I'm trying for the first time to use Web Audio API in Javascript.
For a personal project i'm trying to control the volume, but I have some difficulties.
I'm using this git project : https://github.com/kelvinau/circular-audio-wave
In this project I added this function that use in the function play() :
changeVolume() {
const volume = this.context.createGain();
volume.gain.value = 0.1;
When I set the gain to 0 it doesn't mute the sound. But when i set to 3 its working and the sound is louder.
Do you know why I can increase the volume but I can't lower it ?
From what you are describing it sounds as if there is still a direct connection from the sourceNode to the destination of the context.
It should work if you remove this line from the original example.
Suppose you use the Web Audio API to play a pure tone:
ctx = new AudioContext();
src = ctx.createOscillator();
src.frequency = 261.63; //Play middle C
But, later on you decide you want to stop the sound:
From this point on, src is now completely useless; if you try to start it again, you get:
VM564:1 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'start' on 'AudioScheduledSourceNode': cannot call start more than once.
at <anonymous>:1:5
If you were making, say, a little online keyboard, you're constantly turning notes on and off. It seems really clunky to remove the old object from the audio nodes graph, create a brand new object, and connect() it into the graph, (and then discard the object later) when it would be simpler to just turn it on and off when needed.
Is there some important reason the Web Audio API does things like this? Or is there some cleaner way of restarting an audio source?
Use connect() and disconnect(). You can then change the values of any AudioNode to change the sound.
(The button is because AudioContext requires a user action to run in Snippet.)
play = () => {
ctx = new AudioContext();
src = ctx.createOscillator();
src.frequency = 261.63; //Play middle C
div {
div:hover {
<button onclick='play();this.disabled=true;'>play</button>
<div id='d'></div>
This is exactly how the web audio api works. Sound generator nodes like oscillator nodes and audio buffer source nodes are intended to be used once. Every time you want to play your oscillator, you have to create it and set it up, just like you said. I know it seems like a hassle, but you can abstract it into a play() method that handles those details for you, so you don't have to think about it every time you play an oscillator. Also, don't worry about the performance implications of creating so many nodes. The web audio api is intended to be used this way.
If you just want to make music on the internet, and you're not as interested in learning the ins and outs of the web audio api, you might be interested in using a library I wrote that makes things like this easier: https://github.com/rserota/wad
I am working on a 12 Voice Polyphonic Syntesizer with 2 Osc per Voice.
I now never Stop the Osc's. I disconnect the Osc's. You can do that by setTimeout. For the Time take the longest release Phase (1 of 2) from the amp Enveloop for this Set of Osc's. Subtract the AudioContext.currentTime(), multiply with 1000 (setTimeout works with milisecs, web Audio works with seconds.)
This pen uses the ToneJS library to play pitches on the computer keyboard. However, it can only play one note at a time. How can I code this to play multiple notes at once?
The code:
var keyToPitch = { "z":"C3", "s":"C#3", "x":"D3", "d":"D#3", "c":"E3", "v":"F3", "g":"F#3", "b":"G3", "h":"G#3", "n":"A3", "j":"A#3", "m":"B3", ",":"C4" }
var synth = new Tone.Synth()
synth.oscillator.type = "sawtooth"
window.addEventListener('keydown', this.onkeydown)
window.addEventListener('keyup', this.onkeyup)
function onkeydown(e){
synth.triggerAttack(keyToPitch[e.key], Tone.context.currentTime)
function onkeyup(e){
Oscillators in ToneJS are audio sources, and Master is the output that plays all the inputs connected to it. So to play multiple overlapping sounds, you just create multiple oscillators and connect them all to Master.
For the kind of demo you're linking to, a typical thing to do might be to make a fixed number (5, say) of oscillators, and rotate through them in turn when you want to trigger a sound:
var synthIndex = 0
function startSound(){
synthIndex = (synthIndex + 1) % voices
var synth = synths[synthIndex]
synth.triggerAttack(/* ... */)
Or similar. In principle you could make a separate oscillator for every pitch, but this would probably hurt performance in a less trivial demo.
