Recalculating price in JS after redeeming 20% voucher - javascript

Trying to recalculate the final price in JS after applying a discount, but doesn’t seem to work. Total Cart and Redeem Coupon function just fine, but I can’t get the final price.
obj.totalCart = function () {
var totalCart = 0;
for (var item in cart) {
totalCart += cart[item].price * cart[item].count;
} return Number(totalCart.toFixed(2));
function validate(discount) {
var disc = "WE56DQ1";
var coupon = disc.trim();
var input = document.getElementById('discount').value;
if (input.toUpperCase() == coupon.toUpperCase()) {
document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = "Discount applied!";
document.getElementById('err').innerHTML = "";
return true;
} else {
document.getElementById('err').innerHTML = "Invalid discount";
document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = "";
return false;
obj.totalPrice = function () {
var discount = 20;
return totalPrice = totalCart - (totalCart * discount / 100);

To do this you could simply try:
newprice = Math.floor((oldprice/10)*80)
newprice = Math.floor((oldprice/100)*(100-discount))
Thanks for taking the time to make a post.
However, if you are planning to make this into a shop, it would be best to do all of the calculations on the server unless the js is server-side.


Update price on change inlcuding on select

This is my fiddle:
When I type qty, I automatically calculate price.
I want also include select option that is adding
£1 per 1 qty.
If someone type 10 qty - price should be qty10*(£1*10)*price
Currently when I add:
// update price if option change
var optionprice = 0;
var getPriceOption = function() {
jQuery("#select_21").change(function() {
if (jQuery(this).val() === '63') {
optionprice = 0;
} else {
optionprice = 1;
}); //end update optionprice
return optionprice;
}; //end get PriceOption
getPriceOption is undefined. I was trying to add it after before and same result.
I cannot change anything in HTML, just in jQuery.
This was enough:
var updateprice = $("#select_21 option:selected").attr('price');
added in :
while (i--) {
if (qty >= tierPrices[i]['price_qty']) {
var updateprice = $("#select_21 option:selected").attr('price');
var calc_price = tierPrices[i]['price'] * qty + (updateprice*qty);
return (calc_price).toFixed(2)

