How to create key value pair from an array? - javascript

I have an array object with following data:
const arr = [
key: 'mykey1597855209',
integrity: 'sha512-T9JWj=='
key: 'mykey159785520915978552101597855212',
integrity: 'sha512-T9JWj=='
key: 'mykey15978552091597855210',
integrity: 'sha512-lcddfd=='
key: 'otherkey15978552091597855210',
integrity: 'sha512-abcdfd=='
I want to create key value pair from the the arr[] object such that integrity becomes key and the key becomes value
Desired Output is something like below:
"sha512-T9JWj==": [
"sha512-lcddfd==": [
"sha512-abcdfd==": [
I have written following code:
const arr = [{
key: 'mykey1597855209',
integrity: 'sha512-T9JWj=='
key: 'mykey159785520915978552101597855212',
integrity: 'sha512-T9JWj=='
key: 'mykey15978552091597855210',
integrity: 'sha512-lcddfd=='
key: 'otherkey15978552091597855210',
integrity: 'sha512-abcdfd=='
const result = Object.assign( => ({
[a.integrity]: a.key

You can use Object.fromEntries:
const arr = [{key: 'mykey1597855209',integrity: 'sha512-T9JWj=='},{key: 'mykey159785520915978552101597855212',integrity: 'sha512-T9JWj=='},{key: 'mykey15978552091597855210',integrity: 'sha512-lcddfd=='},{key: 'otherkey15978552091597855210',integrity: 'sha512-abcdfd=='}];
let map = Object.fromEntries({_, integrity }) => [integrity, []]));
arr.forEach(({key, integrity}) => map[integrity].push(key));
Or reduce:
const arr = [{key: 'mykey1597855209',integrity: 'sha512-T9JWj=='},{key: 'mykey159785520915978552101597855212',integrity: 'sha512-T9JWj=='},{key: 'mykey15978552091597855210',integrity: 'sha512-lcddfd=='},{key: 'otherkey15978552091597855210',integrity: 'sha512-abcdfd=='}];
let map = arr.reduce((acc, { key, integrity }) => {
acc[integrity] = acc[integrity] || [];
return acc;
}, {});

You can transform it like this:
let map = {};
arr.forEach({ key, integrity } => map[integrity] = key);

arr.reduce((acc, curr) => {
acc[curr.integrity] = (acc[curr.integrity]) ?
[ ...acc[curr.integrity], curr.key ] :
[ curr.key ]
return acc;
}, {})


Create object from multiple object with same value in map JS [duplicate]

