i have problem with multiple form with the same id with google tag manager - javascript

Hi i have many forms inside multiple pages all of them the with the same id (success message) after submitted and same class names when i'm sending the form which e.g inside home page i put element selector through id with Page PATH with match regex something like that \/(en|es)\/ it works good without problem ... but when i'm going to page www.something.com/send-something/233?search=profile the form submitted through old id which was for home page i tried to inject custom javascript something like :
function() {
var els = document.querySelectorAll('#sendReqSurgyForm1');
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i += 1) {
if (els[i] === {{Page URL}}) {
return i;
return '(nothing sent)';
with adding matching Page URL with match regex something like that to https:\/\/www\.something\.com\/(ar|en)\/send-something\/[0-9]+\?source=[a-zA-Z]+\_?[a-zA-Z]+
to matching the url: www.something.com/send-something/233?search=profile
the trigger always works with home page but trigger which located in www.something.com/send-something/233?search=profile not success and the result of javascript always returns nothing sent .. please help to fix this problem

Hi the Answer is SPA Angular using SPA so it can be multiple form with the same component so i solved this problem through setting id for every form with different urls
for example if you have multiple forms in angular inside multiple routing page as i explained in the main topic question .. to fix this problem you can setting id for every form submissions through js by setting new id for every form submission by setting Attribute for id based different urls.
main_id = exampleForm
var ids = document.getElementById("exampleForm");//main id
var current_url = window.location.href;//current url of visitor
var dir_match = location.pathname+location.search;//the path of website after .com
var send_req = 'https://www.example.com/'+dir_match.match(/[ar][r]|[en]n/)+'/surgery-request/'+dir_match.match(/[0-9]+/)+'?source=profile';//link1 which have form1
var send_req2 = 'https://www.example.com/'+dir_match.match(/[ar][r]|[en]n/)+'/surgery-request/'+dir_match.match(/[0-9]+/)+'?source=profile2';//link2 which have form2
var home_url = 'https://www.example.com/'+dir_match.match(/[ar][r]|[en][n]/)+'/';//link3 which have form3
if(current_url == send_req){
/* if current_url equal to link1 set new id e.g = `forms_req_surgery` */
last_send_req = ids.setAttribute("id", "forms_req_surgery");
var elm = document.getElementById('forms_req_surgery');
var last_var = elm.id;/* get the name of id */
return last_var; // return the name of id after changed set
}else if(current_url == home_url){
last_home_url = ids.setAttribute("id", "home_req");
var elm2 = document.getElementById('home_req');
var last2_var = elm2.id;
return last2_var;
}else if(current_url == send_req2){
last_send_req2 = ids.setAttribute("id", "forms_req_surgery2");
var elm3 = document.getElementById('forms_req_surgery2');
var last3_var = elm3.id;
return last3_var;


How to dynamically change a text from URL input?

I want something like that..
See that URL part q=Raptors+vs+Lakers, If i input any text on this section it will automatically change on website body. I want to know how i can do this. I will input a text in URL and it will display on website body.
Thanks for advance.
You can parse window.location and put that into a div on your page. I can't show you in a code snippet because the snippets use an iframe but if your html has <div id='uText'></div> then you can use javascript (after the page has loaded) to set the value of that div with results of the query param. lets say your url ends in ?st=nbastream.tv&plcm=db&q=Raptors+vs+Lakers, then you want the value for parameter 'q':
function getQueryStringParam(param) {
var url = window.location.toString();
var params = RegExp.$1;
params = params.split("&");
var queryStringList = {};
for(var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
var tmp = params[i].split("=");
queryStringList[tmp[0]] = unescape(tmp[1]);
return decodeURIComponent(queryStringList[param]);
let qParam = getQueryStringParam('q').split('+').join(' ');
const div = document.getElementById('uText');
div.innerHTML = qParam;
Check out the codepen here.

