Magnetic Hover Interaction with Cursor - javascript

Is there a way to achieve the effect of mouse hover like on the website below:
if you hover on the Work or About link, there is a magnetic effect on it as well as the cursor automatically scales and positions itself in the center with the link,
So far I've managed to combine two different examples together, the magnetic effect works but the cursor doesn't align properly with the icons
<button class="cerchio" >
<ion-icon name="logo-facebook"></ion-icon>
<ion-icon name="logo-twitter"></ion-icon>
<div class="cursor cursor--large"></div>
<div class="cursor cursor--small"></div>
var cerchio = document.querySelectorAll('.cerchio');
$(document).on('mousemove touch', function(e){
magnetize(elem, e);
function magnetize(el, e){
var mX = e.pageX,
mY = e.pageY;
const item = $(el);
const customDist ='dist') * 20 || 120;
const centerX = item.offset().left + (item.width()/2);
const centerY = item.offset().top + (item.height()/2);
var deltaX = Math.floor((centerX - mX)) * -0.45;
var deltaY = Math.floor((centerY - mY)) * -0.45;
var distance = calculateDistance(item, mX, mY);
if(distance < customDist){, 0.5, {y: deltaY, x: deltaX, scale:1.1});
else {, 0.6, {y: 0, x: 0, scale:1});
function calculateDistance(elem, mouseX, mouseY) {
return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mouseX - (elem.offset().left+(elem.width()/2)), 2) + Math.pow(mouseY - (elem.offset().top+(elem.height()/2)), 2)));
function lerp(a, b, n) {
return (1 - n) * a + n * b
// Inizio Cursor
class Cursor {
constructor() {
//seleziono la classe del cursore
this.cursor = document.querySelector('.js-cursor')
this.mouseCurrent = {
x: 0,
y: 0
this.mouseLast = {
x: this.mouseCurrent.x,
y: this.mouseCurrent.y
this.rAF = undefined
bind() {
['getMousePosition', 'run'].forEach((fn) => this[fn] = this[fn].bind(this))
getMousePosition(e) {
this.mouseCurrent = {
x: e.clientX,
y: e.clientY
run() {
this.mouseLast.x = lerp(this.mouseLast.x, this.mouseCurrent.x, 0.2)
this.mouseLast.y = lerp(this.mouseLast.y, this.mouseCurrent.y, 0.2)
this.mouseLast.x = Math.floor(this.mouseLast.x * 100) / 100
this.mouseLast.y = Math.floor(this.mouseLast.y * 100) / 100 = `translate3d(${this.mouseLast.x}px, ${this.mouseLast.y}px, 0)`
this.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(
requestAnimationFrame() {
this.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(
addEvents() {
window.addEventListener('mousemove', this.getMousePosition, false)
on() {
init() {
const cursor = new Cursor()
Might there be a way to make a similar effect on the Studiomaertens website above?
Kindly let me know
Thank you

To align the cursor in center use
transform: translate(-50%,-50%);


Random movement of circles created by the script

I have a function that craeates divs with a circle.
Now they are all created and appear at the beginning of the page and go further in order.
Next, I need each circle to appear in a random place. I did this.
Now I need all of them to move randomly across the entire page, I have difficulties with this.
Here is an example of how everything works for one element that is already on the page.
But when I add this code, all my created circles don't move.
I get an error:
"message": "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'willChange')",
This is probably due to the fact that initially there are no circles on the page. How can I connect the code so that all created circles move?
//creating circles
var widthHeight = 40; // <-- circle width
var margin = 20; // <-- margin - is it necessary ?
var delta = widthHeight + margin;
function createDiv(id, color) {
let div = document.createElement('div');
var currentTop = 0;
var documentHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
var documentWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
div.setAttribute('class', id);
if (color === undefined) {
let colors = ['#35def2', '#35f242', '#b2f235', '#f2ad35', '#f24735', '#3554f2', '#8535f2', '#eb35f2', '#f2359b', '#f23547']; = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];
else { = color;
// Get the random positions minus the delta
currentTop = Math.floor(Math.random() * documentHeight) - delta;
currentLeft = Math.floor(Math.random() * documentWidth) - delta;
// Keep the positions between -20px and the current positions
var limitedTop = Math.max(margin * -1, currentTop);
var limitedLeft = Math.max(margin * -1, currentLeft); = limitedTop + "px"; = limitedLeft + "px";
let i = 0;
const oneSecond = 1000;
setInterval(() => {
i += 1;
}, oneSecond);
//move circles
function RandomObjectMover(obj, container) {
this.$object = obj;
this.$container = container;
this.container_is_window = container === window;
this.pixels_per_second = 250;
this.current_position = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.is_running = false;
// Set the speed of movement in Pixels per Second.
RandomObjectMover.prototype.setSpeed = function(pxPerSec) {
this.pixels_per_second = pxPerSec;
RandomObjectMover.prototype._getContainerDimensions = function() {
if (this.$container === window) {
return { 'height' : this.$container.innerHeight, 'width' : this.$container.innerWidth };
} else {
return { 'height' : this.$container.clientHeight, 'width' : this.$container.clientWidth };
RandomObjectMover.prototype._generateNewPosition = function() {
// Get container dimensions minus div size
var containerSize = this._getContainerDimensions();
var availableHeight = containerSize.height - this.$object.clientHeight;
var availableWidth = containerSize.width - this.$object.clientHeight;
// Pick a random place in the space
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * availableHeight);
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * availableWidth);
return { x: x, y: y };
RandomObjectMover.prototype._calcDelta = function(a, b) {
var dx = a.x - b.x;
var dy = a.y - b.y;
var dist = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
return dist;
RandomObjectMover.prototype._moveOnce = function() {
// Pick a new spot on the page
var next = this._generateNewPosition();
// How far do we have to move?
var delta = this._calcDelta(this.current_position, next);
// Speed of this transition, rounded to 2DP
var speed = Math.round((delta / this.pixels_per_second) * 100) / 100;
//console.log(this.current_position, next, delta, speed);
this.$'transform '+speed+'s linear';
this.$'translate3d('+next.x+'px, '+next.y+'px, 0)';
// Save this new position ready for the next call.