I have an array of objects:
{ key : '11', value : '1100', $$hashKey : '00X' },
{ key : '22', value : '2200', $$hashKey : '018' }
How do I convert it into the following by JavaScript?
"11": "1100",
"22": "2200"
Tiny ES6 solution can look like:
var arr = [{key:"11", value:"1100"},{key:"22", value:"2200"}];
var object = arr.reduce(
(obj, item) => Object.assign(obj, { [item.key]: item.value }), {});
Also, if you use object spread, than it can look like:
var object = arr.reduce((obj, item) => ({...obj, [item.key]: item.value}) ,{});
One more solution that is 99% faster is(tested on jsperf):
var object = arr.reduce((obj, item) => (obj[item.key] = item.value, obj) ,{});
Here we benefit from comma operator, it evaluates all expression before comma and returns a last one(after last comma). So we don't copy obj each time, rather assigning new property to it.
This should do it:
var array = [
{ key: 'k1', value: 'v1' },
{ key: 'k2', value: 'v2' },
{ key: 'k3', value: 'v3' }
var mapped = => ({ [item.key]: item.value }) );
var newObj = Object.assign({}, ...mapped );
console.log(newObj );
var newObj = Object.assign({}, ...( => ({ [item.key]: item.value }) )));
You're probably looking for something like this:
// original
var arr = [
{key : '11', value : '1100', $$hashKey : '00X' },
{key : '22', value : '2200', $$hashKey : '018' }
var result = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
result[arr[i].key] = arr[i].value;
I like the functional approach to achieve this task:
var arr = [{ key:"11", value:"1100" }, { key:"22", value:"2200" }];
var result = arr.reduce(function(obj,item){
obj[item.key] = item.value;
return obj;
}, {});
Note: Last {} is the initial obj value for reduce function, if you won't provide the initial value the first arr element will be used (which is probably undesirable).
Using Object.fromEntries:
const array = [
{ key: "key1", value: "value1" },
{ key: "key2", value: "value2" },
const obj = Object.fromEntries( => [item.key, item.value]));
A clean way to do this using modern JavaScript is as follows:
const array = [
{ name: "something", value: "something" },
{ name: "somethingElse", value: "something else" },
const newObject = Object.assign({}, => ({ []: item.value })));
// >> { something: "something", somethingElse: "something else" }
you can merge array of objects in to one object in one line:
const obj = Object.assign({}, ...array);
Use lodash!
const obj = _.keyBy(arrayOfObjects, 'keyName')
Update: The world kept turning. Use a functional approach instead.
Previous answer
Here you go:
var arr = [{ key: "11", value: "1100" }, { key: "22", value: "2200" }];
var result = {};
for (var i=0, len=arr.length; i < len; i++) {
result[arr[i].key] = arr[i].value;
console.log(result); // {11: "1000", 22: "2200"}
Simple way using reduce
// Input :
const data = [{key: 'value'}, {otherKey: 'otherValue'}];
data.reduce((prev, curr) => ({...prev, ...curr}) , {});
// Output
{key: 'value', otherKey: 'otherValue'}
More simple Using Object.assign
Object.assign({}, ...array);
Using Underscore.js:
var myArray = [
Object { key="11", value="1100", $$hashKey="00X"},
Object { key="22", value="2200", $$hashKey="018"}
var myObj = _.object(_.pluck(myArray, 'key'), _.pluck(myArray, 'value'));
Nearby 2022, I like this approach specially when the array of objects are dynamic which also suggested based on #AdarshMadrecha's test case scenario,
const array = [
{ key : '11', value : '1100', $$hashKey : '00X' },
{ key : '22', value : '2200', $$hashKey : '018' }];
let obj = {};
array.forEach( v => { obj[v.key] = v.value }) //assign to new object
console.log(obj) //{11: '1100', 22: '2200'}
let array = [
{ key: "key1", value: "value1" },
{ key: "key2", value: "value2" },
let arr = {};
arr = => ({ ...arr, [event.key]: event.value }));
Was did yesterday
// Convert the task data or array to the object for use in the above form
const {clientData} = taskData.reduce((obj, item) => {
// Use the clientData (You can set your own key name) as the key and the
// entire item as the value
obj['clientData'] = item
return obj
}, {});
Here's how to dynamically accept the above as a string and interpolate it into an object:
var stringObject = '[Object { key="11", value="1100", $$hashKey="00X"}, Object { key="22", value="2200", $$hashKey="018"}]';
function interpolateStringObject(stringObject) {
var jsObj = {};
var processedObj = stringObject.split("[Object { ");
processedObj = processedObj[1].split("},");
$.each(processedObj, function (i, v) {
jsObj[v.split("key=")[1].split(",")[0]] = v.split("value=")[1].split(",")[0].replace(/\"/g,'');
return jsObj
var t = interpolateStringObject(stringObject); //t is the object you want
// original
var arr = [{
key: '11',
value: '1100',
$$hashKey: '00X'
key: '22',
value: '2200',
$$hashKey: '018'
// My solution
var obj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
obj[arr[i].key] = arr[i].value;
You can use the mapKeys lodash function for that. Just one line of code!
Please refer to this complete code sample (copy paste this into or similar):
import _ from 'lodash';
// or commonjs:
// const _ = require('lodash');
let a = [{ id: 23, title: 'meat' }, { id: 45, title: 'fish' }, { id: 71, title: 'fruit' }]
let b = _.mapKeys(a, 'id');
// b:
// { '23': { id: 23, title: 'meat' },
// '45': { id: 45, title: 'fish' },
// '71': { id: 71, title: 'fruit' } }

How do I convert Array of object key value to Object in object key value

I'm trying to reduce and array of object(key-value) to one object(key-value).
I'm working with a json object injavascript
I have this:
{"609e598ad32e90519043f09f": "609d8b78cf7bb100045fc593"},
{"609e5945d32e90519043f09e": "609d8b78cf7bb100045fc593"},
{"609e58b496d43235884e788f": "609d8b78cf7bb100045fc593"},
{"609e57e3e1560e58245544f4": "609d8de9575b49000466e358"}
And below is my expected result:
How can I achieve this result?
You can use loop to get the key-value and using reduce to store it into an object. Then you can assign it to relations property.
let obj = {
relations: [
{ "609e598ad32e90519043f09f": "609d8b78cf7bb100045fc593" },
{ "609e5945d32e90519043f09e": "609d8b78cf7bb100045fc593" },
{ "609e58b496d43235884e788f": "609d8b78cf7bb100045fc593" },
{ "609e57e3e1560e58245544f4": "609d8de9575b49000466e358" },
const result = obj.relations.reduce((acc, curr) => {
for (let key in curr) {
acc[key] = curr[key];
return acc;
}, {});
obj.relations = result;
You can also clone the object and change only the relations key using object destructuring
let obj = {
name: "test",
relations: [
{ "609e598ad32e90519043f09f": "609d8b78cf7bb100045fc593" },
{ "609e5945d32e90519043f09e": "609d8b78cf7bb100045fc593" },
{ "609e58b496d43235884e788f": "609d8b78cf7bb100045fc593" },
{ "609e57e3e1560e58245544f4": "609d8de9575b49000466e358" },
const result = obj.relations.reduce((acc, curr) => {
for (let key in curr) {
acc[key] = curr[key];
return acc;
}, {});
const cloneWithChanges = { ...obj, relations: result };

