Locking behavior of object in JS? - javascript

On every click of increment button:
Expectation: current count is logged
Reality: initial value of count, i.e. 3 is logged
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
function SomeLibrary(props) {
const [mapState, setMapState] = useState(undefined);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("setting map");
// Run exactly once at mount of component
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (mapState) {
}, [props]);
return <div> ... </div>;
export default function App() {
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(3);
const map = { key: () => {
console.log("fn", count);
return (
Active count: {count} <br />
<button onClick={() => {
setCount(count + 1);
<SomeLibrary map={map} />
Run here
Does the object in JS locks the values of variables inside it after initializing?
I want to know the reason why function in object doesn't use the current value of count whenever invoked but React ref gets the current value in that same scenario
I don't understand why this works:
Replace the map variable with this:
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(3);
const stateRef = useRef();
stateRef.current = count;
const map = { key: () => {
console.log("fn", stateRef.current);

Does the object in JS locks the values of variables inside it after initializing?
You're effectively setting state of SomeLibrary with an initial value when it mounts, and never again updating that state, so it continually logs its initial value.
const [mapState, setMapState] = useState(undefined);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("setting map");
// Run only once at mount of component
setMapState(props.map); // <-- no other `setMapState` exists
}, []); // <-- runs once when mounting
By simply adding props.map to the dependency array this effect runs only when map updates, and correctly updates state.
useEffect(() => {
console.log("setting map");
// Run only once at mount of component
}, [props.map]);
Notice, however, the state of SomeLibrary is a render cycle behind that of App. This is because the value of the queued state update in SomeLibrary isn't available until the next render cycle. It is also an anti-pattern to store passed props in local component state (with few exceptions).
Why React ref gets the current value in that same scenario?
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(3);
const stateRef = useRef();
stateRef.current = count; // <-- stateRef is a stable reference
const map = { key: () => {
console.log("fn", stateRef.current); // <-- ref enclosed in callback
When react component props or state update, a re-render is triggered. The useRef does not, it's used to hold values between or through render cycles, i.e. it is a stable object reference. This reference is enclosed in the callback function in the map object passed as a prop. When the count state updates in App a rerender is triggered and stateRef.current = count; updates the value stored in the ref, i.e. this is akin to an object mutation.
Another piece to the puzzle is functional components are always rerendered when their parent rerenders. The passed map object is a new object when passed in props.
It's this rerendering that allows SomeLibrary to run the second effect to invoke the non-updated-in-state callback mapState.key, but this time the object reference being console logged has been mutated.


What is useCallback in React and when to use it?