Can't determine reason for NaN output

first time asking a question, long-time lurker. Entry CS student here, first semester working with HTML and JS, and am working on a project that essentially checks the value of some checkboxes, radio buttons, and textboxes, formats some variables based on inputs and values, and outputs that information in a display section. The major issue being, my .js script is resulting in an output in NaN in places I would expect a number and I can't determine as to why. Below is the script, I can amend the html page as well if needed.
But Essentially, in the displayOutput function, the ranging from accessoriesOut to amountOut are giving me a display of NaN and I'm at a loss.
// Declares global variables and their default values.
const STEREO_COST=425.76;
const INTERIOR_COST=987.41;
const NAVIGATION_COST=1741.23;
const PEARLIZED_FINISH=345.72;
const CUSTOM_FINISH =599.99;
const SALES_TAX_RATE=0.08;
const TRADE="trade";
const ACCESSORIES="accessories";
const SUBTOTAL="subtotal";
const TAX="tax";
const AMOUNT="amount";
const PRICE="price";
const NAME="name";
// Establishes pricing and condition values with the corresponding user inputs.
function pageLoad(){
document.getElementById("stereoDiv").innerHTML += FormatCurrencyText(STEREO_COST);
document.getElementById("interiorDiv").innerHTML += FormatCurrencyText(INTERIOR_COST);
document.getElementById("navigationDiv").innerHTML += FormatCurrencyText(NAVIGATION_COST);
document.getElementById("standardDiv").innerHTML += FormatCurrencyText(STANDARD_FINISH);
document.getElementById("pearlizedDiv").innerHTML += FormatCurrencyText(PEARLIZED_FINISH);
document.getElementById("customDiv").innerHTML += FormatCurrencyText(CUSTOM_FINISH);
document.getElementById("excellentDiv").innerHTML += FormatPercentText(EXCELLENT_CONDITION);
document.getElementById("goodDiv").innerHTML += FormatPercentText(GOOD_CONDITION);
document.getElementById("fairDiv").innerHTML += FormatPercentText(FAIR_CONDITION);
document.getElementById("poorDiv").innerHTML += FormatPercentText(POOR_CONDITION);
// Formats money value for output.
function FormatCurrency(amt){
return "$" + amt.toFixed(2); }
// Formats the output and text for currency.
function FormatCurrencyText(amt){
return " (" + FormatCurrency(amt) + ")"; }
// Formats the percent values for display.
function FormatPercentText(pct){
return " (" + (pct * 100).toFixed(2) +"%)"; }
// Determines which trade-in choice is made, and assigns it to and returns a variable.
function getConditionRate() {
var rate;
if (document.getElementById("excellent").checked==true){
if (document.getElementById("good").checked==true){
if (document.getElementById("fair").checked==true){
if (document.getElementById("poor").checked==true){
return rate; }
// Determines which accessories are selected, accumulates and returns a total.
function getAccessoriesTotal() {
var total;
if (document.getElementById("stereo").checked==true){
total += parseFloat(STEREO_COST); }
if (document.getElementById("interior").checked==true){
total += parseFloat(INTERIOR_COST); }
if (document.getElementById("navigation").checked==true){
total += parseFloat(NAVIGATION_COST); }
return total; }
// Determines which finish choice is made, assigns it to a variable for return.
function getFinishAmount(){
var amount;
if (document.getElementById("standard").checked==true){
amount = parseFloat(STANDARD_FINISH); }
if (document.getElementById("pearlized").checked==true){
amount = parseFloat(PEARLIZED_FINISH); }
if (document.getElementById("custom").checked==true){
amount = parseFloat(CUSTOM_FINISH); }
return amount; }
// Determines whether a trade-in was selected, enables/disables controls accordingly.
function EnableTradeIn(){
var isChecked = document.querySelector('[id="tradein"]:checked');
if (isChecked) {
document.getElementById("tradeinBox").disabled=false; }
else {
document.getElementById("tradeinBox").value=""; }
function DisplayOutput(accessoriesTotal, tradeinAllowance, subtotal, taxAmount, amountDue, price, name) {
function CalculateMain(){
var accessoriesTotal = 0;
var tradeinAllowance = 0;
var subtotal = 0;
var taxAmount = 0;
var amountDue = 0;
var isTradein;
var conditionRate = 0;
var tradeinAmount = 0;
var conditionRate = 0;
var price = document.getElementById("priceBox").value;
var name = document.getElementById("nameBox").value;
//Validate that name is entered
if (name == "" || document.getElementById("nameBox").value==undefined){
document.getElementById("nameError").style.border="1px solid red";
document.getElementById("nameError").innerHTML = "No name entered";
return; }
document.getElementById("nameError").innerHTML = ""; }
//Validate price
if (isNaN(price) || price == "" || price < 0){
document.getElementById("priceError").style.border="1px solid red";
document.getElementById("priceError").innerHTML = "Price is not valid";
return; }
else {
price = parseFloat(price);
document.getElementById("priceError").innerHTML = "";
//Determine if there is a trade-in
isTradein = document.getElementById("tradein").checked;
if (isTradein) {
tradeinAmount = parseFloat(document.getElementById("tradeinBox").value);
conditionRate = getConditionRate(); }
//Validate trade in amount
if (isNaN(tradeinAmount) || tradeinAmount == "" || tradeinAmount < 0) {
document.getElementById("tradeinError").style.border = "1px solid red";
document.getElementById("tradeinError").innerHTML = "Tradein amount is not valid";
return; }
else {
document.getElementById("tradeinError").style.border = "";
document.getElementById("tradeinError").innerHTML = ""; }
//Calculate trade-in allowance (will be 0 if check box is not checked)
tradeinAllowance = parseFloat(tradeinAmount) * parseFloat(conditionRate);
//Validate trade in allowance is not greater than price
if (tradeinAllowance > price){
document.getElementById("tradeinError").style.border="1px solid red";
document.getElementById("tradeinError").innerHTML = "Trade in more than Price";
return; }
else {
document.getElementById("tradeinError").innerHTML = "";
accessoriesTotal = getAccessoriesTotal() + getFinishAmount();
subtotal = price + accessoriesTotal - tradeinAllowance;
taxAmount = subtotal * SALES_TAX_RATE;
amountDue = subtotal + taxAmount;
//Call DisplayOutput
DisplayOutput(parseFloat(accessoriesTotal), parseFloat(tradeinAllowance), parseFloat(subtotal), parseFloat(taxAmount), parseFloat(amountDue), price, name);
In the getAccessoriesTotal function, you don't have total defined before trying to add to it. I assume you'd want to default it to 0. (Note: I'd also recommend defaulting amount in getFinishAmount to something).
function getAccessoriesTotal() {
var total = 0;
if (document.getElementById("stereo").checked==true){
total += parseFloat(STEREO_COST); }
if (document.getElementById("interior").checked==true){
total += parseFloat(INTERIOR_COST); }
if (document.getElementById("navigation").checked==true){
total += parseFloat(NAVIGATION_COST); }
return total;

