How to understand scope/closure with recursion and helper function? - javascript

Here are examples with simple questions:
Example 1: Find maximum depth of binary tree.
I got the right answer but don't know why my original wrong answer is wrong.
Right answer:
var maxDepth = function(root) {
if (root === null) return 0;
var maxDepth = 1;
maxDepth = maxDepthHelper(root, 1, maxDepth);
return maxDepth;
function maxDepthHelper(tree, depth, maxDepth) {
if (tree.left === null && tree.right === null) {
maxDepth = depth > maxDepth ? depth : maxDepth;
return maxDepth;
if (tree.left) {
maxDepth = maxDepthHelper(tree.left, depth + 1, maxDepth);
if (tree.right) {
maxDepth = maxDepthHelper(tree.right, depth + 1, maxDepth);
return maxDepth;
Wrong answer:
var maxDepth = function(root) {
if (root === null) return 0;
var maxDepth = 1;
maxDepthHelper(root, 1, maxDepth);
return maxDepth;
function maxDepthHelper(tree, depth, maxDepth) {
if (tree.left === null && tree.right === null) {
maxDepth = depth > maxDepth ? depth : maxDepth;
if (tree.left) {
maxDepthHelper(tree.left, depth + 1, maxDepth);
if (tree.right) {
maxDepthHelper(tree.right, depth + 1, maxDepth);
It has something to do with me thinking the maxDepth should be changed by the helper function and ultimately when I return that it should return changed but it doesn't. It just returns 1 which is the original thing I assign it. But here in the example below, I am able to change a variable from the parent in the helper function, so what am I missing here?
Example 2: Given a binary search tree, write a function kthSmallest to find the kth smallest element in it.
var kthSmallest = function(root, k) {
let smallestArr = [];
kthSmallestHelper(root, k, smallestArr);
return smallestArr.pop()
function kthSmallestHelper(bst, k, array) {
if (bst === null) return;
kthSmallestHelper(bst.left, k, array);
if (array.length === k) return;
kthSmallestHelper(bst.right, k, array);

The variable maxDepth (lets call this the outer maxDepth) in the function maxDepth (unfortunate naming) stores a value (the number 1). When you call maxDepthHelper(root, 1, maxDepth), the value 1 is passed in and stored in the local variable maxDepth inside maxDepthHelper. We can assign anything to the local maxDepth, but it won't affect the value stored in the outer maxDepth, because they are two different variables.
The variable smallestArr in the function kthSmallest stores a value; that value is a pointer (the memory location) to an empty array. When kthSmallestHelper(root, k, smallestArr) is called, just like before, that value (the pointer) is passed in and stored inside the local variable array in kthSmallestHelper. Effectively, now array and smallestArr both store a pointer (the memory location) to the same empty array. If we now do any assignment to array, like array=['some new arr'], the variable smallestArr won't get affected. But when you call a mutation method, like array.push(bst), what happens is the Javascript engine looks at the pointer stored in array, and modifies the array stored at that memory location. Because smallestArr stores the pointer to this modified array, if you call smallestArr.pop(), the Javascript engine will pop the last item of the modified array.
The important thing to remember is anytime you write an expression like let x = /* some array or object */, an array/object is created, then a pointer to that array/object is stored in the variable. If you write let x = /* some primitive value (like 3)*/, the value 3 is directly stored in the variable.

In the second program, maxDepth is a number and passed by value (copy), not by reference. The recursive calls are effectively no-ops, and their return values are immediately discarded. This is a common mistake for beginners that are learning how different variable types are passed from one function to another.
That said, recursion is a functional heritage and so using it with functional style yields the best results. This means avoiding side effects like mutation and variable reassignment. You can simplify your depth program a lot -
function depth(tree)
{ if (tree == null)
return 0
return 1 + max(depth(tree.left), depth(tree.right))
function max (a, b)
{ if (a > b)
return a
return b
An expression-based syntax is often preferred because expressions evaluate to values, whereas statements (like if and return) do not -
const depth = tree =>
tree == null
? 0
: 1 + max(depth(tree.left), depth(tree.right))
const max = (a, b) =>
a > b
? a
: b
Your kthSmallest program is more difficult but JavaScript's imperative-style generators make quick work of the problem. Mutation k-- is used but cannot be observed from outside of the function -
function *inorder (tree)
{ if (tree == null) return
yield* inorder(tree.left)
yield tree.val
yield* inorder(tree.right)
function kthSmallest (tree, k)
{ for (const v of inorder(tree))
if (k-- == 0)
return v
The pure expression form of this program is slightly different -
const inorder = tree =>
tree == null
? []
: [ ...inorder(tree.left), tree.val, ...inorder(tree.right) ]
const kthSmallest = (tree, k) =>
Here's a functioning demonstration -
import { depth, fromArray, inorder, kthSmallest } from "./Tree"
const rand = _ =>
Math.random() * 100 >> 0
const t =
fromArray(Array.from(Array(10), rand))
console.log("inorder:", Array.from(inorder(t)))
console.log("depth:", depth(t))
console.log("0th:", kthSmallest(t, 0))
console.log("1st:", kthSmallest(t, 1))
console.log("2nd:", kthSmallest(t, 2))
console.log("99th:", kthSmallest(t, 99))
Output -
inorder: [ 12, 14, 25, 44, 47, 53, 67, 70, 85, 91 ]
depth: 5
0th: 12
1st: 14
2nd: 25
99th: undefined
Writing modules like Tree below is a good practice for separating concerns and organising your code -
// Tree.js
const empty =
const node = (val, left = empty, right = empty) =>
({ val, left, right })
const fromArray = (a = []) =>
a.length < 1
? empty
: insert(fromArray(a.slice(1)), a[0])
const insert = (t = empty, v = null) =>
t === empty
? node(v)
: v < t.val
? node(t.val, insert(t.left, v), t.right)
: v > t.val
? node(t.val, t.left, insert(t.right, v))
: t
const depth = (tree = empty) => ...