I have gone through a couple of articles on useCallback and useMemo on when to use and when not to use but I have mostly seen very contrived code. I was looking at a code at my company where I have noticed someone have done this:
const takePhoto = useCallback(() => {
launchCamera({ mediaType: "photo", cameraType: "front" }, onPickImage);
}, []);
const pickPhotoFromLibrary = async () => {
launchImageLibrary({ mediaType: "photo" }, onPickImage);
const onUploadPress = useCallback(() => {
"Upload Photo",
"From where would you like to take your photo?",
{ text: "Camera", onPress: () => takePhoto() },
{ text: "Library", onPress: () => pickPhotoFromLibrary() },
}, [pickPhotoFromLibrary, takePhoto]);
This is how onUploadPress is called:
Do you think this is the correct way of calling it? Based on my understanding from those articles, this looks in-correct. Can someone tell me when to use useCallback and also maybe explain useCallback in more human terms?
Article I read: When to useMemo and useCallback.
useCallback returns a normal JavaScript function regarding how to use it. It is the same as the one it gets as first parameter regarding what it does. The difference is that this function doesn't get recreated on a new memory reference every time the component re-renders, while a normal function does. It gets recreated on a new reference if one of the variables inside useCalback's dependency array changes.
Now, why would you wanna bother with this? Well, It's worth it whenever the normal behavior of a function is problematic for you. For example, if you have that function in the dependency array of an useEffect, or if you pass it down to a component that is memoized with memo.
The callback of an useEffect gets called on the first render and every time one of the variables inside the dependency array changes. And since normally a new version of that function is created on every render, the callback might get called infinitely. So useCallback is used to memoize it.
A memoized component with memo re-renders only if its state or props changes, not because its parent re-renders. And since normally a new version of that passed function as props is created, when the parent re-renders, the child component gets a new reference, hence it re-renders. So useCallback is used to memoize it.
To illustrate, I created the below working React application. Click on that button to trigger re-renders of the parent and watch the console. Hope it clears things up!
const MemoizedChildWithMemoizedFunctionInProps = React.memo(
({ memoizedDummyFunction }) => {
console.log("MemoizedChildWithMemoizedFunctionInProps renders");
return <div></div>;
const MemoizedChildWithNonMemoizedFunctionInProps = React.memo(
({ nonMemoizedDummyFunction }) => {
console.log("MemoizedChildWithNonMemoizedFunctionInProps renders");
return <div></div>;
const NonMemoizedChild = () => {
console.log("Non memoized child renders");
return <div></div>;
const Parent = () => {
const [state, setState] = React.useState(true);
const nonMemoizedFunction = () => {};
const memoizedFunction = React.useCallback(() => {}, []);
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log("useEffect callback with nonMemoizedFunction runs");
}, [nonMemoizedFunction]);
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log("useEffect callback with memoizedFunction runs");
}, [memoizedFunction]);
console.log("Parent renders");
return (
<button onClick={() => setState((prev) => !prev)}>Toggle state</button>
<NonMemoizedChild />
<Parent />,
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.8.0/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.8.0/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<div id="root"></div>
It's to know that memoizing is not free, doing it wrong is worse than not having it. In your case, using useCallback for onUploadPress is a waste because a non memoized function, pickPhotoFromLibrary, is in the dependency array. Also, it's a waste if TouchableOpacity is not memoized with memo, which I'm not sure it's.
As a side note, there is useMemo, which behaves and is used like useCallback to memoize non-function but referenced values such as objects and arrays for the same reasons, or to memoize any result of a heavy calculation that you don't wanna repeat between renders.
A great resource to understand React render process in depth to know when to memorize and how to do it well: React Render.
In simple words, useCallback is used to save the function reference somewhere outside the component render so we could use the same reference again. That reference will be changed whenever one of the variables in the dependencies array changes.
As you know React tries to minimize the re-rendering process by watching some variables' value changes, then it decides to re-render not depending on the old-value and new-value of those variables.
So, the basic usage of useCallback is to hold old-value and the new-value equally.
I will try to demonstrate it more by giving some examples in situations we must use useCalback in.
Example 1: When the function is one of the dependencies array of the useEffect.
function Component(){
const [state, setState] = useState()
// Should use `useCallback`
function handleChange(input){
return ...
Example 2: When the function is being passed to one of the children components. Especially when it is being called on their useEffect hook, it leads to an infinite loop.
function Parent(){
const [state, setState] = useState()
function handleChange(input){
return <Child onChange={handleChange} />
function Child({onChange}){
const [state, setState] = useState()
return "Child"
Example 3: When you use React Context that holds a state and returns only the state setters functions, you need the consumer of that context to not rerender every time the state update as it may harm the performance.
const Context = React.createContext();
function ContextProvider({children}){
const [state, setState] = useState([]);
// Should use `useCallback`
const addToState = (input) => {
setState(prev => [...prev, input]);
// Should use `useCallback`
const removeFromState = (input) => {
setState(prev => prev.filter(elem => elem.id !== input.id));
// Should use `useCallback` with empty []
const getState = () => {
return state;
const contextValue= React.useMemo(
() => ({ addToState , removeFromState , getState}),
[addToState , removeFromState , getState]
// if we used `useCallback`, our contextValue will never change, and all the subscribers will not re-render
<Context.Provider value={contextValue}>
Example 4: If you are subscribed to the observer, timer, document events, and need to unsubscribe when the component unmounts or for any other reason. So we need to access the same reference to unsubscribe from it.
function Component(){
// should use `useCallback`
const handler = () => {...}
useEffect(() => {
element.addEventListener(eventType, handler)
return () => element.removeEventListener(eventType, handler)
}, [eventType, element])
return ...
That's it, there are multiple situations you can use it too, but I hope these examples demonstrated the main idea behind useCallback. And always remember you don't need to use it if the cost of the re-render is negligible.

Mystery Parameter in setState, why does it work?

