I am trying to aggregate the same key values into an array by value.
so for example I have an array of objects, like so
const data = [{foo: true},{foo: false},{bar: true},{buzz: false}]
when they get aggregated the array transforms into
foo: {true: [{foo: true}], false: [{foo: false}]},
bar: {true: [{bar: true}]},
buzz: {false: [{buzz: false}]}
the array entries is the original object.
Now I know the keys that I want to group by..
they are foo, bar, buzz and fizz.
But fizz is not part of the original array, so the return is undefined, like so
foo: {true:[{foo: true}], false: [{foo: false}]},
bar: {true: [{bar: true}]},
buzz: {false: A[{buzz: false}]}
fizz: {undefined: [{foo: true},{foo: false},{bar: true},{buzz: false}]}
how do I reduce the original array without including the fizz value that is undefined?
code here:
let v = [];
let types = ['foo', 'bar', 'buzz', 'fizz' ]
for (let x = 0; x < types.length; x++) {
let data = data.reduce((acc, i) => {
if (!acc[i[types[x]]]) {
acc[i[types[x]]] = [i]
else if (Array.isArray(acc[i[types[x]]])) {
else if (typeof acc[i[types[x]]] === 'object') {
acc[i[types[x]]] = [acc[i[types[x]]]]
return acc;
}, {})
v.push({ [types[x]]: data });
return v;
You were close, you just need to check if the property you were adding was undefined before adding. You can also check if the reduced object has any properties before adding to the result object.
Note that this may not be the most efficient way of doing it, but sometimes it's better to understand the code than it is to have highly efficient code.
const data = [{
foo: true
}, {
foo: false
}, {
bar: true
}, {
buzz: false
let v = [];
let types = ['foo', 'bar', 'buzz', 'fizz']
for (let x = 0; x < types.length; x++) {
let reduced = data.reduce((acc, i) => {
// /* Added this type check */
if (!acc[i[types[x]]] && typeof i[types[x]] !== 'undefined') {
acc[i[types[x]]] = [i]
} else if (Array.isArray(acc[i[types[x]]])) {
} else if (typeof acc[i[types[x]]] === 'object') {
acc[i[types[x]]] = [acc[i[types[x]]]]
return acc;
}, {});
// Doesn't add a property for the type if there are no data
if (Object.keys(reduced).length) {
[types[x]]: reduced
Have a look at how Array.prototype.reduce works. It might be the right method to build your approach upon.
A generic way of solving the OP's problem was to iterate the provided data array. For each item one would extract its key and value. In case the item's key is listed (included) in another provided types array, one would continue creating a new data structure and collecting the currently processed item within the latter.
One does not want to iterate the types array for it will cause a unnecessarily complex lookup for the data items, each time a type item is going to be processed.
Thus a generically working (better code reuse) reduce method might be the best solution to the OP's problem ...
const sampleDataList = [
{ foo: true },
{ foo: false },
{ bar: true },
{ baz: false },
{ buzz: false },
{ baz: false },
{ bar: true }
// foo: {true: [{foo: true}], false: [{foo: false}]},
// bar: {true: [{bar: true}]},
// buzz: {false: [{buzz: false}]}
function collectItemIntoInclusiveKeyValueGroup(collector, item) {
const { inclusiveKeyList, index } = collector;
const firstItemEntry = Object.entries(item)[0];
const key = firstItemEntry[0];
const isProceedCollecting = ( // proceed with collecting ...
!Array.isArray(inclusiveKeyList) // - either for no given list
|| inclusiveKeyList.includes(key) // - or if item key is listed.
if (isProceedCollecting) {
let keyGroup = index[key]; // access the group identified
if (!keyGroup) { // by an item's key, ... or ...
// ...create it in case ...
keyGroup = index[key] = {}; // ...it did not yet exist.
const valueLabel = String(firstItemEntry[1]); // item value as key.
let valueGroupList = keyGroup[valueLabel]; // acces the group list
if (!valueGroupList) { // identified by an item's
// value, ...or create it in
valueGroupList = keyGroup[valueLabel] = []; // case it did not yet exist.