const inorder = (tree = empty) => ...
const kthSmallest = (tree = empty, k = 0) => ...
export { depth, empty, fromArray, inorder, kthSmallest, node }
Expand the snippet below to verify the results in your own browser -
const empty =
const node = (val, left = empty, right = empty) =>
({ val, left, right })
const fromArray = (a = []) =>
a.length < 1
? empty
: insert(fromArray(a.slice(1)), a[0])
const insert = (t = empty, v) =>
t === empty
? node(v)
: v < t.val
? node(t.val, insert(t.left, v), t.right)
: v > t.val
? node(t.val, t.left, insert(t.right, v))
: t
const inorder = (tree = empty) =>
tree === empty
? []
: [ ...inorder(tree.left), tree.val, ...inorder(tree.right) ]
const kthSmallest = (tree = empty, k = 0) =>
const depth = (tree = empty) =>
tree == null
? 0
: 1 + Math.max(depth(tree.left), depth(tree.right))
const rand = _ =>
Math.random() * 100 >> 0
const t =
fromArray(Array.from(Array(10), rand))
console.log("inorder:", JSON.stringify(Array.from(inorder(t))))
console.log("depth:", depth(t))
console.log("0th:", kthSmallest(t, 0))
console.log("1st:", kthSmallest(t, 1))
console.log("2nd:", kthSmallest(t, 2))
console.log("99th:", kthSmallest(t, 99))


Calculating second largest number in array (Javascript) : Seems to work in Sandbox but fails Hackerrank testing

Tried to determine the second largest number in an array (Javascript) on CodeSandbox. It seems to work fine, but it fails the CodeWars testing. I have added a dummy array just to run my own tests in Sandbox.(Have mercy, I'm a beginner and this is my first StackOverFlow question)
const nums = [3, 100.3, 88, 1, -2.4, 9, 18];
const getSecondLargest = (nums) => {
const descending = nums.sort((a, b) => b - a);
return descending[1];
console.log(getSecondLargest(nums)); // console returns 88
EDIT: Okay so I with my super-tired brain I said CodeWars, when I actually meant Hackerrank (so sorry!). I realized they didn't necessarily test with NaNs, but they did have repeating numbers, so using the index of [1] isn't ideal. The exercise is from the 10 Days of Javascript - Day 3: Arrays
So I now tried this code below, and it passes...but my code seems a bit janky, is there a cleaner way to write this, and can I combine it with the isNan logic then?
const nums = [3, 100, 88, 100, -2.4, 9, 18];
const getSecondLargest = (nums) => {
const ascending = nums.sort((a, b) => a - b);
if (ascending[ascending.length - 2] === ascending[ascending.length - 1]) {
return ascending[ascending.length - 3];
} else {
return ascending[ascending.length - 2];
console.log(getSecondLargest(nums)); // console returns 88
It looks like there maybe strings in the array and you need to handle that. Here are a few ways:
One is to filter the non-numerical stuff out before sorting. You can use isNaN() to test if an object "is not a number".
const getSecondLargest = (nums) => {
const descending = nums
.filter(n => !isNaN(n))
.sort((a, b) => b - a);
return descending.length < 2 ? undefined : descending[1];
Another option is to handle the strings in sorting. Push them to the end of the array:
const getSecondLargest = (nums) => {
const descending = nums.sort((a, b) => {
if (isNaN(a) && isNaN(b)) return 0;
if (isNaN(a)) return 1;
if (isNaN(b)) return -1;
return b - a;
return descending.length < 2 || isNaN(descending[1]) ? undefined : descending[1];
A third way is a simple for loop that keeps track of the 2 highest values:
const getSecondLargest = (nums) => {
let max1 = undefined;
let max2 = undefined;
for (let n of nums) {
if (isNaN(n)) continue;
if (max2 === undefined || n > max2) {
if (max1 === undefined || n > max1 ) {
max2 = max1;
max1 = n;
else {
max2 = n;
return max2;

Unable to find all modes in a tree

I'm trying to solve the following algorithms problem:
Given a binary search tree (BST) with duplicates, find all the mode(s) (the most frequently occurred element) in the given BST.