Going through a TypeScript + React course and building a todo list. My question is about a react feature though.
In the handler for adding a Todo, there is this function declared in setState
const App: React.FC= () => {
const [todos, setTodos] = useState<Todo[]>([])
const todoAddHandler = (text: string) => {
// when its called.... where does the prevTodos state come from?
setTodos(prevTodos => [...prevTodos,
{id: Math.random().toString(), text: text}])
return (
<div className="App">
<NewTodo onAddTodo={todoAddHandler}/>
<TodoList items={todos}></TodoList>
export default App;
When the function is called in setState, it automatically calls the current state with it. Is this just a feature of setState? That if you declare a function within it the parameter will always be the current state when the function is called?
Was very confused when this parameter just... worked. :#
TL;DR Is this just a feature of setState? - Yes
useState is a new way to use the exact same capabilities that this.state provides in a class
Meaning that its core still relies on old this.setState({}) functionality. If you remember using this.setState(), you will know that it has a callback function available, which can be used like this:
this.setState((currentState) => { /* do something with current state */ })
This has now been transfered to useState hook's second destructured item [item, setItem] setItem, thus it has the same capability:
setItem((currentState) => { /* do something with current state */ })
You can read more about it here
With hooks, React contains an internal mapping of each state name to its current value. With
const [todos, setTodos] = useState<Todo[]>([])
Whenever setTodos is called and todos state is set again, React will update the internal state for todos to the new value. It will also return the current internal state for a variable when useState is called.
You could think of it a bit like this:
// React internals
let internalState;
const setState = (param) => {
if (typeof param !== 'function') {
internalState = param;
} else {
const useState = initialValue => {
internalState ??= initialValue;
return [internalState, setState];
Then, when you call the state setter, you can either pass it a plain value (updating internalState), or you can pass it a function that, when invoked, is passed the current internal state as the first parameter.
Note that the prevTodos parameter will contain the current state including intermediate updates. Eg, if you call setTodos twice synchronously before a re-render occurs, you'll need to use the callback form the second time in order to "see" the changes done by the first call of setTodos.

Questions about initializing `useState` with `Date.now()`

I am using an API to retrieve latest posts from Firestore. The API is something is like this
function loadFeedPosts(
) {
return db
.orderBy("createdAt", "desc")
.where("createdAt", "<", createdAtMax)
createdAtMax is the time we need to specify in order to retrieve the posts.
And I have a Feed component. It looks like this.
function Feed() {
const [posts, setPosts] = useState([])
const [currentTime, setCurrentTime] = useState(Date.now())
const [limit, setLimit] = useState(3)
useEffect(() => {
loadFeedPosts(currentTime, limit).then(posts => {
}, [currentTime, limit])
return (
<div className="Feed">
<div className="Feed_button_wrapper">
<button className="Feed_new_posts_button icon_button">
View 3 New Posts
{posts.map(post => (
<FeedPost post={post} />
<div className="Feed_button_wrapper">
className="Feed_new_posts_button icon_button"
onClick={() => {
setLimit(limit + 3)
View More
So when people click on the View More button, it will go retrieve 3 more posts.
My question is, since clicking on the View More button triggers a re-render, I assume the line const [currentTime, setCurrentTime] = useState(Date.now()) will get run again, does the Date.now() which serves as the initial value for currentTime get evaluated again for every re-render?
I tested it myself by logging out currentTime, and it seemed not updating for every render. According to the React doc https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#lazy-initial-state, I thought only when using Lazy initial state, the initialState is only calculated once. But here I am not using Lazy initial state, how come it is not calculated every time the component re-renders?
Although the intended behavior of the initial state of currentTime is exactly stays the same for every re-render, I am just baffled why it didn't get re-calculated for every re-render since I am not using Lazy initial state
Using useState you are providing only the initial value, as the doc about the useState hook says:
What do we pass to useState as an argument? The only argument to the
useState() Hook is the initial state.
The reason why we have lazy initialization is because in subsequent renders the initialValue will be disregarded, and if it is the result of an expensive computation you may want to avoid to re-execute it.
const [value, setValue] = useState(expensiveComputation());
// expensiveComputation will be executed at each render and the result disregarded
const [value, setValue] = useState(() => expensiveComputation());
// expensiveComputation will be executed only at the first render
useState() initializes the state with mount, it runs just before first render.
From the doc :
During the initial render, the returned state (state) is the same as
the value passed as the first argument (initialState).
Why do we need lazy initial state?
Lets say we derive our initial state after some high complexity function. Lets try without lazy state approach :
const A = () => {
const [a, setA] = useState("blabla")
const processedA = processA(a) // Wait! this will run on every render!,
// so i need to find a way to prevent to be processed after first render.
return ...
To implement function that only run for once, i should keep track of renders with useRef :
const A = () => {
const [a, setA] = useState("blabla")
let processedA
const willMount = useRef(true);
if (willMount.current) {
processedA = processA(a)
useEffect(() => {
willMount.current = false;
}), []);
return ...
What an ugly approach, isnt it?
Another approach can be using useEffect, but this time it will work on second render after mount. So i will have unnecessary first render :
const A = () => {
const [a, setA] = useState("blabla")
const processedA = processA(a)
}, [a])
return ...