I'm building a simple synthesizer with WebMIDI control. The gain node has no effect on the oscillator, it's at full volume the entire time. Also when I play chords the frequencies are correct but there is a wobbling and screeching effect. The problems are present when playing with my MIDI controller and when starting and stopping the synthesizer using the console.
Here's my synthesizer code:
var synth = {
voices: {},
start: function (note, vol) {
this.voices[note] = {
gain: audio.createGain(),
osc: audio.createOscillator()
this.voices[note].osc.frequency.value = noteToFreq(note);
this.voices[note].gain.gain.setTargetAtTime(vol, audio.currentTime, 0.5);
stop: function (note) {
this.voices[note].gain.gain.setTargetAtTime(0, audio.currentTime, 2);
this.voices[note].osc.stop(audio.currentTime + 2);
Oscillators are full-range - i.e. [-1,+1]. When you sum two signals (e.g. connect them to the same output node - they're in the range of [-2,+2], which will clip some of the time. Run them through a gain node with value=0.5 and see if it eliminates the problem. (Ideally, you'd drop the gain a little bit and run them through a compressor/limiter.)
I was building an audio program and hit a stumbling block on the .createMediaElementSource method. I was able to solve the problem, but I do not quite know why the solution works.
In my HTML, I created an audio player: <audio id="myAudio><source src="music.mp3"></audio>
Now in my JS:
context = new AudioContext();
audio = document.getElementById('myAudio');
source = context.createMediaElementSource(audio);
doesn't work. The audio element loads, but doesn't play the song, nor is there audio.
However! This JS code works:
context = ...; //same as above
source = context.createMediaElementSource(audio[0]);
All I changed was adding a [0] to the audio and the program suddenly works again. Since .getElementById doesn't return an array, I don't know why referring to audio as an array works, but just referring to audio does not.
A few months late, but in case others stumble upon this and want an answer:
This behaviour is described in the Web Audio API spec:
The createMediaElementSource method
Creates a MediaElementAudioSourceNode given an HTMLMediaElement. As a consequence of calling this method, audio playback from the HTMLMediaElement will be re-routed into the processing graph of the AudioContext.
Emphasis mine. Since the output from the audio element is now routed into the newly created MediaElementAudioSourceNode instance (instead of the original destination, usually your speakers), you need to route the output of the instance back to the original destination:
var audio = document.getElementById('myAudio');
var ctx = new AudioContext();
var src = ctx.createMediaElementSource(audio);
src.connect(ctx.destination); // connect the output of the source to your speakers
The reason it worked when you added [0] is that document.getElementById doesn't return an array, or an element with a defined key of "0". As such, you might as well have written ctx.createMediaElementSource(undefined), which doesn't re-route the audio from the #myAudio element.
Im creating my html5 app for testing and Im working with audio api , for generating sound on keyboard I'm doing something like this
keyboard.keyDown(function (note, frequency) {
var oscillator = context.createOscillator(),
gainNode = context.createGainNode();
oscillator.type = 2;
oscillator.frequency.value = frequency;
gainNode.gain.value = 0.3;
if (typeof oscillator.noteOn !== 'undefined') {
now my question is , cause I tryied to find examples on google but with no success ,what are the other parammetars that can be used for getting sound sounds like piano or some electronic instrument except oscillator and how to pass them ?
I'm assuming you are fairly new to synthesis. Before trying synthesis algorithms in code, I'd recommend playing with some of the software synthesizers that are available - VST or otherwise. This will give you a handle on the kind of parameters you want to be introducing into your algorithm. http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/allsynthsecrets.htm is an index for a series of really good synthesis tutorials. (Start at the bottom - part 1!)
Once you are ready to start experimenting in code, a great place to start would be to introduce an envelope to change the volume or pitch of the sound over time (changing a parameter over time like this is called 'modulation'). This video may be of interest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6pp6OMU5r8
Bear in mind that almost all acoustic instruments are difficult to convincingly synthesize algorithmically, and by far the easiest way to get close to a piano is to use samples of real piano notes.