Assume a BST is defined as follows:
The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than or equal to the node's key.
The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than or equal to the node's key.
Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees.
For example:
Given BST [1,null,2,2],
return [2].
Note: If a tree has more than one mode, you can return them in any order.
Follow up: Could you do that without using any extra space? (Assume that the implicit stack space incurred due to recursion does not count).
I have written the following code, but the last test case does not pass:
class TreeNode {
constructor(val, left, right) {
this.val = (val === undefined ? 0 : val)
this.left = (left === undefined ? null : left)
this.right = (right === undefined ? null : right)
//updated code, doesn't seem to work, not sure if I am editing it the way it is suggested.
const findMode = root => {
if (!root) return []
if (root && !root.left && !root.right) return [root.val]
const hash = {}
let current = root
let result = []
let keys
const dfs = c => {
if (!c) return
if (c.left) dfs(c.left)
hash[c.val] = (hash[c.val] || 0) + 1
if (c.right) dfs(c.right)
// keys = Object.keys(hash)
// if (keys.length <= 1) return [+keys]
// else keys.reduce((a, b) => {
// if (hash[a] === hash[b]) result.push(+a, +b)
// else if (hash[a] > hash[b]) {
// result.push(+a)
// } else result.push(+b)
// })
// return result
keys = Object.keys(hash);
keys.sort((a, b) => hash[b] - hash[a]);
keys.forEach(key => {
if (hash[key] === keys[0]) result.push(key);
return result
Here are the test cases:
const tree = new TreeNode(1, null, new TreeNode(2, new TreeNode(2)))
console.log(findMode(tree)) //[2]
const tree2 = new TreeNode(1, null, new TreeNode(2))
console.log(findMode(tree2)) //[1,2]
const tree3 = new TreeNode(2147483647)
console.log(findMode(tree3)) //[2147483647]
const tree4 = new TreeNode(1, new TreeNode(1))
console.log(findMode(tree4)) // should be [1], but is []
What am I doing wrong?
In case of const tree4 = new TreeNode(1, new TreeNode(1)) your hash has only one key and reduce doesn't make sense on a single element array. See this.
In the case of single element array , you may do something like below:
if ( Object.keys(hash).length <= 1 ) return Object.keys(hash)
I don't think reduce is the right thing to do here. You need to sort the keys by their values in decreasing order and take the highest keys as below:
var keys = Object.keys(hash);
keys.sort((a,b) => hash[b]-hash[a]);
keys.forEach( key => {
if ( hash[key] === hash[keys[0]] ) result.push(key);
return result

How can I Pass a JavaScript ES6 Arrow Function as a Parameter

I'm trying to .sort() an array of objects, but my javascript knowledge isn't strong enough to rewrite the comparator function to accept an arrow function to find the key on the objects rather than use a string. Any help refactoring this would be appreciated:
My comparison function:
compareValues = (key, order = "ascending") => {
let result = 0;
return function(lhs, rhs) {
if (!(lhs.hasOwnProperty(key) && rhs.hasOwnProperty(key))) {
return result; // property is missing; comparison is impossible
const l = lhs[key].toLowerCase() || lhs[key];
const r = rhs[key].toLowerCase() || rhs[key];
result = (l > r) ? 1 : (l < r) ? -1 : 0;
return result * (order === "ascending") ? 1 : -1;
which is used in the conventional way:
objects.sort(compareValues("name")); // or
objects.sort(compareValues("name", descending));
The goal is to be able to use it thusly:
objects.sort(compareValues(o =>;
... but frankly I haven't used JS much until lately, so I suck at it.
Maybe something like:
const compareValues = (pickProp, order = 'ascending') => {
let result = 0
return (lhs, rhs) => {
const l = pickProp(lhs) // pickProp is passed #first-class
const r = pickProp(rhs)
if (!l && !r) {
return 0 // Quick callout here, comparators only ever return -1, 0, or 1.
result = l > r ? 1 : l < r ? -1 : 0
// Leveraging your default values here for cleaner signature
return result * (order === 'ascending') ? 1 : -1
list.sort(compareValues(o =>
// or even
list.sort(compareValues(o =>, 'descending')
I believe thats in-line with your question.