// push original reference into a grouped
// key value list, as required by the OP.
return collector;
"'foo', 'bar', 'buzz' and 'fizz' only :",
sampleDataList.reduce(collectItemIntoInclusiveKeyValueGroup, {
inclusiveKeyList: ['foo', 'bar', 'buzz', 'fizz'],
index: {}
"'foo', 'bar' and 'baz' only :",
sampleDataList.reduce(collectItemIntoInclusiveKeyValueGroup, {
inclusiveKeyList: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
index: {}
"all available keys :",
sampleDataList.reduce(collectItemIntoInclusiveKeyValueGroup, {
index: {}
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Try something like:
const data = [{foo: true},{foo: false},{bar: true},{buzz: false}];
let v = [];
let types = ['foo', 'bar', 'buzz', 'fizz' ];
for (let x = 0; x < types.length; x++) {
let filteredlist = data.filter(function (d) {
return Object.keys(d)[0] == types[x];
let isTrue = 0;
let isFalse = 0;
if (filteredlist.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < filteredlist.length; i++) {
let trueOrfalse = eval("filteredlist[i]." + types[x]);
if (trueOrfalse) {
} else {
v.push(types[x], {true: isTrue, false: isFalse});
Assuming you only want to count the number of each key (e.g. true or false) you can use the following code.
I've written this as a function named 'aggregate' so that it can be called multiple times with different arguments.
const initialData = [{foo: true},{foo: true},{foo: false},{bar: true},{buzz: false}];
const types = ['foo', 'bar', 'buzz', 'fizz'];
const aggregate = (data, types) => {
const result = {};
data.forEach(item => {
// Extract key & value from object
// Note: use index 0 because each object in your example only has a single key
const [key, value] = Object.entries(item)[0];
// Check if result already contains this key
if (result[key]) {
if (result[key][value]) {
// If value already exists, append one
} else {
// Create new key and instantiate with value 1
result[key][value] = 1;
} else {
// If result doesn't contain key, instantiate with value 1
result[key] = { [value]: 1 };
return result;
console.log(aggregate(initialData, types));
This will output the following (note I've added another {foo: true} to your initialData array for testing).
The output should also be an object (not array) so that each key directly relates to its corresponding value, as opposed to an Array which will simply place the value as the next item in the Array (without explicitly linking the two).
foo: { true: 2, false: 1 },
bar: { true: 1 },
buzz: { false: 1 }
I have an Array of objects and one object
const filterArray = [{bestTimeToVisit: 'Before 10am'}, {bestDayToVisit: Monday}]
This values are setting in a reducer and the payload will be like
{bestTimeToVisit: 'After 10am'}
{bestDayToVisit: Tuesday}.
So what I need is when I get a payload {bestTimeToVisit: 'After 10am'} and if bestTimeToVisit not in filterList array, then add this value to the filterList array.
And if bestTimeToVisit already in the array with different value, then replace the value of that object with same key
if(filterArray.hasOwnProperty("bestTimeToVisit")) {
filterArray["bestTimeToVisit"] = payload["bestTimeToVisit"];
} else {
filterArray.push({"bestTimeToVisit": payload["bestTimeToVisit"]});
I convert the object array into a regular object and then back into an object array. makes things less complicated. I'm making the assumption each object coming back only has one key/value and that order doesnt matter.
const objectArraytoObject = (arr) =>
arr.reduce((acc, item) => {
const key = [Object.keys(item)[0]];
return { ...acc, [key]: item[key] };
}, {});
const newValues = [{ someKey: 'something' }, { bestDayToVisit: 'Tuesday' }];
const filterArray = [
{ bestTimeToVisit: 'Before 10am' },
{ bestDayToVisit: 'Monday' },
const newValuesObj = objectArraytoObject(newValues);
const filterObj = objectArraytoObject(filterArray);
const combined = { ...filterObj, ...newValuesObj };
const combinedToArray = Object.keys(combined).map((key) => ({
[key]: combined[key],
Need to iterate over the array and find objects that satisfy for modification or addition if none are found.
function checkReduced(filterrray,valueToCheck="After 10am"){
let isNotFound =true;
for(let timeItem of filterrray) {
if(timeItem.bestTimeToVisit && timeItem.bestTimeToVisit !== valueToCheck) {
const filterArray = [{bestDayToVisit: "Monday"}];
checkReduced(filterArray,"After 9am");//calling the function
const updateOrAdd = (arr, newItem) => {
// get the new item key
const newItemKey = Object.keys(newItem)[0];
// get the object have the same key
const find = arr.find(item => Object.keys(item).includes(newItemKey));
if(find) { // the find object is a reference type
find[newItemKey] = newItem[newItemKey]; // update the value
} else {
arr.push(newItem); // push new item if there is no object have the same key
return arr;
// tests
updateOrAdd([{ a: 1 }], { b: 2 }) // => [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }]
updateOrAdd([{ a: 1 }], { a: 2 }) // => [{ a: 2 }]
I would like an array of objects with all object keys from a nested object. I wrote a recursive function to do this however at the point that the function is recalled it is not going through the object as expected but rather sending back an index infinitely.
let array = [];
const findKeys = (ob) => {
let id = 0;
let keys = Object.keys(ob);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
let object = {
id: id,
label: keys[i],
id ++;
return array;
let newArray = findKeys(data);
example data structure:
const data = {a: {
b: {
c: {
foo: 'bar'
You need to check to see if you have an object before you do the next recursive call. You also are resetting id so you are going to have the ids repeated (maybe you want that?) and you are using a global for the array so it can not be used more than once.