this.current_position = next;
RandomObjectMover.prototype.start = function() {
if (this.is_running) {
// Make sure our object has the right css set
this.$object.willChange = 'transform';
this.$object.pointerEvents = 'auto';
this.boundEvent = this._moveOnce.bind(this)
// Bind callback to keep things moving
this.$object.addEventListener('transitionend', this.boundEvent);
// Start it moving
this.is_running = true;
RandomObjectMover.prototype.stop = function() {
if (!this.is_running) {
this.$object.removeEventListener('transitionend', this.boundEvent);
this.is_running = false;
// Init it
var x = new RandomObjectMover(document.querySelector(".circle"), window);
// Start it off
.circle {
clip-path: circle(50%);
height: 40px;
width: 40px;
margin: 20px;
position: absolute;
I have modified the snippet which works as you expected.
There was a mistake where you were initializing and creating the object instance only once and none of the div elements that you created inside the setInterval function never got Instantiated.
I think you are just starting out with JavaScript with this sample project.
Below are few suggestions:
Learn to debug the code. You should be using dev tools by making use of debugger statement where it takes you to the source code to analyze the variable scope and stack during the runtime. console.log also helps in few situations.
I could see a lot of confusing naming convention (You have named the create div parameter as id but creating a div class using that id)
Try using ES6 features (class syntax is really good when writing OOP in JS although it's just a syntactic sugar for prototype)
//creating circles
var widthHeight = 40; // <-- circle width
var margin = 20; // <-- margin - is it necessary ?
var delta = widthHeight + margin;
function createAndInitializeDivObject(id, color) {
let div = document.createElement('div');
var currentTop = 0;
var documentHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
var documentWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
div.setAttribute('class', id);
if (color === undefined) {
let colors = ['#35def2', '#35f242', '#b2f235', '#f2ad35', '#f24735', '#3554f2', '#8535f2', '#eb35f2', '#f2359b', '#f23547']; = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];
else { = color;
// Get the random positions minus the delta
currentTop = Math.floor(Math.random() * documentHeight) - delta;
currentLeft = Math.floor(Math.random() * documentWidth) - delta;
// Keep the positions between -20px and the current positions
var limitedTop = Math.max(margin * -1, currentTop);
var limitedLeft = Math.max(margin * -1, currentLeft); = limitedTop + "px"; = limitedLeft + "px";
var x = new RandomObjectMover(document.querySelector(`.${id}`), window);
let i = 0;
const oneSecond = 1000;
setInterval(() => {
i += 1;
}, oneSecond);
//move circles
function RandomObjectMover(obj, container) {
this.$object = obj;
this.$container = container;
this.container_is_window = container === window;
this.pixels_per_second = 250;
this.current_position = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.is_running = false;
// Set the speed of movement in Pixels per Second.
RandomObjectMover.prototype.setSpeed = function(pxPerSec) {
this.pixels_per_second = pxPerSec;
RandomObjectMover.prototype._getContainerDimensions = function() {
if (this.$container === window) {
return { 'height' : this.$container.innerHeight, 'width' : this.$container.innerWidth };
} else {
return { 'height' : this.$container.clientHeight, 'width' : this.$container.clientWidth };
RandomObjectMover.prototype._generateNewPosition = function() {
// Get container dimensions minus div size
var containerSize = this._getContainerDimensions();
var availableHeight = containerSize.height - this.$object.clientHeight;
var availableWidth = containerSize.width - this.$object.clientHeight;
// Pick a random place in the space
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * availableHeight);
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * availableWidth);
return { x: x, y: y };
RandomObjectMover.prototype._calcDelta = function(a, b) {
var dx = a.x - b.x;
var dy = a.y - b.y;
var dist = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
return dist;
RandomObjectMover.prototype._moveOnce = function() {
// Pick a new spot on the page
var next = this._generateNewPosition();
// How far do we have to move?
var delta = this._calcDelta(this.current_position, next);
// Speed of this transition, rounded to 2DP
var speed = Math.round((delta / this.pixels_per_second) * 100) / 100;
//console.log(this.current_position, next, delta, speed);
this.$'transform '+speed+'s linear';
this.$'translate3d('+next.x+'px, '+next.y+'px, 0)';
// Save this new position ready for the next call.
this.current_position = next;
RandomObjectMover.prototype.start = function() {
if (this.is_running) {
// Make sure our object has the right css set
this.$object.willChange = 'transform';
this.$object.pointerEvents = 'auto';
this.boundEvent = this._moveOnce.bind(this)
// Bind callback to keep things moving
this.$object.addEventListener('transitionend', this.boundEvent);
// Start it moving
this.is_running = true;
RandomObjectMover.prototype.stop = function() {
if (!this.is_running) {
this.$object.removeEventListener('transitionend', this.boundEvent);
this.is_running = false;
// Init it
var x = new RandomObjectMover(document.querySelector(".circle"), window);
// Start it off
.circle {
width: 35px;
height: 35px;
border-radius: 35px;
background-color: #ffffff;
border: 3px solid purple;
position: absolute;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<div class="circle"></div>
<script src="app.js"></script>

Add multiple times image dropping down the screen (video game js)

So I am building a video game where some fireball drop down the screen. However, there is only one image crossing the screen at a time. I would like that the image is actually multiplied an number of times. To get an idea of what I am saying, here is an image:
But what I would like to do is instead of only having one image (fireball) going down the screen, I would like to have a bunch of images dropping down the screen.
