Unable to access options within select element - javascript

The Problem: I am able to retrieve the HTMLOptionsCollection object from the select element, but unable to get an accurate length or array from it.
For context, I am trying to make an array from the HTMLOptionsCollection object so I can loop through the options to add the selected attribute to one of the option elements. Also, I'm doing this for a chrome extension so I'm not sure if there would be any odd compatibility issues because of that.
Right now, I have this code:
var dropdown = document.getElementById("clients"); // Initially empty
fillDropdown(); // This does in fact fill the select element with option elements
console.log(dropdown) // Returns select element
console.log(dropdown.options); // Returns filled HTMLOptionsCollection object
console.log(dropdown.options.length); // Returns 0
// Make an array out of HTMLOptionsCollection object (taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6138042/javascript-selecbox-options-to-array)
var arr = Array.apply(null, dropdown.options).map(function(el) { return el.value; });
console.log(arr); // Returns Array[0]
Here are the console.log results:
I did not expect the length to be inaccurate at all and can't figure out why this is. Any help is greatly appreciated!
EDIT: Here is my fillDropdown() function. It's ultimate goal is to append option elements to the select element. The extra jargon is to prevent options from getting too long word wise.
// Input: None
// Output: None
// Proceeds to fill the clients dropdown with clients from local storage
function fillDropdown() {
chrome.storage.local.get(function(data) {
if (typeof data.lastClientName !== "undefined") {
for (var i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
// Create an option element to add to the dropdown.
var clientOption = document.createElement("option");
// cutoff is an array which holds whole words. This is done to cleanly cut off a name.
var cutoff = clients[i].split(" ");
// A clients name may have no more than 4 words to its name.
if (cutoff.length > 4) {
cutoff = cutoff[0] + " " + cutoff[1] + " " + cutoff[2] + " " + cutoff[3] + " ...";
// The full name attribute is used to store the actual name.
clientOption.setAttribute("fullName", clients[i]);
// The value and innerHTML are both the same and are user visible.
clientOption.setAttribute("value", cutoff);
if (data.lastClientName === cutoff) {
dropdown.value = clientOption.value;
clientOption.innerHTML = cutoff;
else {
// fullName is added here for consistency
clientOption.setAttribute("fullName", clients[i]);
clientOption.setAttribute("value", clients[i]);
if (data.lastClientName === clients[i]) {
dropdown.value = cutoff;
clientOption.innerHTML = clients[i];
else {
for (var i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
// Create an option element to add to the dropdown.
var clientOption = document.createElement("option");
// cutoff is an array which holds whole words. This is done to cleanly cut off a name.
var cutoff = clients[i].split(" ");
// A clients name may have no more than 4 words to its name.
if (cutoff.length > 4) {
cutoff = cutoff[0] + " " + cutoff[1] + " " + cutoff[2] + " " + cutoff[3] + " ...";
// The full name attribute is used to store the actual name.
clientOption.setAttribute("fullName", clients[i]);
// The value and innerHTML are both the same and are user visible.
clientOption.setAttribute("value", cutoff);
clientOption.innerHTML = cutoff;
else {
// fullName is added here for consistency
clientOption.setAttribute("fullName", clients[i]);
clientOption.setAttribute("value", clients[i]);
clientOption.innerHTML = clients[i];
Also the only html to be concerned with here is
<select name="clients" id="clients"></select>

Try this:
const newArr = Array.from(dropdown.options);
You can find other ways to do this here: https://hackernoon.com/htmlcollection-nodelist-and-array-of-objects-da42737181f9

I'm so sorry, I just realized that clients in fillDropdown() was not defined. Clients is supposed to be an array of business names that I would use to actually fill the dropdown. Now I'm curious as to why I didn't get an error for that in my console. I thought any undefined variable would show in the console.
On top of clients not being defined, I also had to make fillDropdown a callback function.
Thank you everyone for helping!


Pushing object to array results in same value

I have the following javascript code that does not work as I would expect it to. I have a list of checkboxes of which two of the items are "TestDuration" and "AssessmentScores". I'm trying to iterate through the list (which works fine) and have it add the values that are checked to the array.
var SAIndex = 0;
var SSIndex = 0;
var ScoresIndex = 0;
var SubAssessments = [];
var SubAssessmentScores = [];
//Get to the container element
var SSList = document.getElementById("islSubAssessmentScore_container");
//turn it into an array of the checkbox inputs
SSList = SSList.getElementsByTagName("input");
//create a temporary object to store my values
var tempPair = new Object();
//iterate through the checkbox lists
for(var i = 1; i < SSList.length;i++)
//if the value is checked add it to the array
if (SSList[i].checked)
var P = SubAssessments[SAIndex];
var V = SSList[i].value;
//tempPair.Parent = SubAssessments[SAIndex];
tempPair.Parent = P;
//tempPair.Value = SSList[i].value;
tempPair.Value = V;
//show me the values as they exist on the page
alert(tempPair.Parent + "|" + tempPair.Value);
//show me the values I just added to the array
alert(SubAssessmentScores.length-1 + "|" + SubAssessmentScores[SubAssessmentScores.length-1].Parent + "|" + SubAssessmentScores[SubAssessmentScores.length-1].Value);
//uncheck the values so when I refresh that section of the page the list is empty
SSList[i].checked = false;
//output the list of objects I just created
for (i = 0;i < SubAssessmentScores.length;i++)
alert(i + "|" + SubAssessmentScores[i].Parent + "|" + SubAssessmentScores[i].Value)
Now what happens is that when I iterate through the list I get the following alerts:
-first pass-
-second pass-
This is what I expect to output... However at the end of the code snippet when it runs the for loops to spit out all the values I get the following alerts...
I can't for the life of me figure out why it's replacing the first value with the second value. I thought it might be using a reference variable which is why I added in the P and V variables to try to get around that if that was the case, but the results are the same.
This is because you are adding the same variable every iteration of the loop.
Try changing your push like this:
Parent: P,
Value: V
That said, I recommend you study a little more javascript and conventions in the language, for example your variable naming is frowned upon because you should only use capital letters on the beginning of a name for constructor functions.
A good book is Javascript the good parts by Douglas Crockford.

