How can I wait for the loop to Complete? - javascript

Let me first show you what the code looks like
let products = []; *//this Array has to be filled*
totalPrice = cart.totalPrice;
for(let prod of cart.products){
Product.getProductDetails(prod.productId, productDetails => {
product: productDetails,
productCount: prod.productCount
console.log("Products are ->", products); *//this line is running before for loop!*
console.log() is running before the for loop completes its work.
How to run "for loop" kind of in sync with the console.log() ?

I assume that Product.getProductDetails() is an async method (it looks like a query to an API).
console.log() is not "running before the for loop", it is just that the tasks performed by Product.getProductDetails() are being handled asynchronously.
Since it also seems that the Product.getProductDetails() method works with callbacks, one way to achieve your goal would be to promisify each call and then condensate all the promises into a single one by using Promise.all() method.
Something like this should do the trick:
Cart.getCompleteCart((cart) => {
const promises = [];
for (let prod of cart.products) {
new Promise((resolve) => {
Product.getProductDetails(prod.productId, (productDetails) => {
product: productDetails,
productCount: prod.productCount
Promise.all(promises).then((products) => {
console.log('Products are ->', products);
Cart.getCompleteCart((cart) => {
Promise.all( => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
Product.getProductDetails(prod.productId, (productDetails) => {
product: productDetails,
productCount: prod.productCount
).then((products) => {
console.log('Products are ->', products);

Promise.all is designed for pretty much this exact use-case:
// A dummy "Product" with a dummy "getProductDetails" implementation
// so that we can have a working test example
let Product = {
getProductDetails: (productId, callback) => {
setTimeout(() => {
callback({ type: 'productDetails', productId });
}, 100 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 200));
// This is the function you're looking for:
let getCompleteCart = async (cart) => {
return Promise.all( ({ productId, productCount }) => ({
product: await new Promise(resolve => Product.getProductDetails(productId, resolve)),
let exampleCart = {
products: [
{ productId: 982, productCount: 1 },
{ productId: 237, productCount: 2 },
{ productId: 647, productCount: 5 }
A breakdown of getCompleteCart:
let getCompleteCart = async (cart) => {
return Promise.all( ({ productId, productCount }) => ({
product: await new Promise(resolve => Product.getProductDetails(productId, resolve)),
Promise.all (mdn) is purpose-built to wait for every promise in an Array of promises to resolve
We need to supply an Array of Promises to Promise.all. This means we need to convert our Array of data (cart.products) to an Array of Promises; is the perfect tool for this.
The function provided to converts every product in the cart to an Object that looks like { product: <product details>, productCount: <###> }.
The tricky thing here is getting the value for the "product" property, since this value is async (returned by a callback). The following line creates a promise that resolves to the value returned by Product.getProductDetails, using the Promise constructor (mdn):
new Promise(resolve => Product.getProductDetails(productId, resolve))
The await keyword allows us to convert this promise into the future value it results in. We can assign this future value to the "product" attribute, whereas the "productCount" attribute is simply copied from the original item in the cart:
product: await new Promise(resolve => Product.getProductDetails(productId, resolve)),
In order to run console.log at the right time we need to wait for all product details to finish compiling. Fortunately this is handled internally by getCompleteCart. We can console.log at the appropriate time by waiting for getCompleteCart to resolve.
There are two ways to do this:
Using Promise.prototype.then (mdn):
Or, if we're in an async context we can use await:
let results = await getCompleteCart(exampleCart);


