Transpose a two dimensional Array with one row and many columns into a two dimensional array with many rows and one column - javascript

I have a two dimensional array with one row and many columns. I would like to flip this into a two dimensional array variable with one column and many rows.
var targetSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(market);
var shrinkLog = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1h3B4HN4mEnBvlx-8aNa9_2ooEZrkY_qLuJcuJXZq7dM").getSheetByName(market);
var dataArr = shrinkLog.getRange(2,3,1,shrinkLog.getLastColumn()).getValues();
I think the answer is in the map function, but keep returning errors, or getting different versions of the same one dimensional array. help is much appreciated.

I guess your goal as follows.
From var dataArr = shrinkLog.getRange(2,3,1,shrinkLog.getLastColumn()).getValues(), you want to retrieve the result from [[data1, data2, data3,,,]] to [[data1], [data2], [data3],,,]].
In your case, shrinkLog.getRange(2,3,1,shrinkLog.getLastColumn()).getValues() returns [[data1, data2, data3,,,]]. So when your goal is achieved with map, the modified script is as follows.
Sample script:
var dataArr = shrinkLog.getRange(2,3,1,shrinkLog.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0].map(c => [c]);
In this case, please enable V8 runtime.


Google Apps Script Better Way to Get Unique Values

I have working code that takes data from two non-adjacent columns in a Google Spreadsheet, looks for unique values in the first column, and if unique creates a new array with the unique value from the first column and corresponding value in the second column. The problem is, the data I am using is already somewhat long (413 rows) and will only get longer over time. It takes about 1-2 minutes for the code to run through it. I've been looking for a shorter way to do this and I've come across the filter() and map() array functions which are supposedly faster than a for loop but I can't get them implemented correctly. Any help with these or a faster method would be greatly appreciated. The code I have right now is below.
function getkhanassignments(rows) {
var assignmentsraw = [];
var temparray = [];
var previousassignment = datasheet.getRange(50,1).getValue();
for(i=0, j=0;i<rows-1;i++) {
if(datasheet.getRange(50+i,1).getValue() != previousassignment) {
previousassignment = datasheet.getRange(50+i,1).getValue();
assignmentsraw[j] = new Array(2);
assignmentsraw[j][0] = datasheet.getRange(50+i,1).getValue();
assignmentsraw[j][1] = datasheet.getRange(50+i,8).getValue();
return assignmentsraw;
The answers I've found elsewhere involve just getting unique values from a 1d array whereas I need unique values from a 1d combine with corresponding values from another 1d array. The output should be a 2d array with unique values from the first column and their corresponding values in the second column.
The best practice of looping through ranges in Google Apps Script is to dump the range values into a 2D array, loop through that array, and then return the output array back to Google Sheets.
This way, there would be no calls to Sheets API inside loops.
Sample Code:
function getkhanassignments(rows) {
var assignmentsraw = [];
var table1 = datasheet.getRange(50,1,rows).getValues();
var table2 = datasheet.getRange(50,8,rows).getValues();
var previousassignment = table1[0][0];
for(i=0; i<rows; i++) {
if (table1[i][0] != previousassignment) {
previousassignment = table1[i][0];
return assignmentsraw;
Class Range

Checking for existing array in array before pushing

I missing something when trying to push to an array while preventing duplicates.
I keep figuring out code that will push every occurence of an employee to the new employees array but I cannot figure out how to only push an unique list.
My final array is a 2d array so that can be setValues() back into a column in the Google sheet.
function queryEmployees(){
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets()[0];
var lRow = sh.getLastRow();
var data = sh.getRange(1,1,lRow,2).getValues();
var employees = [];
if(data[i][0]==='Team member evaluated'){
IndexOf does not work with objects in arrays without your rewriting the function or writing your own. It works fine with strings, though. So a simple fix is to create a parallel array of strings, which allows us to keep your code almost intact. Thus, add,
var employeesIndex=[];
after your
var employees=[]
change the condition on your inner "if" clause to
and within that if block add a line to update the index
That way the index tracks duplicates for you while your employees array contains arrays like you need.

Storing values in array and retrieving from array when checkbox is checked

I am storing some values in array like this.
var test = [];
I am pushing the values to this array as test.push(sample);
I have some logic for calculating this value
var sample= (a/b.length)*100;
When I click on a button, the above logic for calculating value of sample is done and once I got the value of sample I am pushing it to test[] array. Now I want to retrieve all the values from the test[] array whenever I check the checkbox. I am able to do all this but I am facing a problem here. only the last pushed value is saving. but I want to save all the values that are being pushed. can anyone please help me in solving this issue.
Quick response is needed and appreciated
You need to use 2 dimensional array for this.
var test= new Array();
then assign value test['someKey']=sample;
or test.push(sample); . you can retrieve array value like alert(test[0]) or by iterating array with $.each(test,function(index,value){alert(value)});
What you want to do is create an Array which would function as a list of value sets.
You would then be able to push all the changes into an array, and put it in the list.
for instance:
var mainList = new Array();
var changeListA = new Array();
var changeListB = new Array();
// do some stuff on change list **a** .. push(something)
changeListA .push(something);
changeListA .push(something);
changeListA .push(something);
// do some stuff on change list **b** .. push(something)
changeListB .push(changeListB);
Your question is not perfectly clear to me, however I can at least provide a small jsFiddle that proves to you that (how) array.push works.
Other answers indicate that what you want is either a two dimensional array, or a "hashmap" or "associative array" where the array values are stored using a key name. The code here can be used in the fiddle to achieve either or...
// First if you need 2 dimensional arrays:
myArray.push( ["Orange", "Apple"] );
myArray.push( ["Mango", "Pineapple"] );
// Secondly, if you need hashmap or associative array:
var myObj = {};
myObj['key'] = 'value';

d3 seems to assume I know the column names of a csv?