I don't think you need to perform checks on objects to see if they have specific properties because you would know for sure. So this is how I see it.
const comparer= (select, descend = false) => (a, b) => {
let lhs = select(a); let rhs = select(b);
if (lhs < rhs) return descend ? 1 : -1;
if (lhs > rhs) return descend ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
let arr = [{ id: 1, name: "Clara" }, { id: 2, name: "Abraham" }, { id: 3, name: "Brian" }]
arr.sort(comparer(o =>
arr.sort(comparer(o =>, true))
I think the closer you can get with what you want is this:
let compareValues = (key, order = "ascending") => {
let result = 0;
return function(lhs, rhs) {
if (!(key(lhs) && key(rhs))) {
return result; // property is invalid; comparison is impossible
const l = key(lhs).toLowerCase() || key(lhs);
const r = key(rhs).toLowerCase() || key(rhs);
result = (l > r) ? 1 : (l < r) ? -1 : 0;
return result * (order === "ascending") ? 1 : -1;
let objects = [{
"name": "Mary"
}, {
"name": "John"
objects.sort(compareValues(o =>;

Trampoline recursion stack overflow

I have this recursive function sum which computes sum of all numbers that were passed to it.
function sum(num1, num2, ...nums) {
if (nums.length === 0) { return num1 + num2; }
return sum(num1 + num2, ...nums);
let xs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { xs.push(i); }
xs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { xs.push(i); }
It works fine if only 'few' numbers are passed to it but overflows call stack otherwise. So I have tried to modify it a bit and use trampoline so that it can accept more arguments.
function _sum(num1, num2, ...nums) {
if (nums.length === 0) { return num1 + num2; }
return () => _sum(num1 + num2, ...nums);
const trampoline = fn => (...args) => {
let res = fn(...args);
while (typeof res === 'function') { res = res(); }
return res;
const sum = trampoline(_sum);
let xs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { xs.push(i); }
xs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { xs.push(i); }
While the first version isn't able to handle 10000 numbers, the second is. But if I pass 100000 numbers to the second version I'm getting call stack overflow error again.
I would say that 100000 is not really that big of a number (might be wrong here) and don't see any runaway closures that might have caused the memory leak.
Does anyone know what is wrong with it?
The other answer points out the limitation on number of function arguments, but I wanted to remark on your trampoline implementation. The long computation we're running may want to return a function. If you use typeof res === 'function', it's not longer possible to compute a function as a return value!
Instead, encode your trampoline variants with some sort of unique identifiers
const bounce = (f, ...args) =>
({ tag: bounce, f: f, args: args })
const done = (value) =>
({ tag: done, value: value })
const trampoline = t =>
{ while (t && t.tag === bounce)
t = t.f (...t.args)
if (t && t.tag === done)
return t.value
throw Error (`unsupported trampoline type: ${t.tag}`)
Before we hop on, let's first get an example function to fix
const none =
Symbol ()
const badsum = ([ n1, n2 = none, ]) =>
n2 === none
? n1
: badsum ([ n1 + n2, ])
We'll throw a range of numbers at it to see it work
const range = n =>
( Array (n + 1)
, (_, n) => n
console.log (range (10))
// [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]
console.log (badsum (range (10)))
// 55
But can it handle the big leagues?
console.log (badsum (range (1000)))
// 500500
console.log (badsum (range (20000)))
// RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
See the results in your browser so far
const none =
Symbol ()
const badsum = ([ n1, n2 = none, ]) =>
n2 === none
? n1
: badsum ([ n1 + n2, ])
const range = n =>
( Array (n + 1)
, (_, n) => n
console.log (range (10))
// [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]
console.log (badsum (range (1000)))
// 500500
console.log (badsum (range (20000)))
// RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Somewhere between 10000 and 20000 our badsum function unsurprisingly causes a stack overflow.
Besides renaming the function to goodsum we only have to encode the return types using our trampoline's variants
const goodsum = ([ n1, n2 = none, ]) =>
n2 === none
? n1
? done (n1)
: goodsum ([ n1 + n2, ])
: bounce (goodsum, [ n1 + n2, ])
console.log (trampoline (goodsum (range (1000))))
// 500500
console.log (trampoline (goodsum (range (20000))))
// 200010000
// No more stack overflow!
You can see the results of this program in your browser here. Now we can see that neither recursion nor the trampoline are at fault for this program being slow. Don't worry though, we'll fix that later.
const bounce = (f, ...args) =>
({ tag: bounce, f: f, args: args })
const done = (value) =>
({ tag: done, value: value })
const trampoline = t =>
{ while (t && t.tag === bounce)
t = t.f (...t.args)
if (t && t.tag === done)
return t.value
throw Error (`unsupported trampoline type: ${t.tag}`)
const none =
Symbol ()
const range = n =>
( Array (n + 1)
, (_, n) => n
const goodsum = ([ n1, n2 = none, ]) =>
n2 === none
? done (n1)
: bounce (goodsum, [ n1 + n2, ])
console.log (trampoline (goodsum (range (1000))))
// 500500
console.log (trampoline (goodsum (range (20000))))
// 200010000
// No more stack overflow!
