Sorting / compare in Chrome vs Firefox - javascript

I have the latest Firefox and Chrome running on Windows 10. I believe the same issue exists on Mac.
When I have a compare function can someone explain to me why when I console.log a and b, the results in Chrome are the reverse of the results in Firefox. Oddly, though, the sorted result is the same which doesn't make any sense:
var arr = [3, 1, 2];
var sorted_arr = arr.sort(function(a, b) {
console.log("a, b = ", a, b);
return a - b;
The first line of the console.log in Chrome is displayed as a, b = 1 3 whereas in Firefox it is a, b = 3 1.

Browsers are allowed to implement sort however they want, and you should not rely on any particular order of the calls to the comparison function.

The answer on this question might help: How does JavaScript's sort (compareFunction) work? [duplicate]
Basically, browsers have no strict way to implement sort like the other answer here stated. This longer explanation might make it more clear though, as it's a bit more in depth.

The HOST (Browser) when it comes to ECMAScript standard does not follow the policy of "implementation defined". This means that the behavior of Array.prototype.sort method may be different between engine implementations. Please refer to official documentation under these links:
If you want o achieve a consistent behavior of sorting between browsers that is not obvious you should map the array to an indexed object. In this case both Chrome and Firefox result in same iteration over indexes and values.
var arr = [3,1,2];
var sorted_arr = arr.sort(function(a,b) {
console.log("a, b = ", a, b);
if (a < b) {
return -1;
if (a > b) {
return 1;
// a must be equal to b
return 0;
console.log("sorted_arr: ", sorted_arr)
var mapped =, i) {
return { index: i, value: el.toString().toLowerCase() };
mapped.sort(function(a, b) {
console.log("map: ", a, b)
if (a.value > b.value) {
return 1;
if (a.value < b.value) {
return -1;
return 0;
// container for the resulting order
var result ={
return arr[el.index];
console.log("result: ", result)


javascript push then sort array [duplicate]