You are going to want something like:
function getKeys(obj) {
const array = [];
let id = 0;
function loop(obj) {
Object.entries(obj).forEach(entry => {
id: ++id,
label: entry[0],
if(entry[1] != null && entry[1].constructor.name === "Object") {
return array;
const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 'bar' };
const obj2 = { a: 1, b: { c: 'bar' } };
some thing like that
see also Check that value is object literal?
const data = { a: { b: { c: { foo: 'bar' } } }}
const isObject = el => (Object.prototype.toString.call(el) === '[object Object]')
const findKeys = obj =>
let arr = []
, id = 0
return arr
function getKeys(o)
Object.keys(o).forEach(key =>
arr.push({ id:id++, label:key })
if (isObject(o[key]))
console.log( findKeys(data) )
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Perhaps you may do like
var data = {a: {
b: {
c: {
foo: 'bar',
arr: [1,2,3,4]
function getAllKeys(obj){
var keys = (typeof obj === "object") && (obj !== null) && Object.keys(obj);
return !!keys ? keys.reduce((r,k) => r.concat(getAllKeys(obj[k])),keys)
: [];
var res = getAllKeys(data);
Here is a simple technique, using a fairly generic, depth-first, key-collecting traversal, followed by a mapping to add the indices:
const flattenKeys = (o) =>
Object (o) === o
? Object .entries (o) .flatMap (([k, v]) => [k, ...flattenKeys (v)])
: []
const getKeys = (o) =>
flattenKeys (o) .map ((label, id) => ({label, id}))
const data = {a: {b: {c: {foo: 'bar'}}}}
console .log (getKeys (data))
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If you wanted a breadth-first traversal it wouldn't be much harder.
This separation of key collection and index generation makes the code much simpler to my mind.
Is there a compiler or an easy way I can compile and evaluate logical operators and operands specified on an object. This is to akin to mongodb $or and $and operators. For example:
return {
$or: [
foo: [...],
bar: [...]
When the compiler encounters foo it will call a corresponding function with the value provided for the same. The same goes for bar. It will then logical OR the results of the two operations. I want to handle $and and $or operators. I would do simple checks for such a simple example but I want to have the ability to nest the logical operators. A complex example:
return {
$or: [
$and: [
{ foo: [...] },
{ bar: [...] }
{ baz: [...] },
() => m < n
Simplified definition of foo, bar and baz:
export const evalFoo = items => {
return items.indexOf("foo") >= 0;
export const evalBar = items => {
return items.indexOf("bar") >= 0;
export const evalBaz = items => {
return items.indexOf("baz") >= 0;
Sample data:
Set 1
m = 4; n = 1; foo: ['foo', 'x']; bar: ['bar', 'y']; baz: ['baz', 'z']
RESULT = true; // because $and results to true.
Set 2
m = 4; n = 1; foo: ['x']; bar: ['y']; baz: ['x']
RESULT = false; // because m > n and $and results to false.
Set 3
m = 1; n = 3; foo: ['x']; bar: ['y']; baz: ['x']
RESULT = true; // because m < n.
Set 4
m = 3; n = 1; foo: ['x']; bar: ['bar']; baz: ['z']
RESULT = true; // because m > n, baz() is false and x and $and is false.
You could take something like this, where you differentiate between $and and $or or the functions.
It works by taking an object with the keys for array methods like Array#every, which acts like a logical and by testing the values in an object and return true if all items with their callbacks return a truthy value. Analogous works Array#some, but there is only one item necessary which callback returns a truthy value.
The other object contains functions and allows to access them by using the key.
The first par checks if the parameter is a function and if so, it returns the result of the call.
Then the parameter gets a check and if falsy, like null or if the value is not an object, the function terminates with false.
For taking a key/value pair a destructuring assignment takes place with the first entry from the object.
If key is in the operator object, the value is taken as method for iterating the value and returned.
If key is in the functions object, then the function is called with value as parameter and returned.
