React - For Loop conditional render - not working and infinite trigger - javascript

I am trying to dynamically multiple an item in my render based on a variable kind of like this
const Multiple = (props) => {
let result = "";
let wtf = "";
console.log("test"); // gets triggered
for(let i = 0; i < props.multiple; i++){
console.log("i: "+i); // gets triggered
result.concat("{props.base1} +"); // this doesn't work for some reason
wtf = i; // gets triggered
console.log("result: "+result); // result is blank
console.log("wtf:" +wtf);
return <span>{result}</span>;
PROBLEM 1: Even though I am entering the for-loop, my result is not being changed and i don't understand why.
Also since I cant get it to work yet, I wanted to ask: If i do it this way, where I am concatenating {props.base1} as a string, when i return it in the render, will it show up as "{props.base1}" or will it render as the variable value?
Here is an example as to what it should look like:
base1 = abc
multiple = 2
resulting render should look like:
abc + abc +
Will concatenating my prop into a string before rendering result it in looking like this instead of the above block?
{props.base1} + {props.base1} +
PROBLEM 2: EDIT ALSO, for some reason everything in the <Multiple> component is infinitely triggering, which I also do not understand why it is happening

You are using concat, which doesn't update the original string, it creates a new string instead. What you could do is either
let result = '';
for(let i = 0; i < props.multiple; i++) {
console.log("i: "+i); // gets triggered
result += `${props.base1} `;
wtf = i; // gets triggered
As far as the infinite loop problem goes, what actually is props.muitlple? Is it an array or a string? If so, you should change your loop to
for(let i = 0; i < props.multiple.length; i++)
Edit: if props.multiple is a number, i < props.multiple should work, you should log the value in your component and check once.

The result string is not being properly appended to
const Multiple = (props) => {
let result = "";
let wtf = "";
for(let i = 0; i < props.multiple; i++){
result += props.base1.toString() + "+"
console.log("result: "+result);
return <span>{result}</span>;
For the infinite loop I would check it's values before entering the loop to make sure your bounds are properly set.
// add this line before for loop

a. change to result.concat('${props.base1} + '); (backtics!!)
b. i think that maybe there is a problem with the props you pass to <Multiple ... >. check again their value, maybe log their value.


How to store components in an array and render them when I need in React?

I want to render x numbers times a specific component according to what the user chooses.
I wrote this function:
const generateShiftsForm = (totalWeeks) => {
const shiftWeeks = 1;
const shiftList = [];
for (let i = shiftWeeks; i === totalWeeks; i++) {
shiftList.push(<ShiftForm totalMinutes={totalMinutes} setTotalMinutes={setTotalMinutes}/>);
return shiftList;
But when I call it inside the render function it doesn't generate anything unless the totalWeeks is 1.
{generateShiftsForm(shiftNumber).map((form) => (form))}
Why is it like this? I didn't get it, can someone explain it to me?
Seems like there is a typo in the for loop condition - i === totalWeeks, that's why the for loop is being run only once and only if totalWeeks equals 1. Try replacing the for loop you have with the following:
for (let i = shiftWeeks; i <= totalWeeks; i++) {...}