I have an array of strings I need to sort in JavaScript, but in a case-insensitive way. How to perform this?
In (almost :) a one-liner
["Foo", "bar"].sort(function (a, b) {
return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase());
Which results in
[ 'bar', 'Foo' ]
["Foo", "bar"].sort();
results in
[ 'Foo', 'bar' ]
It is time to revisit this old question.
You should not use solutions relying on toLowerCase. They are inefficient and simply don't work in some languages (Turkish for instance). Prefer this:
['Foo', 'bar'].sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, undefined, {sensitivity: 'base'}))
Check the documentation for browser compatibility and all there is to know about the sensitivity option.
function(a, b) {
if (a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase()) return -1;
if (a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase()) return 1;
return 0;
Please note that I originally wrote this to illustrate the technique rather than having performance in mind. Please also refer to answer #Ivan Krechetov for a more compact solution.
ES6 version:
["Foo", "bar"].sort(Intl.Collator().compare)
arr.sort(function(a,b) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
b = b.toLowerCase();
if (a == b) return 0;
if (a > b) return 1;
return -1;
You can also use the new Intl.Collator().compare, per MDN it's more efficient when sorting arrays. The downside is that it's not supported by older browsers. MDN states that it's not supported at all in Safari. Need to verify it, since it states that Intl.Collator is supported.
When comparing large numbers of strings, such as in sorting large arrays, it is better to create an Intl.Collator object and use the function provided by its compare property
["Foo", "bar"].sort(Intl.Collator().compare); //["bar", "Foo"]
If you want to guarantee the same order regardless of the order of elements in the input array, here is a stable sorting:
myArray.sort(function(a, b) {
/* Storing case insensitive comparison */
var comparison = a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase());
/* If strings are equal in case insensitive comparison */
if (comparison === 0) {
/* Return case sensitive comparison instead */
return a.localeCompare(b);
/* Otherwise return result */
return comparison;
Normalize the case in the .sort() with .toLowerCase().
You can also use the Elvis operator:
arr = ['Bob', 'charley', 'fudge', 'Fudge', 'biscuit'];
arr.sort(function(s1, s2){
var l=s1.toLowerCase(), m=s2.toLowerCase();
return l===m?0:l>m?1:-1;
The localeCompare method is probably fine though...
Note: The Elvis operator is a short form 'ternary operator' for if then else, usually with assignment.
If you look at the ?: sideways, it looks like Elvis...
i.e. instead of:
if (y) {
x = 1;
} else {
x = 2;
you can use:
x = y?1:2;
i.e. when y is true, then return 1 (for assignment to x), otherwise return 2 (for assignment to x).
The other answers assume that the array contains strings. My method is better, because it will work even if the array contains null, undefined, or other non-strings.
var notdefined;
var myarray = ['a', 'c', null, notdefined, 'nulk', 'BYE', 'nulm'];
alert(JSON.stringify(myarray)); // show the result
function ignoreCase(a,b) {
return (''+a).toUpperCase() < (''+b).toUpperCase() ? -1 : 1;
The null will be sorted between 'nulk' and 'nulm'. But the undefined will be always sorted last.
arr.sort(function(a,b) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
b = b.toLowerCase();
if( a == b) return 0;
if( a > b) return 1;
return -1;
In above function, if we just compare when lower case two value a and b, we will not have the pretty result.
Example, if array is [A, a, B, b, c, C, D, d, e, E] and we use the above function, we have exactly that array. It's not changed anything.
To have the result is [A, a, B, b, C, c, D, d, E, e], we should compare again when two lower case value is equal:
function caseInsensitiveComparator(valueA, valueB) {
var valueALowerCase = valueA.toLowerCase();
var valueBLowerCase = valueB.toLowerCase();
if (valueALowerCase < valueBLowerCase) {
return -1;
} else if (valueALowerCase > valueBLowerCase) {
return 1;
} else { //valueALowerCase === valueBLowerCase
if (valueA < valueB) {
return -1;
} else if (valueA > valueB) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
In support of the accepted answer I would like to add that the function below seems to change the values in the original array to be sorted so that not only will it sort lower case but upper case values will also be changed to lower case. This is a problem for me because even though I wish to see Mary next to mary, I do not wish that the case of the first value Mary be changed to lower case.
function(a, b) {
if (a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase()) return -1;
if (a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase()) return 1;
return 0;
In my experiments, the following function from the accepted answer sorts correctly but does not change the values.
["Foo", "bar"].sort(function (a, b) {
return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase());
This may help if you have struggled to understand:
var array = ["sort", "Me", "alphabetically", "But", "Ignore", "case"];
console.log('Unordered array ---', array, '------------');
array.sort(function(a,b) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
b = b.toLowerCase();
console.log("Compare '" + a + "' and '" + b + "'");
if( a == b) {
console.log('Comparison result, 0 --- leave as is ');
return 0;
if( a > b) {
console.log('Comparison result, 1 --- move '+b+' to before '+a+' ');
return 1;
console.log('Comparison result, -1 --- move '+a+' to before '+b+' ');
return -1;
console.log('Ordered array ---', array, '------------');
// return logic
If compareFunction(a, b) is less than 0, sort a to a lower index than b, i.e. a comes first.
If compareFunction(a, b) returns 0, leave a and b unchanged with respect to each other, but sorted with respect to all different elements. Note: the ECMAscript standard does not guarantee this behaviour, and thus not all browsers (e.g. Mozilla versions dating back to at least 2003) respect this.
If compareFunction(a, b) is greater than 0, sort b to a lower index than a.
I wrapped the top answer in a polyfill so I can call .sortIgnoreCase() on string arrays
// Array.sortIgnoreCase() polyfill
if (!Array.prototype.sortIgnoreCase) {
Array.prototype.sortIgnoreCase = function () {
return this.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase());
Wrap your strings in / /i. This is an easy way to use regex to ignore casing