React Hook who refer to DOM element return "null" on first call

I have got an hook who catch getBoundingClientRect object of a ref DOM element. The problem is, at the first render, it return null and I need to get the value only on first render on my component.
I use it like that in a functional component:
const App = () => {
// create ref
const rootRef = useRef(null);
// get Client Rect of rootRef
const refRect = useBoundingClientRect(rootRef);
useEffect(()=> {
// return "null" the first time
// return "DOMRect" when refRect is update
}, [refRect])
return <div ref={rootRef} >App</div>
Here the useBoundingClientRect hook, I call in App Component.
export function useBoundingClientRect(pRef) {
const getBoundingClientRect = useCallback(() => {
return pRef && pRef.current && pRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
}, [pRef]);
const [rect, setRect] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
return rect;
The problem is I would like to cache boundingClientRect object on init and not the second time component is rerender :
// App Component
useEffect(()=> {
// I would like to get boundingClientRect the 1st time useEffect is call.
// empty array allow to not re-execute the code in this useEffect
}, [])
I've check few tutorials and documentations and finds some people use useRef instead of useState hook to keep value. So I tried to use it in my useboundingClientRect hook to catch and return the boundingClientRect value on the first render of my App component. And it works... partially:
export function useBoundingClientRect(pRef) {
const getBoundingClientRect = useCallback(() => {
return pRef && pRef.current && pRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
}, [pRef]);
const [rect, setRect] = useState(null);
// create a new ref
const rectRef = useRef(null)
useEffect(() => {
// set value in ref
const rectRef = getBoundingClientRect()
// return rectRef for the first time
return rect === null ? rectRef : rect;
Now the console.log(rectRef) in App Component allow to access the value on first render:
// App Component
useEffect(()=> {
}, [])
But If I try to return refRect.current from useBoundingClientRect hook return null. (What?!)
if anyone can explain theses mistakes to me. Thanks in advance!
You need to understand references, mututation, and the asynchronous nature of updates here.
Firstly, when you use state to store the clientRect properties when your custom hook in useEffect runs, it sets value in state which will reflect in the next render cycle since state updates are asynchronous. This is why on first render you see undefined.
Secondly, when you are returning rectRef, you are essentially returning an object in which you later mutate when the useEffect in useBoundingClientRect runs. The data is returned before the useEffect is ran as it runs after the render cycle. Now when useEffect within the component runs, which is after the useEffect within the custom hook runs, the data is already there and has been updated at its reference by the previous useEffect and hence you see the correct data.
Lastly, if you return rectRef.current which is now a immutable value, the custom hook updates the value but at a new reference since the previous one was null and hence you don't see the change in your components useEffect method.

Why is the cleanup function from `useEffect` called on every render?