wait for Promise.all To continue executing

I would like to insert products into array and then continue using that array. I don't have an expirience using Promisses. Bellow is my code.
This is the function that I would like to return an array.
const findProduct = async function(request) {
const products = [];
await Promise.all(
request.products.forEach(async product => {
await db
.findOne({ _id: product.productId.toString() }, (err, result) => {
if (err) throw new Error('exception!');
.then(() => {
return products;
.catch(e => e);
Products is always undefined.
Shoud I maybe return Promise.all i save it into an array, then use that array?
This is how I plan to use array
const purchase = new Purchase(req.body);
const products = await findProduct(req.body);
purchase.products = [...products];
In the context of your findProduct function, using async/await syntax doesn't make a lot of sense if you intend to await the result of findProduct using const products = await findProduct(req.body);
Instead you want to define your function using only Promises.
Firstly, db.collection.findOne() makes use of a callback for asynchronous events, to use this in a Promise chain, you must wrap this in a Promise. Which can be done like so:
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.findOne({ _id: product.productId.toString() }, (err, result) => { err ? reject(err) : resolve(result) })
Here (err, result) => { err ? reject(err) : resolve(result) } is just a concise form of
(err, result) => {
if (err) {
} else {
Next, you must pass an array to Promise.all(). Because you already have the array request.products, you can convert (or map) each value to it's corresponding Promise to get it's data. This is done using When used this way, Promise.all() will resolve to an array of product data objects in the same order of request.products.
Mixing this in to your code, yields:
const findProduct = function(request) {
return Promise.all( => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.findOne({ _id: product.productId.toString() }, (err, result) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(result))
Note here that I removed .then(()=>products) (because Promise.all will return products itself thanks to the promise above) and .catch(e=>e) (because you shouldn't be ignoring errors like this).
With these changes, you can now use findProduct as you have used it in your question.
Seems that the MongoDB API is Promises compliant, which means we can remove the Promise callback wrapper and simplify it down to:
const findProduct = function(request) {
return Promise.all( => {
return db
.findOne({ _id: product.productId.toString() });
Promise.all() expects an array of Promises and map will return an array. Since db will also return a Promise we just feed those promises into Promise.all()
Edit: forgot to return Promise.all() which returns a promise so it can be consumed with the await findproducts() or findproducts().then()
const findProduct = function (request) {
return Promise.all( => {
return db
.findOne({ _id: product.productId.toString() }
Since quite a lot of people ask: "How do i get something from a Promise?" --> use the resolve value
Here a long explanation why this works: wait() will return a Promise that is mapped into an array with map() which returns this array. So when map is done we have an array with 3 Promises returned by the 3 wait() calls. This array is passed into Promise.all() which will wait for all the Promises to resolve and resolves itself to an array with all the resolve values of the Promises from the array. Since findProduct() will return this Promise from Promise.all() when can access it with findProduct().then() or await findProduct()
const start = { products: ['milk', 'butter', 'eggs'] }
const findProduct = function (request) {
return Promise.all( => {
return wait(product)
function wait(product) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => { resolve(product) }, 5000)
findProduct(start).then(res => console.log(res))
// logs [ 'milk', 'butter', 'eggs' ]
Edit: To answer the comment about .then() returning a Promise
.then(res => console.log(res))
.then(res => console.log(res))
// logs [ 'milk', 'butter', 'eggs' ] and undefined
.then(res => {console.log(res); return res})
.then(res => console.log(res))
// logs 2x [ 'milk', 'butter', 'eggs' ]

How to map over data that `.find()` returns?

I have a simple function:
const oldUsers = Users.find(
isReminded: false,
creationDate: {
"$lt": new Date( - thirtyDays),
and then:
export const notifyOldUsers = () =>
Array.isArray(oldUsers) ?, i) => {
await Users.updateOne({ _id: user._id }, { "$set": { isReminded: true }});
await transporter.sendMail(sendMail));
}) : [];
But the problem is that oldUsers returns object, and if I console.log it, its a complicated Query object.
Question: How to to properly loop over the data, which .find() produces?
First, the Users.find() is an async operation, so oldUsers is always going to be undefined. You need to await it (if you weren't using promises you'd have to use a callback).
const oldUsers = await Users.find(...)
Second, your notifyOldUsers function is not async, so it runs the mapping function, but exits immediately, not waiting for the mapped async operations to finish.
Typically, when mapping async operations, you should use a Promise.all() to collect all the promises returned by the callback function and wait for them all to resolve.
export const notifyOldUsers = async () => {
const promises = (user) => {
await Users.updateOne({ _id: user._id }, { "$set": { isReminded: true }})
await transporter.sendMail(sendMail))
return Promise.all(promises)
I've intentionally split up the mapping from the Promise.all() to illustrate the map of promises being returned. This can be further optimized to the following.
export const async notifyOldUsers = async () => {
return Promise.all( (user) => {
await Users.updateOne({ _id: user._id }, { "$set": { isReminded: true }})
await transporter.sendMail(sendMail))
}) )
In both cases, this async function will return a new promise who's value will be an array containing the results of the entire map.

