Calling HTTP Node server inside HTTPS instance, SSL error - javascript

I'm trying to connect to a inside a Node server from a React client.
Both, the React client and the instance that the Node server is located (it's a microservice, there's also a Java container running there, both within a separated docker container) have https protocols. React client is inside a s3 bucket.
The thing is, Node server is HTTP only, has no certificate, and it's causing the request to the to fail.
The connection happens without any trouble inside de develop EC2, which is not HTTPS, also running normally with localhost.
Cors are enabled.
Is there a way, without having to turn Node serve into HTTPS, to make this requests not return SSL erros?
If not, what is the easiest way to turn it into a HTTPS server to run along with the Java server?
Thanks a lot!

A very short answer. Try using nginx as WebSocket proxy for you server.
Here are couple links:
nginx as WebSocket proxy
SSL configuration to make it an https official configuration


Node Server With NGINX

I have node js server that has a server which listens 8000 port and a connection working on that server. This socket connection creates a communication with a ReactJS app which is not a point of this question. So I have 2 project folders
1. project-server
2. project-web-react
Project server only answers socketio request and does not render a HTML or something else. It only works on terminal. I want to ask whether is it useful to encapsulate my project-server with Nginx? So the requests are handled by Nginx ? Or is it out of the Nginx's purpose?
I would never have an application server run directly connected through internet since there are always a bunch of unknowns with them (scaling, standard compliance etc), so I would recommend you to run a proxy like nginx in front of your app. This also makes it easy to add certificates and do load balancing / caching. It just adds flexibility and some security.

How to run node.js in my web site server not my pc local server

Last 2 days I spent more time and read 50+ articles and video to understand node.js and after installation now I can see the result in browser by http//:localhost:3000/ But I have confused in many case that I describe below.
I do all of my work in my share hosting server where I my keep my web site:
In every article about node.js, they are teaching how to get a result by below code in a browser by http//:localhost:3000/ in local pc server.
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
response.end('Hello World\n');
console.log('Server running at http://localhost:3000/');
But My Question:
If I use http//` in my browser, What will be the above code?
In case of local pc we write on npm node test.js, But In case of hosting server when any clint open the page like http// How to work it?
In case of php we used include ("head.php") to got something from that page But In this case How to make a call on node.js.
Well, what you need to do is understand how http web servers works.
Usually, on your remote machine (your server), you have an instance of a web server (ex : apache) running, which is listening to port 80 (standard port for http requests). It will handle every request made on that port, and manage routing to use the correct php/html file.
Then, it will run the php code server-side, to render an html file and serve it to the server. So the client will not see the php code at all.
Let's talk about Node.js. Node is an application that runs javascript code server-side, and can run an http server with using some modules. But the javascript code will never be shown to your client, he will only get the http response you send him (typically, the html page).
So now, with node.js, you need to do the same as the apache server did, by creating the http server. First, what you have to know is that not that many website host are offering node.js, or even console access. They usually serve the php/html files you put in the configured folder, and that's basically it. What you need is either a virtual machine, or a server on which you can install node.js and run it, or use a node.js hosting service, like heroku or nodejitsu to host your node.js http server.
So, to create the node.js http server, you need to create an http server (as you did in your code), and make it listen to port 80. Now, every http request send to your server will be handled by your node.js instance. Then, you can do anything you want with that request.
I hope I haven't been to messy.
You need to install NodeJS on the server. If this is shared hosting where you cannot install additional software then you will be unable to use NodeJS. In that case contact support of your web hosting company and inquire about NodeJS support.
On the other hand, if you do have root user or super user rights on a system, you can install NodeJS. For example for on CentOS/RHEL systems you can install using yum with the following commands.
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install npm
For some of the other distributions of Linux:
To access Node applications from your PC to the server, you also need to open a port in the server firewall that your Node aplication uses.

How can I establish a secure connection to a websocket on localhost?

We have an application which we run on a POS terminal, that should receive data from an application running on the same machine, while displaying content from a remote site which is loaded over HTTPS.
To receive the data from the local application, we want to use websockets, which is working fine so far. However, when the site we're displaying is loaded over HTTPS, the websocket connection is required to be encrypted as well.
Because we can't really get a proper certificate for localhost, we're just using a self-signed one. But Chrome won't connect to a websocket that uses a self-signed certificate.
How can we resolve this problem? We can't use an unencrypted websocket, we can't use a self-signed certificate for the encrypted one and we can't get a signed certificate for localhost. What option am I missing?
If you have admin privileges on the POS terminals, how about adding a line to the HOSTS file like:
Now you can use a real certificate for in the server application.

node js easy rtc connection use https

i use easyrtc
EasyRtc Github
I use IFRAME streaming load my web page PHP. Everything was fine when my site was protocol HTTP. Now I changed the HTTP connection to HTTPS, connection beginning not to work.
Node js installed on the same server, I connect to it via ip, without the https protocol. How can I set up the connection?
Pass a fake certificate and private keys when you create server using https module, like
var webServer = https.createServer({key: privateKey, cert: certificate}, httpApp).listen(8000);
Happy coding

Node.js on Azure Worker Role w/ SSL results in ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

I have a WorkerRole configured to start node.exe via the Runtime/EntryPoint/ProgramEntryPoint element in the csdef and have a HttpsIn EndPoint configured for https on port 443 w/ a valid certificate. I'm also setting the PORT environment variable in Runtime/Environment which is used by node to listen on for incoming requests.
When I start the service (either in local dev fabric or in Azure) and try to hit the service I get the following error:
SSL connection error
Unable to make a secure connection to the server. This may be a problem with the server, or it may be requiring a client authentication certificate that you don't have.
Error 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error.
I have verified that node.exe is indeed started when the service starts, and if I look up the local port in the Compute Emulator, usually something like:
I am able to successfully hit node directly with that using my browser. I am also able to hit node through Azure when SSL is not configured.
What am I missing? Thanks!
The issue was that I was using the http module instead of the https module when starting the web server in Node. Works once I started the https server using the ssl certificate.
I was following a guide for SSL w/ Node in a WebRole, which requires a different set up than SSL w/ Node in WorkerRole.