I have csv files that are generated, and I am trying to load them into d3 to graph them. The column names are based on the data, so I essentially can't know them in advance. With testing, I am able to load this data and graph it all well and nice if I know the names of the columns...but I don't in my use case.
How can I handle this in d3? I can't seem to find anything to help/reference this online or in the documentation. I can see when I log to the console data[0] from d3.csv that there are two columns and the values read for them, but I don't know how to refer arbitrarily to column 1 or 2 of the data without knowing the name of the column ahead of time. I'd like to avoid that in general, knowing my timestamps are in column 1 and my data is in column 2, if that makes sense.
Edit, my answer uses d3.entries to help learn the name of the unknown column, and then continues to access all objects with that index:
d3.csv("export.csv", function(error, data) {
var mappedArray = d3.entries(data[0]);
var valueKey = mappedArray[1].key;
data.forEach(function(d) {
d.value = d[valueKey];
You can use the d3.entries() function to transform an associative array into another array that contains an associative array with key and value keys for each key-value pair.
I'm glad you figured it out, #cdietschrun.
Version 4 of D3 allows you to do this a little more simply. It introduces a columns property, which creates an array of column headers (i.e. the dataset's 'keys').
So, instead of using your code:
var mappedArray = d3.entries(data[0]),
valueKey = mappedArray[1].key;
... you can use:
var valueKey = data.columns;
You can get keys (column names) using D3 v3 values() method like this:
const [dataValues] = d3.values(data)
const keys = Object.keys(dataValues)
I used d3.entries() as below:
var temp = d3.entries(data[i]);
if(temp[j].key == selectedx)
Hope this helps :)

SQL style JOIN on JSON data

Is there any way efficiently to join JSON data? Suppose we have two JSON datasets:
And I want to turn this into the following client side:
Keep in mind there will be thousands of records here with much more complex data structures. jQuery and vanilla javascript are both fine. Also keep in mind that there may be colors without fruits and fruits without colors.
NOTE: For the sake of simplicity, let's say that the two datasets are both in the same order, but the second dataset may have gaps.
Alasql JavaScript SQL library does exactly what you need in one line:
<script src="alasql.min.js"></script>
var data = { COLORS: [[1,"red"],[2,"yellow"],[3,"orange"]],
FRUITS: [[1,"apple"],[2,"banana"],[3,"orange"]]};
data.NEW_FRUITS = alasql('SELECT MATRIX COLORS.[0], COLORS.[1], FRUITS.[1] AS [2] \
[data.COLORS, data.FRUITS]);
You can play with this example in jsFiddle.
This is a SQL expression, where:
SELECT - select operator
MATRIX - modifier, whci converts resultset from array of objects to array of arrays
COLORS.[0] - first column of COLORS array, etc.
FRUITS.1 AS 2 - the second column of array FRUITS will be stored as third column in resulting recordset
FROM ? AS COLORS - data array from parameters named COLORS in SQL statement
JOIN ? ON ... - join
[data.COLORS, data.FRUITS] - parameters with data arrays
The fact that there will be thousands of inputs and the keys are not necessarily ordered means your best bet (at least for large objects) is to sort by key first. For objects of size less than about 5 or so, a brute-force n^2 approach should suffice.
Then you can write out the result by walking through the two arrays in parallel, appending new "records" to your output as you go. This sort-then-merge idea is a relatively powerful one and is used frequently. If you do not want to sort first, you can add elements to a priority queue, merging as you go. The sort-then-merge approach is conceptually simpler to code perhaps; if performance matters you should do some profiling.
For colors-without-fruits and fruits-without-colors, I assume writing null for the missing value is sufficient. If the same key appears more than once in either color or fruit, you can either choose one arbitrarily, or throw an exception.
ADDENDUM I did a fiddle as well: It makes no assumptions on the order of the keys nor any assumptions on the relative lengths of the arrays. The only assumptions are the names of the fields and the fact that each subarray has two elements.
There is not a direct way, but you can write logic to get a combined object like this. Since "apple, red, banana...." are all strings, they should be wrapped in a single or double quote.
If you can match the COLORS and FRUITS config array by adding null values for missing items then you can use this approach.
Working demo
var colors = {"COLORS":[[1,'red'],[2,'yellow'],[3,'orange']]}
var fruits = {"FRUITS":[[1,'apple'],[2,'banana'],[3,'orange']]}
var newFruits = {"NEW_FRUITS": [] }
//Just to make sure both arrays are the same size, otherwise the logic will break
if(colors.COLORS.length == fruits.FRUITS.length){
var temp;
$.each(fruits.FRUITS, function(i){
temp = this;
Alternatively, if you can create colors and fruits configs as an array of objects, instead of an array of arrays, you can try this solution. The sequence of the elements is irrelevant here, but the array size should still match.
Working demo
var colors = {"COLORS":[ {"1": 'red'}, { "2": 'yellow'}, {"3":'orange'}]}
var fruits = {"FRUITS":[ {"1":'apple'}, { "2": 'banana'}, {"3":'orange'}]}
var newFruits = {"NEW_FRUITS": [] }
if(colors.COLORS.length == fruits.FRUITS.length){
var temp, first;
$.each(fruits.FRUITS, function(i){
for(first in this)break;
temp = {};
temp[first] = [];