Here is the code for the fireball:
//Fireball script
function fFireball(offset) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (window.innerWidth - offset))
let fireball = {x: fFireball(fireballElement.offsetWidth), y: 0}
const fireLoop = function() {
fireball.y += 2; = fireball.y + 'px'
if (fireball.y > window.innerHeight) {
fireball.x = fFireball(fireballElement.offsetWidth) = fireball.x + 'px'; fireball.y = 0
} = fireball.x + 'px'
let fireInterval = setInterval(fireLoop, 1000 / 100)
And the image:
<img src="Photo/fireball.png" id="fireball">
Use document.createElement()
Demo :
I wrote down several comments in the code below to help you understand it better. If you have any additional question don't hesitate to ask.
const fireballArray = [];
// You can add any additional attributes you need for your fire balls here like ids and class names.
function generateFireBallWithAttributes(el, attrs) {
for (var key in attrs) {
el.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]);
return el;
function createFireBalls(amount){
for (let i = 0; i <= amount; i++) {
fireballArray.push( // create an image element
generateFireBallWithAttributes(document.createElement("img"), {
src: "Photo/fireball.png",
width: "32",
height: "32",
fireballArray.forEach((fireballElement) => {
// Just add the id of the game body here, so that you could append your fire balls
const fireball = { x: fFireball(fireballElement.offsetWidth), y: 0 };
const fireLoop = function () {
fireball.y += 2; = fireball.y + "px";
if (fireball.y > window.innerHeight) {
fireball.x = fFireball(fireballElement.offsetWidth); = fireball.x + "px";
fireball.y = 0;
}; = fireball.x + "px";
// I've randomised the interval
// you may want to implement your own version to get more control
let fireInterval = setInterval(fireLoop, 1000 / ((Math.random() * (125 - 75)) + 75));
function fFireball(offset) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (window.innerWidth - offset));
img {
position: absolute;
I got inspired by this post Setting multiple attributes for an element at once with JavaScript, when adding extra attributes. If you like it please show them some love.
You can simply create a new <img> element for each bullet
I created a snippet doing it the way you were doing it. However, it would be more efficient if you had a single loop that updates all of the images at once.
const create = (x, y, vx, vy) => {
const object = {
el: document.createElement("img")
object.el.src = ""; = `${object.x}px`; = `${object.y}px`;
const intervalID = setInterval(() => {
object.x += object.vx;
object.y += object.vy; = `${object.x}px`; = `${object.y}px`;
if (object.y > window.innerHeight) {
}, 20);
setInterval(() => {
const randX = Math.floor(Math.random() * (window.innerWidth - 50));
create(randX, -50, 0, 2);
}, 500);
body {
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
img {
position: absolute;

JS Canvas movement animation loop

I have an object rendered to a canvas. I'm trying to get the object to move along a set path on a loop. Here is what I have:
// Canvas Element
var canvas = null;
// Canvas Draw
var ctx = null;
// Static Globals
var tileSize = 16,
mapW = 10,
mapH = 10;
// Instances of entities
var entities = [
// A single entity that starts at tile 28, and uses the setPath() function
id: 0,
tile: 28,
xy: tileToCoords(28),
width: 16,
height: 24,
speedX: 0,
speedY: 0,
logic: {
func: 'setPath',
// These are the parameters that go into the setPath() function
data: [0, ['down', 'up', 'left', 'right'], tileToCoords(28), 0]
dir: {up:false, down:false, left:false, right:false}
// Array for tile data
var map = [];
window.onload = function(){
// Populate the map array with a blank map and 4 walls
canvas = document.getElementById('save');
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// Add all the entities to the map array and start their behavior
for(var i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i){
map[entities[i].tile].render.object = entities[i].id;
window[entities[i].logic.func].apply(null, entities[i];
function drawGame(map){
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// We save all the entity data for later so the background colors don't get rendered on top
var tileObjData = [];
for(var y = 0; y < mapH; ++y){
for(var x = 0; x < mapW; ++x){
var currentPos = ((y*mapW)+x);
ctx.fillStyle = map[currentPos].render.base;
ctx.fillRect(x*tileSize, y*tileSize, tileSize, tileSize);
var thisObj = map[currentPos].render.object;
if(thisObj !== false){
thisObj = entities[thisObj];
var originX = thisObj.xy.x;
var originY = thisObj.xy.y;
originX: originX,
originY: originY,
width: thisObj.width,
height: thisObj.height,
// Draw all the entities after the background tiles are drawn
for(var i = 0; i < tileObjData.length; ++i){
drawEntity(tileObjData[i].id, tileObjData[i].originX, tileObjData[i].originY, tileObjData[i].width, tileObjData[i].height);
// Draws the entity data
function drawEntity(id, posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY){
var offX = posX + entities[id].speedX;
var offY = posY + entities[id].speedY;
ctx.fillStyle = '#00F';
ctx.fillRect(offX, offY + sizeX - sizeY, sizeX, sizeY);
entities[id].xy.x = offX;
entities[id].xy.y = offY;
// Redraws the canvas with the browser framerate
function mainLoop(){
for(var i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i){
animateMove(i, entities[i].dir.up, entities[i].dir.down, entities[i].dir.left, entities[i].dir.right);
// Sets the speed, direction, and collision detection of an entity
function animateMove(id, up, down, left, right){
var prevTile = entities[id].tile;
var topLeft = {x: entities[id].xy.x, y: entities[id].xy.y};
var topRight = {x: entities[id].xy.x + entities[id].width - 1, y: entities[id].xy.y};
if(!map[coordsToTile(topLeft.x, topLeft.y - 1)].state.passable || !map[coordsToTile(topRight.x, topRight.y - 1)].state.passable){
entities[id].speedY = 0;
entities[id].speedY = -1;
else if(down){
var bottomLeft = {x: entities[id].xy.x, y: entities[id].xy.y + entities[id].width - 1};
var bottomRight = {x: entities[id].xy.x + entities[id].width - 1, y: entities[id].xy.y + entities[id].width - 1};
if(!map[coordsToTile(bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y + 1)].state.passable || !map[coordsToTile(bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y + 1)].state.passable){
entities[id].speedY = 0;
entities[id].speedY = 1;
entities[id].speedY = 0;
var bottomLeft = {x: entities[id].xy.x, y: entities[id].xy.y + entities[id].width - 1};
var topLeft = {x: entities[id].xy.x, y: entities[id].xy.y};
if(!map[coordsToTile(bottomLeft.x - 1, bottomLeft.y)].state.passable || !map[coordsToTile(topLeft.x - 1, topLeft.y)].state.passable){
entities[id].speedX = 0;
entities[id].speedX = -1;
else if(right){
var bottomRight = {x: entities[id].xy.x + entities[id].width - 1, y: entities[id].xy.y + entities[id].width - 1};
var topRight = {x: entities[id].xy.x + entities[id].width - 1, y: entities[id].xy.y};
if(!map[coordsToTile(bottomRight.x + 1, bottomRight.y)].state.passable || !map[coordsToTile(topRight.x + 1, topRight.y)].state.passable){
entities[id].speedX = 0;
entities[id].speedX = 1;
entities[id].speedX = 0;
entities[id].tile = coordsToTile(entities[id].xy.x + (entities[id].width / 2), entities[id].xy.y + (tileSize / 2));
map[entities[id].tile].render.object = id;
if(prevTile !== entities[id].tile){
map[prevTile].render.object = false;
// A function that can be used by an entity to move along a set path
// id = The id of the entity using this function
// path = An array of strings that determine the direction of movement for a single tile
// originPoint = Coordinates of the previous tile this entity was at. This variable seems to be where problems happen with this logic. It should get reset for every tile length moved, but it only gets reset once currently.