Solve mathematical function in javascript

I have created this function for a shopping basket. To be simple, i have x products with (2 checkbox + quantity input) for each.
The first checkbox add +3, second +8, to the product price. It's like (3+8+price)*quantity. At the end of the page, i have the total result (like product1 + product2...Etc)
The problem is: If i'm posting the form with new quantities, and going back to the page, i have the default result (total price) (of course, checkbox are checked + new quantity with PHP).
Here is my function:
var item_prices = 0;
var total_item_prices = 0;
var total_unique_item_prices = 0;
var total_price = 0;
$.each($('*[data-item-price]'), function(index, element) {
var item_price = $(element).data("item-price");
total_unique_item_prices = parseInt($('[data-total]').html()) + item_price;
total_price = total_unique_item_prices;
$.each($('*[data-item-price]'), function(index, element) {
var item_price = $(element).data("item-price");
var price_of_options = 0;
var quantity = parseInt($(element).find('input[data-quantity]').val());
$.each($(element).children().find("[data-price]"), function(index, element2) {
var actual_price = parseInt($('[data-total]').html());
var actual_item_price = parseInt($(element).find('[data-item-total]').html());
var price = $(element2).data("price");
if ($(element2).is(':checkbox') && $(element2).is(':checked')) {
price_of_options += price;
$(element).find('[data-item-total]').html(actual_item_price + (price * quantity));
$('[data-total]').html(actual_price + (price * quantity));
else {
price_of_options -= price;
$(element).find('[data-item-total]').html(actual_item_price - (price));
$('[data-total]').html(actual_price - (price * quantity));
$(element).find('input[data-quantity]').bind('keyup mouseup', function () {
var new_quantity = parseInt($(element).find('input[data-quantity]').val());
var quantity_dif = new_quantity - quantity;
var actual_price = parseInt($('[data-total]').html());
if (quantity_dif > 0) {
quantity_dif = new_quantity - quantity;
$(element).find('[data-item-total]').html((item_price + price_of_options) * new_quantity);
$('[data-total]').html(actual_price + ((item_price + price_of_options) * quantity_dif));
else {
quantity_dif *= -1;
quantity = parseInt($(element).find('[data-quantity]').val());
$(element).find('[data-item-total]').html((item_price + price_of_options) * new_quantity);
$('[data-total]').html(actual_price - ((item_price + price_of_options) * quantity_dif));
quantity = parseInt($(element).find('[data-quantity]').val());
As I said, code is working: Just not when i'm reloading the webpage.
I'm not english, be kind about this. I'm trying to do the best to be clear!