React JS: Filtering an array of objects by another array of objects. How to sequential execute four functions incl. several API calls

The goal is to filter an array of objects by another array of objects.
Each array comes from a different source.
The following setup might look weird, is though for several here unmentioned reasons unfortunately necessary.
Step one is to get from a Firebase database an array of objects with metadata about some (the latest) uploaded posts (allposts).
In step two this array will be filtered for userids and textids (filterArrayIds).
In step three for each filtered userid an API will be called to get detail informations to all existing posts of the corresponding userid. These will be merged into one array of posts (fetchJSONFiles).
In step four this merged array of posts should be filtered for all the textids in the array of textids of step two (filterJSON).
Below is my solution so far. Unfortunately I can't make it happen to execute the functions sequentially, so that especially fetchJSONfiles() is completely finished, before filterJSON() is called.
I am stuck here for hours ... any help is highly appreciated and would made my day. Thanks!
Example Data:
allposts: [
dateofpost: "1539181118111",
textid: "1",
userid: "Alice",
dateofpost: "1539181118222",
textid: "3",
userid: "Bob",
allfilteredTexts: [
title: "Lorem",
textid: "1",
title: "Ipsum",
textid: "2",
title: "Dolor",
textid: "3",
Expected Outcome:
latestPosts: [
title: "Lorem",
textid: "1",
title: "Dolor",
textid: "3",
My solution so far:
class Explore extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
allposts: [],
textids: [],
userids: [],
allfilteredTexts: [],
componentDidMount() {
const allfilteredTexts = {...this.state.allfilteredTexts}
.then(snapshot => {
const allposts = this.state.allposts;
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
allposts: allposts,
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error getting documents: ", error);
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
.finally(() => {
filterArrayIds() {
var userids = this.state.userids
var textids = this.state.textids
if (this.state.allposts) {
var filtereduserids = [ Set([].concat( => o.userid)))];
var filteredtextids = [ Set([].concat( => p.textid)))];
userids: filtereduserids,
textids: filteredtextids,
fetchJSONFiles() {
if (this.state.userids) {
this.state.userids.forEach((username) => {
var filteredTexts = []
const options = {username} //here would be more API options //
.then((file) => {
filteredTexts = JSON.parse(file || '[]');
.then (() => {
Array.prototype.push.apply(filteredTexts, this.state.allfilteredTexts);
allfilteredTexts: filteredTexts,
let latestPosts = (this.state.allfilteredTexts.filter(
(el) => { return !== -1;
render () {
return (
render={(props) => <ExploreLatest {...props} allposts={this.state.allposts} allfilteredTexts={this.state.allfilteredTexts} />}
export default Explore;
I would suggest modifying like so:
fetchJSONFiles() {
if (this.state.userids) {
return Promise.all( => {
var filteredTexts = []
const options = {username} //here would be more API options //
return getFile(options)
.then((file) => {
filteredTexts = JSON.parse(file || '[]');
.then (() => {
Array.prototype.push.apply(filteredTexts, this.state.allfilteredTexts);
allfilteredTexts: filteredTexts,
So then the lines:
.then(() => {
Can become:
.then(() => {
return this.fetchJSONFiles();
The reason why fetchJSONFiles doesn't finish before the rest of the Promise chain is because the Promise chain does not know to wait for the results of fetchJSONFiles. fetchJSONFiles makes asynchronous calls, therefore the rest of the synchronous code keeps on executing.
However, by returning a Promise from fetchJSONFiles, we have something to "wait on". This uses the feature Promise.all, which basically says "create one promise that finishes when every promise in this array of promises finishes".
Instead of forEach we use map, because this allows us to create a new array based on the base array, instead of just looping over it. And then instead of just calling getFile, we return the Promise chain. So we create an array of Promises from this.state.userids, and create one Promise from that which will resolve when all the fetches are done with Promise.all.
Then we return that in the initial Promise chain which is located in componentDidMount. This tells the chain to wait for the result of that Promise (that Promise being the result of this.fetchJSONFiles) to be complete before continuing, which in this case would involve executing the finally callback.
Now, there's certain other considerations to...consider. Namely, what happens if there's an error in one of the fetchJSONFiles call? That's something you'll have to think about, but these changes should just get you up and running to where you want to be.
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error getting documents: ", error);
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
.finally(() => {
The first .then() is called when the first promise resolves, so are the second, third and .finally() (finally is called weither your promiser resolve or not). They all watch for the first promise to resolve.
What you need to do is as following:
.then(snapshot => {
// stuff happening with snapshot
this.filterArrayIds().then(() => {
this.fetchJSONFiles().then(() => {
Your methods filterArraysId(), fetchJSONFiles() will have to return a Promise which resolves when they are done working ;)