The extra call to trampoline can get annoying, and when you look at goodsum alone, it's not immediately apparent what done and bounce are doing there, unless maybe this was a very common convention in many of your programs.
We can better encode our looping intentions with a generic loop function. A loop is given a function that is recalled whenever the function calls recur. It looks like a recursive call, but really recur is constructing a value that loop handles in a stack-safe way.
The function we give to loop can have any number of parameters, and with default values. This is also convenient because we can now avoid the expensive ... destructuring and spreading by simply using an index parameter i initialized to 0. The caller of the function does not have the ability to access these variables outside of the loop call
The last advantage here is that the reader of goodsum can clearly see the loop encoding and the explicit done tag is no longer necessary. The user of the function does not need to worry about calling trampoline either as it's already taken care of for us in loop
const goodsum = (ns = []) =>
loop ((sum = 0, i = 0) =>
i >= ns.length
? sum
: recur (sum + ns[i], i + 1))
console.log (goodsum (range (1000)))
// 500500
console.log (goodsum (range (20000)))
// 200010000
console.log (goodsum (range (999999)))
// 499999500000
Here's our loop and recur pair now. This time we expand upon our { tag: ... } convention using a tagging module
const recur = (...values) =>
tag (recur, { values })
const loop = f =>
{ let acc = f ()
while (is (recur, acc))
acc = f (...acc.values)
return acc
const T =
Symbol ()
const tag = (t, x) =>
Object.assign (x, { [T]: t })
const is = (t, x) =>
t && x[T] === t
Run it in your browser to verify the results
const T =
Symbol ()
const tag = (t, x) =>
Object.assign (x, { [T]: t })
const is = (t, x) =>
t && x[T] === t
const recur = (...values) =>
tag (recur, { values })
const loop = f =>
{ let acc = f ()
while (is (recur, acc))
acc = f (...acc.values)
return acc
const range = n =>
( Array (n + 1)
, (_, n) => n
const goodsum = (ns = []) =>
loop ((sum = 0, i = 0) =>
i >= ns.length
? sum
: recur (sum + ns[i], i + 1))
console.log (goodsum (range (1000)))
// 500500
console.log (goodsum (range (20000)))
// 200010000
console.log (goodsum (range (999999)))
// 499999500000
My brain has been stuck in anamorphism gear for a few months and I was curious if it was possible to implement a stack-safe unfold using the loop function introduced above
Below, we look at an example program which generates the entire sequence of sums up to n. Think of it as showing the work to arrive at the answer for the goodsum program above. The total sum up to n is the last element in the array.
This is a good use case for unfold. We could write this using loop directly, but the point of this was to stretch the limits of unfold so here goes
const sumseq = (n = 0) =>
( (loop, done, [ m, sum ]) =>
m > n
? done ()
: loop (sum, [ m + 1, sum + m ])
, [ 1, 0 ]
console.log (sumseq (10))
// [ 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45 ]
// +1 ↗ +2 ↗ +3 ↗ +4 ↗ +5 ↗ +6 ↗ +7 ↗ +8 ↗ +9 ↗ ...
If we used an unsafe unfold implementation, we could blow the stack
// direct recursion, stack-unsafe!
const unfold = (f, initState) =>
f ( (x, nextState) => [ x, ...unfold (f, nextState) ]
, () => []
, initState
console.log (sumseq (20000))
// RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
After playing with it a little bit, it is indeed possible to encode unfold using our stack-safe loop. Cleaning up the ... spread syntax using a push effect makes things a lot quicker too
const push = (xs, x) =>
(xs .push (x), xs)
const unfold = (f, init) =>
loop ((acc = [], state = init) =>
f ( (x, nextState) => recur (push (acc, x), nextState)
, () => acc
, state
With a stack-safe unfold, our sumseq function works a treat now
console.time ('sumseq')
const result = sumseq (20000)
console.timeEnd ('sumseq')
console.log (result)
// sumseq: 23 ms
// [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ..., 199990000 ]
Verify the result in your browser below
const recur = (...values) =>
tag (recur, { values })
const loop = f =>
{ let acc = f ()
while (is (recur, acc))
acc = f (...acc.values)
return acc
const T =
Symbol ()
const tag = (t, x) =>
Object.assign (x, { [T]: t })
const is = (t, x) =>
t && x[T] === t
const push = (xs, x) =>
(xs .push (x), xs)
const unfold = (f, init) =>
loop ((acc = [], state = init) =>
f ( (x, nextState) => recur (push (acc, x), nextState)
, () => acc
, state
const sumseq = (n = 0) =>
( (loop, done, [ m, sum ]) =>
m > n
? done ()
: loop (sum, [ m + 1, sum + m ])
, [ 1, 0 ]
console.time ('sumseq')
const result = sumseq (20000)
console.timeEnd ('sumseq')
console.log (result)
// sumseq: 23 ms
// [ 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, ..., 199990000 ]
Browsers have practical limits on the number of arguments a function can take
You can change the sum signature to accept an array rather than a varying number of arguments, and use destructuring to keep the syntax/readability similar to what you have. This "fixes" the stackoverflow error, but is increadibly slow :D
function _sum([num1, num2, ...nums]) { /* ... */ }
I.e.:, if you're running in to problems with maximum argument counts, your recursive/trampoline approach is probably going to be too slow to work with...
