How to use ComponentDidUpdate? - javascript

I got array with objects from API and then I use:
Then I put data to my Redux but when I want to change this array (for instance add new object), I need to refresh the page, because it doesn't work asynchronous...
So I solved to use ComponentDidUpdate but it renders every second hundreds times, What i need to do?

You might need to wrap the setState call in an if block, as the docs describe here
Any call to setState inside of ComponentDidUpdate, will cause ComponentDidUpdate to be called again.

You need to compare is there any difference between the old props(state) and the new(updated) props(state) or the code may exec in dead loop. Just like the following snippet:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, _prevState) {
const { activeKey: prevActiveKey } = prevProps
const { activeKey } = this.props
if (prevActiveKey !== activeKey && !!activeKey) {


Does calling setter of useState hook inside if statement imply BREAKING RULES OF HOOKS?

React docs state: don’t call Hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions.
Does calling a hook means just calling useState e.g. const [state, useState] = useState(0)?
What about calling setter in conditionals ?
Is this code breaking rules of hooks ?
const [oneHook, setOneHook] = useState(0)
const [anotherHook, setAnotherHook] = useState(false)
if (something) {
} else {
Thanks !
No, that code example does not break the rules of hooks. Every time the component renders there will be exactly the same number of calls to useState in exactly the same order, so that will be fine.
I do want to point out that setting state right away in the body of the component doesn't make much sense. When the component mounts it will start rendering with the initial values from state, but then before it can finish rendering the state has already changed and it has to start over. But presumably that's just an artifact of the example, and in your real code the if would be inside a useEffect or some other practical code location.
React docs state: don’t call Hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions.
Alright,the following code shows the example for the above statement. I had the same issue where i needed to set the state inside of a loop, like following
const [someArray, setArray] = useState([]);
someValue.forEach((value, index) => {
setArray([...someArray, value]) //this should be avoided
Above thing i have achieved like this following
var temp = [];
var counter = 0;
someValue.forEach((value, index) => {
if (counter === someValue.length) {
if you are setting a state inside the loop than each time the component re renders which you do not want to get into.
Is this code breaking rules of hooks
No Your code looks fine, as you are setting up the state only based on condition for only once when the component renders

re-render component without setting state react js

I am deleting a record from db, for this I am calling an API. When I received an
API response of a successful deletion, I need to re-render all the component again like reload does. I tried it with this.forceUpdate and shouldComponentAgain but no luck.
I also tried with componentDidUpdate, it works but it is calling API infinite times. Below is my code how I used componentDidUpdate:
let newThis = this;
Please tell me the way to re-render like reload do, but without re-loading the whole page.
When using componentDidUpdate, you should always have a conditional setState which denotes that you need to perform something because the current state or current props is not equal to previous state or props.
componentDidUpdate always gets called whenever your component has updated. In your case what is happening is that you are calling setState without any condition which updates your component, and setState is called again causing an infinite loop in updating the component.
You should have something like this check here:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){
let newThis = this;
if(newThis.props.{some-variable} !== prevProps.{some-variable}) {
Adding conditional setState is very important here else you will end up in an infinite loop.
As per the official docs as well:
You may call setState() immediately in componentDidUpdate() but note
that it must be wrapped in a condition or you’ll cause an infinite
loop. It would also cause an extra re-rendering which, while not
visible to the user, can affect the component performance. If you’re
trying to “mirror” some state to a prop coming from above, consider
using the prop directly instead.
Hope it helps.
If you want to render the component again, then change the props from the parent. If props change then child component automatically going to render. And by this features, you can also render the selective component.

Why use getDerivedStateFromProps when you have componentDidUpdate?

I'm confused about the new lifecycle of react 16, getDerivedStateFromProps use case. Take below code for example, getDerivedStateFromProps is not needed at all since I can achieve what I want with componentDidUpdate.
export class ComponentName extends Component {
//what is this for?
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
if (nextProps.filtered !== prevState.filtered && nextProps.filtered === 'updated') {
return {
updated: true //set state updated to true, can't do anything more?
return null;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if(prevProps.filtered !== this.state.filtered && this.state.filtered === 'updated'){
console.log('do something like fetch api call, redirect, etc..')
render() {
return (
From this article:
As componentWillReceiveProps gets removed, we need some means of updating the state based on props change — the community decided to introduce a new — static — method to handle this.
What’s a static method? A static method is a method / function that exists on the class not its instance. The easiest difference to think about is that static method does not have access to this and has the keyword static in front of it.
Ok, but if the function has no access to this how are we to call this.setState? The answer is — we don’t. Instead the function should return the updated state data, or null if no update is needed
The returned value behaves similarly to current setState value — you only need to return the part of state that changes, all other values will be preserved.
You still need to declare the initial state of the component (either in constructor or as a class field).
getDerivedStateFromProps is called both on initial mounting and on re-rendering of the component, so you can use it instead of creating state based on props in constructor.
If you declare both getDerivedStateFromProps and componentWillReceiveProps only getDerivedStateFromProps will be called, and you will see a warning in the console.
Usually, you would use a callback to make sure some code is called when the state was actually updated — in this case, please use componentDidUpdate instead.
With componentDidUpdate you can execute callbacks and other code that depends on the state being updated.
getDerivedStateFromProps is a static function and so has no access to the this keyword. Also you wouldn't have any callbacks placed here as this is not an instance based lifecycle method. Additionally triggering state changes from here could cause loops(e.g. with redux calls).
They both serve different fundamental purposes. If it helps getDerivedStateFromProps is replacing componentWillReceiveProps.
getDerivedStateFromProps basically can save you one render cycle. Let's say due to some props change, you have to update some state and the UI responds with the new state. Without getDerivedStateFromProps, you have to wait until componentDidUpdate is invoked to make the prop comparison and call setState to update the UI. After that, componentDidUpdate is invoked again and you have to pay attention to avoiding endless rendering. With getDerivedStateFromProps, the UI update just happens earlier.