Finally a false is returned, because no other check was true and the condition can not be resolved.
function evaluate(object) {
var operators = { $or: 'some', $and: 'every' },
fns = {
foo: items => items.indexOf("foo") >= 0,
bar: items => items.indexOf("bar") >= 0,
baz: items => items.indexOf("baz") >= 0
if (typeof object === 'function') return object();
if (!object || typeof object !== 'object') return false;
[key, value] = Object.entries(object)[0];
if (key in operators) return value[operators[key]](evaluate);
if (key in fns) return fns[key](value);
return false;
var m = 4,
n = 1,
object = {
$or: [
$and: [
{ foo: ['foo', 'x'] },
{ bar: ['bar', 'y'] }
{ baz: ['baz', 'z'] },
() => m < n
result = evaluate(object);
I'm looking for a way to walk an object based on an array and set the property for the last key on the object, for example:
var myArr = [ 'foo', 'bar', 'quz' ];
var myVal = 'somethingElse';
var myObj = {
foo: {
bar: {
quz: 'something'
I'd like to be able to change the value of the quz property to somethingElse. I've tried recursing but I feel like there's an easier way to do this.
I've been looking to lodash but can't find a method that seems to allow me to accomplish this.
You could walk the object like this:
var myArr = [ 'foo', 'bar', 'quz' ],
myVal = 'somethingElse',
myObj = {
foo: {
bar: {
quz: 'something'
var obj= myObj;
do {
obj= obj[myArr.shift()];
} while(myArr.length>1);
obj[myArr[0]]= 'somethingElse';
document.body.innerHTML= JSON.stringify(myObj);
To address #Tomalak's concerns, and because you didn't specifically forbid a recursive solution, here's a reusable function with no side effects (other than changing the appropriate value of the object):
function setObj(obj, arr, val) {
!(arr.length-1) && (obj[arr[0]]=val) ||
setObj(obj[arr[0]], arr.slice(1), val);
Short-circuit evaluation prevents this from being an infinite loop.
var myArr = [ 'foo', 'bar', 'quz' ],
myVal = 'somethingElse',
myObj = {
foo: {
lorem: 'ignore me',
bar: {
quz: 'something'
other: {
quz: 'leave me be'
function setObj(obj, arr, val) {
!(arr.length-1) && (obj[arr[0]]=val) ||
setObj(obj[arr[0]], arr.slice(1), val);
setObj(myObj, myArr, 'somethingElse');
document.body.innerHTML= JSON.stringify(myObj);
var myArr = [ 'foo', 'bar', 'quz' ];
var myVal = 'somethingElse';
var myObj = {
foo: {
bar: {
quz: 'something'
function setHierarchcally(obj, keys, value) {
if ( !(obj && keys && keys.length) ) return;
if ( !obj.hasOwnProperty(keys[0]) ) return;
if (keys.length === 1) {
obj[keys[0]] = value;
} else {
setHierarchcally(obj[keys[0]], keys.slice(1, keys.length), value);
setHierarchcally(myObj, myArr, myVal);
getPath digs down into an object to get a property several levels deep based on an array of "paths", in your case MyArr. Use that to get the object containing the final property, and then just set it.
function getPath(obj, paths) {
return paths.reduce(function(obj, path) { return obj[path]; }, obj);
function setLastProperty(obj, paths, val) {
var final = paths.pop();
getPath(obj, paths) [ final ] = val;
setLastProperty(MyObj, MyArray, MyVal);
If you want more general object traverse, you can tweak js-travserse a little bit, as demoed in this jsfiddle I just created:
var leaves = new Traverse(myObj).reduce(function (acc, x) {
if (this.isLeaf) acc.push(x);
return acc;
}, []);
How can I convert a simple array like this: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] to an object like this:
{ 'foo': {
'bar': {
'baz' : {}
It seems so simple, but I can't figure it out.
I think this is what you want:
function arrayToNestedObject(arr) {
var obj = {},
current = obj;
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var key = arr[i];
current = current[key] = {};
return obj;
console.log(arrayToNestedObject(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']));
You should use Array#reduceRight:
function arrayToNestedObject(arr) {
// Proceeding from the end of the array back towards the beginning...
return arr.reduceRight(function(prev, cur) {
// Create a new object with a property named by the array element,
// whose value is what we have got so far
return Object.defineProperty({}, cur, {value: prev});
}, {});
arrayToNestedObject(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
> {foo: {bar: {baz: {} } } }
Note that Object.defineProperty({}, prop, {value: val}) is a convenient one-line shorthand for
var x = {};
x[prop] = val;
return x;
In ES6, using "computed properties", the above would simply be
arrayToNestedObject = (arr) => arr.reduceRight((prev, cur) => ({[cur]: prev}));
If one prefers a recursive solution, it is also better to proceed from the right, using pop:
function arrayToNestedObject(arr) {
return (function _(arr, obj) {
var val = arr.pop();
return val ? _(arr, Object.defineProperty({}, val, {value: obj})) : obj;
}(arr, {}));
arrayToNestedObject(['foo', 'bar'])
> { foo: { bar: { } } }