Autofit multiple textarea's height to loaded content - javascript

I wrote a html/php page in order to update database content. The page has several forms (one for each db row I need to edit), and every form has several textarea fields.
I would like to fit every textarea's height to its content (as retrieved from db), using pure JavaScript (no jQuery).
I've found the following JS function:
function autoResize() { = 'auto'; = this.scrollHeight + 'px';
But how can I use it for every textarea field in the page? Is there a better way to achieve the goal?
Maybe this is a good solution:
var els = document.querySelectorAll('textarea');
Array.from(els).forEach((el) => {
var offset = el.offsetHeight - el.clientHeight; = 0; = el.scrollHeight + offset + 'px';
el.addEventListener('input', function() { = el.scrollHeight + offset + 'px';
Could it be done in a better way?

Check out this snippet:
var content = document.getElementsByClassName('db-content');
for(var i=0; i<content.length; i++){
content[i].style.height = 'auto';
content[i].style.height = content[i].scrollHeight + 'px';
You have to apply same class to all <textarea> (db-content in the above snippet) and add this script after them. In the script we are looking for all of those <textarea> by their class name and storing them in an array. Next we loop through the array and apply style to all <textarea>.


extract div as HTML including CSS classes

I am trying to create a general function that will extract a div content (with nested elements) and save it locally in an HTML file.
Basically I get the div innerHTML, wrap it in html/head/body tags and then save it:
function div2html() {
var inner=document.getElementById("div2save").innerHTML;
var html="<html><head></head><body>"+inner+"</body></html>";
saveTextAsFile("div2html.html", html);
See a working version here: jsfiddle
However I am not sure how to handle classes. As you can see the class in the sample (bigbold) is not embedded in the new HTML. I need some way to get all the classes used in the div and then add them (or the computed styles ?) to the html I generate .. is this possible ? is there any other way around it ?
Try including style element .outerHTML within saved html
function div2html() {
var inner=document.getElementById("div2save").innerHTML;
var style = document.getElementsByTagName("style")[0].outerHTML;
var html="<html><head>"+style+"</head><body>"+inner+"</body></html>";
saveTextAsFile("div2html.html", html);
Alternatively, using window.getComputedStyle() to select only css of #div2save child node
function div2html() {
var inner = document.getElementById("div2save");
var style = window.getComputedStyle(inner.children[0]).cssText;
var html = "<html><head><style>"
+ "." + inner.children[0].className
+ "{" + style + "}"
+ "</style></head><body>"
+ inner.innerHTML + "</body></html>";
saveTextAsFile("div2html.html", html);
Looks like this might be able to help you out:
If the CSS of the page is not big, a simple solution is to include it all in the saved html as suggested by guest271314 above with
var style = document.getElementsByTagName("style")[0].outerHTML;
see jsfiddle
A more comprehensive solution extracts the classes from the div and then adds only the rules of those classes to the div (Using code from How do you read CSS rule values with JavaScript?)
function div2html(divId) {
var html = document.getElementById(divId).innerHTML;
// get all css classes in html
var cssClasses = [];
var classRegexp = /class=['"](.*?)['"]/g;
var m;
while ((m = classRegexp.exec(html))) cssClasses = cssClasses.concat(cssClasses, m[1].split(" "));
// filter non unique or empty cssClasses
cssClasses = cssClasses.filter(function (item, pos, self) {
return item && self.indexOf(item) == pos;
// get html of classes
var cssHtml = '';
for (var i = 0; i < cssClasses.length; i++) cssHtml += getRule('.' + cssClasses[i]);
// assemble html
var html = "<html><head><style>" + cssHtml + "</style></head><body>" + html + "</body></html>";
saveTextAsFile("div2html.html", html);
see jsfiddle

Write text over div without using .text()

I've got again a rather simple question, that I couldn't find an answer to.
I was using sofar the Jquery function .text() to write text on mouseenter on a dynamically created div. I came to realise that this only worked on my Iceweasel, but not in Chrome for instance. Instead ot .text() everywhere people advised of using the .val(), but I can't seem to figure out exactly how to use it in my implementation, since the divs had no previous text value.
Please find below a simple code, with .text() to understnad the question.
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.innerHTML = "<img width=\"" + data.size[i][0] + "\" height=\"" + data.size[i][1] + "\" id=\"" + i + "\">"; = "absolute"; = data.coords[i][0] + "px"; = data.coords[i][1] + "px";
for (var i=0; i<3; i++) {
$('#' + i).mouseenter(function() {
$('#' + i).mouseleave(function() {
I hope someone can give me an idea, of how to apply .val() or use something else entirely to make this work for chrome also.
Best Regards and Thanks in advance!
The problem is that you put text in an image tag!
<img>Some text</img>
This is invalid HTML, see this answer.
If you want text over an image, I suggest using a div with background: url(...) instead.
Updated fiddle.
The cleverest I could think to don't screw up your for loop is appending a <p> tag containing your text and removing it on mouseleave:
for (var i=0; i<3; i++){
$('#' + i).on("mouseenter",function() {
$('#' + i).on("mouseleave",function() {
Besides, text was not working because you are listening to the image (<img>) instead of the span. Images has no .text() prototype, hence you should access its parent() (which is a <span> in that case) if you want to use the .text() prototype, but using .text() on the parent will remove the image, hence the idea of appending the text and removing it later.
According to specification, val() function is to set value attribute and it only matters for input fields on your page. text() function is to change content of your element.
The .val() method is primarily used to get the values of form elements
such as input, select and textarea.
So you should use text() function in your code.
Also according to your code you change text property of <img> element. This is not good. You should change text of your <span>. So just move your id to span element.
If you want the jQuery equivalent of Javascript's native innerHtml, go for $(this).html('text');.
Take a look at these functions:
$(this).append('text'); // Note that this appends instead of replaces
Or if you're feeling adventurous:
$('text').appendTo($(this)); // Performance penalty for creating an object out of 'text'
First I will use class instead id, it will save using the second loop,
also if you want to have also text and also image you can do it but it will be littel complicated I would recommand add some child element to the span that will contain the text, I didnt do it just for the challenge
simple plugin to change the text without changing the html elements
$.fn.selectorText = function(text) {
var str = '';
this.contents().each(function() {
if (this.nodeType === 3) {
if(typeof(text) === 'string'){
this.textContent = text;
return false;
str += this.textContent || this.innerText || '';
return str;
var thisData = [{
'coords' : [[100,100], [300, 300], [200, 200]],
'size' : [[30, 30], [30, 30], [30, 30]]
var data = thisData[0];
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i ++){
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.setAttribute('class','spanImage'); = "absolute"; = data.coords[i][0] + "px"; = data.coords[i][1] + "px";
span.innerHTML = "\n<img width=\"" + data.size[i][0] + "\" height=\"" + data.size[i][1] + "\" id=\"" + i + "\">";
.on( 'mouseenter', function() {
.on( 'mouseleave', function() {

