Javascript For Loop will not increment - javascript

I am trying to use a for loop to push values entered by a user into an array. But, for some reason, the loop will not increment to push the next value into the array but will instead overwrite the first location. This is the HTML used to get the user's input below.
<div class="total-budget-fields">
<h3>Enter Budget</h3>
<input type="number" placeholder="$1000" id="budget">
<input type="button" onclick="addNum();" class="btn hit" id="budget" value="Calculate">
And this here is the javascript function linked to the button below.
addNum = () => {
// console.log('addNum');
var budgetArray = [];
var budget = document.getElementById('budget').value;
for (i=0; ; i++) {
if (budget.trim() == '') {
alert("Field is Empty!");
} else if (!(isNaN(budget))) {
I tried using a while loop as an alternative which didn't work. Any and all help is welcomed, thank you in advanced!

Like already mentioned in the comments, the loop makes non sense and you dont need an index variable like i. Instead make the array global and just push new values. This will increase the size of the array automatically. If budgetArray is in the scope of your function, it is created on every call of this function.
var budgetArray = [];
addNum = ()=>{
var budget = document.getElementById('budget').value;
if (budget.trim() == '') {
alert("Field is Empty!");
} else if (!(isNaN(budget))) {
Also in your markup file two elements has the same id budget. You should fix that and make your id's unique across your whole document. It currently works because if there is more than one element with the same id, getElementById will just give you the first one.

The first problem is that on every click you are reassigning you budgetArray to be an empty array. This is why you will always have only one item in the array.
You have to cache your array outside the addSum function. As your budget container will not change during the time, it is a good idea to cache it as well.
Also, you do not need for loop for this task at all. So something like this will do the job.
var budgetArray = [];
var budgetContainer = document.getElementById('budget');
addNum = () => {
const budget = budgetContainer.value.trim();
if (budget == '') {
alert("Field is Empty!");
} else if (!(isNaN(budget))) {


How do i push an array[i] to another array

Basically i have to create a quiz with 3category. each with 5questions.
I would have to push the selected category-questions into this new array from the array with all the questions. I am unable to do so.
pushSelectedQuestion() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumberOfQuestion; i++) {
if (usercategory == questionPool[i].category) {
return mcqSelected;
usercategory = input from user.
if user chooses category 1.
if (1 == questionPool[1].category) (if it matches the category) then it will be pushed.
This is the part which i cant do
Well, from the information you've provided, there's one main issue here - the return statement is definitely shortcutting the loop - so even if you have everything else right, you'll only ever get the first matching question. The rest will have been cut out by the return statement, which stops the function and returns the value.
pushSelectedQuestion() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumberOfQuestion; i++) {
if (usercategory == questionPool[i].category) {
// the below line is causing this loop to end after the first time through the list.
// Remove it and then put a console.log(mcqSelected);
// here instead to see the value during each iteration of the loop.
return mcqSelected;
There are a lot of ways to accomplish what you want to do here though. For example, you could just use the javascript Array.filter method like so
let selectedQuestions = questionPool.filter(question => question.category == userCategory)
Maybe I am not understanding your question correctly, but can't you use nested arrays. If the questions are categorized beforehand that is.

How to create a function to count items from a set and store counts in an array parallel to one containing related items?