combining duplicate key's values in JavaScript array

I have an Array that contain some keys/values one of the values is an array I want combining the value of array from all recorded that have same key in my Array.
Below is an Simple Example to demonstrate, I am not able to construct its logic so seeking help in building a logic to it.
[{"somekey":"Some Value Pushed"},{"somekey":"Second Value"}]
I want Result Like,
[{"somekey":["Some Value Pushed","Second Value"]}]
The reduce() function of Array Object in JavaScript can merge any array into a single Object.
I wrote a single-line code to solve this problem.
I updated result with the array.
const arr = [{
somekey: "Some Value Pushed",
somekey2: "Second Value2",
somekey: "Some Value Pushed",
somekey2: "Second Value3",
somekey3: "",
const ansObj = arr.reduce(
(prv, cur) => {
Object.entries(cur).forEach(([key, v]) => key in prv ? prv[key].push(v) : (prv[key] = [v]));
return prv;
}, {}
const ansArray = Object.entries(ansObj).map(([key, value])=>({[key]:value}));
You can try something like this:
var array = [{
name: "foo1",
value: "val1"
}, {
name: "foo1",
value: ["val2", "val3"]
}, {
name: "foo2",
value: "val4"
var output = [];
array.forEach(function(item) {
var existing = output.filter(function(v, i) {
return ===;
if (existing.length) {
var existingIndex = output.indexOf(existing[0]);
output[existingIndex].value = output[existingIndex].value.concat(item.value);
} else {
if (typeof item.value === 'string')
item.value = [item.value];
Or, another option using Lodash
function mergeNames (arr) {
return _.chain(arr).groupBy('name').mapValues(function (v) {
return _.chain(v).pluck('value').flattenDeep();
Maybe something like:
const data = [
{"somekey":"Some Value Pushed"},
{"somekey":"Second Value", "otherkey": 1},
{"otherkey": 2}
const merge_and_group = (obj1, obj2) =>
(acc, [key, val]) => {
acc[key] ??= [];
return acc;
const res = data.reduce(merge_and_group, {});
const arr = [{
"somekey": "Some Value Pushed"
}, {
"somekey2": "Second Value2"
}, {
"somekey": "Some Value Pushed"
}, {
"somekey2": "Second Value3"
const newarr = {}
arr.forEach(obj => {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
if (newarr[key]) newarr[key].push(value)
else newarr[key] = [value]
Array.prototype.reduce() is a possible option.
the reduce() method executes a reducer function which is provided as an input on each element of the array and returning a single output value.
const array = [{"somekey":"Some Value Pushed"},{"somekey":"Second Value"}];
const res = array.reduce((acc, el) => {
const [key, value] = Object.entries(el)[0];
(acc[key] || (acc[key] = [])).push(value);
return acc;
}, {});
Assuming each element of your array is an object with a single key.
const array = [
{ somekey: "Some Value Pushed" },
{ somekey: "Second Value" },
{ foo: "bar" },
{ foo: "baz" },
{ somekey: "Third Value" },
const result = [];
array.forEach(el => {
let [key, value] = Object.entries(el)[0];
for (let el of result) if (key in el) {
result.push({ [key]: [value] });
If your array has only "somekey" as keys then you can use map method as following:
const array = [{"somekey":"Some Value Pushed"},{"somekey":"Second Value"}];
const valuesArray = => obj.somekey);
result = [{"somekey":valuesArray}];
If your array has other keys along with "somekey" and you like to separate values corresponding to only "somekey" then try the following:
const array = [{"somekey":"Some Value Pushed"},{"somekey":"Second Value"}, {"otherkey":"other Value"}];
const filteredArray = array.filter((obj) => {
return "somekey" in obj
}, []);
const valuesArray = => obj.somekey);
result = [{"somekey":valuesArray}];

