Array.filter() with async arrow function - javascript

I am trying to filter my array using Array.filter() function, however I came across this issue.
I need to call some other function inside the filter function asynchronously. However the array is not changing its value based on the conditions that I define in the function.
const filterWithEmail = data.filter(async (doc) =>
const findUser = await UserService.findUser( => {});
if (findUser)
const { email } = findUser;
return regexFilter ? regexFilter.test(email.normalize("NFKC")) : false;
This code doesn't affect the data array at all for some reason.
Any suggestions what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you in advance.

filter expects the return value of the callback to be a boolean but async functions always return a promise.
You don't know if you want to return true or false in time to tell filter which it is.
What you possibly want to do is:
map the data from data to { keep: true, original_data: data } (using an async callback)
Pass the resulting array of promises to Promise.all
await the return value of Promise.all
filter that array with: .filter(data => data.keep)
Get the original objects back with .map(data => data.original_data)
Something along these lines (untested):
const filterWithEmail = (
await Promise.all( (data) => {
const findUser = await UserService.findUser( => {});
let keep = false;
if (findUser && regexFilter)
keep = regexFilter.test(email.normalize("NFKC"));
return { data, keep };
.filter((data) => data.keep)
.map((data) =>;


JS/React - How should I use a fetch call inside of a for loop?

I'm still a little unfamiliar with asynchronous functions beyond their simplest forms, so I'm hoping someone here can help me out.
Some information:
getCollection() returns an array of objects that look like this.
"id": 1,
"userId": 3,
"gameId": 3498,
"review": "Testing review for game 1"
getGameById() takes in a integer (the id of a game) and returns that game object from an external API.
gameArray should be getting filled with game objects whose IDs in the external API match the IDs from the array of objects provided by getCollection.
const [games, setGames] = useState([])
const getGames = () => {
getCollection().then(userGames => {
let gameArray = []
for (const eachObj of userGames) {
if (eachObj.userId === currentUserId) {
getGameById(eachObj.gameId).then(game => {
Promise.all(gameArray).then(() => {
console.log(gameArray) //logs empty array, but shouldn't be empty
I have never used Promise.all before, it's just something I saw as a possible solution to this issue I'm having.
Promise.all takes an array of promises.
First you must build the array of promises. Then you must call Promise.all with this array to retrieve all the games :
function getGames() {
getCollection().then(userGames => {
const gamePromises = userGames
.filter(userGame => userGame.userId == currenUserId)
.map(userGame => getGameById(userGame.gameId));
Promise.all(gamePromises).then(games=> {
Here is another solution using async function which is maybe more readable
async function getGames() {
const userGames = await getCollection();
const currentUserGames = userGames.filter(({userId}) => userId == currentUserId);
const games = await Promise.all({gameId}) => getGameById(gameId));
The array that you pass to Promise.all needs to contain the promises, but you're pushing the game objects - and you're doing it asynchronously, so the array is still empty when you pass it to Promise.all.
const getGames = () => {
getCollection().then(userGames => {
let gamePromises = []
for (const eachObj of userGames) {
if (eachObj.userId === currentUserId) {
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^
return Promise.all(gamePromises)
// ^^^^^^ chaining
}).then(gameArray => {
// ^^^^^^^^^
To simplify:
async function getGames() {
const userGames = await getCollection()
const gamePromises = userGames
.filter(eachObj => eachObj.userId === currentUserId)
.map(eachObj => getGameById(eachObj.gameId))
const gameArray = await Promise.all(gamePromises)

React JS multiple API calls, data undefined or unexpected reserved word 'await' mapping through the data:

I'm creating a JS function that will make a call to an API, loop through the returned data and perform another call to retrieve more information about the initial data (for example where the first call return an ID, the second call would return the name/address/number the ID corresponds to). Positioning the async and await keywords though, have proven to be way more challenging than I imagined:
useEffect(() => {
const getAppointments = async () => {
try {
const { data } = await fetchContext.authAxios.get('/appointments/' +;
const updatedData = await => {
const { data } = fetchContext.authAxios.get('/customerID/' + value.customerID);
return {
...value, // de-structuring
customerID: data
} catch (err) {
}, [fetchContext]);
Everything get displayed besides the customerID, that results undefined. I tried to position and add the async/await keywords in different places, nothing works. What am I missing?
map returns an array, not a promise. You need to get an array of promises and then solve it (also, if your way worked, it would be inefficient waitting for a request to then start the next one.)
const promises = (value) => {
const { data } = await fetchContext.authAxios.get('/customerID/' + value.customerID);
return {
customerID: data
const updatedData = await Promise.all(promises);

wait for Cypress each() function to finish

I am calling a function populateArray which picks elements on the page using children() function. I want to store the attribute values into an using each() function.
Here is what I am doing
static populateArray(){
let arr = []
.each((element, index, list) => arr.push(cy.wrap(element).invoke('attr', 'data-testid')))
The problem is when I call this function by assigning it to a variable
actualArray = ArticlePage.populateArray()
its not waiting for underlying each() function to complete fully. It just pick partial values and proceeds. I want actualArray to have values only after populateArray is fully resolved.
How about using Cypress.Promise? From the docs
Cypress is promise aware so if you return a promise from inside of commands like .then(), Cypress will not continue until those promises resolve
const populateArray = () => {
return new Cypress.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let arr = []
.each(element => arr.push(element.attr('data-testid'))) // NOTE different push
.then(() => {
return resolve(arr)
Call with await (test must be async),
it('gets the array', async () => {
const actualArray = await ArticlePage.populateArray();
expect(actualArray).to.deep.equal(['1', '2', '3']); // whatever is in 'data-testid'
Since .each() can be chained - you can chain a .then and just type the code you need to execute after the .each() process is done:
static populateArray(){
let arr = []
.each((element, index, list) => arr.push(arr.push(element.attr('data-testid')))
.then(list => {
And in test code
.then(actualArray => {
//code that needs the array data
Another answer using custom commands
Cypress.Commands.add("populateArray", (parentSelector, childSelector, arrayAllias) => {
let arr = []
.each((element, index, list) => arr.push(element.attr('data-testid')))
And in test code
cy.populateArray(NODE_PREVIEW_PANEL, NODE_TYPE, 'actualArray')
.then(actualArray => {
//code that needs the array data

Сollect promises results in foreach loop and only after performing setState

I am new to React and Promises.
My purpose is - Collect array of objects from several Search Services and then transfer whole array to the State.
PNP.SearchResults is a Promise
In code below this.setState is performing earlier then array is ready.
How to fix it?
private getSearchResults() {
const allSearchResults = []
this.state.resultSources.forEach(rSource =>{, this.state.activePage, this.props.PageSize, rSource.sourceGuid).then((results: PNP.SearchResults) => {
allSearchResults.push({Results: results, sourceGuid: rSource.sourceGuid});
}).catch(() => {});
this.setState({PrimaryResults2: allSearchResults} as any);
console.log("state updated");
Now console.log("state updated") fires earlier then console.log("push").
But I need vice versa
Because of is async function.
You should await result to make sure data return.
private async getSearchResults() {
const allSearchResults = []
for (const rSource of this.state.resultSources) {
await, this.state.activePage, this.props.PageSize, rSource.sourceGuid).then((results: PNP.SearchResults) => {
allSearchResults.push({Results: results, sourceGuid: rSource.sourceGuid});
}).catch(() => {});
this.setState({PrimaryResults2: allSearchResults} as any);
console.log("state updated");
If i understand correctly, you need to first push the search results into allSearchResults array and then setState. Why not use async await and a basic for loop instead of .then. When you use .then, only the code in the .then callback will execute after the promise is resolved but the other code outside it like this.setState, console.log won't wait till you push all the search results.
async func() {
const allSearchResults = [];
for(let i=0; i<this.state.resultSources.length; i+=1){
const item = await, this.state.activePage, this.props.PageSize, this.state.resultSources[i].sourceGuid)
allSearchResults.push({Results: item, sourceGuid: this.state.resultSources[i].sourceGuid})
this.setState({PrimaryResults2: allSearchResults} as any, () => {console.log("state updated")})