Custom sorting of response in javascript

I have the following response I get from my server:
The responses come in a different order every time as the server does not guarantee order. Thus I need to sort the response like this after I receive it:
First sort so the smallest KIND is first so 'a' should come before 'b'. I then need to make it so name of the username is the first ordered within the 'a'.
var username = '5';
var response = [
response = entities.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.key.kind != b.key.kind){ return a.key.kind < b.key.kind}
else if( == username){ return < }
else return >;
This is the code I use to sort, but it does not work. It sorts the KIND correctly, but then when it needs to sort by NAME (username should come before other names) it does not work.
The actual result I get is equal to this:
But the result I want is this:
As you can see my username is equal to 5, so {"key":{"name":"5","kind":"ap"} should come before {"key":{"name":"1","kind":"ap"} .
return < is not saying that a < b.
They actually will be compared.
Try to replace it with return -1; to say to comparator:
a is lesser than b in that case.
When you use .sort() methods, you have to pass a compare function which will say who should comes first between two elements.
When you are comparing numbers, you can simply do :
function compare(a, b) {
return a - b;
this will sort an array of numbers ascending.
However, when you are comparing string, you have to define some ordering criterion, in order to tell which element should be comes first.
If compare(a, b) is less than 0, sort a to a lower index than b, so a comes first.
If compare(a, b) is greater than 0, sort b to a lower index than a, so b comes first.
If compare(a, b) is equal to 0, there is no change
So will get something like :
function compare(a, b) {
if (a is lower than b by your criteria) {
return -1;
if (a is greater than b by your criteria) {
return 1;
return 0;
In your case, you can write function generator that takes the property of the object to sort, and a custom sort function. This is useful when the function needs to be applied in more than one situation.
const username = '5';
const response = [
//Retrieve the value at 'props' into 'obj'
function retrieve(props, obj) {
return props.reduce((result, current) => {
result = result[current];
return result;
}, obj);
//Custom sort function for Kind properties
function sortKind(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : (a > b) ? 1 : 0;
//Custom sort function for name properties
function sortName(a, b) {
return a === username ? -1 : 1;
//Generic sort function
function sortByProp(...props) {
const callback = props.pop();
return function(a, b) {
const v1 = retrieve(props, a);
const v2 = retrieve(props, b);
return callback(v1, v2);
//Then you just have to call your sort function, and you can chain them
const res = response
.sort(sortByProp('key', 'kind', sortKind))
.sort(sortByProp('key', 'name', sortName));
You can see here a Working plunker
You missed "return" in this line
else if( == username){ < }