Looping Results with an External API Call and findOneAndUpdate

I am trying to write a program that gets the documents from a mongo database with mongoose and process them using an API and then edits each document in the database with the results of the processing. My problem is that I have problems because I don't understand completely nodejs and the asynchronous. This is my code:
Model.find(function (err, tweets) {
if (err) return err;
for (var i = 0; i < tweets.length; i++) {
.then(function(res) {
TweetModel.findOneAndUpdate({_id: tweets[i]._id}, {result: res}, function (err, tweetFound) {
if (err) throw err;
.catch(function(err) {
The problem is that in the findOneAndUpdate, tweets is undefined so it can't find that id. Any solution? Thanks
The core thing you are really missing is that the Mongoose API methods also use "Promises", but you seem to just be copying from documentation or old examples using callbacks. The solution to this is to convert to using Promises only.
Working with Promises
Model.find({},{ _id: 1, tweet: 1}).then(tweets =>
Promise.all({ _id, tweet }) =>
api.petition(tweet).then(result =>
TweetModel.findOneAndUpdate({ _id }, { result }, { new: true })
.then( updated => { console.log(updated); return updated })
.then( updatedDocs => {
// do something with array of updated documents
.catch(e => console.error(e))
Aside from the general conversion from callbacks, the main change is using Promise.all() to resolve the ouput from the being processed on the results from .find() instead of the for loop. That is actually one of the biggest problems in your attempt, since the for cannot actually control when the async functions resolve. The other issue is "mixing callbacks", but that is what we are generally addressing here by only using Promises.
Within the we return the Promise from the API call, chained to the findOneAndUpdate() which is actually updating the document. We also use new: true to actually return the modified document.
Promise.all() allows an "array of Promise" to resolve and return an array of results. These you see as updatedDocs. Another advantage here is that the inner methods will fire in "parallel" and not in series. This usually means a faster resolution, though it takes a few more resources.
Note also that we use the "projection" of { _id: 1, tweet: 1 } to only return those two fields from the Model.find() result because those are the only ones used in the remaining calls. This saves on returning the whole document for each result there when you don't use the other values.
You could simply just return the Promise from the findOneAndUpdate(), but I'm just adding in the console.log() so you can see the output is firing at that point.
Normal production use should do without it:
Model.find({},{ _id: 1, tweet: 1}).then(tweets =>
Promise.all({ _id, tweet }) =>
api.petition(tweet).then(result =>
TweetModel.findOneAndUpdate({ _id }, { result }, { new: true })
.then( updatedDocs => {
// do something with array of updated documents
.catch(e => console.error(e))
Another "tweak" could be to use the "bluebird" implementation of, which both combines the common to Promise(s) implementation with the ability to control "concurrency" of running parallel calls:
const Promise = require("bluebird");
Model.find({},{ _id: 1, tweet: 1}).then(tweets =>, ({ _id, tweet }) =>
api.petition(tweet).then(result =>
TweetModel.findOneAndUpdate({ _id }, { result }, { new: true })
{ concurrency: 5 }
.then( updatedDocs => {
// do something with array of updated documents
.catch(e => console.error(e))
An alternate to "parallel" would be executing in sequence. This might be considered if too many results causes too many API calls and calls to write back to the database:
Model.find({},{ _id: 1, tweet: 1}).then(tweets => {
let updatedDocs = [];
return tweets.reduce((o,{ _id, tweet }) =>
o.then(() => api.petition(tweet))
.then(result => TweetModel.findByIdAndUpdate(_id, { result }, { new: true })
.then(updated => updatedDocs.push(updated))
).then(() => updatedDocs);
.then( updatedDocs => {
// do something with array of updated documents
.catch(e => console.error(e))
There we can use Array.reduce() to "chain" the promises together allowing them to resolve sequentially. Note the array of results is kept in scope and swapped out with the final .then() appended to the end of the joined chain since you need such a technique to "collect" results from Promises resolving at different points in that "chain".
In modern environments as from NodeJS V8.x which is actually the current LTS release and has been for a while now, you actually have support for async/await. This allows you to more naturally write your flow
try {
let tweets = await Model.find({},{ _id: 1, tweet: 1});
let updatedDocs = await Promise.all({ _id, tweet }) =>
api.petition(tweet).then(result =>
TweetModel.findByIdAndUpdate(_id, { result }, { new: true })
// Do something with results
} catch(e) {
Or even possibly process sequentially, if resources are an issue:
try {
let cursor = Model.collection.find().project({ _id: 1, tweet: 1 });
while ( await cursor.hasNext() ) {
let { _id, tweet } = await;
let result = await api.petition(tweet);
let updated = await TweetModel.findByIdAndUpdate(_id, { result },{ new: true });
// do something with updated document
} catch(e) {
Noting also that findByIdAndUpdate() can also be used as matching the _id is already implied so you don't need a whole query document as a first argument.
As a final note if you don't actually need the updated documents in response at all, then bulkWrite() is the better option and allows the writes to generally process on the server in a single request:
Model.find({},{ _id: 1, tweet: 1}).then(tweets =>
Promise.all({ _id, tweet }) => api.petition(tweet).then(result => ({ _id, result }))
).then( results =>
Tweetmodel.bulkWrite({ _id, result }) =>
({ updateOne: { filter: { _id }, update: { $set: { result } } } })
.catch(e => console.error(e))
Or via async/await syntax:
try {
let tweets = await Model.find({},{ _id: 1, tweet: 1});
let writeResult = await Tweetmodel.bulkWrite(
(await Promise.all({ _id, tweet }) => api.petition(tweet).then(result => ({ _id, result }))
)).map(({ _id, result }) =>
({ updateOne: { filter: { _id }, update: { $set: { result } } } })
} catch(e) {
Pretty much all of the combinations shown above can be varied into this as the bulkWrite() method takes an "array" of instructions, so you can construct that array from the processed API calls out of every method above.