I've been learning React and I read that the function returned from useEffect is meant to do cleanup and React performs the cleanup when the component unmounts.
So I experimented with it a bit but found in the following example that the function was called every time the component re-renders as opposed to only the time it got unmounted from the DOM, i.e. it console.log("unmount"); every time the component re-renders.
Why is that?
function Something({ setShow }) {
const [array, setArray] = useState([]);
const myRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
const id = setInterval(() => {
}, 3000);
myRef.current = id;
return () => {
}, [array]);
const unmount = () => {
return (
{array.map((item, index) => {
return (
<p key={index}>
{Array(index + 1)
<button onClick={() => unmount()}>close</button>
function App() {
const [show, setShow] = useState(true);
return show ? <Something setShow={setShow} /> : null;
Live example: https://codesandbox.io/s/vigilant-leavitt-z1jd2
React performs the cleanup when the component unmounts.
I'm not sure where you read this but this statement is incorrect. React performs the cleanup when the dependencies to that hook changes and the effect hook needs to run again with new values. This behaviour is intentional to maintain the reactivity of the view to changing data. Going off the official example, let's say an app subscribes to status updates from a friends' profile. Being the great friend you are, you are decide to unfriend them and befriend someone else. Now the app needs to unsubscribe from the previous friend's status updates and listen to updates from your new friend. This is natural and easy to achieve with the way useEffect works.
useEffect(() => {
return () => chatAPI.unsubscribe(props.friend.id);
}, [ props.friend.id ])
By including the friend id in the dependency list, we can indicate that the hook needs to run only when the friend id changes.
In your example you have specified the array in the dependency list and you are changing the array at a set interval. Every time you change the array, the hook reruns.
You can achieve the correct functionality simply by removing the array from the dependency list and using the callback version of the setState hook. The callback version always operates on the previous version of the state, so there is no need to refresh the hook every time the array changes.
useEffect(() => {
const id = setInterval(() => setArray(array => [ ...array, "hello" ]), 3000);
return () => {
}, []);
Some additional feedback would be to use the id directly in clearInterval as the value is closed upon (captured) when you create the cleanup function. There is no need to save it to a ref.
The React docs have an explanation section exactly on this.
In short, the reason is because such design protects against stale data and update bugs.
The useEffect hook in React is designed to handle both the initial render and any subsequent renders (here's more about it).
Effects are controlled via their dependencies, not by the lifecycle of the component that uses them.
Anytime dependencies of an effect change, useEffect will cleanup the previous effect and run the new effect.
Such design is more predictable - each render has its own independent (pure) behavioral effect. This makes sure that the UI always shows the correct data (since the UI in React's mental model is a screenshot of the state for a particular render).
The way we control effects is through their dependencies.
To prevent cleanup from running on every render, we just have to not change the dependencies of the effect.
In your case concretely, the cleanup is happening because array is changing, i.e. Object.is(oldArray, newArray) === false
useEffect(() => {
// ...
}, [array]);
// ^^^^^ you're changing the dependency of the effect
You're causing this change with the following line:
useEffect(() => {
const id = setInterval(() => {
setArray(array.concat("hello")); // <-- changing the array changes the effect dep
}, 3000);
myRef.current = id;
return () => {
}, [array]); // <-- the array is the effect dep
As others have said, the useEffect was depending on the changes of "array" that was specified in the 2nd parameter in the useEffect. So by setting it to empty array, that'd help to trigger useEffect once when the component mounted.
The trick here is to change the previous state of the Array.
setArray((arr) => arr.concat("hello"));
See below:
useEffect(() => {
const id = setInterval(() => {
setArray((arr) => arr.concat("hello"));
}, 3000);
myRef.current = id;
return () => {
}, []);
I forked your CodeSandbox for demonstration:
Looking at the code I could guess its because of the second param [array]. You are updating it, so it will call a re-render. Try setting an empty array.
Every state update will call a re-render and unmount, and that array is changing.
It seems expected. As per the documentation here, useEffect is called after first render, every update and unmount.
If you’re familiar with React class lifecycle methods, you can think
of useEffect Hook as componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate and before
componentWillUnmount combined.
This is a Jest test that shows the render and effect order.
As you can see from the expect, once the dependency foo changes due to the state update it triggers a NEW render followed by the cleanup function of the first render.
it("with useEffect async set state and timeout and cleanup", async () => {
let theRenderCount = 0;
const trackFn = jest.fn((label: string) => { });
function MyComponent() {
const renderCount = theRenderCount;
const [foo, setFoo] = useState("foo");
useEffect(() => {
trackFn(`useEffect ${renderCount}`);
(async () => {
await new Promise<string>((resolve) =>
setTimeout(() => resolve("bar"), 5000)
return () => trackFn(`useEffect cleanup ${renderCount}`);
}, [foo]);
trackFn(`render ${renderCount}`);
return <span data-testid="asdf">{foo}</span>;
const { unmount } = render(<MyComponent></MyComponent>);
await waitFor(() =>
trackFn("before unmount");
['render 0'],
['useEffect 0'],
['render 1'],
['useEffect cleanup 0'],
['useEffect 1'],
['before unmount'],
['useEffect cleanup 1']