// step = The current index of the path array
function setPath(id, path, originPoint, step){
// Determine if the entity has travelled one tile from the origin
var destX = Math.abs(entities[id].xy.x - originPoint.x);
var destY = Math.abs(entities[id].xy.y - originPoint.y);
if(destX >= tileSize || destY >= tileSize){
// Go to the next step in the path array
step = step + 1;
if(step >= path.length){
step = 0;
// Reset the origin to the current tile coordinates
originPoint = entities[id].xy;
// Set the direction based on the current index of the path array
switch(path[step]) {
case 'up':
entities[id].dir.up = true;
entities[id].dir.down = false;
entities[id].dir.left = false;
entities[id].dir.right = false;
case 'down':
entities[id].dir.up = false;
entities[id].dir.down = true;
entities[id].dir.left = false;
entities[id].dir.right = false;
case 'left':
entities[id].dir.up = false;
entities[id].dir.down = false;
entities[id].dir.left = true;
entities[id].dir.right = false;
case 'right':
entities[id].dir.up = false;
entities[id].dir.down = false;
entities[id].dir.left = false;
entities[id].dir.right = true;
setPath(id, path, originPoint, step);
// Take a tile index and return x,y coordinates
function tileToCoords(tile){
var yIndex = Math.floor(tile / mapW);
var xIndex = tile - (yIndex * mapW);
var y = yIndex * tileSize;
var x = xIndex * tileSize;
return {x:x, y:y};
// Take x,y coordinates and return a tile index
function coordsToTile(x, y){
var tile = ((Math.floor(y / tileSize)) * mapW) + (Math.floor(x / tileSize));
return tile;
// Generate a map array with a blank map and 4 walls
function testMap(){
for(var i = 0; i < (mapH * mapW); ++i){
// Edges
if (
// top
i < mapW ||
// left
(i % mapW) == 0 ||
// right
((i + 1) % mapW) == 0 ||
// bottom
i > ((mapW * mapH) - mapW)
) {
id: i,
render: {
base: '#D35',
object: false,
sprite: false
state: {
passable: false
// Grass
id: i,
render: {
base: '#0C3',
object: false,
sprite: false
state: {
passable: true
<!DOCTYPE html>
background-color: #000;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
color: #FFF;
font-size: 18px;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
max-width: 800px;
margin: 10px auto;
display: flex;
align-items: flex-start;
justify-content: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
width: 1000px;
height: 1000px;
position: relative;
image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: -webkit-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: pixelated;
image-rendering: crisp-edges;
.game canvas{
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 800px;
height: 800px;
<div class="game">
<canvas id="save" width="200" height="200" style="z-index: 1;"></canvas>
The problem is with the setPath() function, and more specifically I think it's something with the originPoint variable. The idea is that setPath() moves the object one tile per path string, and originPoint should be the coordinates of the last tile visited (so it should only get updated once the object coordinates are one tile length away from the originPoint). Right now it only gets updated the first time and then stops. Hopefully someone can point out what I got wrong here.
Your condition to change the path direction I change it to have conditions for each direction, something like:
if ((entities[id].dir.left && entities[id].xy.x <= tileSize) ||
(entities[id].dir.right && entities[id].xy.x >= tileSize*8) ||
(entities[id].dir.up && entities[id].xy.y <= tileSize) ||
(entities[id].dir.down && entities[id].xy.y >= tileSize*8)) {
and the originPoint was just a reference you should do:
originPoint = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(entities[id].xy));
See the working code below
// Canvas Element
var canvas = null;
// Canvas Draw
var ctx = null;
// Static Globals
var tileSize = 16,
mapW = 10,
mapH = 10;
// Instances of entities
var entities = [
// A single entity that starts at tile 28, and uses the setPath() function
id: 0,
tile: 28,
xy: tileToCoords(28),
width: 16,
height: 24,
speedX: 0,
speedY: 0,
logic: {
func: 'setPath',
// These are the parameters that go into the setPath() function
data: [0, ['down', 'left', 'down', 'left', 'up', 'left', 'left', 'right', 'up', 'right', 'down','right', "up"], tileToCoords(28), 0]
dir: {up:false, down:false, left:false, right:false}
// Array for tile data
var map = [];
window.onload = function(){
// Populate the map array with a blank map and 4 walls
canvas = document.getElementById('save');
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// Add all the entities to the map array and start their behavior
for(var i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i){
map[entities[i].tile].render.object = entities[i].id;
window[entities[i].logic.func].apply(null, entities[i];
function drawGame(map){
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// We save all the entity data for later so the background colors don't get rendered on top
var tileObjData = [];
for(var y = 0; y < mapH; ++y){
for(var x = 0; x < mapW; ++x){
var currentPos = ((y*mapW)+x);
ctx.fillStyle = map[currentPos].render.base;
ctx.fillRect(x*tileSize, y*tileSize, tileSize, tileSize);
var thisObj = map[currentPos].render.object;
if(thisObj !== false){
thisObj = entities[thisObj];
var originX = thisObj.xy.x;
var originY = thisObj.xy.y;
originX: originX,
originY: originY,
width: thisObj.width,
height: thisObj.height,
// Draw all the entities after the background tiles are drawn
for(var i = 0; i < tileObjData.length; ++i){
drawEntity(tileObjData[i].id, tileObjData[i].originX, tileObjData[i].originY, tileObjData[i].width, tileObjData[i].height);
// Draws the entity data
function drawEntity(id, posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY){
