Jest - How to get code coverage for callback inside promise? - javascript

When running a coverage test, I am unable to get a specific block of code to be covered. It's a promise with a callback function (which sets the react state),
but I am having a hard time getting the callback function to be covered correctly in the coverage test. Here is the unit test:
it('Handle form submit for entity with processToWaitFor', () => {
const wrapper = shallow( <TestPage data={{ processToWaitFor: 'submission' }} /> );
wrapper.instance().setState({ redirect: false });
const checkEntityFormStatus = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve('ended'));
const mockCallbackFunc = () => { wrapper.instance().setState({ redirect: true }) };
expect(checkEntityFormStatus('', '', '', mockCallbackFunc())).resolves.toBe('ended');
submitForm = () => {
const {processToWaitFor} =;
if (processToWaitFor) {
return checkEntityFormStatus( // Defined in APIcalls.js below
(response) => {
// Unit test not covering this callback which sets the state
this.setState({redirect: true});
return response;
export const checkEntityFormStatus = (
) => {
const fetchStatus = async (n) => {
try {
const response = await API.checkEntityFormStatus(entity, token, processToWaitFor).then(API.handleResponse);
if (response == 'ended') {
return callback(response);
} else {
return new Error('No Status');
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Any idea how to get the unit test should look like so our coverage test covers the callback which sets the state when response is 'ended' from checkEntityFormStatus?


get new Instance for function each test

I have some tests in one file,
I check my reducer with some case
My code looks like this
my code
import axiosInstance from '~/utils/network';
const fetcher = axiosInstance();
const fetchMiddleware = () => {
switch (type) {
case 'LOGOUT':{
try {
await fetcher.get(API.GET.LOGOUT_OPERATION);
dispatch({ type: 'LOGOUT_SUCCESS' });
} catch (err) {
dispatch({ type: 'LOGOUT_FAIL' });
my test
import axiosInstance from '../../src/utils/network';
import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store';
const middlewares = [fetchMiddleware, thunk];
const mockStore = configureStore(middlewares);
const store = mockStore(getInitialReducerState());
jest.mock('../../src/utils/network', () => {
const axiosInstance = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return {
get: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return {
headers: {},
}) as any;
axiosInstance.configure = jest.fn();
return axiosInstance;
describe('test LOGOUT', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('should test be success', async () => {
await store.dispatch({
type: 'LOGOUT',
payload: { userName: 'testUserName' },
it('should test be fail', async () => {
(axiosInstance as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() => {
return {
get: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
throw new Error(' ');
await store.dispatch({
type: 'LOGOUT',
payload: { userName: 'testUserName' },
type: 'LOGOUT_FAIL',
I want to test two scenarios: success & fail,
I mock the axiosInstance function.
But even I override the mock in the second test I get the first mock because my code loads axiosInstance only once.
what can I do?
You need to use jest.isolateModules
Let's say we have 2 files:
./lib.js - this is your ~/utils/network
./repro.js - this is your file with the code under test
export default function lib() {
return () => 10;
import lib from './lib';
const fnInstance = lib();
export const fn = () => {
return fnInstance();
And the ./repro.test.js:
function getRepro(libMock) {
let repro;
// Must use isolateModules because we need to require a new module everytime
jest.isolateModules(() => {
jest.mock('./lib', () => {
return {
default: libMock,
repro = require('./repro');
// If for some reason in the future the behavior will change and this assertion will fail
// We can do a workaround by returning a Promise and the `resolve` callback will be called with the Component in the `isolateModules` function
// Or we can also put the whole test function inside the `isolateModules` (less preferred)
return repro;
describe('', () => {
it('should return 1', () => {
const { fn } = getRepro(function lib() {
return () => 1
it('should return 2', () => {
const { fn } = getRepro(function lib() {
return () => 2
It's preferable to use existing library to mock Axios, it saves from boilerplate code and potential mistakes in mock implementation; moxios has been already suggested.
It's inconvenient to mock axiosInstance per test because it has been already called on the import of tested module, so this requires it to be re-imported per test; another answer explains how it's done with jest.isolateModules.
Since axiosInstance is evaluated only once and is supposed to return mocked object, it's convenient to mock it once per test and then change implementations:
jest.mock('~/utils/network', () => {
const axiosMock = { get: jest.fn(), ... };
return {
axiosInstance: () => axiosMock;
const axiosMock = axiosInstance();
(axiosMock.get axiosInstance as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() => {
throw new Error(' ');
await store.dispatch(...);
This requires to use jest.restoreAllMocks in beforeEach or similar Jest configuration option to avoid test cross-contamination.
Notice that Axios doesn't throw errors but rather return rejected promises, this may affect test results, see the note regarding the benefits of libraries.