Automatically Filtering Items By Vendor During Creation of a Record

I have a set of scripts that I'm using that interact with each other. I use a client, user event and suitelet script to create a button that, when pressed, opens a popup with a list of items filtered by vendor.
It works fine when I'm in edit however when I use it while creating a record problems arise. Since the record to be created has no vendor or id I can't retrieve an item by vendor. What I'm trying to do is to have the Suitelet retrieve the info from the vendor field that is entered prior to it being saved. Therefore I can filter all the items by vendor and add the necessary items in one go. Is this possible? Am I able to access the info before it is submitted.
Below are the Client and Suitelet. The User Event is just a call to the suitelet so for the sake of brevity I left it out.
Client Script
function addItemButtonCallback(data){
nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'item', data);
function addItemButton() {
var id = nlapiGetFieldValue('id');
if (id != "") {
var url = nlapiResolveURL('SUITELET', 'customscript_val', 'customdeploy1') + '&poId='+id;
window.open(url, '_blank', 'width=500,height=500');
function suitelet(request, response){
if(request.getMethod() == 'GET') {
var form = nlapiCreateForm('Add Item');
var itemfield = form.addField('custpage_val', 'select', 'Item');
var id = request.getParameter('id');
var rec = nlapiLoadRecord('purchaseorder', id);
var vend = rec.getFieldValue('entity');
var search = nlapiSearchRecord(...search parameters...);
for (result in search){
if (search[result].getValue('vendor') == vend){
itemfield.addSelectOption(search[result].id, nlapiLookupField('inventoryitem', search[result].id, 'itemid'));
} else {
var data = request.getParameter('custpage_item');
response.write('<html><body><script>window.opener.addItemButtonCallback("'+data+'"); window.close();</script></body></html>');
Use nlapiGetFieldValue('entity') on the clientscript and pass it to the Suitelet using a query parameter just like you are doing with poId (if you do this you might not even need poId after all + no need to load the record on the suitelet).
Also, you might want to optimize your code by running one search passing an array of itemids instead of calling nlapiLookupField for each item.
You might need to modify your beforeLoad so the entity is inserted dynamically when the button is pressed (I cant remember if clientscript button does this) . Something like this:
var suiteletURL = nlapiResolveURL('SUITELET', 'customscript_val', 'customdeploy1');
var script = "var entity = nlapiGetFieldValue('entity'); var url = '" + suiteletURL + "'&entityId=' + entity;window.open(url, '_blank', 'width=500,height=500')";
var button = form.addButton('custpage_addItemButton', 'Add Item', script);

Display summary of choices in JS

this is my first time here as a poster, please be gentle! I have zero knowledge of JS (yet, working on it) but am required to do some JS anyway. Here's my problem. I got some code (not mine) allowing a user to select multiple choices. I found the function that gathers these choices and store them
function getProductAttribute()
// get product attribute id
product_attribute_id = $('#idCombination').val();
product_id = $('#product_page_product_id').val();
// get every attributes values
request = '';
//create a temporary 'tab_attributes' array containing the choices of the customer
var tab_attributes = [];
$('#attributes select, #attributes input[type=hidden], #attributes input[type=radio]:checked').each(function(){
// build new request
for (var i in attributesCombinations)
for (var a in tab_attributes)
if (attributesCombinations[i]['id_attribute'] === tab_attributes[a])
request += '/'+attributesCombinations[i]['group'] + '-' + attributesCombinations[i]['attribute'];
$('#[attsummary]').html($('#[attsummary]').html() + attributesCombinations[i]['group']+': '+attributesCombinations[i]['attribute']+'<br/>')// DISPLAY ATTRIBUTES SUMMARY
request = request.replace(request.substring(0, 1), '#/');
url = window.location + '';
// redirection
if (url.indexOf('#') != -1)
url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('#'));
// set ipa to the customization form
$('#customizationForm').attr('action', $('#customizationForm').attr('action') + request);
window.location = url + request;
I need to make a simple display summary of these choices. After quite a bit of searching and findling, I came with the line with the DISPLAY SUMMARY comment, this one:
$('#[attsummary]').html($('#[attsummary]').html() + attributesCombinations[i]['group']+': '+attributesCombinations[i]['attribute']+'<br/>')
In the page where I want those options, I added an empty div with the same ID (attsummary):
<div id="attsummary"></div>
Obviously, it is not working. I know I don't know JS, but naively I really thought this would do the trick. May you share with me some pointers as to where I went wrong?
Thank you very much.
Correct form of the line it isn't working for you:
$('#attsummary').html($('#attsummary').html() + attributesCombinations[i]['group']+': '+attributesCombinations[i]['attribute']+'<br/>')