I am having trouble completing one of the last assignments in my semester-long high school-level programming class. I have been assigned to create a JavaScript program which counts the amount of time different ZIP codes appear in a set and output parallel arrays containing the zip codes and their counts. I am having difficulty getting the values to output. I believe that the respective zips and counts aren't being entered into their arrays at all.
I'm not looking for an original solution to the problem. I'd just like someone to tell me why my code isn't working, and possibly what I can change in my code specifically to fix it.
Usually I would never ask for help like this. I actually took the class last semester and now that I'm at the end of the year I have the option of completing it to earn college credit. I have never been the best at working with functions, and that remains true now. In the code below are all the moving parts I'm allowed to work with. I know it looks messy and rudimentary, but it's all I know. I'd appreciate it if any answers use only the sorts of things I used in my code. Another note, I am required to use functions for 'all identifiable processes', but I'm pretty sure my instructor only cares about the final product, so I'm not sure that the functions really matter, even if they could help.
var records = openZipCodeStudyRecordSet(),
uniqueZips = [],
zipCounts = [],
output = "";
function project62Part1() {
table = document.getElementById("outputTable");
function countZips(zip) {
var currentZip,
while (records.readNextRecord()) {
currentZip = records.getSampleZipCode();
if (zip === currentZip) {
return count;
function processZip(zip) {
var currentZip;
while (records.readNextRecord()) {
currentZip = records.getSampleZipCode();
for (i = 0; i < uniqueZips.length; i++) {
if (uniqueZips[i] === "") {
zipCounts[i] = countZips(currentZip);
if (zip !== uniqueZip[i]) {
zipCounts[i] = countZips(currentZip);
function createOutput(string) {
for (i = 0; i < uniqueZips.length; i++) {
string += "<tr><td>" + uniqueZips[i] + "</td><td>" + zipCounts[i] +
return string;
output = createOutput(output);
table.innerHTML = "<tr><td>Zip Code</td><td>Count</td></tr>" + output;
The output is supposed to be additional rows of zips and counts added to a table that is already set up on the page. There are no important technical errors in the code.
This is to be accomplished through the function processZip, which is meant to add respective zip and count into table rows. However, it appears as though the zip and count arrays its getting info from haven't had anything put into them by the other functions. I don't know if it is because of error in calling the functions, or what's in the functions themselves.
The HTML page this is connected to calls the function project62Part1().
That code is kind of all over the place but here's the logic you ideally want to follow:
Loop over each record in your table (outer loop) to get the zip code.
Declare an 'isFound' variable and set it to false
For each iteration of the outer loop, loop over your entire array of zip codes (inner loop).
3a. If you get a match, set isFound to true, increment your zipcode counter += 1 on the same index (since they're parallel arrays)
3b. If, at the end of your inner loop, isFound is still false, add the zipcode to your array of zip codes, and add a new array element to your zip code counters setting it to 1.
Since your zip code array and your zip code counter are parallel arrays to each other, when isFound is false, you are creating entries in both arrays, keeping them parallel to each other.
If, on 3a isFound is true, you are on the index of the zip code array that the zip code belongs to, so it should be the same index for your counter array.
In your current process zip function, the first condition will never be true, because starting out, your array size is 0 and after you start populating that array, you will never have an empty string (unless, of course, the zip code itself was an empty string)
The second if statement you have that checks if zip !== uniqueZip[i] - you are only checking that current value of uniqueZips and ignoring every other value in the array, so you will almost always have the second condition as true
I've been playing with the newer JavaScript language and syntax and your item was a good candidate for me to try out.
I did approach the code a little differently such as making the use of a Set for the unique values. Saves on code by not having to check and see if the value exists because the Set will never allow duplicate values in.
var uniqueZips = new Set();
const zipcodes = [21060, 22422, 25541, 43211, 21060, 22422, 22422, 43211, 43211, 43211];
function project62Part1() {
function processZipCodes() {
for(let index in zipcodes){
// We add every value because a SET will only allow you to add it once.
// Structure our zipcode data information
function organizeZipCodeData() {
let response = {data:[]};
uniqueZips.forEach(function(zip) { { 'zipcode':zip, 'appears': countZipAppearances(zip) })
return response;
function countZipAppearances(zip) {
// Default to zero even though you never expect an undefined
let count = 0;
zipcodes.forEach(function(zval) {
if (zip === zval) {
return count;
function showZipcodeInformation(data){
for (var index in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
var entry = [data[index]][0];
console.log(entry.zipcode, entry.appears);
// UI CONTENT: Construct the UI view from the data
function generateHtmlView(data){
let htmlview = "<table><tr><td>Zip Code</td><td>Count</td></tr>";
for (var index in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
var entry = [data[index]][0];
htmlview += "</table>";
return htmlview;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Call to gather the zipcodes
// Call to organize the zipcode data
let output = organizeZipCodeData();
// See what we have in the organized data
// See what we have in the html content
// Initiate the process

