How can ajax based Select2 pre-population be formatted? - javascript

We've found several examples of pre-populating selected option for Select2, however none of them we could find deal with formatted list and selection options. We have a JS fiddle at that illustrates the issue. In that fiddle, you can type and L or whatever into the select search and the data is returned, the list is formatted, and if you select something, the selection is formatted.
However if you click the button in that JS Fiddle which is intended to simulate pre-population per the data is returned (you can uncomment the console.log to see it), but the formatted selection shows undefined for the intended values. Does anyone know of a way to get the formatted values for pre-populated data to display correctly?
// Set up the Select2 control
ajax: {
url: '/api/students'
// Fetch the preselected item, and add to the control
var studentSelect = $('#mySelect2');
type: 'GET',
url: '/api/students/s/' + studentId
}).then(function (data) {
// create the option and append to Select2
var option = new Option(data.full_name,, true, true); //**** DOES IT MATTER WHAT IS PASSED HERE BECAUSE WE ARE NOT DISPLAY THE OPTION TEXT?? ***
// manually trigger the `select2:select` event
type: 'select2:select',
params: {

The problem is in format_selection function. The format of the object it receives depends on how it was created. When you use new Option(text, value) it receives only the properties of this Option object, not your original object containing all user info.
A workaround is to check of either possible values in the fuction:
function format_selection(obj) {
let name = || obj.element.text;
let email = ||;
return $(`<div><b>${name}</b></div><div>(${email})</div>`);
For this to work you should append the de property on you Option object:
var option = new Option(,, true, true); =;

The problem, in is with the
function format_selection(obj) {
// Just add this to see the obj
return $(`<div><b>${obj.text}</b></div><div>(${})</div>`);
The obj object just contains the Option class data, so:
id: "1",
selected: true,
text: "Leanne Graham",
title: ""
So you have to find a way to pass "" to the "format_selection" method
This could be a solution
$('#btn').on('click', function() {
type: 'GET',
url: ''
.then(function(data) {
// create the option and append to Select2
$('#sel').append($('<option />') // Create new <option> element
.val( // Set value
.text( // Set textContent
.prop('selected', true)
.attr('data-name', // Don't know why the .data(key, value) isn't working...
}); //then
}); //click
function format_selection(obj) {
return $(`<div><b>${}</b></div><div>(${})</div>`);
This is the fiddle


How to pass selected value as extra parameter to ajax call

my coding part
searchDelay: 2000,
minChars: 3,
tokenLimit: 10
I want to send the selected values as extra parameter to "data/autosuggest-search-city.php".
For example,
Initially I search and select one value from list
then again searching, this time I want to send the 1st selected value to server.
How to do this?
TokenInput plugin doesn't support that natively.
You can however make a simple workaround to update "AJAX url" whenever a token is added or removed from selection.
Use onAdd and onDelete callbacks to trigger "AJAX url" changes;
Get selected tokens using selector.tokenInput("get") method;
Set the new "AJAX url" by updating .data("settings").url of the element;
// cache the original url:
var token_url = "data/autosuggest-search-city.php";
$("#demo-input").tokenInput(token_url, {
searchDelay : 2000,
minChars : 3,
tokenLimit : 10,
onAdd : function(){;
onDelete : function(){;
function urlChange(){
var tokens = '', token_list = $(this).tokenInput("get");
// proceed if any token/s are selected:
// loop through the selected tokens (if more than one is selected)
$.each(token_list, function(i, token){
// use token "id" (or "name" if you wish) and separate them with comma:
tokens += + ',';
// update url:
$(this).data("settings").url = token_url + '?selected_tokens='+tokens.replace(/,+$/,'');
// leave original url if no tokens are selected:
$(this).data("settings").url = token_url;