var offX = posX + entities[id].speedX;
var offY = posY + entities[id].speedY;
ctx.fillStyle = '#00F';
ctx.fillRect(offX, offY + sizeX - sizeY, sizeX, sizeY);
entities[id].xy.x = offX;
entities[id].xy.y = offY;
// Redraws the canvas with the browser framerate
function mainLoop(){
for(var i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i){
animateMove(i, entities[i].dir.up, entities[i].dir.down, entities[i].dir.left, entities[i].dir.right);
// Sets the speed, direction, and collision detection of an entity
function animateMove(id, up, down, left, right){
var prevTile = entities[id].tile;
var topLeft = {x: entities[id].xy.x, y: entities[id].xy.y};
var topRight = {x: entities[id].xy.x + entities[id].width - 1, y: entities[id].xy.y};
if(!map[coordsToTile(topLeft.x, topLeft.y - 1)].state.passable || !map[coordsToTile(topRight.x, topRight.y - 1)].state.passable){
entities[id].speedY = 0;
entities[id].speedY = -1;
else if(down){
var bottomLeft = {x: entities[id].xy.x, y: entities[id].xy.y + entities[id].width - 1};
var bottomRight = {x: entities[id].xy.x + entities[id].width - 1, y: entities[id].xy.y + entities[id].width - 1};
if(!map[coordsToTile(bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y + 1)].state.passable || !map[coordsToTile(bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y + 1)].state.passable){
entities[id].speedY = 0;
entities[id].speedY = 1;
entities[id].speedY = 0;
var bottomLeft = {x: entities[id].xy.x, y: entities[id].xy.y + entities[id].width - 1};
var topLeft = {x: entities[id].xy.x, y: entities[id].xy.y};
if(!map[coordsToTile(bottomLeft.x - 1, bottomLeft.y)].state.passable || !map[coordsToTile(topLeft.x - 1, topLeft.y)].state.passable){
entities[id].speedX = 0;
entities[id].speedX = -1;
else if(right){
var bottomRight = {x: entities[id].xy.x + entities[id].width - 1, y: entities[id].xy.y + entities[id].width - 1};
var topRight = {x: entities[id].xy.x + entities[id].width - 1, y: entities[id].xy.y};
if(!map[coordsToTile(bottomRight.x + 1, bottomRight.y)].state.passable || !map[coordsToTile(topRight.x + 1, topRight.y)].state.passable){
entities[id].speedX = 0;
entities[id].speedX = 1;
entities[id].speedX = 0;
entities[id].tile = coordsToTile(entities[id].xy.x + (entities[id].width / 2), entities[id].xy.y + (tileSize / 2));
map[entities[id].tile].render.object = id;
if(prevTile !== entities[id].tile){
map[prevTile].render.object = false;
// A function that can be used by an entity to move along a set path
// id = The id of the entity using this function
// path = An array of strings that determine the direction of movement for a single tile
// originPoint = Coordinates of the previous tile this entity was at. This variable seems to be where problems happen with this logic. It should get reset for every tile length moved, but it only gets reset once currently.
// step = The current index of the path array
function setPath(id, path, originPoint, step){
if ((entities[id].dir.left && entities[id].xy.x <= originPoint.x - tileSize) ||
(entities[id].dir.right && entities[id].xy.x >= originPoint.x + tileSize) ||
(entities[id].dir.up && entities[id].xy.y <= originPoint.y - tileSize) ||
(entities[id].dir.down && entities[id].xy.y >= originPoint.y + tileSize)) {
// Go to the next step in the path array
step = step + 1;
if(step >= path.length){
step = 0;
// Reset the origin to the current tile coordinates
originPoint = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(entities[id].xy));
// Set the direction based on the current index of the path array
switch(path[step]) {
case 'up':
entities[id].dir.up = true;
entities[id].dir.down = false;
entities[id].dir.left = false
entities[id].dir.right = false;
case 'down':
entities[id].dir.up = false;
entities[id].dir.down = true;
entities[id].dir.left = false;
entities[id].dir.right = false;
case 'left':
entities[id].dir.up = false;
entities[id].dir.down = false;
entities[id].dir.left = true;
entities[id].dir.right = false;
case 'right':
entities[id].dir.up = false;
entities[id].dir.down = false;
entities[id].dir.left = false;
entities[id].dir.right = true;
setPath(id, path, originPoint, step);
// Take a tile index and return x,y coordinates
function tileToCoords(tile){
var yIndex = Math.floor(tile / mapW);
var xIndex = tile - (yIndex * mapW);
var y = yIndex * tileSize;
var x = xIndex * tileSize;
return {x:x, y:y};
// Take x,y coordinates and return a tile index
function coordsToTile(x, y){
var tile = ((Math.floor(y / tileSize)) * mapW) + (Math.floor(x / tileSize));
return tile;
// Generate a map array with a blank map and 4 walls
function testMap(){
for(var i = 0; i < (mapH * mapW); ++i){
// Edges
if (
// top
i < mapW ||
// left
(i % mapW) == 0 ||
// right
((i + 1) % mapW) == 0 ||
// bottom
i > ((mapW * mapH) - mapW)
) {
id: i,
render: {
base: '#D35',
object: false,
sprite: false
state: {
passable: false
// Grass
id: i,
render: {
base: '#0C3',
object: false,
sprite: false
state: {
passable: true
<!DOCTYPE html>
background-color: #000;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
color: #FFF;
font-size: 18px;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
max-width: 800px;
margin: 10px auto;
display: flex;
align-items: flex-start;
justify-content: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
width: 1000px;
height: 1000px;
position: relative;
image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: -webkit-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: pixelated;
image-rendering: crisp-edges;
.game canvas{
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 800px;
height: 800px;
<div class="game">
<canvas id="save" width="200" height="200" style="z-index: 1;"></canvas>
As someone has already solved your bug...