How to generate <form:input> tags dynamically from JS?

I need to generate two type of fields, with a specific tags <form:input> and <form:hidden> dynamically from JS.
The first one <form:input> should be an input field the second, must be hidden.
The problem is that <form:input> is not recognized as an input and it's not shown at all. But it can be seen from the page source code.
if (bank != null) {
var fields = bank.additionalFields;
var additionalRows = document.getElementById("additionalRows");
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
//from here generates jsp inputs:
//1 - <form:input>
//2 - <form:hidden> for each element from fields
var formInput = document.createElement("form:input");
var formHidden = document.createElement("form:hidden");
formInput.setAttribute("path", "paymentInfo.fields[" + i + "].value");
formHidden.setAttribute("path", "paymentInfo.fields[" + i + "].id");
formInput.setAttribute("type", "text");
formHidden.setAttribute("type", "text");
formInput.setAttribute("value", "");
formHidden.setAttribute("value", fields[i].id);
Other <form:input> fields generated from JSP are appearing properly on the page.
Link to the generated page source code >> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/106355152/form_input.PNG
How can it be resolved?
What you are trying to do likely cannot be done. <form:input> and <form:hidden> appear to be server side tags - this is why they are only working from the java end.
You can generate regular and tags using javascript in a way similar to your current approach:
var formInput = document.createElement("input");
var formHidden = document.createElement("input");
formInput.setAttribute("type", "text");
formHidden.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
and then append them to your form.

Query String for pre-filling html form field

I manage a website for an organization that has separate chapter sites. There is a membership signup form that is on the main website that each chapter links to. On the form there is a dropdown box that allows a person to choose the chapter they want to join. What I would like to do is have each chapter website use a specific link to the form that will preselect their chapter from the dropdown box.
After searching the web, I found that I will probably need to use a Javascript function to utilize a Query String. With all my searching, I still can't figure out the exact code to use. The page is a basic HTML page...no php and it is hosted on a linux server.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you format your url like this:
You could add this script to your html head:
function getparam(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp(regexS);
var results = regex.exec(window.location.href);
if (results == null)
return "";
return results[1];
function loadform()
var list = document.getElementById("mychapterdropdown");
var chapter = getparam("chapter");
if (chapter>=0 && chapter < list.options.length)
list.selectedIndex = chapter;
The in your html body tag:
<body onload="loadform();" >
Could probably add more validation checks but that's the general idea.
It sounds like what you are looking for are GET or POST requests. For instance, if your user selects "Chapter A" from your form and hits select, you can allow redirects from another site (for instance http://www.yoursite.com/form.html?chapter=A) to allow Chapter A to be preselected. In Javascript this is done by
var chapter="";
var queryString = location.search.substring(1);
if ( queryString.length > 0 ) {
var getdata = queryString.split("&");
var keyvalues;
for(var i=0; i < getdata.length; i++){
keyvalues = getdata.split("=");
} else {
chapter = "Not Found";
document.getElementById( "ChapterID").value = keyvalues['chapter'];
This is untested, so don't hold me to it :).
maybe something using parse_url
$params = parse_url()
$query = $params['query'];
$query_pairs = explode('&',$query);
$key_val = array();
foreach($query_pairs as $key => $val){
$key_val[$key] = $val;
You would probably have to use an dynamic ajax content. Use the following javascript to read the querystring, then load the html file in that div using this javascript.