The other answer already explained the issue with your code. This answer demonstrates that trampolines are sufficiently fast for most array based computations and offer a higher level of abstraction:
// trampoline
const loop = f => {
let acc = f();
while (acc && acc.type === recur)
acc = f(...acc.args);
return acc;
const recur = (...args) =>
({type: recur, args});
// sum
const sum = xs => {
const len = xs.length;
return loop(
(acc = 0, i = 0) =>
i === len
? acc
: recur(acc + xs[i], i + 1));
// and run...
const xs = Array(1e5)
.map((x, i) => i);
If a trampoline based computation causes performance problems, then you can still replace it with a bare loop.

How to early break reduce() method?

How can I break the iteration of reduce() method?
for (var i = Things.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(Things[i] <= 0){
Things.reduce(function(memo, current){
if(current <= 0){
//break ???
//return; <-- this will return undefined to memo, which is not what I want
}, 0)
You CAN break on any iteration of a .reduce() invocation by mutating the 4th argument of the reduce function: "array". No need for a custom reduce function. See Docs for full list of .reduce() parameters.
Array.prototype.reduce((acc, curr, i, array))
The 4th argument is the array being iterated over.
const array = ['apple', '-pen', '-pineapple', '-pen'];
const x = array
.reduce((acc, curr, i, arr) => {
if(i === 2) arr.splice(1); // eject early
return acc += curr;
}, '');
console.log('x: ', x); // x: apple-pen-pineapple
The one and only reason I can think of to use this instead of the many other solutions presented is if you want to maintain a functional programming methodology to your algorithm, and you want the most declarative approach possible to accomplish that. If your entire goal is to literally REDUCE an array to an alternate non-falsey primitive (string, number, boolean, Symbol) then I would argue this IS in fact, the best approach.
There's a whole list of arguments to make for NOT mutating function parameters as it's a bad practice.
Some of the commentators make a good point that the original array is being mutated in order to break early inside the .reduce() logic.
Therefore, I've modified the answer slightly by adding a .slice(0) before calling a follow-on .reduce() step, yielding a copy of the original array.
NOTE: Similar ops that accomplish the same task are slice() (less explicit), and spread operator [...array] (slightly less performant). Bear in mind, all of these add an additional constant factor of linear time to the overall runtime ... + O(n).
The copy, serves to preserve the original array from the eventual mutation that causes ejection from iteration.
const array = ['apple', '-pen', '-pineapple', '-pen'];
const x = array
.slice(0) // create copy of "array" for iterating
.reduce((acc, curr, i, arr) => {
if (i === 2) arr.splice(1); // eject early by mutating iterated copy
return (acc += curr);
}, '');
console.log("x: ", x, "\noriginal Arr: ", array);
// x: apple-pen-pineapple
// original Arr: ['apple', '-pen', '-pineapple', '-pen']
Don't use reduce. Just iterate on the array with normal iterators (for, etc) and break out when your condition is met.
You can use functions like some and every as long as you don't care about the return value. every breaks when the callback returns false, some when it returns true:
things.every(function(v, i, o) {
// do stuff
if (timeToBreak) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
}, thisArg);
A couple of comments that "this doesn't do what reduce does", which is true, but it can. Here's an example of using every in a similar manner to reduce that returns as soon as the break condition is reached.
// Soruce data
let data = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
// Multiple values up to 5 by 6,
// create a new array and stop processing once
// 5 is reached
let result = [];
data.every(a => a < 5? result.push(a*6) : false);
This works because the return value from push is the length of the result array after the new element has been pushed, which will always be 1 or greater (hence true), otherwise it returns false and the loop stops.
There is no way, of course, to get the built-in version of reduce to exit prematurely.
But you can write your own version of reduce which uses a special token to identify when the loop should be broken.
var EXIT_REDUCE = {};
function reduce(a, f, result) {
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
let val = f(result, a[i], i, a);
if (val === EXIT_REDUCE) break;
result = val;
return result;
Use it like this, to sum an array but exit when you hit 99:
reduce([1, 2, 99, 3], (a, b) => b === 99 ? EXIT_REDUCE : a + b, 0);
> 3
Array.every can provide a very natural mechanism for breaking out of high order iteration.
const product = function(array) {
let accumulator = 1;
array.every( factor => {
accumulator *= factor;
return !!factor;
return accumulator;
// 0
You can break every code - and thus every build in iterator - by throwing an exception:
function breakReduceException(value) {
this.value = value
try {
Things.reduce(function(memo, current) {
if (current <= 0) throw new breakReduceException(memo)
}, 0)
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof breakReduceException) var memo = e.value
else throw e
You can use try...catch to exit the loop.
try {
Things.reduce(function(memo, current){
if(current <= 0){
throw 'exit loop'
//break ???
