I am busy learning Angular + Firebase and I came across a problem. I have a collection of users and one of roles. I am using the ID generated for the users to store my role data. Here is a screenshot:
I want to use the canActivate function to manage who can edit what data. How do you check if a user has the admin field set to true? I can get the roles document for the user with this:
I can display the data in HTML like this:
*ngIf="roles$ | async as roles"
However, I want to use it to verify if the user has admin rights.
You will have to use the take(1) or first() operator to only get the first emit from the firebase stream. The CanActivate guard expects a completing Observable:
export interface UserRoles {
admin: boolean;
editor: boolean;
subscriber: boolean;
providedIn: 'root'
export class IsAdminGuard implements CanActivate {
constructor(private auth: AngularFireAuth, private afs: AngularFirestore) {}
canActivate(): Observable<boolean> {
return this.auth.user.pipe(
switchMap((user) => !user?.uid
? of(false)
: this.afs.doc<UserRoles>(`roles/${user.uid}`).valueChanges().pipe(
map((roles) => !!(roles?.admin))
I created a subscription in my template to watch for changes to an object. The initial loading of the object displays the correct data for the property tags, when I add an item to the data it goes to a web server and returns a list of all the tags that are attached to the item (to keep the item in sync with the server). However, the newly added item isn't reflected on the page. I am not 100% sure why. I think it is because my of() statement but I am not sure. What I am seeing is that zip().pipe() never gets executed.
Do I need to use something other than of?
Note: I am trying to follow the declarative pattern to eliminate the usage of .subscribe()
Sub-Note: Once I get it working I plan on trying to remove the subscribe on this line this.server.file().subscribe
export interface FileInfo {
tags: string[];
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<input #tag /><button (click)="addTag(tag.value)">Add Tag</button>
<div *ngIf="data$ | async as data">
<div *ngFor="let tag of data.tags">{{ tag }}</div>
export class AppComponent {
data$ = new Observable<FileInfo>();
// Used to mimic server responses
private readonly server: WebServer
) {}
ngOnInit() {
// I plan on removing this subscribe once I get a grasp on this
this.server.file().subscribe((img) => {
this.data$ = of(img);
addTag(newTag: string) {
const data$ = this.server.save(newTag);
this.data$.pipe(concatMap((i) => this.zip(data$)));
private zip(tags$: Observable<string[]>) {
return zip(this.data$, tags$).pipe(
tap((i) => console.log('zipping', i)),
map(([img, tags]) => ({ ...img, tags } as FileInfo))
It sounds like what you want to do is have a single observable source that emits the latest state of your object as new tags are added. Then you can simply subscribe to this single observable in the template using the async pipe.
In order to accomplish this, you can create a dedicated stream that represents the updated state of your file's tags.
Here's an example:
private initialFileState$ = this.service.getFile();
private addTag$ = new Subject<string>();
private updatedfileTags$ = this.addTag$.pipe(
concatMap(itemName => this.service.addTag(itemName))
public file$ = this.initialFileState$.pipe(
switchMap(file => this.updatedfileTags$.pipe(
map(tags => ({ ...file, tags }))
constructor(private service: FileService) { }
addTag(tagName: string) {
Here's a StackBlitz demo.
You're missusing the observable. After you subscribe with it, in the template with the async pipe, you should not update it's reference.
If you need to update the data, you must use a Subject.