define dynamic width of textbox using DOM approach

i am tyring to insert textboxes to create empty rows but i want first textbox should be of 50px only
i am creating them onclick event of a button using DOM approach
how to define the width with respect to following approach
j is a variable being handled somewhere & cols is no: of columns to be created
for(var t=1;t<=cols;t=t+1)
var cell = row.insertCell(t);
var element = document.createElement("input");
element.type = "text"; 'text['+j+']['+(t)+']'; 'text['+j+']['+(t)+']';
some times it may works = width + 'px';
try it once in case the above suggestions fails
or by using this,
Try the following:
width: 50px;
In Javascript:
if (t==1)
element.className = "firsttext";

target images inside a div by it's name

I'm trying to create a button that resizes down images inside it's div,
function aumenta(){
var mydiv = $('div[name|="visualizacoes"]');
var curr_width = parseInt(;
var curr_height = parseInt(;
if (curr_width < 4123) { = (curr_width + 412) +"px"; = (curr_height + 466) +"px";
it's not working, maybe this is not the way to get the element's name?
My problem is that i have several div's hidden that show up on menu click,
I'm trying to get all of them to resize even if they're hidden, that's why im targeting it's name, could be the class as well!! Please help! Thanks
Create a class, then make all the images a member of that class.
If you do this, you can then use the jQuery "each()" method to iterate through each element, and manipulate them in a loop...
var element = $(this);
var currWidth = element.width();
var currHeight = element.height();
if( currWidth < 4123 ){
element.width( currWidth + 412 );
element.height( currHeight + 412 );
In the above I've also used the jQuery width() and height() methods to get and set the elements height and width.

How to count numbers of line in a textarea

I want to make a dynamic textarea, it should increase in rows as the content increase.
I am using this code:
$("#text_textarea").keyup(function(e) {
//splitting textarea value wrt '\n' to count the number of lines
if ($(this).val().lastIndexOf('\n')!=-1)
var x = $(this).val().split('\n');
$(this).attr( "rows" , x.length+1 );
But it fails when user continues to write without giving any new line \n (pressing Enter).
var keyUpTimeout = false; // Required variables for performance
var keyupTimer = 0;
$("#text_textarea").keyup(function(e) {
var cooldownTimeout = 500;
//Set the cooldown time-out. The height check will be executed when the user
// hasn't initiated another keyup event within this time
var ths = this;
function heightCheck(){
keyupTimer = false;
// Reset height, so that the textarea can shrink when necessary = "";
// Set the height of the textarea
var newheight = this.scrollHeight + 2; = newheight + "px";
if(keyupTimeout){ //Has a cooldown been requested?
clearTimeout(keyupTimer); //This+next line: Refresh cooldown timeout.
keyUpTimer = setTimeout(heightCheck, cooldownTimeout);
return; //Return, to avoid unnecessary calculations
// Set a cooldown
keyupTimer = setTimeout(heightCheck, cooldownTimeout);
keyupTimeout = true; //Request a cooldown
This piece of script will change the height of the textarea to fit the text inside.
I have added an additional feature: To improve performance (changing the CSS height requires a significant amount of computer power), I have added a cooldown effect: The height check will only be executed when the user hasn't initiated a keyup event for 500 milliseconds (adjust this value to meet your wishes).
read this,
Textarea Height increase
TextAreaExpander (Demo)
autoResize Plugin
JQuery Elastic
You should use the attribute wrap='hard' on your textarea.
I write this code. what about it..
$("#text_textarea").keyup(function(e) {
var textarea_height = Number($(this).css('height').replace("px", ""))+4;
var scroll_height = this.scrollHeight;
if(textarea_height < scroll_height ){
$(this).css('height' ,"");
var x = Number(scroll_height) + 3;
if(x != $(this).height())
$(this).css("height", x+"px");