This is more than a solution to your problem as the real problem you are facing is complexity, long complex if statements using data structures representing the same information in different ways making it difficult to see simple errors in logic.
On top of that you have some poor style habits that compound the problem.
A quick fix will just mean you will be facing the next problem sooner. You need to write in a ways that reduces the chances of logic errors due to increasing complexity
First style. Good style is very important
Don't assign null to declared variables. JavaScript should not need to use null, the exception to the rule is that some C++ coders infected the DOM API with null returns because they did not understand JavaScipt (or was a cruel joke), and now we are stuck with null
window is the default this (global this) and is seldom needed. Eg window.requestAnimationFrame is identical to just requestAnimationFrame and window.onload is identical to onload
Don't pollute your code with inaccurate, redundant and/or obvious comments, use good naming to provide the needed information. eg:
var map[]; has the comment // array of tile data Well really its an array that has data, who would have guessed, so the comment can be // tiles but then map is a rather ambiguous name. Remove the comment and give the variable a better name.
The comment // Static Globals above some vars. Javascript does not have static as a type so the comment is wrong and the "global's" part is "duh..."
Use const to declare constants, move all the magic numbers to the top and define them as named const. A name has meaning, an number in some code has next to no meaning.
Don't assign listener to the event name, it is unreliable and can be hijacked or overwritten. Always use addEventListener to assign an event listener
Be very careful with your naming. eg the function named coordsToTile is confusing as it does not return a tile, it returns a tile index, either change the function name to match the functions behavior, or change the behavior to match the name.
Don't use redundant intermediate functions, examples:
Your frame request requestAnimationFrame(function(){mainLoop()}); should skip the middle man and be requestAnimationFrame(mainLoop);
You use Function.apply to call the function window[entities[i].logic.func].apply(null, entities[i];. apply is used to bind context this to the call, you don't use this in the function so you don't need use the apply. eg window[entities[i].logic.func](...entities[i];
BTW being forced to use bracket notation to access a global is a sign of poor data structure. You should never do that.
JavaScript has an unofficial idiomatic styles, you should try to write JS in this style. Some examples from your code
else on the same line as closing }
Space after if, else, for, function() and befor else, opening block {
An id and an index are not the same, use idx or index for an index and id for an identifier
Keep it simple
The more complex you make your data structures the harder it is for you to maintain them.
Define objects to encapsulate and organize your data.
A global config object, that is transprotable ie can converted be to and from JSON. it contains all the magic numbers, defaults, type descriptions, and what not needed in the game.
Create a set of global utilities that do common repeated tasks, ie create coordinates, list of directions.
Define object that encapsulate the settings and behaviors specific only to that object.
Use polymorphic object design, meaning that different objects use named common behaviors and properties. In the example all drawable object have a function called draw that takes an argument ctx, all objects that can be updated have a function called update
This example is a complete rewrite of your code and fixing your problem. It may be a little advanced, but it is only an example to look though an pick up some tips.
A quick description of the objects used.
config is transportable config data
testMap is an example map description
tileMap does map related stuff
Path Object encapsulating path logic
Entity Object a single moving entity
Tile Object representing a single tile
game The game state manager
Games have states, eg loading, intro, inPlay, gameOver etc. If you do not plan ahead and create a robust state manager you will find it very difficult to move from one state to the next
I have included the core of a finite state manager. The state manager is responsible for updating and rendering. it is also responsible for all state changes.
setTimeout(() => game.state = "setup", 0); // Will start the game
const canvas = document.getElementById('save');
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const point = (x = 0, y = 0) => ({x,y});
const dirs = Object.assign(
[point(0, -1), point(1), point(0,1), point(-1)], { // up, right, down, left
"u": 0, // defines index for direction string characters
"r": 1,
"d": 2,
"l": 3,
strToDirIdxs(str) { return str.toLowerCase().split("").map(char => dirs[char]) },
const config = {
pathIdx: 28,
pathTypes: {
standard: "dulr",
complex: "dulrldudlruldrdlrurdlurd",
tile: {size: 16},
defaultTileName: "grass",
entityTypes: {
e: {
speed: 1 / 32, // in fractions of a tile per frame
color: "#00F",
size: {x:16, y:24},
pathName: "standard",
f: {
speed: 1 / 16, // in fractions of a tile per frame
color: "#08F",
size: {x:18, y:18},
pathName: "complex",
tileTypes: {
grass: {
style: {baseColor: "#0C3", object: false, sprite: false},
state: {passable: true}
wall: {
style: {baseColor: "#D35", object: false, sprite: false},
state: {passable: false}
const testMap = {
displayChars: {
" " : "grass", // what characters mean
"#" : "wall",
"E" : "grass", // also entity spawn
"F" : "grass", // also entity spawn
special: { // spawn enties and what not
"E"(idx) { entities.push(new Entity(config.entityTypes.e, idx)) },
"F"(idx) { entities.push(new Entity(config.entityTypes.f, idx)) }
