Reset a list after a reset of the dropdown selection - javascript

I have made a list. I've added some dropdown to sort the list. Once its sorted, I would like to be able to reset the dropdown back to nothing. (Accomplished that already). But the list doesn't update back to as if nothing was selected. How can I do that?
Code im using to manipulate the list:
jQuery( document ).ready(function( $ ) {
$('.container').on("change", 'select', function() {
var type = $('#BBFHtype').val().toLowerCase(),
surface = $('#BBFHsurface').val().toLowerCase(),
sticking = $('#BBFHsticking').val().toLowerCase(),
panel = $('#BBFHpanel').val().toLowerCase(),
height = $('#BBFHheight').val().toLowerCase(),
thickness = $('#BBFHthickness').val().toLowerCase();
var table = $("#BBFHDoors");
var trs = table.find('tr');
var filtered = trs.filter(function(index, elem) {
var tds = $(elem).find('td');
if (type !== "all" && tds.eq(1).text().trim().toLowerCase() !== type) {return false;}
if (surface !== "all" && tds.eq(2).text().trim().toLowerCase() !== surface) {return false;}
if (sticking !== "all" && tds.eq(3).text().trim().toLowerCase() !== sticking) {return false;}
if (panel !== "all" && tds.eq(4).text().trim().toLowerCase() !== panel) {return false;}
if (height !== "all" && tds.eq(5).text().trim().toLowerCase() !== height) {return false;}
if (thickness !== "all" && tds.eq(6).text().trim().toLowerCase() !== thickness) {return false;}
return true;
if (filtered.length == 0) {
alert("No Records Found!!!");
Code im using to reset the selections back to nothing:
$(function () {$("#btnReset").bind("click", function ()
{$("#BBFHtype")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
$("#BBFHsurface")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
$("#BBFHsticking")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
$("#BBFHpanel")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
$("#BBFHheight")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
$("#BBFHthickness")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
Ive tried playing around with .prop and .attr(selected), and removeattr(). But haven't been successful. EX: $("#BBFHtype")[0].prop("selected", true);
Any help would be awesome!

Just trigger change on the select elements:
Complete function:
$(function () {$("#btnReset").bind("click", function ()
{$("#BBFHtype")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
$("#BBFHsurface")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
$("#BBFHsticking")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
$("#BBFHpanel")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
$("#BBFHheight")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
$("#BBFHthickness")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
Also, see complete working demo here


JavaScript dropdown menu filter: Can I add multiple values in the "data-" attribute?

I am trying to create dropdown filters using JavaScript. I would like to add more values to "data-subject" using comma. Could you explain how to attribute multiple values in the JavaScript below?
<div class="col-md-3 col-6 property-item" data-grade="prek" data-type="lesson" **data-subject="eng,sci"** >
< script >
$("select.grade, select.type, select.subject").change(update);
function update() {
var resourceGrade = $('select.grade').val();
var resourceType = $('select.type').val();
var resourceSubject = $('select.subject').val();
.filter(function() {
var okResourceGrade = true;
if (resourceGrade !== "all") {
okResourceGrade = $(this).attr('data-grade') === resourceGrade;
var okResourceType = true;
if (resourceType !== "all") {
okResourceType = $(this).attr('data-type') === resourceType;
var okResourceSubject = true;
if (resourceSubject !== "all") {
okResourceSubject = $(this).attr('data-subject') === resourceSubject;
return okResourceGrade && okResourceType && okResourceSubject;
< /script>
try this
okResourceSubject = $(this).attr('data-subject').split(',').includes(resourceSubject);
split(',') will create an array with all the values ​​separated by a comma