call for loop through function with parameters

I have the below for loops, I have it manytime in my code, with different variables name, I would put it in a function with parameters and call it but it didn't work
for(let i = 0; i < inputs.length - 1; i++){
error += inputs[i].getAttribute('test') + " is blank";
isTrue = false;
Here what I did
let y = "";
let z = true;
function test(x,y,z){
for(let i = 0; i < x.length - 1; i++){
y += x[i].getAttribute('name') + " is blank !";
z = false;
let error = "";
let isTrue = true;
shall I do return in the function? if yes which return should I do?
Scope: when you define y and z outside the function (in the global scope presumably) they are different than the y and z defined in the parameter list of the function. The ones in the parameter list only exist within the body of the function. Changing the value of the parameter named y within the function does not change the value of the global variable y. So the simple answer to your question is, yes, you need to return something, since the value of the parameter y is lost when the function is done executing.
Give your variables descriptive names. Let the obfuscator do it's thing later.
function test(x,y,z) -> function valueTest(arr, err, success)
The boolean status and error string are redundant bits of information. If the error string is not empty, then the status is failure. So you don't need to return both a boolean and the string.
The status of the previous test is of no relevance to the next test. Therefore, z or success doesn't have to be passed in to the function each time, as it (or something like it) is really the desired output of the function, and each call of the function can be treated separately. If you want to combine the results from different tests then that should be the concern of whatever is calling this function - see separation of concerns and coupling
The only parameter the function actually needs is the value that is under test (the array).
When you write the function you define the return value, and thus you define how other code can decipher those results. The function itself doesn't have to do all the work of interpreting the results and building the error string. If your return value was just an array of name attribute values (of the elements of the test array that failed), the calling code could still process "success" or "failure". If the return value has one or more elements, or a length > 0 that would indicate failure.
Removing the redundant/unnecessary parameters and information, you'll have a function that looks something like this:
function valueTest(arr) {
let results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++){
if (!arr[i].value) {
return results;
The caller can decipher and build an error message from that. It might make sense for the function to handle some of the additional work by returning <name> is blank! instead of just <name>, and then you just need to join the elements of the array. within the function...
results.push(arr[i].getAttribute('name') + ' is blank!');
...and back in the global scope...
const error = valueTest(inputs).join(" ");
let success = error.length > 0;
5.If you want a running status indicator from different tests, evaluate an individual test's result, then logically AND that with the previous result.
const result1 = valueTest(inputs1).join(' ');
let success = results1.length > 0;
const result2 = valueTest(inputs2).join(' ');
success &= (results2.length > 0);
Seeing the issues with your code are handled in the comments, I present you a simpler method.
If you count the elements that have the attribute and are not empty and compare it to the length of all the inputs passed you will have a better test
const test = (inputs,attr) => [...inputs]
.filter(inp => inp.getAttribute(attr) && inp.value.trim() !== "").length === inputs.length;
const istrue = test(document.querySelectorAll("input"),"name")
isTrue will be true if all passed inputs has an attribute called name
You can also do
const elems = document.querySelectorAll("input[name]")
const isTrue = elems.filter(inp => inp.value.trim() !== "").length === elems.length

getElementById in a for-loop only displays the first item

Relevant HTML portion
<div class="create_button">+ Create KPI</div>
<div id="items"></div>
Relevant JS portion
VSS.getService(VSS.ServiceIds.ExtensionData).then(function(dataService) {
// Get all document under the collection
dataService.getDocuments("MyCollection").then(function(docs) {
items = docs
for(var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
console.log('doclen', docs.length)
document.getElementById("items").innerHTML = "KPI Name : " + items[i].name;
My JS code fetches all data that I have in my VSTS storage. The docs contains an object with all items. It returns correctly and items[i].name contains the correct value that I want to display.
But this one just displays the first item in my <div id="items"> and not the rest.
Is this the right usage?
How can I fix it?
Here are 2 versions that show different ways to do this. Pay attention to the changes in the code that use es6 style.
VSS.getService(VSS.ServiceIds.ExtensionData).then((dataService) => {
dataService.getDocuments('MyCollection').then((docs) => {
// keep a reference to the element instead of searching for it in each loop.
const itemsDiv = document.getElementById('items');
const contents = [];
for (let i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
// using template strings here to show you another way of working with strings in es6
`<div>KPI Name : ${docs[i].name}</div>`
// finally update the target element one time with your contents.
// The new line character isn't required, can just use '', but this might be easier to read for you
itemsDiv.innerHTML = contents.join('\n');
More compact version using the map functional array method. But note that this is actually slightly slower than doing a normal for loop because its executing a function on each iteration.
VSS.getService(VSS.ServiceIds.ExtensionData).then((dataService) => {
dataService.getDocuments('MyCollection').then((docs) => {
// much more compact version using map. Note that while this is more compact,
// its slower than the for loop we did in the previous example
document.getElementById('items').innerHTML = => `<div>KPI Name : ${docs[i].name}</div>`).join('\n');
The issues occours because you are setting the innerHTML of the items div on each iteration in the loop; meaning that the values will be overwritten every time and only display the last value being set in the loop.
One easy solution is to append a new element instead when you set the values to the items div
for(var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
console.log('doclen', docs.length)
var newElement = document.createElement('div');
newElement.innerHTML = "KPI Name : " + items[i].name;