export class AppComponent {
private readonly data = new BehaviorSubject<FileInfo>(null);
data$ = this.data.asObservable();
// Used to mimic server responses
private readonly server: WebServer
) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.server.file().subscribe((result) => this.data.next(result));
addTag(newTag: string) {
.subscribe((tags) => this.data.next({ ...this.data.value, tags }));
Also, your service could be a lot simpler:
#Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class WebServer {
private readonly tags = ['dog', 'cat'];
file(): Observable<FileInfo> {
return of({ tags: this.tags });
save(tag: string) {
return of(this.tags);
Here's the working code:
Try completely converting webserver.service.ts to provide an observables of tags and FileInfo like this:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { concat, Observable, of, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { delay, map, shareReplay, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { FileInfo } from './app.component'; // best practice is to move this to its own file, btw
#Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class WebServer {
private fakeServerTagArray = ['dog', 'cat'];
private readonly initialTags$ = of(this.fakeServerTagArray);
private readonly tagToSave$: Subject<string> = new Subject();
public readonly tags$: Observable<string[]> = concat(
map(() => this.fakeServerTagArray),
shareReplay(1) // performant if more than one thing might listen, useless if only one thing listens
public readonly file$: Observable<FileInfo> = this.tags$.pipe(
map(tags => ({tags})),
shareReplay(1) // performant if more than one thing might listen, useless if only one thing listens
save(tag: string): void {
and now your AppComponent can just be
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<input #tag /><button (click)="addTag(tag.value)">Add Tag</button>
<div *ngIf="server.file$ | async as data">
<div *ngFor="let tag of data.tags">{{ tag }}</div>
export class AppComponent {
private readonly server: WebServer;
) {}
addTag(newTag: string) {
Caveat: If you ever call WebServer.save while WebServer.tags$ or downstream isn't subscribed to, nothing will happen. In your case, no big deal, because the | async in your template subscribes. But if you ever split it up so that saving a tag is in a different component, the service will need to be slightly modified to ensure that the "save new tag" server API call is still made.
I have developed 4 roles access projects in angular. The dashboard have different content pages. Whenever logged in the portal intially called dashboard page.
This dashboard content will shows based on logged user role. I have used ngSwitch. Anyone knows a different way implementation instead of using ngSwitch. Kindly share your answer. It's working but I want different solution
I have explained what i did,
defined 4 role
SuperAdmin, Admin, AdminUser, User
I have created 4 component files. follow this code component.ts file
export class DashboardComponent implements OnInit {
userRole: string;
constructor(private authService: AuthService) {
this.userRole = this.authService.userRole();
html file:
<div [ngSwitch]="userRole">
<app-header-component title="Dashboard" *ngSwitchCase="'SuperAdmin'">
<app-system-integrator-dashboard *ngSwitchCase="'Admin'">
<app-organization-admin-dashboard *ngSwitchCase="'AdminUser'">
<app-organization-user-dashboard *ngSwitchCase="'User'">
create directive like
/* Usage : *roleIsOneOf="[userType.ADMIN, userType.ANALYST, userType.SUPER_ANALYST]" */
selector: '[roleIsOneOf]',
export class RoleIsOneOfDirective {
constructor(private authService: AuthService,
private templateRef: TemplateRef<any>,
private viewContainer: ViewContainerRef) {
#Input() set roleIsOneOf(allowedRoles: Role[]) {
const userRole: Role = this.authService.userRole();
if (allowedRoles.includes(userRole)) {
} else {
This is the function I am using to insert orders into the database, which works fine.
async createPackage(){
const itemsRef = this.afDatabase.database.ref(`delivery orders/${this.uid}`);
const userId =
itemsRef.push({packageName: this.packageName, packageSize: this.packageSize, packageDescription: this.packageDescription, packageFrom: this.packageFrom, packageTo: this.packageTo, deliveryDate: this.deliveryDate, receiverNumber: this.receiverNumber, paymentOption: this.paymentOption, UID: this.uid})
this.packageName = '';
this.packageDescription = '';
this.packageFrom = '';
this.packageTo = '';
this.deliveryDate = '';
this.paymentOption = '';
this.receiverNumber = '';
this.packageSize = '';
this.showAlert('Your package delivery order has been successfully taken.', 'You will be contacted by one of our Administrators soon.');
here is a screenshot of how it's been structured in the database, the parent node is the user uid for each user, while the child node is the id for each order by each user.
the problem I am having is how to query and display each user's order separately on their dashboard differently on the front end.
For context, the complete files for this answer can be found here: https://gist.github.com/nclarx/ef581b0e1a95a2d43531411fe91a9814
To Query the User's Orders
To query the user's data you need to use a function similar to the following:
getCurrentOrder(): Observable<Order[] | never> {
return this.afAuth.authState // authState is an observable
.pipe( // use pipe
switchMap((user) => { // switchMap gets authState and then lets you return a different observable
// The following returns an observable call to the real-time database:
return user ? this.afDatabase.list<Order>(`delivery-orders/${user.uid}`).valueChanges() // if the user is authenticated an observable with the Orders is returned
: EMPTY; // if the user is not authenticated an empty observable is returned
This isn't an ideal way to do authentication in a larger application. I suggest you look at this video on Authentication with AngularFire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP5zw7fjQgo and https://fireship.io/lessons/angularfire-google-oauth/ to create an AuthService that can be used across your application.