Illustrator JavaScript only works once - won't toggle

I'm writing a script which changes the colours of a stick-man's arms and legs. Once "he" is selected, it effectively just mirrors the colours:
//Declare and initialize variables
var msgType = "";
var app;
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var testColor = docRef.swatches.getByName("CMYK Green");
var leftColor = docRef.swatches.getByName("LeftColor");
var rightColor = docRef.swatches.getByName("RightColor");
function sameColor(CMYKColor1, CMYKColor2) {
"use strict";
var isTheSameColor;
if ((CMYKColor1.cyan === CMYKColor2.cyan) && (CMYKColor1.magenta === CMYKColor2.magenta) && (CMYKColor1.yellow === CMYKColor2.yellow) && ( === {
isTheSameColor = true;
} else {
isTheSameColor = false;
return isTheSameColor;
// check if a document is open in Illustrator.
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var mySelection = app.activeDocument.selection;
var index;
// Loop through all selected objects
for (index = 0; index < mySelection.length; index += 1) {
// Switch left and right colours
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].strokeColor, leftColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].strokeColor = rightColor.color;
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].strokeColor, rightColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].strokeColor = leftColor.color;
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].fillColor, leftColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].fillColor = rightColor.color;
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].fillColor, rightColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].fillColor = leftColor.color;
It works, but it only works once (i.e. I can't toggle the change again). If I undo the change and try again it works again. Why is this?
After a lot of head-scratching / debugging it turns out that it was changing the CMYK values to be not quite the same (by a tiny fraction).
Changed the following:
if ((CMYKColor1.cyan === CMYKColor2.cyan) ...
if ((Math.round(CMYKColor1.cyan) === Math.round(CMYKColor2.cyan)) ...
and it works fine now.

.each function () for cloned inputs

Trying to create the Preview form and do not understand why each function () not working in this script. Or works but only for the last cloned row and ignore the zero values ​​in the previously cloned inputs.
$('input[id^=Mult_factor_]').each(function () {
var MultFactor = $(this).val();
var TotPoints = $('#Tot_points').val();
var exp1 = "Overload";
var exp2 = "Load is: ";
if (MultFactor < 1 || TotPoints > 100) {
} else {
I need: If at least one of cloned MultiFactor value is zero show "Overload"
Based on your comment, you want to display the word "Overload" if either the "Additional" field is over 100 or if any of the multifactor fields is 0.
However, your loop continues to process if either of these conditions are met.
Do not use a loop, instead search specifically for a multifaktor value of 0.
var totalPoints = parseInt($('#Tot_points').val());
if(totalPoints > 100 || $('input[name="MultFaktor"]').filter(function(){return this.value=='0'}).length > 0) {
} else {
$('#ExemptionLimitsText').text("Load is: ").show();
Return false on overload
var valid = true;
var exp1 = "Overload";
var exp2 = "Load is: ";
var TotPoints = $('#Tot_points').val();
$('input[name=MultFaktor]').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($.trim($(this).val()) == '0' || TotPoints > 100) {
valid = false;
} else {
if (valid == false) {

How to make this (scrollable div) work without jquery?