setState in nested async function - React Hooks

How can I build a function which gets some data asynchronously then uses that data to get more asynchronous data?
I am using Dexie.js (indexedDB wrapper) to store data about a direct message. One thing I store in the object is the user id which I'm going to be sending messages to. To build a better UI I'm also getting some information about that user such as the profile picture, username, and display name which is stored on a remote rdbms. To build a complete link component in need data from both databases (local indexedDB and remote rdbms).
My solution returns an empty array. It is being computed when logging it in Google Chrome and I do see my data. However because this is not being computed at render time the array is always empty and therefor I can't iterate over it to build a component.
const [conversations, setConversations] = useState<IConversation[]>()
const [receivers, setReceivers] = useState<Profile[]>()
useEffect(() => {
messagesDatabase.conversations.toArray().then(result => {
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
if (conversations) {
const getReceivers = async () => {
let receivers: Profile[] = []
await conversations.forEach(async (element) => {
const receiver = await getProfileById(element.conversationWith, token)
// the above await is a javascript fetch call to my backend that returns json about the user values I mentioned
return receivers
getReceivers().then(receivers => {
}, [conversations])
The below log logs an array with a length of 0; receivers.length -> 0
but when clicking the log in Chrome I see:
0: {
avatarURL: ""
displayName: "Cool guy"
userId: "1234"
username: "cool_guy"
1: ...
My plan is to then iterate over this array using map
receivers && conversations
?, index) => {
return <ChatLink
: null
How can I write this to not return a empty array?
Here's a SO question related to what I'm experiencing here
I believe your issue is related to you second useEffect hook when you attempt to do the following:
const getReceivers = async () => {
let receivers: Profile[] = []
await conversations.forEach(async (element) => {
const receiver = await getProfileById(element.conversationWith, token)
return receivers
getReceivers().then(receivers => {
Unfortunately, this won't work because async/await doesn't work with forEach. You either need to use for...of or Promise.all() to properly iterate through all conversations, call your API, and then set the state once it's all done.
Here's is a solution using Promise.all():
function App() {
const [conversations, setConversations] = useState<IConversation[]>([]);
const [receivers, setReceivers] = useState<Profile[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
messagesDatabase.conversations.toArray().then(result => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (conversations.length === 0) {
async function getReceivers() {
const receivers: Profile[] = await Promise.all( =>
getProfileById(element.conversationWith, token)
}, [conversations]);
// NOTE: You don't have to do the `receivers && conversations`
// check, and since both are arrays, you should check whether
// `receivers.length !== 0` and `conversations.length !== 0`
// if you want to render something conditionally, but since your
// initial `receivers` state is an empty array, you could just
// render that instead and you won't be seeing anything until
// that array is populated with some data after all fetching is
// done, however, for a better UX, you should probably indicate
// that things are loading and show something rather than returning
// an empty array or null
return, idx) => <ChatLink />)
// or, alternatively
return receivers.length !== 0 ? (, idx) => <ChatLink />)
) : (
Alternatively, using for...of, you could do the following:
function App() {
const [conversations, setConversations] = useState<IConversation[]>([]);
const [receivers, setReceivers] = useState<Profile[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
messagesDatabase.conversations.toArray().then(result => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (conversations.length === 0) {
async function getReceivers() {
let receivers: Profile[] = [];
const profiles = =>
getProfileById(conversation.conversationWith, token)
for (const profile of profiles) {
const receiver = await profile;
return receivers;
getReceivers().then(receivers => {
}, [conversations]);
return, idx) => <ChatLink />);
i think it is happening because for getReceivers() function is asynchronous. it waits for the response, in that meantime your state renders with empty array.
you can display spinner untill the response received.
const[isLoading,setLoading]= useState(true)
} )
return {isLoading ? <spinner/> : <yourdata/>}
Please set receivers initial value as array
const [receivers, setReceivers] = useState<Profile[]>([])
Also foreach will not wait as you expect use for loop instead of foreach
I am not sure it is solution for your question
but it could help you to solve your error