Using extra callback parameters to Array.prototype.some

Do you have any real-world example of the use of the second and third parameters for the callback to Array.prototype.some or Array.prototype.any?
According to MDN:
callback is invoked with three arguments: the value of the element, the index of the
element, and the Array object being traversed.
I've personally never used them.
I have been working for some time on the Javascript functional programming library, Ramda, and early on we made the controversial decision not to use the index and array parameters for other similar functions that we created. There are good reasons for this, which I don't need to get into here, except to say that for some functions, such as map and filter, we find such extra parameters do have some occasional utility. So we offer a second function which supplies them to your callback. (For example, map.idx(yourFunc, list).)
But I've never even considered doing so for some or every. I never imagined a practical use of these. But there is now a suggestion that we include these functions in our list of index-supporting ones.
So my question again is whether you have ever found an actual, live, real-world callback function to some or every which actually needs these parameters? If so, could you describe it?
Answers of "No, I never do," would be helpful data too, thanks.
Quick search in our code:
function isAscending(array) {
return array.every(function (e, idx, arr) {
return (idx === 0) ? true : arr[idx-1] <= e;
I could imagine something like the following code to check whether an array is duplicate-free:
….every(function(v, i, arr) {
return arr.indexOf(v, i+1) == -1;
Where … is a complex expression so that you'd really have to use the arr parameter - which is no more an issue if you'd properly factor out the functionality in an own function that takes the array as an argument.
The second parameter can be useful sometimes, but I support your position that it is rather seldom used.
Yes, they are helpful
These extra parameters actually do come in handy, but not that often.
In the recent past, I had written a function to find all the permutations of a list of elements:
permute :: [a] -> [[a]]
For example permute [1,2,3] would be:
[ [1,2,3]
, [1,3,2]
, [2,1,3]
, [2,3,1]
, [3,1,2]
, [3,2,1]
The implementation of this function is quite simple:
If the input is [] then return [[]]. This is the edge case.
If the input is say [1,2,3]:
Add 1 to every permutation of [2,3].
Add 2 to every permutation of [1,3].
Add 3 to every permutation of [1,2].
Of course, the function is recursive. In JavaScript, I implemented it as follows:
var permute = (function () {
return permute;
function permute(list) {
if (list.length === 0) return [[]]; // edge case
else return list.reduce(permutate, []); // list of permutations
// is initially empty
function permutate(permutations, item, index, list) {
var before = list.slice(0, index); // all the items before "item"
var after = list.slice(index + 1); // all the items after "item"
var rest = before.concat(after); // all the items beside "item"
var perms = permute(rest); // permutations of rest
// add item to the beginning of each permutation
// the second argument of "map" is the "context"
// (i.e. the "this" parameter of the callback)
var newPerms =, [item]);
return permutations.concat(newPerms); // update the list of permutations
function concat(list) {
return this.concat(list);
As you can see, I have used both the index and the list parameters of the permutate function. So, yes there are cases where these extra parameters are indeed helpful.
However, they are also problematic
However these superfluous arguments can sometimes be problematic and difficult to debug. The most common example of this problematic behavior is when map and parseInt are used together: javascript - Array#map and parseInt
As you can see it produces the unexpected output [1,NaN,NaN]. The reason this happens it because the map function calls parseInt with 3 arguments (item, index and array):
parseInt("1", 0, ["1","2","3"]) // 1
parseInt("2", 1, ["1","2","3"]) // NaN
parseInt("3", 2, ["1","2","3"]) // NaN
However, the parseInt function takes 2 arguments (string and radix):
First case, radix is 0 which is false. Hence default radix 10 is taken, resulting in 1.
Second case, radix is 1. There is no base 1 numeral system. Hence we get NaN.
Third case, radix is 2 which is valid. However there's no 3 in base 2. Hence we get NaN.
As you see, superfluous arguments can cause a lot of problems which are difficult to debug.
But, there is an alternative
So these extra arguments are helpful but they can cause a lot of problems. Fortunately, there is an easy solution to this problem.
In Haskell if you want to map over a list of values and the indices of each value then you use do it as follows:
map f (zip list [0..])
list :: [Foo]
[0..] :: [Int]
zip list [0..] :: [(Foo, Int)]
f :: (Foo, Int) -> Bar
map f (zip list [0..]) :: [Bar]
You could do the same thing in JavaScript as follows:
function Maybe() {}
var Nothing = new Maybe;
Just.prototype = new Maybe;
function Just(a) {
this.fromJust = a;
function iterator(f, xs) {
var index = 0, length = xs.length;
return function () {
if (index < length) {
var x = xs[index];
var a = f(x, index++, xs);
return new Just(a);
} else return Nothing;
We use a different map function:
function map(f, a) {
var b = [];
if (typeof a === "function") { // iterator
for (var x = a(); x !== Nothing; x = a()) {
var y = f(x.fromJust);
} else { // array
for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
var y = f(a[i]);
return x;
function decorateIndices(array) {
return iterator(function (item, index, array) {
return [item, index];
}, array);
var xs = [1,2,3];
var ys = map(function (a) {
var item = a[0];
var index = a[1];
return item + index;
}, decorateIndices(xs));
alert(ys); // 1,3,5
Similarly you can create decorateArray and decorateIndicesArray functions:
function decorateArray(array) {
return iterator(function (item, index, array) {
return [item, array];
}, array);
function decorateIndicesArray(array) {
return iterator(function (item, index, array) {
return [item, index, array];
}, array);
Currently in Ramda you have two separate functions map and map.idx. The above solution allows you to replace map.idx with idx such that:
var idx = decorateIndices;
var arr = decorateArray;
var idxArr = decorateIndicesArray;
map.idx(f, list) === map(f, idx(list))
This will allow you to get rid of a whole bunch of .idx functions, and variants.
To curry or not to curry
There is still one small problem to solve. This looks ugly:
var ys = map(function (a) {
var item = a[0];
var index = a[1];
return item + index;
}, decorateIndices(xs));
It would be nicer to be able to write it like this instead:
var ys = map(function (item, index) {
return item + index;
}, decorateIndices(xs));
However we removed superfluous arguments because they caused problems. Why should we add them back in? Two reasons:
It looks cleaner.
Sometimes you have a function written by somebody else which expects these extra arguments.
In Haskell you can use the uncurry function to solve this problem:
map (uncurry f) (zip list [0..])
list :: [Foo]
[0..] :: [Int]
zip list [0..] :: [(Foo, Int)]
f :: Foo -> Int -> Bar
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry f :: (Foo, Int) -> Bar
map (uncurry f) (zip list [0..]) :: [Bar]
In JavaScript the uncurry function is simply apply. It is implemented as follows:
function uncurry(f, context) {
if (arguments.length < 2) context = null;
return function (args) {
return f.apply(context, args);
Using uncurry we can write the above example as:
var ys = map(uncurry(function (item, index) {
return item + index;
}), decorateIndices(xs));
This code is awesome because:
Each function does only one job. Functions can be combined to do more complex work.
Everything is explicit, which is a good thing according to the Zen of Python.
There's no redundancy. There's only one map function, etc.
So I really hope this answer helps.