Redux or setTimeout - how to watch props changes in child component?

I have App component, which loads JSON data from the server.
And after data is loaded, I update state of child component.
Now my function looks like this:
componentDidMount() {
setTimeout(()=> {
if (this.state.users.length !== this.props.users.length) {
this.setState({users: this.props.users});
this.setState({tasks: this.getTasksArray()});
}, 500);
I use setTimeout to wait if data is loaded and sent to child. But I'm sure, it is not the best way
May be, it's better to use redux instead of setTimeout.
Parent component loads data:
componentWillMount() {
var _url = "/api/getusers/";
.then((response) => response.json())
.then(users => {
this.setState({ users });
console.log("Loaded data:", users);
Parent sends props with:
<AllTasks users={this.state.users} />
So, my question is: what is the best way to watch changes in child component?
I mean in this particular situation.
Yes, this is not the correct way because api calls will be asynchronous and we don't know how much time it will take.
So instead of using setTimeout, use componentWillReceiveProps lifecycle method in child component, it will get called whenever you change props values (state of parent component).
Like this:
users: newProps.users,
tasks: this.getTasksArray()
One more thing, don't call setState multiple times within a function because setState will trigger re-rendering so first do all the calculations then do setState in the last and update all the values in one call.
As per DOC:
componentWillReceiveProps() is invoked before a mounted component
receives new props. If you need to update the state in response to
prop changes (for example, to reset it), you may compare this.props
and nextProps and perform state transitions using this.setState() in
this method.
You are calling a method from cWRP method and using the props values inside that method, this.props will have the updated values after this lifecycle method only. So you need to pass the newProps values as a parameter in this function and use that instead of this.props.
Like this:
users: newProps.users,
tasks: this.getTasksArray(newProps)
//here use newProps instead of this.props
Check this answer for more details: componentWillRecieveProps method is not working properly: ReactJS
I found the problem.
I have getTasksArray() function that depends of props and uses this.props.users.
So, when I update state like this:
users: newProps.users,
tasks: this.getTasksArray()
getTasksArray() function uses empty array.
but when I split it to 2 lines and add setTimeout(fn, 0) like this:
this.setState({users: newProps.users});
setTimeout(()=> { this.setState({ tasks: this.getTasksArray() }, 0)
getTasksArray() function uses array that is already updated.
setTimeout(fn, 0) makes getTasksArray() to run after all other (even if I set timeout to 0 ms).
Here is the screenshot of console.log's without setTimeout:
And here is the screenshot with setTimeout:

ComponentDidUpdate SetState ReactJS Infinite loop

Even though there are many questions with the same subject line, I could not get an answer for my problem.
I have a select dropdown. On click of which, I call an Api which fetches some key values. I consider this set of key value input fields as a component. So each and every time onChange of my select drop-down, I have used lifecycle methods to handle API Calls. Also, I record these input key values and send back their state to parent component.
According to ReactJS lifecycle methods:
I use
To call the API for the first time after initial render. This works.
To call the API for subsequent API calls on select drop-down change. But here is the problem. When I try to update the state of input fields the program falls into an infinite loop and hence there are infinite API calls. I am pretty sure after debugging that the problem is with setState(), But I couldnt find the best way to handle states in componentDidUpdate method.
This link exactly replicates my problem but i want a standardized solution
Hope this is clear.
Thanks for the help in advance!
This is spelled out pretty clearly in the docs:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
// Typical usage (don't forget to compare props):
if (this.props.userID !== prevProps.userID) {
You may call setState() immediately in componentDidUpdate() but note
that it must be wrapped in a condition like in the example above, or
you’ll cause an infinite loop.
You can use setState() within componentDidUpdate(). But you have to use the condition for that. Otherwise, it get infinite loop.
As the example,
if( !== {
This happens because setState triggers a call to componentDidUpdate.
When componentDidUpdate is called, setState does not check whether or not state change has occurred. It simply calls componentDidUpdate again and again, which leads to stackoverflow.
class Component extends React.Component{
this.state = {changeState: false}
this.setState({changeState: true});
this.setState({changeState: false});
Here, first changeState is set to false in constructor, and then componentDidMount is triggered, which sets state of changeState to true. This state change triggers componentDidUpdate, which sets the state of changeState again to true. This triggers componentDidUpdate again and again.
You have to check the real difference between two state objects.
Below you can find my solution, My state object has movies, which is an array of objects. I edited and movie and then comparing these two arrays.
async componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (prevState.movies.filter (e => this.state.movies.includes(e))) {
const response = await axios.get("http://localhost:3002/movies");
this.setState({ movies: })
Yes you cannot setState() inside componentDidUpdate it would lead to infinite loop.Instead you can call a function onChange event and change the state there.
