 values of different textboxes
how to fetch these value through java script and i want to save it to database kindly help me
i am using the above code but i cant get 10 values of different textboxes
how to fetch these value through java script and i want to save it to database kindly help me
You are not placed i value in getElementById
Replace your
Make your for loop as
for (var i=0; i<10; i++)
var internal = document.getElementById("inte["+i+"]").value; /* but its not working */
var external = document.getElementById("exte["+i+"]").value;
This isn't doing what you think:
That's just a string, the i value doesn't get interpreted into an integer. This would:
getElementById("inte[" + i + "]")
When your Javascript for loop runs you are are overwriting your var internal and external each time so after the for loop runs you will only have the last value that was assigned to the variables. You should use an array and push the values of the text boxes into it.
var internal = new Array();
var external = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<10; i++)
internal.push(document.getElementById("inte["+i+"]").value); /* but its not working */

Why is the javascript variable undefined? (2nd time around...)

I am reposting this question with revised code that use more of jQuery.
Here is the HTML code that defines the objects:
<LEGEND><b>Select Study Sample</b></LEGEND>
<P CLASS=select_header>Study - Box - Well - Lab ID<br>
<SELECT multiple size=20 NAME="stylabid" ID="stylabid" onchange=show_stylabid() onclick=clear_fetch() STYLE="width: 115px">
while ($i < $numstylabids) {
$styarr = pg_fetch_row($stylabidresult);
echo "<option value=$styarr[0]>$styarr[1]\n";
<LEGEND><b>Select Project Sample</b></LEGEND>
<P CLASS=select_header>Project - Box - Well - Lab ID<br>
<SELECT multiple size=20 NAME="pjtlabid" ID="pjtlabid" onchange=show_pjtlabid() onclick=clear_fetch() STYLE="width: 115px">
while ($j < $numpjtlabids) {
$pjtarr = pg_fetch_row($pjtlabidresult);
echo "<option value=$pjtarr[0]>$pjtarr[1]\n";
Now, here is the javascript; I am simply trying to get the values of the selected object, which can be either a Study or a Project. I use this later to retrieve data from the database:
function fetchgenotype() {
var ms, mndx, ss, sndex = 0;
ms = $("#marker")[0].selectedIndex;
if (Study_selected) {
ss = $("#stylabid")[0].selectedIndex;
sndx = $("#stylabid").val(ss);
} else
ss = $("#pjtlabid")[0].selectedIndex;
sndx = $("#pjtlabid").val(ss);
// for debugging...
alert('ss='+ss+', sndx='+sndx);
This code dies on the line sndx = ... Would really appreciate any help!
Currently i don't know what $("#marker") an Study_selected are.
Assuming there is anything OK so far, change the function into:
if (Study_selected) {
sndx = $("#stylabid").val();
} else
sndx = $("#pjtlabid").val();
val() returns the value of a form-element when used without an argument, otherwise it will set the value and return an jQuery-object.
There is no need to retrieve the selectedIndex, you may access the value of the select-element directly(it will be the value of the currently selected option)
I think you have a syntax error
sndx should be sndex .. or the other way around
var ms, mndx, ss, sndex = 0; // <--
$("#pjtlabid").val(ss) // <-- setter method
.val(value) is also a setter method so sndx is undefined because it never was defined with any value
It's a typo:
var ms, mndx, ss, sndex = 0;
should be
var ms, mndx, ss, sndx = 0;