JQuery grep(...) VS native JavaScript filter(...) function performance

I measured the execution times of those two functions:
jQuery grep function
Native JavaScript filter function
The execution of following methods have been measured using Chrome Profiles tool:
// jQuery GREP function
function alternative1(words, wordToTest) {
return $.grep(words, function(word) {
return wordToTest.indexOf(word) != -1;
// Native javascript FILTER function
function alternative2(words, wordToTest) {
return words.filter(function(word) {
return wordToTest.indexOf(word) != -1;
Array of words was constructed of 1 million randomly generated strings. Each method was run 20 times. On my surprise jQuery grep function was faster.
Execution times (20 executions):
jQuery grep function 26,31s
Native JavaScript filter function 34,66s
You can repeate measurings on this jsFidle - it will take some time to execute so be patient.
Is there any explanation why jQuery grep function is faster then native JavaScript filter function?
PS: This questions was inspired by this answer.
By comparing the actual jQuery function $.grep uses on the page
function (a, b, c) {
var d = [],
c = !! c;
for (var f = 0, g = a.length; f < g; f++) e = !! b(a[f], f), c !== e && d.push(a[f]);
return d
(check here for non-minified, thanks Alexander) against the algorithm specified for
It looks to me like .filter forces its this to Object, checks the callback IsCallable and sets this in it as well as checking for existence of property in each iteration, whereas .grep assumes and skips these steps, meaning there is slightly less going on.
Combine this with how good the JavaScript compiler in Chrome is and you might find the speed difference.
Adding some of these into $.grep would make it look like
function (elems, callback, inv, thisArg) {
var ret = [],
inv = !!inv;
for (var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++) {
if (i in elems) { // check existance
retVal = !!, elems[i], i); // set callback this
if (inv !== retVal) {
return ret;
and take about the same time as .filter (modified Alexander's jsperf).