//return; <-- this will return undefined to memo, which is not what I want
}, 0)
} catch {
// handle logic
As the promises have resolve and reject callback arguments, I created the reduce workaround function with the break callback argument. It takes all the same arguments as native reduce method, except the first one is an array to work on (avoid monkey patching). The third [2] initialValue argument is optional. See the snippet below for the function reducer.
var list = ["w","o","r","l","d"," ","p","i","e","r","o","g","i"];
var result = reducer(list,(total,current,index,arr,stop)=>{
if(current === " ") stop(); //when called, the loop breaks
return total + current;
},'hello ');
console.log(result); //hello world
function reducer(arr, callback, initial) {
var hasInitial = arguments.length >= 3;
var total = hasInitial ? initial : arr[0];
var breakNow = false;
for (var i = hasInitial ? 0 : 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
var currentValue = arr[i];
var currentIndex = i;
var newTotal = callback(total, currentValue, currentIndex, arr, () => breakNow = true);
if (breakNow) break;
total = newTotal;
return total;
And here is the reducer as an Array method modified script:
Array.prototype.reducer = function(callback,initial){
var hasInitial = arguments.length >= 2;
var total = hasInitial ? initial : this[0];
var breakNow = false;
for (var i = hasInitial ? 0 : 1; i < this.length; i++) {
var currentValue = this[i];
var currentIndex = i;
var newTotal = callback(total, currentValue, currentIndex, this, () => breakNow = true);
if (breakNow) break;
total = newTotal;
return total;
var list = ["w","o","r","l","d"," ","p","i","e","r","o","g","i"];
var result = list.reducer((total,current,index,arr,stop)=>{
if(current === " ") stop(); //when called, the loop breaks
return total + current;
},'hello ');
Reduce functional version with break can be implemented as 'transform', ex. in underscore.
I tried to implement it with a config flag to stop it so that the implementation reduce doesn't have to change the data structure that you are currently using.
const transform = (arr, reduce, init, config = {}) => {
const result = arr.reduce((acc, item, i, arr) => {
if (acc.found) return acc
acc.value = reduce(config, acc.value, item, i, arr)
if (config.stop) {
acc.found = true
return acc
}, { value: init, found: false })
return result.value
module.exports = transform
Usage1, simple one
const a = [0, 1, 1, 3, 1]
console.log(transform(a, (config, acc, v) => {
if (v === 3) { config.stop = true }
if (v === 1) return ++acc
return acc
}, 0))
Usage2, use config as internal variable
const pixes = Array(size).fill(0)
const pixProcessed =, pixId) => {
return transform(pics, (config, _, pic) => {
if (pic[pixId] !== '2') config.stop = true
return pic[pixId]
}, '0')
Usage3, capture config as external variable
const thrusts2 = permute([9, 8, 7, 6, 5]).map(signals => {
const datas = new Array(5).fill(_data())
const ps = new Array(5).fill(0)
let thrust = 0, config
do {
config = {}
thrust = transform(signals, (_config, acc, signal, i) => {
const res = intcode(
datas[i], signal,
{ once: true, i: ps[i], prev: acc }
if (res) {
[ps[i], acc] = res
} else {
_config.stop = true
return acc
}, thrust, config)
} while (!config.stop)
return thrust
}, 0)
You cannot break from inside of a reduce method. Depending on what you are trying to accomplish you could alter the final result (which is one reason you may want to do this)
const result = [1, 1, 1].reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); // returns 3
const result = [1, 1, 1].reduce((a, b, c, d) => {
if (c === 1 && b < 3) {
return a + b + 1;
return a + b;
}, 0); // now returns 4
Keep in mind: you cannot reassign the array parameter directly
const result = [1, 1, 1].reduce( (a, b, c, d) => {
if (c === 0) {
d = [1, 1, 2];
return a + b;
}, 0); // still returns 3
However (as pointed out below), you CAN affect the outcome by changing the array's contents:
const result = [1, 1, 1].reduce( (a, b, c, d) => {
if (c === 0) {
d[2] = 100;
return a + b;
}, 0); // now returns 102
Providing you do not need to return an array, perhaps you could use some()?
Use some instead which auto-breaks when you want. Send it a this accumulator. Your test and accumulate function cannot be an arrow function as their this is set when the arrow function is created.
const array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
var accum = {accum: ''};
function testerAndAccumulator(curr, i, arr){
this.tot += arr[i];
return curr==='c';
accum.tot = "";
array.some(testerAndAccumulator, accum);
var result = accum.tot;
In my opinion this is the better solution to the accepted answer provided you do not need to return an array (eg in a chain of array operators), as you do not alter the original array and you do not need to make a copy of it which could be bad for large arrays.