Json Array compare with different length in javascript

Below code which I am using for creating the new array if the id is the same in arr1 and arr2. But doesn't work since arr1 and arr2 are different. array 1 has index and arr2 is without index. screenshot for your reference. Can someone help?
Note: ID in arr1 is the same as EmpId in arr2
for(let i=0; i<arr1.length; i++) {
...(arr2.find((itmInner) => === arr1[i].id))}
Array1 looks like this :
Array2 looks something like this:
Below is the sample code on how I am framing array 2:
var arr2 = [] ;
for(var i = 0; i < activity.length; i++) {
obj = activity[i];
if(obj.Id == 28){
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
.then(function (data) {
res = data;
// Do nothing
return arr2
Calling Render method like below:
outputarray = currentComponent.renderElement(activity);
console.log('output', outputarray)
Expected Output:
[{"Active":1,"Id":1,"Param1": true},
{"Active":1,"Id":3}, / Keep it as such if nothing exists in other array
{"Active":1,"Id":2, "Param2": false}]
You can try this approach instead:
Example #1
const arr1 = [
{ "Active":1, "Id":1 },
{ "Active":1, "Id":3 },
{ "Active":1, "Id":2 }
const arr2 = [
0: [
EmpId1: 1, Param1: true
1: [
EmpId2: 2,Param2: false
2: [
EmpId3: 2
const response = arr1
.reduce((acc, value) => {
const secondaryData =, index) => {
const { [`EmpId${index + 1}`]: Id, ...others } = val[Object.keys(val)][0];
return { Id, ...others };
const match = secondaryData.findIndex(({ Id }) => Id === value.Id);
if (match >= 0) acc.push({...value, ...secondaryData[match]})
else acc.push(value);
return acc;
}, []);
Example #2
const arr1 = [
{ "Active":1, "Id":1 },
{ "Active":1, "Id":3 },
{ "Active":1, "Id":2 }
const arr2 = [
EmpId1: 1,
Param1: true
EmpId2: 2,
Param2: false
EmpId3: 2
const response = arr1
.reduce((acc, value) => {
const secondaryData =[val], index) => {
const { [`EmpId${index + 1}`]: Id, ...others } = val;
return { Id, ...others };
const match = secondaryData.findIndex(({ Id }) => Id === value.Id);
if (match >= 0) acc.push({...value, ...secondaryData[match]})
else acc.push(value);
return acc;
}, []);
Basically you can create a hash map by a object property and join on that property all the arrays, i.e. reduce an array of arrays into a result object, then convert the object's values back to an array. Since each array is reduced this means each array is only traversed once O(n) and the map object provides constant time O(1) lookup to match objects. This keeps the solution closer to O(n) rather than other solutions with a nested O(n) findIndex search, which yields a solution closer to O(n^2).
const mergeByField = (...arrays) => {
return Object.values(
(result, { data, field }) => ({
(obj, el) => ({
[el[field]]: {
Load each array into a payload object that specifies the field key to match on. This will return all fields used to match by, but these can safely be ignored later, or removed, whatever you need. Example:
{ data: arr1, field: "Id" },
{ data: arr2, field: "EmpId" },
const arr1 = [
Active: 1,
Id: 1
Active: 1,
Id: 2
Active: 1,
Id: 3
const arr2 = [[{ EmpId: 1, Param1: true }], [{ EmpId: 3, Param2: false }]];
const mergeByField = (...arrays) => {
return Object.values(
(result, { data, field }) => ({
(obj, el) => ({
[el[field]]: {
mergeByField({ data: arr1, field: "Id" }, { data: arr2, field: "EmpId" })

JS array of arrays to object

I have a JS array (shown 4 examples actual has 66 )
that I am trying to get into an object for a multi select drop down menu:
var opt = [{
label: 'A', children:[
label: 'B', children:[
Is there a easy way to do this ?
Using reduce() and filter() to get expected results.
const result = [['A', 'Example1'], ['A', 'Example2'], ['B', 'Example3'], ['B', 'Example4']].reduce((acc, cur) => {
const objFromAccumulator = acc.filter((row) => row.label === cur[0]);
const newChild = {label: cur[1], value: cur[1], selected: 'TRUE'};
if (objFromAccumulator.length) {
} else {
acc.push({label: cur[0], children: [newChild]});
return acc;
}, []);
Something like this should work:
const raw = [["A","Example1"],["A","Example2"],["B","Example3"],["B","Example4"]];
const seen = new Map();
const processed = raw.reduce((arr, [key, label]) => {
if (!seen.has(key)) {
const item = {
label: key,
children: []
seen.set(key, item);
value: label,
selected: "TRUE"
return arr;
}, []);
Here's a rather efficient and concise take on the problem using an object as a map:
const data = [["A","Example1"],["A","Example2"],["B","Example3"],["B","Example4"]];
const opt = data.reduce((results,[key,val]) => {
if(!results[0][key]) //first element of results is lookup map of other elements
results.push(results[0][key] = { label: key, children: [] });
results[0][key].children.push({ label: val, value: val, selected:"TRUE" });
return results;
}, [{}]).slice(1); //slice off map as it's no longer needed
