Bokeh: change the endpoints for /static - javascript

Is there a way to change the endpoint that static JS files get served up from in Bokeh?
I have a number of bokeh dashboards that are accessed from behind a load balancer
Any request to https://myloadbalancer/{dashboard_name} is sent to the load balancer
The loadbalancer then routes the requests to the correct dashboard server based on the value of /{dashboard_name}
For any given dashboard, bokeh then attempts to access static javascript via https://myloadbalancer/static
For this to work, I need to create a new bokeh server just to serve up static files and then configure the loadbalancer to route requests to https://myloadbalancer/static to the new server
This approach is fine, until you start getting different javascript dependencies in the different dashboards
Does anyone know of a way to change the /static path of a bokeh dashboard. So that for example it reads static files from https://myloadbalancer/{dashboard_name}/static?

You can run your bokeh serve command with the option --prefix <base_path>. This will put <base_path> behind every resource requested to the Bokeh (Torando) web server, this applies also for /static resources.
Here you can find the official Bokeh documentation page.
Kind regards


hybrid SPA with Next js

The problem I'm trying to solve: there is a public part that requires ssr for seo. But there is also an application where seo is not needed and for it to be spa.
I have no experience with next js. So the question is, is it possible to "embed" a spa application in next js.
I will be happy to get any information
react-router-dom does not work with next js because of the hydration process
I would keep the two apps separate since they have different architectures, and it will be simpler that way. Sounds like your SPA may also be secured, which is why it does not need SEO.
A good technique can be be to build both apps to static content, then achieve public URLs like this:
Both built apps could potentially be deployed to a content delivery network. Another common option is to use a reverse proxy such as NGINX or Kong. This configuration uses NGINX to serve the SPA's static content, then routes requests to the Next.js app to a Docker container:
server {
server_name reverseproxy;
listen ssl 443;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html;
location /public {
proxy_pass https://nextjsapp:3000/;

Fetch JSON from same Server (localhost) but different Virtual Host

I'm having quite a basic issue I suppose. I've set up CraftCMS to be reachable via Apache Virtual Host http://craftapi and am using Element API with routes such as http://craftapi/projects?page=1 etc.
On a separate Virtual Host http://mysite I've set up a react-static install which should fetch the JSON using Axios from http://craftapi/projects?page=1 but it throws after Importing routes from directory... with:
Error: socket hang up
Am I not allowed to fetch from a different domain? Even if it is hosted on the same server?

Signalr hosting client scripts for javascript client in server

I have SingnalR (OWIN self-hosted) server hub working with .net client. Now i'm preparing to write web client. I see that hub scripts are served http://localhost:10102/signalr/hubs but cannot see Scripts/jquery-.min.js and Scripts/jquery.signalR-.min.js.
I assume those scripts are not served from server hub (but by default included by nuget to solution) - am i right or missing something?
Is there a way to reference those scripts directly form server (not to copy and host them on javascript client side)?
A JavaScript client requires references to jQuery and the SignalR core
JavaScript file. The jQuery version must be 1.6.4 or major later
versions, such as 1.7.2, 1.8.2, or 1.9.1. If you decide to use the
generated proxy, you also need a reference to the SignalR generated
proxy JavaScript file. The following example shows what the references
might look like in an HTML page that uses the generated proxy.
You have only to add the following scripts to your index.html (take care about the versions):
<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="signalr/hubs"></script>
Serve these files from server:
Create directory in server project where you place these JS Files
Configure your server that he serves theses files. For that add app.UseFileServer(); to you Configure(...) method in Startup class. (See details about service files:
Add the required scripts in client. There is an example (change adresses and script file to your files and you server adress:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:10310/scripts/signalr-clientES5-1.0.0-alpha2-final.js></script>
Actually, you don't need to have scripts to implement SygnalR service (backend part). To make a connection between client index.html and your service, you need to have some kind of client lib that works with SygnalR to establish a connection.
Here's the EXACT solution I came into, based on answers inside this thread:
Static files (like additional javascript files) can be served within same host with configuration of below. Scripts will be available at http://{yourhost}/scripts/{scriptName} when placed inside \Scripts folder iniside solution ('copy if newer' has to be set for 'Copy To Output Directory' for each of the files).
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
// Branch the pipeline here for requests that start with "/signalr"
app.Map("/signalr", map =>
// Setup the CORS middleware to run before SignalR.
// By default this will allow all origins. You can
// configure the set of origins and/or http verbs by
// providing a cors options with a different policy.
var hubConfiguration = new HubConfiguration
// You can enable JSONP by uncommenting line below.
// JSONP requests are insecure but some older browsers (and some
// versions of IE) require JSONP to work cross domain
// EnableJSONP = true
// Run the SignalR pipeline. We're not using MapSignalR
// since this branch already runs under the "/signalr"
// path.
// Serving javascript libraries required for client as static content from Scripts folder
app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions() {
RequestPath = new PathString("/scripts"),
FileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(#".\Scripts"),
IT Man

Gitlab: can I configure a served javascript file to be served as the client can execute it?

Version control repositories started to serve raw files as text/plain and to add the header content-type-options: nosniff so they can't be used as static hosting. I have an internal GitLab installation that I want to use to host some javascript (it would be used to access GitLab own API).
Is it possible to serve a raw file as Javascript? I'd like to turnoff the http header or change the mime-type of the serverd file.
No, it isn't possible to serve directly from the repository, since GitLab won't serve the correct mime type. If you want to do it, you probably need to use GitLab Pages.

A Local Server Configuration for Single Page Applications

I am looking for a local server configuration that will correctly serve single page applications that utilize push state. This server configuration needs to serve the single page(index.html) for all configured routes but serve assets based on url requested. The Backbone router in the single page will handle customization based on the url.
url: /
serves: /index.html
url: /any/configured/path
serves: /index.html
You can use any server but I prefer one for development work that has a simple setup/install such as:
Python's SimpleHttpServer
connect (npm package)