Displaying the Orders
To display that information in an Angular component using Observables from AngularFire I suggest the following structure/pattern:
OrderService - contains methods for accessing the database (generate the service with the Angular CLI)
AppComponent - has OrderService injected and calls getCurrentUserOrder() when the component initialises ngOnInit()
Template: app.component.html - the template which uses the async pipe in a *ngFor directive to subscribe/unsubscribe to the observable automatically.
Handing an observable to the template and using the async pipe to subscribe to it is good practice because it means that you do not need to subscribe and unsubscribe from an observable manually.
The files can be found in their entirety here: https://gist.github.com/nclarx/ef581b0e1a95a2d43531411fe91a9814
See the comments in the code for important points about how this works.
The Service: OrderService.ts
import {Injectable} from '#angular/core';
import {EMPTY, Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {AngularFireAuth} from '#angular/fire/auth';
import {switchMap} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {AngularFireDatabase} from '#angular/fire/database';
export interface Order {
// write interfaces for all of your objects and use them
// when defining variables and function return types.
packageName: string;
packageSize: number;
packageDescription: string;
packageFrom: string;
packageTo: string;
deliveryDate: Date;
receiverNumber: number;
paymentOption: string;
UID: string;
export class OrderService {
constructor(private afAuth: AngularFireAuth, private afDatabase: AngularFireDatabase) {
getCurrentOrder(): Observable<Order[] | never> { // note the use of the interface: Order[], which means returning an array of Orders
return this.afAuth.authState // authState is an observable
.pipe( // use pipe
switchMap((user) => { // switchMap gets authState and then lets you return a different observable
// The following returns an observable call to the real-time database:
return user ? this.afDatabase.list<Order>(`delivery-orders/${user.uid}`).valueChanges() // if the user is authenticated an observable with the Orders is returned
: EMPTY; // if the user is not authenticated an empty observable is returned
// NOTE: this observable is not called until it is subscribed to in the template using the `async pipe`, see
// `app.component.html` where it has `*ngFor="let order of orders$ | async"` <== this is what kicks off the request to the database
The Component: app.component.ts
import {Component, OnInit} from '#angular/core';
import {Order, OrderService} from './order.service';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
title = 'ng-fire-so-qtn';
orders$: Observable<Order[]>; // property to hold the observable which will have your array of Orders
constructor(public orderService: OrderService) { // inject the OrderService into the component
ngOnInit() {
this.orders$ = this.orderService.getCurrentOrder();
// When this component is initialised it will set the `orders$` property to the `Observable<Order[]>` so it is available in the template
The Template: app.component.html
<ul *ngIf="orders$ | async"> <!-- The *ngIf will hide the whole list until the data has arrived-->
<li *ngFor="let order of orders$ | async"> <!-- The *ngFor will loop over and create list items for the orders once the data has arrived-->
{{order.packageName}}: {{order.packageDescription}}
Thanks everyone, i finally was able to query each user's submission from the firebase realtime database with angular with this few lines of code.
getCurrentUserOrder() {
return this.afAuth.authState.subscribe(user => {
if(user) {
this.userId = user.uid;
this.afDatabase.list(`delivery orders/${this.userId}`).valueChanges().subscribe(
data => {
this.orders = data;
after importing the AngularFireDatabase and the AngularFireAuth inside the component.On the frontend,
<section *ngFor="let order of orders">
<ion-icon name="cube" slot="end"></ion-icon>
this solves the entire problems completely.
I Need to implement 'search' by passing queryParams through route from the search component to the userList component (example. /search-result?user="Alfred"). Before loading the userList component, i need to make an API call using the queryParams in the userList resolver but the query params keeps showing undefined.