About a sort function for javascript

As needed in some task, I need a simple sort function. For simplicity, I wrote another function to wrap the built-in sort function as:
function sortBy(obj, extra, func){
if(typeof func == 'function'){
f = func;
} else if(typeof extra != 'function'){
eval('function f(a, b, ai, bi, e){return ' + func + '}');
} else {
var f = extra;
extra = null;
var res = [];
for(var i in obj){
obj[i]._k_ = i;
res.sort(function(a, b){
if(f(a, b, a._k_, b._k_, extra)){
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
return res;
My attempts are:
Make it possible to sort a object directly
Keep the original object as the hash table
Allow some simple syntax
For instance,
var data ={
12: {age:27, name:'pop', role: 'Programmer'},
32: {age:25, name:'james', role: 'Accontant'},
123:{age:19, name:'jerry', role:'Sales Representative'},
15:{age:22, name:'jerry', role:'Coder'},
17:{age:19, name:'jerry', role:'Tester'},
43:{age:14, name:'anna', role: 'Manager'},
55: {age:31, name:'luke', role:'Analyst'}
There are several usages:
var b = sortBy(data, '', 'a.age < b.age'); // a simple sort, order by age
var b = sortBy(data, 19, 'b.age == e'); // pick up all records of age 19, and put them in the beginning
var b = sortBy(data, function(a, b){return >}); // anonymous sort function is also allowed
Though it works as expected in our code, I would like to raise some question:
Is there any potiential problem about using eval to create sort function from string?
Is there any story about sort function returning -1(nagative), 0 and 1(positive)?
Can we change the code as "return if(f(a, b, a.k, b.k, extra)", instead of returning 1 or -1? We found it works in our firefox and chrome, but not sure whether it is safe to do so.
1. Is there any potiential problem about using eval to create sort function from string?
Not per se, but it does suffer all the same deficiencies as calling other eval-style functions with strings, e.g. setTimeout() or the Function() constructor. As long as you trust the source of the string there's no real problem. However, I would consider using the Function constructor instead:
f = new Function(a, b, ai, bi, e, 'return ' + func);
It's more manageable and it's definitely more appropriate than evaluating a function declaration.
2. Is there any story about sort function returning -1(nagative), 0 and 1(positive)?
Not really understanding this part of your question, but your function doesn't appear to tackle what to do if two items are the same from the comparison. You should be returning less than 0, 0 or more than 0 depending on the result. The best approach for this is to use String.prototype.localeCompare():
return, b);
Try making it so you only do eval on a small part:
function sortBy(obj, extra, func){
var f = null;
if(typeof func == 'function'){
f = func;
} else if(typeof extra != 'function'){
f = function(a, b, ai, bi, e){
return eval(func); // <-- smaller part
} else {
f = extra;
extra = null;
var res = [];
for(var i in obj){
obj[i]._k_ = i;
res.sort(function(a, b){
if(f(a, b, a._k_, b._k_, extra)){
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
return res;
Thanks to Andy, we change the code to
var f = new Function('a, b, ai, bi, e', 'return ' + func);
Note that the arguments should be passed in as string, check out :
About the second question, I think it is because we were trying to make the sort function more explicitly.
For instance,
sort([1, 2, 3, 5, 1], '', 'a < b') ==> [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
Literal meaning of 'a < b' to us is "the latter item is greater than the former item", so the array is sorted to [1, 1, 2, 3, 5].
Another example, 'a.age < b.age' will return the records in the order that younger person comes before olders.
That's the reason I am asking can we use true or false instead of -1, 0, 1.
We keep doing some more small tests, and figure out something, would like to share with everyone.
For example:
var b = [
{age:27, name:'pop 2', role: 'Programmer'},
{age:19, name:'james', role: 'Accontant'},
{age:19, name:'jerry', role:'Sales Representative'},
{age:22, name:'jerry', role:'Coder'},
{age:19, name:'jerry', role:'Tester'},
{age:14, name:'anna', role: 'Manager'},
{age:19, name:'luke', role:'Analyst'},
{age:27, name:'pop', role: 'Programmer'},
{age:14, name:'anna 2', role: 'Manager'}
b.sort(function(a, b) {return a.age - b.age > 0? 1: -1}); // #1
b.sort(function(a, b) {return a.age > b.age}); // #2
b.sort(function(a, b) {return a.age - b.age}); // #3
Although the above sorts return the same result, try this one :
b.sort(function(a, b) {return a.age - b.age < 0? -1: 1}); // #4
In this statement, the records are still ordered by age, but the order is reversed within a same age group.
#1 and #2 is same as #3 by chance. If the browser use different algorithm to implement the sort function,
it is possible that #1 and #2 will behave like #4. If you are strict with the order of the result, you need
to explicitly return 0, when 'a' equals to item 'b'.
Besides, as Andy pointed out, in certain cases(e.g., #4), it is possible that unnecessary swaps are done if we don't return 0 explicitly, which could affect the performance.
The reason we didn't notice this before is because we didn't care the order within a group, providing the record
is sorted on certain property.
I think it would be appropriate to pass a function that does the comparing. so something like
sort(somedata, function(a, b) {
return a < b;