How to add a new then after fetch has run

I have a method that runs a fetch request and then saves the result or error like this:
saveTema() {
.then(tema => {
error: null,
isDirty: false,
.catch(httpOrOtherError => {
if (httpOrOtherError.status) {
if (httpOrOtherError.status === 400) {
httpOrOtherError.json().then(result => {
const serverValidationfailures =
error: {
valideringsfeil: {...serverValidationfailures},
showActivationDialog: false,
} else {
error: {httpError: {status: httpOrOtherError.status, statusText: httpOrOtherError.statusText}},
showActivationDialog: false,
} else {
error: {fetchReject: {message: httpOrOtherError.message}},
showActivationDialog: false,
And this is the fetch request itself:
editTema(tema) {
return fetch(
method: 'PUT',
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(tema)
.then(res => {
if (res.ok) {
return res.json();
throw res;
I would like to run this method from another one, and check if everything went ok with this method and based on that do further actions. Something like this:
this.saveTema().then(() => {
pathname: '/tema',
state: {
successMessage: `Tema ${} ble oppdatert`,
But, this is of course wrong, I am not sure how can I do this, to run some code after the fetch handling of the fetch request has finished. What is the right way to do it?
saveTema() {
return this.gateway.editTema(this.state.tema)
Return the promise and then you'll be able to do exactly what you are trying to do.
Return the editThema result after setting up the handlers:
saveTema() {
let prom = this.gateway.editTema(this.state.tema)
prom.then(tema => {
// .. success handling code
.catch(httpOrOtherError => {
// .. error handling code
return prom;
Now you can call your function exactly like you wanted to.
You can achieve that by two approaches
Using async/await
Using native Promise
1. async/await way
const userUtils = require('./userUtils');
const userCtr = {};
userCtr.searchUser = async (req, res) => {
try {
const { userName } = req.query;
const result = await userUtils.searchUser(userName);
return res.status(200).json(result);
} catch (err) {
return res.status(err.code).json({ error: err.error });
module.exports = userCtr;
const userUtils = {};
userUtils.searchUser = async (userName) => {
try {
if (userName) {
// ...Do some cool stuff
const result = [];
return result;
const errorObj = { code: 400, error: 'ERR_VALID_PARAM' };
throw errorObj;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
module.exports = userUtils;
2. Promise way
const userUtils = require('./userUtils');
const userCtr = {};
userCtr.searchUser = (req, res) => {
const { userName } = req.query;
.then((result) => {
return res.status(200).json(result);
.catch((err) => {
return res.status(err.code).json({ error: err.error });
module.exports = userCtr;
const userUtils = {};
userUtils.searchUser = (userName) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (userName) {
// ...Do some cool stuff
const result = [];
return resolve(result);
} else {
const error = { code: 400, error: 'Please provide valid data!' }
return reject(error);
module.exports = userUtils;
In both approaches you can hold further execution (in both approach Promise are used directly or indirectly), In a second approach you can achieve by .then().catch() whereas in the first approach just you need to put a keyword await and put async on your function, I suggest you to use async/await. Because when you need to wait for the completion of more than 3 promises and yo go with Native Promise then your code will be so messy like .then().then().then() Whereas in a first approach you just need to put a keyword await on starting of your function, Using async/await approach your code will neat and clean and easily understandable and easy to debug.