Unable to resolve promise chain

I am trying to write a Sequelize migration script win which I am trying to update my database but it is having many asynchronous operations (database queries and then updating database with particular id)
Here is my code
return db.organizationEntries
.then((entries) => {
return entries.forEach(entry => {
attributes: [
where: {
organizationId: entry.organizationId
.then(orgEntry => {
let data = { serialNumber: orgEntry[0].dataValues.maximum_serial_no + 1 };
db.organizationEntries.update(data, {
where: {
.then((result) => {
// promises.push(promise);
// return Promise.all(promises);
Actually what I am trying to do is I am trying to take the list of all orgEntries from the database and then I am finding maximum serial number for that organization_id and then updating that particular orgEntry and like this all these operations in a loop
Now the problem is coming all the things are going in order but after finding max_serial_no it is not updating the database and I am not able to resolve what I should do to make that asynchronous call work in this order
I think you can solve this in two ways:
Simultaneously Promises
In a following code I removed forEach in favor of Promise.all() and map()
The map() method create (and return) a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.
let numbers = [1, 2, 3]
let doubledNumbers = => n * 2)
// doubledNumbers [2, 4, 6]
The Promise.all() method take an array of Promises as argument and returns a single Promise that will be resolved when all promises will be resolved or rejected if one promise failed
let promise1 = findUserById(5)
let promise2 = findUserFriends(5)
Promise.all([promise1, promise2])
.then(values => {
// values: [user object, list of user friends]
.then(entries => {
return Promise.all( => {
return db.organizationEntries.findAll({
where: {
organizationId: entry.organizationId
attributes: [
db.sequelize.fn('MAX', db.sequelize.col('organizationEntries.serial_number')),
.then(orgEntry => {
let data = { serialNumber: orgEntry[0].dataValues.maximum_serial_no + 1 }
return db.organizationEntries.update(data, { where: { id: } })
.then(result => {
// result: Array of updated organizationEntries
Step by step Promises with reduce() method
The reduce() method applies a function against an accumulator and each element in the array (from left to right) to reduce it to a single value. (from MDN web docs)
let items = [{ name: 'pencil', price: 2 }, { name: 'book', price: 10 }]
let total = items.reduce((total, item) => total += item.price, 0)
// total: 12
.then(entries => {
return entries.reduce((previousPromise, entry) => {
return previousPromise
.then(_ => {
return db.organizationEntries.findAll({
where: {
organizationId: entry.organizationId
attributes: [
db.sequelize.fn('MAX', db.sequelize.col('organizationEntries.serial_number')),
.then(orgEntry => {
let data = { serialNumber: orgEntry[0].dataValues.maximum_serial_no + 1 }
return db.organizationEntries.update(data, { where: { id: } })
.then(updatedEntry => {
}, Promise.resolve())
.then(result => {
// result: Last updated organization entry