How to submit dynamically created hidden variables using Jquery

I have created a dynamic table. DEMO to my project.
I have placed this dynamic table in the form under a div named 'box'
<div id="box">
I am creating dynamic hidden variables table using Jquery which I need to store in DB. This is how I am creating the hash to submit to server.
criteria = $('form_name').serialize(true);
criteria = Object.toJSON(criteria);
// Build the object to store the parameters for the AJAX post request
parameters = {
title : $('report_title').value,
description : $('report_description').value,
criteria : criteria
// Make the AJAX post request
new Ajax.Request( URL, {
method: 'post',
parameters: parameters,
onSuccess: function( response ) {
$('messageSpan').innerHTML = response.responseText;
I am not able to capture the dynamically created values in the criteria.
How to solve this?
In the dynamically created section, I tried adding a submit button and see if the values can be fetched. I am able to fetch and iterate all the hidden variables.
jsonObj = [];
$("input[id=rubric_cell]").each(function () {
var id = "cell_" + row + "_" + col;
item = {}
item["id"] = id;
item["selected_rubric"] = $(this).val();
console.log(jsonObj); //I am getting the required values here
How to get these values in the criteria = $('form_name').serialize(true);. Am I doing some thing wrong? Please help me. thanks in advance.
DEMO to my project
You need to make sure that your hidden input fields have a name attribute set otherwise $.serialize will not process them.

Populate items into SELECT with Jquery

I'm having trouble populating a SELECT with jquery, when the user writes the zipcode or part of it, it searches the database and returns this:
{"success":1,"id":"50","street":"Central One"},{"success":1,"id":"60","street":"Central Two"}
One success for each street it finds. For a single street and using a text input I'm using this
$(document).ready( function() {
url : '../../controller/zip.php',
type : 'POST',
data: 'zip=' + $('#zip').val(),
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){
if(data.sucesso == 1){
return false;
How can I change this so I can populate a select box.
What is being passed back for a single address is a single object from which you can grab the information. When there are multiple responses you need to go through each of them and handle them.
When we look at MDN's article it shows that we need a parent <select> tag and then we need to populate the children. The process would look like this:
Find / create parent select
[Optional] Remove previous child <option> tags
Loop through responses
Create a new <option> element
Populate the <option> with the appropriate value and content
Append it to the parent <select>
Some things to be aware of, if you're clearing the previous addresses each time you get a response from the database you'll want to remove these previous <option>s. This can be done either by .empty() if there are no other children in the parent or starting with the parent <select> and removing all child <options>.
Use this for adding items to select box dynamically:
var $selectBox = $('#selectboxId');
$.each(data, function (idx, val) {
if (val.success) {
$selectBox.append($('<option>', {
text: val.street
I would not encourage to do so; you're better off using a html-templating engine like mustache or handlebars.
Doing this kind of stuff in plain JS (string concatenation) is gross. It pollutes your sourcecode.
Anyways, this would do the trick to generate the necessary HTML:
function generateHTML(data){
return data.reduce(function(o,n){
return o+"<option value='""'>"+n.street+"</option>";
Here is the Fiddle to play with. If you need to filter for success, you could add a filter()
function generateHTML(data){
return data.filter(function(x){
return !!x.success;
return o+"<option value='""'>"+n.street+"</option>";
You could easily use $("#selectBoxId").html(generateHTML(data)) to insert it to the DOM.
To fit it into your codebase, you should add it in the success handler:
success: function(data){
function generateHTML(data){
return data.reduce(function(o,n){
return o+"<option value='""'>"+n.street+"</option>";
For the inner workings of Array.prototype.reduce() take a look at MDN and for Array.prototype.filter()
If the JSON being returned is a list [{...}, ..., {...}], then you can use Array.forEach. Here is the success callback:
function(data) {
data.forEach(function(item) {
if (item.success) {
// use and item.street
If you have a <select> element, then you will want to be populating it with <options>, by appending an <option> element under each successful "if" branch in the forEach.
Assuming you already have the select element on the page and the data that is coming back from the server is an array of objects, this should work:
url : '../../controller/zip.php',
type : 'POST',
data: 'zip=' + $('#zip').val(),
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
var $items = [];
$.each(data, function(street) {
if(data.success === 1) {
$items.push($('<option />').attr({
Notice this isn't setting the value for one option, it is creating <option> tags for each of the response's streets and appending them to a <select> element.

Liferay Alloy UI - Clearing cache of dependent AutoCompleteList

I need to have two dependent AutoCompleteList in my Liferay portlet page. When I select some value from first AutoCompleteList then based on it's selected value I need to change the second AutoCompleteList source data. Based on information available, I have done coding and it is working fine except one issue.
When I select item in first AutoCompleteList then second AutoCompleteList gets populated with certain values based on my first list's selected item. Then if I change my selection again in first list, second AutoCompleteList gets updated with new possible values. But it appends the new possible values in the existing list or can say keep caching of data from both cases. But I need to show only possible values in list based on current selection of first list. For example, for selected value 1 in first list, if initially it was showing [A, B] in second list, after changing selection in first list from 1 to 2, it is showing [[A,B]+[C,D]].
Below here is part of that code. I tried setting "enableCache: 'false' " in second AutoComepleteList but not working.
function (A)
{'<%=getUrl %>',{
dataType: 'json',
method: 'GET',
on: {
success: function() {
new A.AutoCompleteList(
allowBrowserAutocomplete: 'false',
activateFirstItem: 'true',
inputNode: '#<portlet:namespace />name',
resultTextLocator: 'name',
render: 'true',
resultHighlighter: 'phraseMatch',
on: {
select: function(event) {
var result = event.result.raw;'#<portlet:namespace/>pk').val(
<aui:input id="pk" name="pk" label="Primary Id"
onChange='<%= renderResponse.getNamespace() + "fetchDisplayValues();"%
'<portlet:namespace />fetchDisplayValues',
function() {
var A = AUI();
var pk ="#<portlet:namespace/>pk");
var id = pk.get("value");
var url = '<%=getValues %>';
url = url+"&<portlet:namespace/>id="+id;
var datasource = new,{
dataType: 'json',
method: 'GET',
on: {
success: function(){
var data = this.get('responseData');
new A.AutoCompleteList(
allowBrowserAutocomplete: 'false',
enableCache: 'false',
activateFirstItem: 'true',
inputNode: '#<portlet:namespace />displayName',
resultTextLocator: 'name',
render: 'true',
resultHighlighter: 'phraseMatch',
on: {
select: function(event) {
var result = event.result.raw;'#<portlet:namespace/>displayId').val(;
Please help me to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.

Selecting a value on a dynamically populated dropdown list after the list has been populated

So I have a problem where my code tries to select a value on the dropdown list before the list is populated. Basically it calls a javascript function that does an AJAX post to get the dropdown values from php. Then its supposed to select a value on the list, however it does this before the list is populated, so it doesn't find the value. Any idea on how to fix this?
Heres my code
This is where I get the values for the dropdown list
function getProjects(id, proj_select_class)
custID = id.options[id.selectedIndex].value;
type: "POST",
url: "index.php/home/projectlist",
data: {custID : custID},
dataType: "json",
success:function (result){
var ddl = $(proj_select_class);
for (var key in result) {
if (result.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
ddl.append('<option value=' + key + '>' + result[key] + '</option>');
And heres where I set the values.
AddNew() adds a new row to my table. This is also inside an ajax call.
for (var row in result) {
client_field = document.getElementById('clients'+id);
project_field = document.getElementById('projects'+id);
client_value = $.trim(result[row].client_id);
project_value = $.trim(result[row].project_id);
//set client
client_field.value = client_value;
getProjects(client_field, project_field, client_value);
project_field.value = project_value;
Maybe try using a custom event binding to know when your code should fetch the value from the list. To bind to a custom event, you would do something like:
$(document).bind("listpopulated", function(){ /*find value, call AddNew() */ });
and in your ajax success function trigger the "listpopulated" event like so:
Fixed it by waiting til the ajax finished running by doing this
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(){ set_values(result); });
set_values is another function that I just loops through all my results and sets all the dropdown values