map: // I double the width and ignor every second characters as text editors tend to make chars thinner than high
// 0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_ x coord
"####################\n" +
"##FF ## ##\n" +
"## ## ##\n" +
"## #### ##\n" +
"## ##\n" +
"## #### ##\n" +
"## ##\n" +
"## ##\n" +
"## EE##\n" +
// 0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_ x coord
const entities = Object.assign([],{
update() {
for (const entity of entities) { entity.update() }
draw(ctx) {
for (const entity of entities) { entity.draw(ctx) }
const tileMap = {
map: [],
mapToIndex(x, y) { return x + y * tileMap.width },
pxToIndex(x, y) { return x / config.tile.size | 0 + (y / config.tile.size | 0) * tileMap.width },
tileByIdx(idx) { return[idx] },
tileByIdxDir(idx, dir) { return[idx + dir.x + dir.y * tileMap.width] },
idxByDir(dir) { return dir.x + dir.y * tileMap.width },
create(mapConfig) {
tileMap.length = 0;
const rows ="\n");
tileMap.width = rows[0].length / 2 | 0;
tileMap.height = rows.length;
canvas.width = tileMap.width * config.tile.size;
canvas.height = tileMap.height * config.tile.size;
var x, y = 0;
while (y < tileMap.height) {
const row = rows[y];
for (x = 0; x < tileMap.width; x += 1) {
const char = row[x * 2]; Tile(mapConfig.displayChars[char], x, y));
if (mapConfig.special[char]) {
mapConfig.special[char](tileMap.mapToIndex(x, y));
update () {}, // stub
draw(ctx) {
for (const tile of { tile.draw(ctx) }
function Tile(typeName, x, y) {
typeName = config.tileTypes[typeName] ? typeName : config.defaultTileName;
const t = config.tileTypes[typeName];
this.idx = x + y * tileMap.width;
this.coord = point(x * config.tile.size, y * config.tile.size); = {};
this.state = {...t.state};
Tile.prototype = {
draw(ctx) {
ctx.fillStyle =;
ctx.fillRect(this.coord.x, this.coord.y, config.tile.size, config.tile.size);
function Path(pathName) {
if (typeof config.pathTypes[pathName] === "string") {
config.pathTypes[pathName] = dirs.strToDirIdxs(config.pathTypes[pathName]);
this.indexes = config.pathTypes[pathName];
this.current = -1;
Path.prototype = {
nextDir(tileIdx) {
var len = this.indexes.length;
while (len--) { // make sure we dont loop forever
const dirIdx = this.indexes[this.current];
if (dirIdx > - 1) {
const canMove = tileMap.tileByIdxDir(tileIdx, dirs[dirIdx]).state.passable;
if (canMove) { return dirs[dirIdx] }
this.current = (this.current + 1) % this.indexes.length;
function Entity(type, tileIdx) {
this.coord = point();
this.move = point();
this.color = type.color;
this.speed = type.speed;
this.size = {...type.size};
this.path = new Path(type.pathName);
this.pos = this.nextTileIdx = tileIdx;
this.traveled = 1; // unit dist between tiles 1 forces update to find next direction
Entity.prototype = {
set dir(dir) {
if (dir === undefined) { // dont move
this.move.y = this.move.x = 0;
this.nextTileIdx = this.tileIdx;
} else {
this.move.x = dir.x * config.tile.size;
this.move.y = dir.y * config.tile.size;
this.nextTileIdx = this.tileIdx + tileMap.idxByDir(dir);
set pos(tileIdx) {
this.tileIdx = tileIdx;
const tile =[tileIdx];
this.coord.x = tile.coord.x + config.tile.size / 2;
this.coord.y = tile.coord.y + config.tile.size / 2;
this.traveled = 0;
draw(ctx) {
const ox = this.move.x * this.traveled;
const oy = this.move.y * this.traveled;
ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
ctx.fillRect(ox + this.coord.x - this.size.x / 2, oy + this.coord.y - this.size.y / 2, this.size.x, this.size.y)
this.traveled += this.speed;
if (this.traveled >= 1) {
this.pos = this.nextTileIdx;
this.dir = this.path.nextDir(this.tileIdx);
const game = {
currentStateName: undefined,
currentState: undefined,
set state(str) {
if (game.states[str]) {
if (game.currentState && game.currentState.end) { game.currentState.end() }
game.currentStateName = str;
game.currentState = game.states[str];
if (game.currentState.start) { game.currentState.start() }
states: {
setup: {
start() {
game.state = "play";
end() {
requestAnimationFrame(game.render); // start the render loop
delete game.states.setup; // MAKE SURE THIS STATE never happens again
play: {
render(ctx) {
renderTo: ctx,
startTime: undefined,
time: 0,
render(time) {
if (game.startTime === undefined) { game.startTime = time }
game.time = time - game.startTime;
if (game.currentState && game.currentState.render) { game.currentState.render(game.renderTo) }
background-color: #000;
image-rendering: pixelated;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 400px;
height: 400px;
<canvas id="save" width="200" height="200" style="z-index: 1;"></canvas>
Please Note that there are some running states that have not been tested and as such may have a typo.
Also the tile map must be walled to contain entities or they will throw when they try to leave the playfield.
The code is designed to run in the snippet. To make it work in a standard page add above the very first line setTimeout(() => game.state = "setup", 0); the line addEventListener(load", () = { and after the very last line add the line });

manage the result of two eventlistener

I trying to get back the selected value in the dropdown and attribute it to in order to change the atom name. By default there is ch2 molecule and when click on Na. Ch2 should be replace by Na but the problem is the scope of the event listener and the capacity to manage these two eventlistener. The one who manage the dropdown result
var a = document.getElementById('atomDropdown');
a.addEventListener('change', function() {
}, false);
the console.log give here the right result and
the eventlistener which manage the position of the dropdown menu with
document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {
let atom = atoms.find(a => distance(a.position, { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY}) <= a.r)
if(atom){ = atom.position.x + 'px' = (atom.position.y + atom.r) + 'px'
What I'm trying to do without success is to attribute to this value.