How to test catch statement in async await Action

I have an Action which awaits an API function. The happy path in the try is easily testable with my mocked API. However, unsure as to the best way to test and cover the .catch.
import {getRoles} from '../shared/services/api';
export const Actions = {
export const fetchRoles = () => async dispatch => {
try {
const response = await getRoles();
const roles =;
type: Actions.SET_ROLES,
} catch (error) {
type: Actions.SET_ROLES,
roles: []
Actions Test
import {fetchRoles} from '../party-actions';
import rolesJson from '../../shared/services/__mocks__/roles.json';
describe('Roles Actions', () => {
it('should set roles when getRoles() res returns', async () => {
const mockDispatch = jest.fn();
await fetchRoles()(mockDispatch);
try {
type: 'SET_ROLES',
roles: rolesJson
} catch (e) {
// console.log('fetchRoles error: ', e)
// Here is the problem test, how do we intentionally cause
// getRoles() inside of fetchRoles() to throw an error?
it('should return empty roles if error', async () => {
const mockDispatch = jest.fn();
await fetchRoles('throwError')(mockDispatch);
type: 'SET_ROLES',
roles: []
Mocked API
import rolesJson from './roles.json';
export const getRoles = async test => {
let mockGetRoles;
if (test === 'throwError') {
// console.log('sad')
mockGetRoles = () => {
return Promise.reject({
roles: []
} else {
// console.log('happy')
mockGetRoles = () => {
return Promise.resolve({
roles: rolesJson
try {
const roles = mockGetRoles();
// console.log('api mocks roles', roles);
return roles;
} catch (err) {
return 'the error';
^ Above you can see what I tried, which did work, but it required me to change my code in a way that fit the test, but not the actual logic of the app.
For instance, for this test to pass, I have to pass in a variable through the real code (see x):
export const fetchRoles = (x) => async dispatch => {
try {
const response = await getRoles(x);
const roles =;
How can we force getRoles in our mock to throw an error in our sad path, .catch test?
You can mock getRoles API on per-test basis instead:
// getRoles will be just jest.fn() stub
import {getRoles} from '../../shared/services/api';
import rolesJson from '../../shared/services/__mocks__/roles.json';
// without __mocks__/api.js it will mock each exported function as jest.fn();
it('sets something if loaded successfully', async ()=> {
await Promise.resolve(); // so mocked API Promise could resolve
it('sets something else on error', async () => {
await Promise.resolve();
I also propose you concentrate on store state after a call not a list of actions dispatched. Why? Because actually we don't care what actions in what order has been dispatched while we get store with data expected, right?
But sure, you still could assert against dispatch calls. The main point: don't mock result returned in __mocks__ automocks but do that on peer-basis.
I resolved the test and got the line coverage for the .catch by adding a function called mockGetRolesError in the mock api file:
Thanks to #skyboyer for the idea to have a method on the mocked file.
import {getRoles} from '../shared/services/api';
export const Actions = {
export const fetchRoles = () => async dispatch => {
try {
const response = await getRoles();
const roles =;
// console.log('ACTION roles:', roles);
type: Actions.SET_ROLES,
} catch (error) {
type: Actions.SET_ROLES,
roles: []
Now in the test for the sad path, I just have to call mockGetRolesError to set the internal state of the mocked api to be in a return error mode.
import {fetchRoles} from '../party-actions';
import rolesJson from '../../shared/services/__mocks__/roles.json';
import {mockGetRolesError} from '../../shared/services/api';
describe('Roles Actions', () => {
it('should set roles when getRoles() res returns', async () => {
const mockDispatch = jest.fn();
try {
await fetchRoles()(mockDispatch);
type: 'SET_ROLES',
roles: rolesJson
} catch (e) {
return e;
it('should return empty roles if error', async () => {
const mockDispatch = jest.fn();
await fetchRoles()(mockDispatch);
type: 'SET_ROLES',
roles: []