JavaScript - How to make 6 individual order total functions into one

I should be using a single function for this. When the button is clicked, simply multiply each quantity by its respective price and add them together.
I'm not sure how to create a single function. I've added comments to each section to to help understand, I'm creating a basic ordering page. I have set values of cost for 5 items, the quantity is a number text field the user will enter in any whole interger.
Here's my code:
/*Array to hold QTY wanted from user*/
var dvdQTY = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
var movieName = new Array(5);
movieName[0] = "Star Wars";
movieName[1] = "The Empire Strikes Back";
movieName[2] = "Return of the Jedi";
movieName[3] = "The Force Awakens";
movieName[4] = "Rogue One";
/*variables to store the values entered.*/
var ep4Cost = 0;
var ep5Cost = 0;
var ep6Cost = 0;
var ep7Cost = 0;
var rogueCost = 0;
var totalEstimate = 0;
/* Array of the price variables*/
var moviePrice = new Array(5);
moviePrice[0] = 65; //Price of EP4
moviePrice[1] = 55; //Price of EP5
moviePrice[2] = 45; //Price of EP6
moviePrice[3] = 35; //Price of EP7
moviePrice[4] = 25; //Price of Rouge One
/*Function to calculate the totalEstiamte of entered values by the user at a price of $65 dollars each.*/
function calcEP4() {
totalEstimate -= ep4Cost;
dvdQTY[0] = document.movielist.dvdQTY[0].value;
ep4Cost = dvdQTY[0] * moviePrice[0];
totalEstimate += ep4Cost;
/*Function to calculate the totalEstiamte of entered values by the user at a price of $55 dollars each.*/
function calcEP5() {
totalEstimate -= ep5Cost;
dvdQTY[1] = document.movielist.dvdQTY[1].value;
ep5Cost = dvdQTY[1] * moviePrice[1];
totalEstimate += ep5Cost;
/*Function to calculate the totalEstiamte of entered values by the user at a price of $45 dollars each.*/
function calcEP6() {
totalEstimate -= ep6Cost;
dvdQTY[2] = document.movielist.dvdQTY[2].value;
ep6Cost = dvdQTY[2] * moviePrice[2];
totalEstimate += ep6Cost;
/*Function to calculate the totalEstiamte of entered values by the user at a price of $35 dollars each.*/
function calcEP7() {
totalEstimate -= ep7Cost;
dvdQTY[3] = document.movielist.dvdQTY[3].value;
ep7Cost = dvdQTY[3] * moviePrice[3];
totalEstimate += ep7Cost;
/*Function to calculate the totalEstiamte of entered values by the user at a price of $25 dollars each.*/
function calcRogue() {
totalEstimate -= rogueCost;
dvdQTY[4] = document.movielist.dvdQTY[4].value;
rogueCost = dvdQTY[4] * moviePrice[4];
totalEstimate += rogueCost;
/*Function to calculate the totalEstiamte and show the results to the button "total" on click.*/`enter code here`
function myTotal()
var newTotal = "$" + totalEstimate;
document.getElementById("total").innerHTML = "$" + totalEstimate;
You take what varies from function to function and pass those values into a single function that uses them:
function calc(epCost, dvd, moviePrice) {
totalEstimate -= epCost;
dvd = document.movielist.dvd.value;
epCost = dvd * moviePrice;
totalEstimate += epCost;
And you pass those values when you need to call the function:
calc(ep6Cost, dvdQTY[2], moviePrice[2]);

How to change amount variable is incremented by in JavaScript?

Ok, so I am making a game for my friends based on cookie clicker game from years ago and my issue is I want to increase what the clicks are incremented by when I click a multiplier button.
Basically, when the user reaches 100 clicks and if they click on the multiplier button it will increase the increment by 1.
The cpcm function function cpcm(){cl1ck5m = 1;} will increase cl1ck5m by 1 when the user clicks the multiplier button. I want to add this value to the main increment total = cl1ck +=1; in the function cl1ckm8() {} only if the user clicks the multiplier button when they reach 100 clicks.
I dont know how I would do this.
var cl1ck5 = 0;
var total = 0;
var cl1ck5m = 0;
var rotated = false;
window.alert("H3lp C00ki3 Man3st3r!\nCan y0u h3lp C00ki3 Man3st3r c0ll3ct c00ki3s?");
function cl1ckm8() {
total = cl1ck +=1;
document.getElementById('cl1ckC0unt').innerHTML = total;
if (cl1ck5 == 90) {
var div = document.getElementById('butt');
var deg = rotated ? 0 : 90;
var msg = document.getElementById("ache");
msg.innerHTML = "nineD d3gr33s"; = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';
if (cl1ck5 == 100) {
var div = document.getElementById('cpcbutt');
div.innerHTML = "1";
function cpcm(){
cl1ck5m = 1;
I'm not sure what you're asking but anyway...
var multiplierButtonClicked = false;
document.getElementById("multiplier").onclick = function(){
if (cl1ck5 >= 100)
function cl1ckm8()
total = cl1ck +=1;
if (multiplierButtonClicked)
total += cl1ck5m;
function cpcm(){
if (multiplierButtonClicked)
cl1ck5m += 1;
I fixed it. Thanks for any help.
I simply put the multiplier in place of the 1 in total = cl1ck +=1; like total = cl1ck +=cl1ckm;. I was trying to avoid this way to find other ways of doing it but this works best.