Apps Script JS adding items to array from range (if not already in array) fails

I am looping through various cells and want to add their string content do an array, if the content is not already in the array. It works perfectly fine when I do it manually like so, trying to add 'eJobs' to the array (see below "var item = 'eJobs') which already containts 'eJobs':
var divisionarray = ['eJobs']
for (var i = 0; i < cells_users.length-1; ++i) {
var row_users = cells_users[i];
if (row_users[0] == user_ldap) {
var podarray = row_users[1].split(', ')
for (j = 0; j < podarray.length; j++) {
for (var k = 0; k < cells_edit.length; ++k) {
var row_edit = cells_edit[k]
if (podarray[j] === row_edit[0]) {
var item = 'eJobs'
if (!(divisionarray.indexOf(item) >= 0)) {
As expected, the log file shows [17-10-08 19:11:04:111 BST] [eJobs], illustrating that the code works and 'eJobs' has not been added to the array as it is already in the array.
Now, when I change var item='eJobs' to values of a range
var item = sheet_pods_edit.getRange(startRow+k, startColumn+1).getValue();
the code does not work anylonger, as the log file shows:
[17-10-08 19:14:03:770 BST] [eJobs, eJobs, BestJobs, Vivre Deco, ...
Note I have a range of thousands of cells, so I get alot of duplicates added. What am I missing? Note the cells of the defined range are indeed just strings with a single word (e.g. 'eJobs').
The code is working and the log file is indicating what the problem is..
[eJobs, eJobs, BestJobs, Vivre Deco,
In the second eJobs there is a white space before eJobs, so the first value and the second value don't match.
Without seeing your data and going by the 'just strings with a single word' I would say that using a .replace(" ", "") on the text string should work, this will find the first " " in the string and remove it. I.e. " eJobs" would become "eJobs".
Is this line of code just for testing? You should never use a method like this in a script. It will be extremely inefficient
var item = sheet_pods_edit.getRange(startRow+k, startColumn+1).getValue();
Instead get the full range using .getValues()and iterate over it then.
Is there a reason you are using === in if (podarray[j] === row_edit[0]) unless you need to check for type always use ==

Javascript: increment counter variable inside loop

I am using Selenium and nodejs to iterate through a html table and match a string from an array to the string in the table cell.
My array might be ["Name", "Address1", "Address2", "Address3",...] and the value in tr[1] will try to match with Arr[0], tr[2] with Arr[1] etc.
The html table will have a row for each item in the array, but if there is no data for, say, Address2 then that will not appear.
In that case, tr[3] will find that it cannot match with Arr[3]. Instead of moving to tr[4], I want to see if tr[3] matches with Arr[4], then Arr[5] etc. The items in the table will always be in the same order as the items in the array, so I have no need for any array items "unmatched".
I've posted the whole function in case it is relevant, but the issue seems very simply to be that I cannot get "i = i - 1" to carry the new value into the next loop iteration.
I have proved that I get into the Else section, and that the value of i - 1 is as I would expect at that point.
var retrieveData = function retrieveData(Arr){
j = 0
driver.findElements(webdriver.By.xpath("//*[#class='table-container']")).then (function(rows){
rowCount = rows.length;
console.log("Row count = " + rowCount);
}).then (function(fn){
for (i = 1;i < rowCount + 1; i++){
var element = driver.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath("//div[#class='table-container']["+i+"]/div/strong/a"));
var typefromArray = String(Arr[j].split(':')[0]);
if (Type == typefromArray){
// Do something
j = j + 1;
} else {
// Do something
i = i - 1 // My problem looks to be here, but may be in the transfer of this back up to the beginning of the loop
j = j + 1;
module.exports.retrieveData = retrieveData;
You are using an IIFE in your for-loop to which you pass the index.
That looks like it was designed to prevent modification of i!
When you do
i = i - 1
at the end of your function, it has absolutely no effect as it only affects the i inside your function.
Here's a good article about variable scopes in JavaScript.
But if you still want to modify i, then one option would be to simply have it be returned by the anonymous function and assigned to the external i variable:
.then (function(fn){
for (i = 1;i < rowCount + 1; i++){
i = (function(i){
var element = driver.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath("//div[#class='table-container']["+i+"]/div/strong/a"));
var typefromArray = String(Arr[j].split(':')[0]);
if (Type == typefromArray){
// Do something
j = j + 1;
} else {
// Do something
i = i - 1 // My problem looks to be here, but may be in the transfer of this back up to the beginning of the loop
j = j + 1;
return i;
That is the solution to the question you asked.
But I'm pretty sure there will be other problems in your code, as you are using a synchronous loop, yet updating the counter in an asynchronously-called function (the function passed to element.getText().then).
I'd suggest you either study a bit about how to handle asynchronous code in JavaScript (you're using Promises right now) or open a more general question about the bigger problem you are trying to solve as there will be some more design hurdles to overcome.
Here's an example of the kind of patterns you may have to use to handle multiple Promises (not meant to be copy-pasted, used ES2015 for brevity):
.then(function(fn) {
Array(rowCount).fill(true).map((_, i) => i + 1) // => [1..rowCount]
.map(i => {
const element = driver.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath("//div[#class='table-container']["+i+"]/div/strong/a"));
return element.getText();
// Here we have an array of Promises that we pass to Promise.all
// so we can wait until all promises are resolved before executing
// the following .then
).then(types => types.filter(type => type === typefromArray)
.map(type => { /* doSomething */ });