How do I add elements to a dynamic array and exclude exsisting elements

function addNumifnotThere(numer){
var numCent = [];
if(numer in numCent)
console.log("you logged that");
return numCent;
This is my current code, what its attempting to do is read an array and if there is already an element exits the loop and says "you already logged that", obviously if it cannot find a similar element then it pushes it to the array.
I want this to work dynamically so we cannot know the size of the array beforehand, so the first element passed as an argument should be put into the array, (addNum(1) should have the array print out [1], calling addNum(1) again should print "you already logged that")
However there are two problems with this
1) Trying to push to a new array without any entries means everything is undefined and therefore trying to traverse the array just causes the program to print [].
2) Adding some random elements to the array just to make it work, in this case numCent=[1,2,3] has other issues, mainly that adding a number above 3 causes the code to print incorrect information. In this case addNum(5) should print [1,2,3,5] but instead prints [1,2,3,5,5,5]
I know this has to be a simple mistake but I've been dragging myself too long to not ask for help.
EDIT: Thanks to the many outstanding answers here I have now leanred about the indexOf method, thank you guys so much.
For every non-match you are pushing the number. Use something like this
var numCent = [];
function addNumifnotThere(numer)
var index = numCent.indexOf(number);
if(index >=0)
console.log("you logged that");
return numCent;
Use Array.prototype.indexOf
var numCent = [];
function addNum(numer){
if (numCent.indexOf(numer) > -1)
console.log("Number already in array");
//DEMO CODE, not part of solution
document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function(){
if (document.querySelector("input").value.length > 0)
document.querySelector("div").innerHTML = numCent.join(", ");
}, false);
<div id="output"></div>
<input />
<button>Add number</button>
indexOf tests if an element is inside the array and returns its index. If not found it will return -1. You can test for this. You can try it for your self in this snippet. It will only allow you to add a number (or any string, in this example) once.
I also was confused by the newCent array declaration inside the function. I think, based upon the content of your question, you meant this.
If you want the array held in the instance, you can do it like this.
function AddIf(arr){
if( arr || !this.arr ) {
this.arr = arr || [];
return function(number) {
if( this.arr.indexOf(number) >= 0 ) {
console.log("Already Present!");
} else {
return this.arr;
// Usage would be like this:
// var addIf = new AddIf([1, 2, 3]);
// addIf(10); // returns [1, 2, 3, 10]
// addIf(10); // logs "Already Present!", doesn't add 10 to array
This basically returns a function, with this bound to the function being called. If you pass in an initial array, it will use that array to compare to when adding it to the array.
You can catch the return function and call it as you would want to. If you don't call new when invoking however, it will share the same array instance (and have a funky way of being called, AddIf()(10)).
I used fn.bind() to ensure the function gets called in the correct context every time, if you were wondering why I called it like that.
Do do this cleanly, I'd consider prototyping the global Array object and adding a method to push values but only if they're unique to the array. Something like this:
Array.prototype.pushUnique = function (item) {
if (this.indexOf(item) != -1) {
console.log("Item with value of " + item + " already exists in the array."
else {
If you're not comfortable prototypeing global types like Array, you can build the same thing in a procedural pattern:
function arrayPushUnique (arr, item) {
if (arr.indexOf(item) != -1) {
console.log("Item with value of " + item + " already exists in the array."
else {
Then to use it, simply create a new empty array and start pushing things to it.
var numCent = [];
// The Array.prototype method
// The procedural method
arrayPushUnique(numCent, number);

Text Input Value sometimes does't change even though it thows no errors, and seems to work