So, to terminate even earlier the idiom to use would be arr.splice(0).
Which prompts the question, why can't one just use arr = [] in this case?
I tried it and the reduce ignored the assignment, continuing on unchanged.
The reduce idiom appears to respond to forms such as splice but not forms such as the assignment operator??? - completely unintuitive - and has to be rote-learnt as precepts within the functional programming credo ...
const array = ['9', '91', '95', '96', '99'];
const x = array
.reduce((acc, curr, i, arr) => {
if(i === 2) arr.splice(1); // eject early
return acc += curr;
}, '');
console.log('x: ', x); // x: 99195
The problem is, that inside of the accumulator it is not possible to just stop the whole process. So by design something in the outer scope must be manipulated, which always leads to a necessary mutation.
As many others already mentioned throw with try...catch is not really an approach which can be called "solution". It is more a hack with many unwanted side effects.
The only way to do this WITHOUT ANY MUTATIONS is by using a second compare function, which decides whether to continue or stop. To still avoid a for-loop, it has to be solved with a recursion.
The code:
function reduceCompare(arr, cb, cmp, init) {
return (function _(acc, i) {
return i < arr.length && cmp(acc, arr[i], i, arr) === true ? _(cb(acc, arr[i], i, arr), i + 1) : acc;
})(typeof init !== 'undefined' ? init : arr[0], 0);
This can be used like:
var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
function join(acc, curr) {
return acc + curr;
function(acc) { return acc.length < 1; },
); // logs 'a'
function(acc, curr) { return curr !== 'c'; },
); // logs 'ab'
function(acc, curr, i) { return i < 3; },
); // logs 'abc'
I made an npm library out of this, also containing a TypeScript and ES6 version. Feel free to use it:
or on GitHub:
You could to write your own reduce method. Invoking it like this, so it follows same logic and you control your own escape / break solution. It retains functional style and allows breaking.
const reduce = (arr, fn, accum) => {
const len = arr.length;
let result = null;
for(let i = 0; i < len; i=i+1) {
result = fn(accum, arr[i], i)
if (accum.break === true) {
return result
const arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'shouldnotgethere']
const myResult = reduce(arr, (accum, cur, ind) => {
accum.result = accum.result + cur;
if(ind === 2) {
accum.break = true
return accum
}, {result:'', break: false}).result
Or create your own reduce recursion method:
const rcReduce = (arr, accum = '', ind = 0) => {
const cur = arr.shift();
accum += cur;
const isBreak = ind > 1
return arr.length && !isBreak ? rcReduce(arr, accum, ind + 1) : accum
const myResult = rcReduce(['a', 'b', 'c', 'shouldngethere'])
Another simple implementation that I came with solving the same issue:
function reduce(array, reducer, first) {
let result = first || array.shift()
while (array.length > 0) {
result = reducer(result, array.shift())
if (result && result.reduced) {
return result.reduced
return result
If you want to chain promises sequentially with reduce using the pattern below:
return [1,2,3,4].reduce(function(promise,n,i,arr){
return promise.then(function(){
// this code is executed when the reduce loop is terminated,
// so truncating arr here or in the call below does not works
return somethingReturningAPromise(n);
}, Promise.resolve());
But need to break according to something happening inside or outside a promise
things become a little bit more complicated because the reduce loop is terminated before the first promise is executed, making truncating the array in the promise callbacks useless, I ended up with this implementation:
function reduce(array, promise, fn, i) {
return promise
return fn(promise,array[i]);
if (!promise.break && ++i<array.length) {
return reduce(array,promise,fn,i);
} else {
return result;
Then you can do something like this:
var promise=Promise.resolve();
return iter(promise, val);
function iter(promise, val) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
if (promise.break) return reject('break');
if (val==3) {promise.break=true;}
}, 4000-1000*val);
I solved it like follows, for example in the some method where short circuiting can save a lot:
const someShort = (list, fn) => {
let t;
try {
return list.reduce((acc, el) => {
t = fn(el);
console.log('found ?', el, t)
if (t) {
throw ''
return t
}, false)
} catch (e) {
return t
const someEven = someShort([1, 2, 3, 1, 5], el => el % 2 === 0)
Away more generic answer could be something like the following
const escReduce = (arr, fn, init, exitFn) => {
try {
return arr.reduce((...args) => {
if (exitFn && exitFn(...args)) {
throw args[0]
return fn(...args)
}, init)
} catch(e){ return e }
Array.from({length: 100}, (_, i) => i+1),
(acc, e, i) => acc * e,
acc => acc > 1E9
); // 6227020800
give we pass an optional exitFn which decides to break or not