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
width = canvas.width = window.innerWidth,
height = canvas.height = window.innerHeight,
atoms = [],
bonds = [],
atomDropdown = document.getElementById('atomDropdown')
class Atom {
constructor({ x, y, name }){
this.position = {}
this.position.x = x
this.position.y = y = name
this.r = name.length * 10
let { position, name, r } = this,
{ x, y } = position
context.fillStyle = '#EEEEEE'
context.arc(x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
context.fillStyle = '#000000'
context.font = '20px sans-serif'
context.textAlign = 'center'
context.fillText(name, x, y + 5)
class Bond {
constructor({ atom1, atom2, type }){
this.atom1 = atom1
this.atom2 = atom2
let { atom1, atom2 } = this
context.strokeStyle = '#000000'
context.moveTo(atom1.position.x, atom1.position.y)
context.lineTo(atom2.position.x, atom2.position.y)
let hexagon = {
size: 100,
x: width/2,
y: height/2
let lastAtom
for (var side = 0; side < 7; side++) {
let newAtom = new Atom({
x: hexagon.x + hexagon.size * Math.cos(side * 2 * Math.PI / 6),
y: hexagon.y + hexagon.size * Math.sin(side * 2 * Math.PI / 6),
name: 'CH2'
if(lastAtom) new Bond({ atom1: lastAtom, atom2: newAtom })
if(side == 6) new Bond({ atom1: newAtom, atom2: atoms[0] })
lastAtom = newAtom
function render(){
context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'
context.fillRect(0,0,width,height) => b.draw()) => a.draw())
function distance(p1, p2){
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1.x - p2.x, 2) + Math.pow(p1.y - p2.y, 2))
var a = document.getElementById('atomDropdown');
a.addEventListener('change', function() {
}, false);
document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {
let atom = atoms.find(a => distance(a.position, { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY}) <= a.r)
if(atom){ = atom.position.x + 'px' = (atom.position.y + atom.r) + 'px'
#atomDropdown {
position: absolute;
&.hidden {
display: none;
<select id="atomDropdown" class="hidden">
It seems like the desired behavior is to change the value of for the atom that was clicked, replacing it with a name from the dropdown menu.
E.g., click on a CH2 atom -> select "Test1" from the dropdown menu -> the value of for the atom you click changes from "CH2" to "Test1".
If that's the case, the issue is how to target the same atom from your last "mouseup" event in the "change" handler for atomDropdown. In which case, you can add a new variable in your definitions:
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
width = canvas.width = window.innerWidth,
height = canvas.height = window.innerHeight,
atoms = [],
bonds = [],
atomDropdown = document.getElementById('atomDropdown')
var selectedAtom = null
set selectedAtom to the atom instance in the "mouseup" handler:
document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {
let atom = atoms.find(a => distance(a.position, { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY}) <= a.r)
selectedAtom = atom = atom.position.x + 'px' = (atom.position.y + atom.r) + 'px'
and update in the "change event":
var a = document.getElementById('atomDropdown');
a.addEventListener('change', function() {
if (selectedAtom) { = this.value;
render(); //added so that the GUI updates when the name value changes
}, false);
EDIT: to immediately update the name of the atom as it appears in the GUI/display, you also have to call render() after is changed in atomDropDown's "change" event.
If I'm understanding this question correctly, you're looking to set the dropdown menu's value to
If so, you need to add an attribute "value" to the options, then you can say something like:
document.getElementById("atomDropdown").value =
The HTML would look something like this:
<select id="atomDropdown" class="hidden">
<option value="Na">Test1</option>
<option value="Ch2">Test2</option>
<option value="O2">Test3</option>

Raphael.js drag with scale causes weird jumping behavior

I'm trying to resize/scale an image using Raphael.js's built in drag method, but I'm getting some weird behavior.
Here is the jsfiddle:
Use the right or bottom right corner to resize the image. You will see some weird behavior with it jumping and skipping using the scale method. Anybody have any idea why?
I can get it to resize smoothing by updating the image's width and height, but then the aspect ratio is off. Using image.scale, the aspect ratio is maintained, but then it jumps all over the place.
<title>Photo Test</title>
<div id="editor"></div>
<img id="image"
border: 1px solid red;
border-radius: 45px;
var Editor = {},
ctFactor = 7;
// create Raphael canvas
Editor.paper = Raphael('editor', 582, 514.8);
// wait for image to load
Editor.image = Editor.paper.image("", 25, 25, 282, 465.2);
Editor.image.drag(Editor.dragging, Editor.dragStart, Editor.dragEnd);
Editor.image.ready = true;
Editor.image.mousemove(function (e) {
// only do this if the user isn't currently moving / resizing image
if( ! this.ready){
var side = Editor.sideDection(e, this);
// if the user's mouse is along the edge we want resize
Editor.image.state = 'resizable';
// else it's towards the middle and we want to move
Editor.image.state = 'movable';
var cursor = (side) ? side + '-resize' : 'move';
this.attr('cursor', cursor);
Editor.sideDection = function(event, ct){
// check north side
var directions = {
n: Math.abs(event.offsetY - ct.attr('y')) <= ctFactor,
s: Math.abs(event.offsetY - (ct.attr('height') + ct.attr('y'))) <= ctFactor,
e: Math.abs(event.offsetX - (ct.attr('width') + ct.attr('x'))) <= ctFactor,
w: Math.abs(event.offsetX - ct.attr('x')) <= ctFactor
side = '';
// loop through all 4 sides and concate the ones that are true
for(var key in directions) {
side = side + key;
return side;
Editor.dragStart = function () {
console.log('at start');
// grab original x, y coords
this.ox = this.attr("x");
this.oy = this.attr("y");
// toggle user is doing something
// so other actions are blocked
this.ready = false;
this.animate({opacity: .65}, 500, ">");
Editor.dragging = function (dx, dy, x, y, e) {
console.log('at dragging');
if(this.state === 'movable'){
// this does the actual moving of the object
this.attr({x: this.ox + dx, y: this.oy + dy});
// we are resizing then
var diff = (x - this.ox) - this.attr('width'),
xratio = 1 + diff / this.attr('width'),
yratio = 1 + diff / this.attr('height');
console.log('diff: ', diff, 'xratio: ', xratio, 'yratio: ', yratio);
//resize image, update both height and width to keep aspect ratio
// this.attr({
// 'width': this.attr('width') * xratio,
// 'height': this.attr('height') * yratio
// });
this.scale(xratio, xratio, 0, 0);
//console.log('h: ', this.attr('height'), 'w: ', this.attr('width'), 'r', this.attr('width') / this.attr('height'));
Editor.dragEnd = function () {
this.ready = true;
this.animate({opacity: 1}, 500, ">");