Jest Axios test is passing when it shouldn't

I am writing a script (see below) to make sure that an axios function throws an error when it receives a certain status code. I found out, however, that even when I make this test fail, Jest still says that the test passes, even though it returns an error in the console (see below). Why is Jest saying this test has passed when it actually failed? Does it have something to do with me trying to expect an error, so even if the test fails, jest still receives an error (that the test failed) and thinks this means that I got what I expected? Thanks.
import axios from 'axios';
jest.mock('axios', () => ({
get: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: 'payload' })),
const getData = async (url) => {
const response = await axios.get(url);
if (response.status !== 200) {
return response.text().then((error) => {
throw new Error(error.message);
} else {
test('testing that an error is thrown', async () => {
axios.get.mockImplementation(() =>
data: {data: 'payload'},
status: 400,
text: () => Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify({message: 'This is an error.'})),
const expectedError = async () => {
await getData('sampleUrl');
// The error should return 'This is an error.' and instead
// is expecting 'foo', so this test should fail.
You need two changes to get the test to fail as expected.
Don't stringify the resolved value from text
await the expect that uses rejects
Here is an updated version that fails as expected:
import axios from 'axios';
jest.mock('axios', () => ({
get: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: 'payload' })),
const getData = async (url) => {
const response = await axios.get(url);
if (response.status !== 200) {
return response.text().then((error) => {
throw new Error(error.message);
} else {
test('testing that an error is thrown', async () => {
axios.get.mockImplementation(() =>
data: {data: 'payload'},
status: 400,
text: () => Promise.resolve({message: 'This is an error.'}), // <= don't stringify
const expectedError = async () => {
await getData('sampleUrl');
await expect(expectedError()).rejects.toThrowError('foo'); // <= await

Jest/enzyme: How to test for .then and .catch of an nested asynchronous function

I'm trying to do some enzyme/jest unit testing for a asynchronous function in my reactJS component, which gets injected as prop.
My Problem is to test for a value in the then() part of the function and to test for catch() if an error occures.
This is how the function of my component (<CreateAccount />) looks like:
_onSubmit = (event) => {
const { username, password } = this.state
variables: { username, password }
}).then(response => {
const token =
if (token) {
Cookies.set('auth-token', token, { expires: 1 })
}).catch(error => {
The first test should check for .catch(error => {}) as data is undefined:
it('_onSubmit() should throw error if data is missing', () => {
const createUserMutation = () => {
return Promise.resolve({})
const wrapper = shallow(<CreateAccount createUserMutation={createUserMutation} />)
wrapper.update().find(Form).simulate('submit', {
preventDefault: () => {}
const state = wrapper.instance().state
expect(wrapper).toThrow() // <-- How to do it correctly?
And the second test should check if cookie is set correctly. Here I don't know how to do that? I think I have to mock Cookie
it('_onSubmit() should get token', () => {
const createUserMutation = () => {
return Promise.resolve({
data: {
createUser: { token: 'token' }
const wrapper = shallow(<CreateAccount createUserMutation={createUserMutation} />)
wrapper.find(Form).simulate('submit', {
preventDefault: () => {}
// How to check for token value and Cookies?
What I usually have to do when I want to see if the spy worked on the catch or then, is to add another then() on the test. For example:
it('_onSubmit() should throw error if data is missing', () => {
const createUserMutation = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject(new Error()));
const spy = jest.spyOn(console,"warn");
const wrapper = shallow(<CreateAccount createUserMutation={createUserMutation} />)
wrapper.update().find(Form).simulate('submit', {
preventDefault: () => {}
return createUserMutation.catch(() => {
.then(() => {
I guess it is somehow related to how NodeJS handles the queues, promises, ticks, etc, internally.
That is the rejected/catch branch. If you want to test the IF path, just use a Promise.resolve and return a promise.then() instead of catch.
Why are you using console.warn for an error? Use console.error instead. You will need to mock it out to a spy as well to test it.
First test:
it('_onSubmit() should throw error if data is missing', (done) => {
const createUserMutation = () => new Promise();
const wrapper = shallow(<CreateAccount createUserMutation={createUserMutation} />)
wrapper.update().find(Form).simulate('submit', {
preventDefault: () => {}
const state = wrapper.instance().state
createUserMutation.resolve().then(() => {
If you are running this in a mock browser environment and not a real browser then you must mock out Cookies.set.
Second test:
it('_onSubmit() should get token', (done) => {
const createUserMutation = () => new Promise();
const wrapper = shallow(<CreateAccount createUserMutation={createUserMutation} />)
wrapper.find(Form).simulate('submit', {
preventDefault: () => {}
jest.spyOn(window.Cookies, 'set');
const response = {
data: {
createUser: { token: 'token' }
createUserMutation.resolve(response).then(() => {
afterEach(() => {
// Reset the spies so that they don't leak to other tests