I've been making a webpage and I have one feature (making fixed divs scrollable) that requires some javascript, I've found a way to make it work with jquery but can't get it to work without it. Any help would be appreciated. Here's the code:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
// A globar variable to save to last element that the following class was applied to
var Last;
// This adds the class "ttth" so that tt the class "tt" will be displayed.
$(".tttw").live('touchstart', function() {
if (Last) Last.removeClass('ttth');
// Test if we have a touchdevice.
function isTouchDevice(){
return true;
return false;
// This function makes a fixed div on touch devices scrollable.
function touchScroll(selector) {
if (isTouchDevice()) {
var scrollStartPosY=0;
var scrollStartPosX=0;
$('body').delegate(selector, 'touchstart', function(e) {
$('body').delegate(selector, 'touchmove', function(e) {
if ((this.scrollTop < this.scrollHeight-this.offsetHeight &&
this.scrollTop+e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY < scrollStartPosY-5) ||
(this.scrollTop != 0 && this.scrollTop+e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY > scrollStartPosY+5))
if ((this.scrollLeft < this.scrollWidth-this.offsetWidth &&
this.scrollLeft+e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX < scrollStartPosX-5) ||
(this.scrollLeft != 0 && this.scrollLeft+e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX > scrollStartPosX+5))
// Touch is being initialised.
This code is already working but to reduce the loading time I want to get rid of jQuery. How to do that? For example - how can I select all classes "tttw" and add an eventlistener?
Any help, rough direction, etc. would be great!
Okay - found the answer myself. I did it like this:
function touchScrolli(selector) {
if (isTouchDevice()) {
var scrollStartPosY=0;
var scrollStartPosX=0;
var list = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
list[i].addEventListener('touchstart', function (e) {
}, false);
list[i].addEventListener('touchmove', function (e) {
if ((this.scrollTop < this.scrollHeight-this.offsetHeight &&
vthis.scrollTop+e.touches[0].pageY < scrollStartPosY-5) ||
(this.scrollTop != 0 && this.scrollTop+e.touches[0].pageY > scrollStartPosY+5))
if ((this.scrollLeft < this.scrollWidth-this.offsetWidth &&
this.scrollLeft+e.touches[0].pageX < scrollStartPosX-5) ||
(this.scrollLeft != 0 && this.scrollLeft+e.touches[0].pageX > scrollStartPosX+5))
Just needed to know how to select all classes without jQuery.

jquery - filtering of html elements on page issue

I have created a javascript filter that is working but not all the time. To first see this in action, visit the following link. On the left side, click on the Bridgestone e6 link under "Brand Model". It returns nothing, but in reality it should return 3 products in the view.
The way the filter works is as follows. I grab the value of the item clicked on the sidebar, then I search the html elements in the main view to see if there are any matches. If there are, I only show those products in the view and hide the rest.
The javascript that takes care of this is (also you can see it here):
Is it some whitespace issue or something incorrect in my JS? I tried to use the jQuery trim function to no avail.
The javascript:
var noProductMatches = jQuery('.no-products-found');
jQuery('#filter-by-brand li a').click(function()
var brandNameSelected = jQuery(this).html();
var productVendorFromCollection = jQuery("#product-vendor");
var productContainer = jQuery('#product-collection .productBoxWrapper');
if (brandNameSelected == 'All Brands' )
var results = jQuery(".productBoxWrapper")
return jQuery(this).html().indexOf(brandNameSelected) > -1 || jQuery(this).html().indexOf(productVendorFromCollection) > -1;
.each(function(index, item)
if (results.length == 0)
jQuery('#filter-by-model li a').click(function()
var brandNameSelected = jQuery.trim(jQuery(this).html());
var productContainer = jQuery('#product-collection .productBoxWrapper');
if (brandNameSelected == 'Any Model' )
var results = productContainer
return jQuery.trim(jQuery(this).html()).indexOf(brandNameSelected) > -1;
.each(function(index, item)
if (results.length == 0)
jQuery('#filter-by-price li a').click(function()
var priceRangeSelectedItem = jQuery(this).html();
var minSelectedPrice = parseInt( jQuery(this).attr("name") );
var maxSelectedPrice = parseInt( jQuery(this).attr("title") );
var productContainer = jQuery('#product-collection .productBoxWrapper');
if (priceRangeSelectedItem == 'Any Price')
var results = jQuery(".productBoxWrapper")
var minProductPrice = parseInt( jQuery(this).find("#lowestPriceRange").html() );
var maxProductPrice = parseInt( jQuery(this).find("#highestPriceRange").html() );
return (minProductPrice >= minSelectedPrice && maxProductPrice <= maxSelectedPrice);
.each(function(index, item)
if (results.length == 0)
The problem is that it is mixed case. In the menu it says Bridgestone e6 but on the page it says Bridgestone E6, with an uppercase E. Either you have to make everything lowercase when you search our make sure they are equal in the menu and on the page.