So I have a simple program to change the value of an input field every time you blur it. It logs the already used values in an array, an I use that array to check if it's been used. It practically works as intended, but after a few tries it will return true and logs, yet the value wont change.
Updated Code:
var dftvalue = ['Freddy the Grocer', 'Jack the Fiddler', 'Cane the Sheep Herder', 'Arnold the Fish Monger', 'Luke the Car Salesman', 'Josh the Tailor', 'Carol the Baker', 'Tiara the Nacho Vendor', '', 'Your message here.'];
var logused = new Array(); //create new array to log the used indexs
function setdftvalue() {
var newval = dftvalue[Math.floor(Math.random() * 7)];
if (logused.indexOf(newval) == -1) {
} else if (logused.indexOf(newval) >= 0) {
if (logused.length == 8) {
for (i=0; i<=7; i++){
Your approach is unnecessarily complicated. At a high level I would recommend an approach that's more like this:
function setdftvalue() {
if (index === (dftvalue.length - 1)) {
// Shuffle your names array
index = -1;
input.value = dftvalue[++index];
This way you won't need to use any recursion and make unnecessary function calls. And the only time you'll need to randomize is when you've used up all of your available names.
Here's a working example:
Original answer
After a few invocations, your function will fill up the logused Array, at which point calling it again will do nothing. Actually, worse than nothing - it will recursively call itself without end.

Checking Postal Codes with JQuery

I try to build a form which checks if an entered zip code matches a zip code in a predefined array. I don't use a DB, it's all very basic and hardcoded, but should be sufficient in this case.
The problem is that only the first zip-code in the array ('83512') works. If i am entering the second one ('83533') the code spits out "no success".
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
<form action="javascript:alert('success.');" id="checkplz">
<label for="plz">ZIP:</label>
<input type="text" name="plz" id="plz" />
<button id="submit" >Check!</button>
<div id="output"></div>
var list = ['83512','83533'];
$("#checkplz").submit(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if ($("#plz").val() == list[i]) {
$("#output").append("<strong class='success'>success!</strong>").show();
return true;
$("#output").text("no success!").show().fadeOut(10000);
return false;
The logic in your loop is off. See below:
var list = ['83512','83533'];
$("#checkplz").submit(function() {
var match = false;
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if ($("#plz").val() == list[i]) {
$("#output").append("<strong class='success'>success!</strong>").show();
return true;
$("#output").text("no success!").show().fadeOut(10000);
return false;
The problem is within the logic of your loop. The loop will only run one time, because the loop will always return after the first iteration (true if it finds the first element in the list array, false for everything else), rather than continuing through all iterations. So, what is happening for the second element is that the loop is running, determining that the first element was not found and returning false and never even processing the second element.
A better way to do this would be to loop the list array until you find a matching element, and keep track of wether an match was found or not. This will make sure we don't drop out of the loop until we've processed all elements of the array (or found a match, in which case we can stop the loop to save on processing).
See below ( for some example code with a few comments about what is happening.
var list = ['83512','83533'];
$("#checkplz").submit(function() {
var matched = false; // Set up variable to track if we find a match
$(list).each(function() {
// Inside the jQuery 'each' method, 'this' equals the current item in the iteration.
if(this == $("#plz").val()) {
matched = true; // set the 'matched' variable to true
$("#output").append("<strong class='success'>success!</strong>").show();
return; // Since we found a match, we can stop processing the array
// Outside of the loop, only display no success if we didn't find any matches.
if (!matched) {
$("#output").text("no success!").show().fadeOut(10000);
Try returning false outside the loop, so it will only happen once all values are checked:
var list = ['83512','83533'];
$("#checkplz").submit(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if ($("#plz").val() == list[i]) {
$("#output").append("<strong class='success'>success!</strong>").show();
return true;
$("#output").text("no success!").show().fadeOut(10000);
return false;
Use jQuery.inArray()
var list = ['83512','83533'];
if($.inArray('83533', list) > -1){
// found
Docs here:
