I'm using "Braintree - Dropin" here. Instance is created when page load and I have a dropdown to select "pay amount" after. I want to update value of instance (already created) when dropdown is changed.
var form = document.querySelector('#payment-form');
var client_token = "{{ Braintree\ClientToken::generate()}}";
var amount = document.getElementById("amount");
var amount_val = amount.options[amount.selectedIndex].value;
authorization: client_token,
selector: '#bt-dropin',
applePay: {
displayName: 'My Store',
paymentRequest: {
total: {
label: 'My Store',
amount: amount_val
}, function (createErr, instance) {
if (createErr) {
console.log('Create Error', createErr);
amount.addEventListener("change", function() {
// Where i'm trying to change amount
instance.updateConfiguration('applePay', 'paymentRequest', {
total: {
label: 'My Store',
amount: amount.value
form.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
instance.requestPaymentMethod(function (err, payload) {
if (err) {
console.log('Request Payment Method Error', err);
// Add the nonce to the form and submit
document.querySelector('#nonce').value = payload.nonce;
According to "Dropin" documentation this should work. but it doesn't.
I couldn't find a possible way to change instance after it is created. But I solved the problem by splitting process in to two parts. I made two steps to do the payment. In first page user will select amount from dropdown then click next button which submit selected amount into payment page. then on payment page this instance is created with amount already post from previous page. Hope this will help someone with a similar issue.
I tried to include a button (created from user event) on Sales order. Upon clicking it, Invoice will be generated. As soon as the button is hit, ther comes an error and invoice doesnt get generated. Can anyone help me with this?
//Client script
function pageInit() {
function csForButton(ctx) {
var rec = curr.get();
var customer = rec.getValue({ "fieldId": "customer" });
title: 'customer',
details: customer
var scriptURL = url.resolveScript({
"scriptId": "customscript_button_task_sl",
"deploymentId": "customdeploy_button_task_sl"
console.log('scriptURL', scriptURL);
window.onbeforeunload = null;
window.open(scriptURL + '&id=' + rec.id);
return {
pageInit: pageInit,
csForButton: csForButton
//User Event Script
function beforeLoad(ctx) {
//if (context.type == context.UserEventType.VIEW) {
// }
function addbutton(ctx) {
try {
var rec = ctx.newRecord;//record object, now we can get its properties through it(e.g. fields)
var statusOfTrans = rec.getValue({ fieldId: 'status' });
log.error('statusOfTrans', statusOfTrans);
ctx.form.clientScriptFileId = "16474"
if (ctx.type == "view" && statusOfTrans == 'Pending Fulfillment') {
id: 'custpage_make_invoice',
label: 'create invoice!',
functionName: 'csForButton'
catch (error) {
log.error('addbutton', error);
return {
beforeLoad: beforeLoad,
//Suitelet Script
function onRequest(ctx) {
try {
var req = ctx.request;
var res = ctx.response;
if (req.method == 'GET') {
var objRecord = rec.transform({
fromType: rec.Type.SALES_ORDER,
fromId: req.parameters.id,
toType: rec.Type.INVOICE,
isDynamic: true,
ignoreMandatoryFields: true
res.write({output: 'Invoice created'});
} catch (error) {
log.error('onRequest', error);
return {
'onRequest': onRequest
error (in suitelet):
{"type":"error.SuiteScriptError","name":"USER_ERROR","message":"You must enter at least one line item for this transaction.","stack":["anonymous(N/serverRecordService)","onRequest(/SuiteScripts/button SL.js:39)"],"cause":{"type":"internal error","code":"USER_ERROR","details":"You must enter at least one line item for this transaction.","userEvent":null,"stackTrace":["anonymous(N/serverRecordService)","onRequest(/SuiteScripts/button SL.js:39)"],"notifyOff":false},"id":"","notifyOff":false,"userFacing":false}
As Error says to include atleast 1 line but i wanted it to be generated automatically. I am new in suitescript and taking all the help from the documentation. Can anyone jst guide me what is wrong i m doing?
Thank u
You need the SO status to be Pending Billing. If the status of the SO is Pending Fulfillment, then no line items are ready to be invoiced.
I have a field that enables me to choose a folder from an electron dialog. On clicking the field, the dialog opens and I'm able to select the folder.
However, upon hitting ok, even though my model contains the folder's path, it does not reflect in the input field, until I click OUTSIDE the field (when it loses focus). How exactly do I fix this behaviour?
Template contains:
<input type="text" class="form-control" (click)="onClickPath($event)" [(ngModel)]="currentConfiguration.workspacePath" id="workspace-path" name="workspace-name" aria-label="workspace" aria-describedby="workspace-lable">
export class CurrentConfiguration {
workspacePath: string;
currentConfiguration: CurrentConfiguration = {
workspacePath: ""
//onClickedPath event:
onClickPath(event) {
console.log("clicked: ", event.target.id);
// open the dialog to select the directory
const dir = this.electronService.remote.dialog.showOpenDialog({
properties: ["openDirectory"],
title: event.target.id.split('-').join(" ")
}, (folderPath) => {
if (folderPath[0] == undefined) {
type: "error",
buttons: ["ok"],
title: "Error",
message: "Please select the folder"
// set the correct directoryPath.
this.currentConfiguration[event.target.id.split('-')[0] + 'Path'] = folderPath[0];
Note - this is a almost a dupe of This question Since it helped me resolve the issue, I'll post the answer.
Electron dialogs seem to function outside the angular zone and hence any updates to the data does no trigger angular to refresh the view.
In order to make the refresh happen, I had to execute the logic inside a zone like below:
import { NgZone } from '#angular/core';
currentConfiguration: CurrentConfiguration = {
workspacePath: ""
//onClickedPath event:
onClickPath(event) {
console.log("clicked: ", event.target.id);
// open the dialog to select the directory
const dir = this.electronService.remote.dialog.showOpenDialog({
properties: ["openDirectory"],
title: event.target.id.split('-').join(" ")
}, (folderPath) => {
if (folderPath[0] == undefined) {
type: "error",
buttons: ["ok"],
title: "Error",
message: "Please select the folder"
// run all of this inside the zone
this.zone.run(() => {
// set the correct directoryPath.
this.currentConfiguration[event.target.id.split('-')[0] + 'Path'] = folderPath[0];
}); // end of zone
I'm stuck at this point now. I never used braintree API before. The problem is when I hit the submit button it is showing alert box with my payment_method_nonce.
It means I'm successfully getting the payment_method_nonce from the client, But the problem is I don't know how can I submit a the form with this payment_method_nonce.
This client sdk is written in jquery.
And I tried several ways to submit the form but I don't know exactly how can I get a 'payment_method_nonce' when submitting a form.
I tired adding a hidden type field. And even that hidden type field doesn't comes up.
Please help. Here is the jquery code.
I just want to know how can I submit a form in jquery with that 'payment_method_nonce'.
authorization: '{{$clientToken}}'
}, function (err, clientInstance) {
if (err) {
client: clientInstance,
styles: {
'input': {
'font-size': '14px',
'font-family': 'helvetica, tahoma, calibri, sans-serif',
'color': '#3a3a3a'
':focus': {
'color': 'black'
fields: {
number: {
selector: '#card-number',
placeholder: '4111 1111 1111 1111'
cvv: {
selector: '#cvv',
placeholder: '123'
expirationMonth: {
selector: '#expiration-month',
placeholder: 'MM'
expirationYear: {
selector: '#expiration-year',
placeholder: 'YY'
postalCode: {
selector: '#postal-code',
placeholder: '90210'
}, function (err, hostedFieldsInstance) {
if (err) {
hostedFieldsInstance.on('validityChange', function (event) {
var field = event.fields[event.emittedBy];
if (field.isValid) {
if (event.emittedBy === 'expirationMonth' || event.emittedBy === 'expirationYear') {
if (!event.fields.expirationMonth.isValid || !event.fields.expirationYear.isValid) {
} else if (event.emittedBy === 'number') {
// Remove any previously applied error or warning classes
// Apply styling for a valid field
} else if (field.isPotentiallyValid) {
// Remove styling from potentially valid fields
if (event.emittedBy === 'number') {
} else {
// Add styling to invalid fields
// Add helper text for an invalid card number
if (event.emittedBy === 'number') {
$('#card-number').next('span').text('Looks like this card number has an error.');
hostedFieldsInstance.on('cardTypeChange', function (event) {
// Handle a field's change, such as a change in validity or credit card type
if (event.cards.length === 1) {
} else {
$('.panel-body').submit(function (event) {
hostedFieldsInstance.tokenize(function (err, payload) {
if (err) {
// This is where you would submit payload.nonce to your server
alert('Submit your nonce to your server here!' + payload.nonce);
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact
Without your form, or HTML code included, it's tough to know if you've defined your form as a variable. Essentially, though, you'll want to inject that nonce value (payload.nonce) into your form, following which you'll submit that form to your server.
For example, I have defined my form (above my braintree.client.create)
var form = document.querySelector('#checkout-form');
Then, in your submit event, you'll want to inject the payload value into your form after a successful tokenization (which you've seemed to achieve based on the alert value)
document.querySelector('input[name="payment_method_nonce"]').value = payload.nonce;
Subsequently submitting your form;
This will submit your form with an input named payment_method_nonce, which you can then request on your server.
Let me know if I can further clarify. Happy to help.
I am currently using Django 1.9 and Braintree payments JS v3. What I want to be able to do is when the user submits the form successfully, have a Javascript alert() pop up. But the pop-up message will be contingent on what the back end Python returns...
So like this:
Submit the form
Run the backend stuff
Pop up the alert with a message dependent on what is returned by the Python backend
When the alert is closed, refresh or redirect
var client_token = "{{ request.session.braintree_client_token }}"
var form = document.querySelector('#checkout-form');
var submit = document.querySelector('input[type="submit"]');
authorization: client_token
}, function (clientErr, clientInstance) {
if (clientErr) { // for error loading client authorization
if(alert('There was a form verification issue, reloading page on close.')){}
else window.location.reload();
client: clientInstance,
styles: {
'input': {
'font-size': '14px'
'input.invalid': {
'color': 'red'
'input.valid': {
'color': 'green'
fields: {
number: {
selector: '#card-number',
placeholder: 'Credit Card Number'
cvv: {
selector: '#cvv',
placeholder: '123'
expirationDate: {
selector: '#expiration-date',
placeholder: '10/2019'
postalCode: {
selector: '#postal-code',
placeholder: '10014'
}, function (hostedFieldsErr, hostedFieldsInstance) {
if (hostedFieldsErr) { // for errors creating form
if(alert('There was a form creation issue, reloading page on close.')){}
else window.location.reload();
form.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
document.querySelector('input[id="pay-button"]').value = "Please wait...";
hostedFieldsInstance.tokenize(function (tokenizeErr, payload) {
if (tokenizeErr) {
if (tokenizeErr.code === 'HOSTED_FIELDS_FIELDS_EMPTY') {
alert('Please fill in card info');
document.querySelector('input[id="pay-button"]').value = "Complete Booking";
// Put `payload.nonce` into the `payment_method_nonce`
document.querySelector('input[name="payment_method_nonce"]').value = payload.nonce;
}, false);
I'm thinking that this functionality would need to be right after form.submit() is run on the bottom...
I added the vars up top in my code
I have a set of objects called 'categories' which have posts in them that belong to that category. A user is able to 'follow' a category by clicking a button that takes the data within that category object, most importantly the posts puts them in a field within Meteor.users. As it stands, the user only gets the posts that were available at the when the user clicked the button.
How do i make it so that when they 'follow' a category, any new posts that come in later, after the click event has already been done, will automatically be pushed to their user data. In other words, how do make this process reactive?
'click .toggle-category': function(e){
var ob = $(e.target).parent().find("div").text();
var id = $.makeArray( ob );
Meteor.call('addingCategory', id, function(error, user){ console.log(id)});
Meteor.publish("userData", function () {
if (this.userId) {
return Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId},
{fields: {'name': 1}});
} else {
could i do something with autorun? to the tune of this?
'click .toggle-category': function(e){
autorun(function() {
var ob = $(e.target).parent().find("div").text();
var id = $.makeArray( ob );
Meteor.call('addingCategory', id, function(error, user){ console.log(id)});
can't get it currently but try
Meteor.publish("userData", function () {
if (this.userId) {
return Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId},
{fields: {'name': 1}});
} else {
return null;