Search Component
search(searchTerm: string) {
if (searchTerm) {
this.router.navigate(['search-result'], { queryParams: { user: searchTerm } });
UserList Resolver
export class UserResolver implements Resolve<User[]> {
constructor(private userService: UserService, private route: ActivatedRoute) { }
resolve(): Observable<User[]> {
const searchTerm: string = this.route.snapshot.queryParams['user'];
console.log(searchTerm); //Logs Undefined
return this.userService.getUsers(searchTerm);
On latest versions of Angular you can get the ActivatedRouteSnapshot on the resolver function.
export class UserResolver implements Resolve<User[]> {
constructor(private userService: UserService, private route: ActivatedRoute) { }
resolve(**route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot**): Observable<User[]> {
return this.userService.getUsers(searchTerm);
Maybe the resolve function is running before the queryParams are populated in the url. Try doing it in an Rxjs way.
import { filter, map, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
export class UserResolver implements Resolve<User[]> {
constructor(private userService: UserService, private route: ActivatedRoute) { }
resolve(): Observable<User[]> {
return this.route.queryParams.pipe(
tap(params => console.log(`Params: ${params}`)),
// wait until params has user in it
filter(params => !!params['user']),
tap(params => console.log('after filter')),
// extract the value of the user param
map(params => params['user']),
// switch to a new observable stream once we know the searchTerm
switchMap(searchTerm => this.userService.getUsers(searchTerm)),
Use the tap operator to debug the stream. See what the log is and make sure console.log(Params: ${params}) has the user params.
, I am thinking there is something wrong with how you navigate.
Edit 3
I am thinking queryParams can only be read when the component itself loads and not at the run time of the route resolvers because it is saying, I need to go to the route of search-result, give me the data before I go to search-result and it is independent of the queryParams. To fix this, I followed this guide (https://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2016/10/10/resolving-route-data-in-angular-2.html).
1.) In app-routing-module.ts, change the registration of the path to:
{ path: 'search-result/:user', component: UserListComponent, resolve: { users: UserResolver } },
Now the user will be the parameter we are after in the URL.
2.) In search.component.ts, change search to:
search(searchTerm: string) {
if (searchTerm) {
3.) In user-resolver.service.ts, change it to this:
providedIn: 'root'
export class UserResolver implements Resolve<User[]> {
constructor(private userService: UserService) { }
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Observable<User[]> {
const searchTerm: string = route.paramMap.get('user');
return this.userService.getUsers(searchTerm);
I when console logging searchTerm, it is the accurate value. Thanks for providing the StackBlitz, it helped you and me.
Within my anguular app , i ve this service :
export class myService{
myBehaviouSubject= new BehaviorSubject("");
Inside my app.component , i m able to get the value , but i want to keep it readonly or editable only inside the service itself , i want to prevent to push any data from component (.next('DATA'))
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(public myService : MyService) { }
// SET VALUE -> i want to prevent this
this.myService.myBehaviouSubject.next("unwanted value")
Suggestions ?
You can keep the observable inside service only by declaring it as private field of a class.
export class myService {
private myBehaviouSubject = new BehaviorSubject("");
// Use this observable inside the app component class.
myBehaviouSubjectObservable = myBehaviouSubject.asObservable();
setData() {
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(public myService: MyService) {}
getData() {
// You can subscribe to observable and can get value here
this.myService.myBehaviouSubjectObservable.subscribe((value) => {
unwantedMethodToSetValue() {
// SET VALUE -> you cannot do this here now.
this.myService.myBehaviouSubject.next("unwanted value")
Use property access modifiers:
export class MyService{
private myValueSubject: BehaviorSubject<string> = new BehaviorSubject<string>("");
public readonly myValueObservable: Observable<string> = this.myValueSubject.asObservable();
public setData() {
public getData(): string {
return this.myValueSubject.value;
Instances of MyService will not have a publicly accessible subject.
I usually try to avoid a method like getData, favoring subscriptions to the related observable. If I ever find myself writing those kinds of methods, it's a warning flag to re-evaluate my architecture. If you just want to store a value and get/set it with methods, use a plain old private property. The entire purpose of the subject is defeated if you are only ever getting the value through a method like getData()
Check out the documentation for typescript classes, which discusses access modifiers: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/classes.html
The traditional answer : If you return the Subject as an observable, you disallow .next() calls.
But in your case, you also want direct access to the current value without subscribing, so you could add a getter for that too.
export class myService{
private readonly myBehaviouSubject = new BehaviorSubject("");
public get myObservable$(): Observable<string>{
return this.myBehaviourSubject;
public get currentValue(): string{
return this.myBehaviourSubject.value;
in this solution which I hope meet you needs:
be aware that there is no subscription
fetching updates handled manually
Property 'myBehaviourSubject' is private and only accessible
within class 'TestService'.