localStorage: condition to prevent storing duplicated values in localStorage

When clicking a li element, I want to store its text as a localStorage value only once. If it exists in localStorage, a second click must have no effect (just an alert).
To check if the string exists I'm doing an if inside a for loop, but I'm doing something wrong. (fiddle line 26). My question is if there is a way to make this condition work.
I can not use the colors as keys, since my real script uses large strings instead of colors. Adding a class is not the way I want to solve it.
// Each color must be stored with localStorage once with a click.
// The second click must have no effect, just run an alert.
// LINE 26: the problem is while checking if the value exists
// Colors are used for this example, the real js uses long strings, that's why I can not use the colors as keys.
// define a value that will be used for increment
if (localStorage.getItem('current_id') === null) {
localStorage.setItem('current_id', 0);
$(document).on('click', 'li', function() {
var dl = $('dl');
var current_color = $(this).text();
// each click generates a new key
current_key = 'color_id_' + (parseInt(localStorage.getItem('current_id')) + 1);
localStorage.setItem('current_id', (parseInt(localStorage.getItem('current_id')) + 1));
$('<dt>' + current_key + '</dt><dd>' + current_color + '</dd>').appendTo(dl);
// I want to know how to check if a value exists in localStorage
// if this value doesn't exist, it is set in localStorage with a click
for (var i = 0, len = localStorage.length; i < len; i++) {
if (localStorage.getItem('color_id_' + i) == current_color) {
alert('Color exists in localStorage.');
} else {
alert('New Color added to localStorage');
localStorage.setItem(current_id, current_color);
I think this solution can help to you:
$(document).on('click', 'li', function() {
var color = $(this).text();
localStorage.setItem("colors", "[]");
var list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("colors"));
var exist = false;
for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
if(list[i] == color) {
exist = true;
if(!exist) list.push(color);
localStorage.setItem("colors", JSON.stringify(list));
Working demo.
The idea is storing selected colors in array, then save to localStorage. If user clicks to color we just get data serialize it and then check for existing.
Get data serialize it
Check if color exist
Save if not exist, otherwise show alert
Deserialize data and store
Another way:
$(document).on('click', 'li', function() {
var color = $(this).text();
var nSpace = "colors." + color;
localStorage.setItem(nSpace, true);
Idea is using namespaces.
Why don't you just use the string you're storing as the key of the localStorage entry?

marking a item "done" in localStorage

I have an application where I am adding li elements to the web page. I need to change the class name of the element to "done" inside of local storage when I mark it as "done" on the webpage. (It should say done: true). With my current code I am unintentionally making two items in local storage, one which is done: true and the other which is done: false. I'll show my code here:
function updateDone(e) {
var spanClicked = e.target;
var id = spanClicked.parentElement.id;
var done = spanClicked.parentElement.className;
spanClicked.innerHTML = " ✔ ";
spanClicked.setAttribute("class", "done");
var key = "todos" + id;
for(var i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) {
if(todos[i].id == id) {
var mark = todos[i];
mark.done = true;
spanClicked.setAttribute("class", "done");
var newKey = JSON.stringify(mark);
localStorage.setItem(key, newKey);
if(mark.done == false) {
spanClicked.setAttribute("class", "not done");
spanClicked.innerHTML = "not done";
They are both labeled with the same id which is how I keep track of each item, yet there are two of them. Also, when i refresh the page there are two list items shown, one which is marked done. My question is how do I prevent another item from being created and instead mark just one item as done in localStorage?
You need a way to uniquely identify each item, so you can ensure your marks are being set on the items you intend and are not overwriting because you might have, say, two items with the same key. Since you are looping through a list, maybe you can change your keys to be composed of two parts.
var parent_key = "todos" + parent_id;
And then, in the loop :
var store_key = parent_key + ":" + i;
This way (so long as the order is going to be consistent), you can separate multiple list elements from the same parent.
As commented, a live example in jsFiddle or something would help better address your requirement.
However if this solution is insufficient you could try the following idea, effectively setting a "table" within localstorage.
var parent_key = "todos" + id;
var parent_table = {};
// for loop
parent_table[i] = newKey;
// end of for loop
So you have a table inside of local storage, to give you finer granularity.

Implode array not working as expected

Take a look at my code :
// is_array function
function is_array(input){ return typeof(input)=='object'&&(input instanceof Array); }
// Check if cos_in is an array. If is not, create him
var cos_in = new Array();
// Onclick function
function cos(pret,box,configuratie)
// Create a value (is different on every click; using different box)
cos_in[box] = box + '|||' + pret + '|||' + configuratie + '||||';
// Insert values from array in some div with #cos id
My problem is that the div with id #cos has from start value "test-empty", and for each time onclick function is executed, the div should have value from function. But is returns an empty div.
Some help please?
Although this code can be improved a lot I tried to fix your first immediate problem here.
Do you want to append the result every time you click? Where is the join for?
Are you trying to join the keys or the values? I assume for now you want the value and not the key.
window.cos_in = window.cos_in && window.cos_in instanceof Array ? window.cos_in : []
// Onclick function
function cos(pret,box,configuratie)
// Create a value (is different on every click; using different box)
cos_in.push(box + '|||' + pret + '|||' + configuratie + '||||');
// Insert values from array in some div with #cos id
Let me iterate a bit to get to something readable/understandable.
Here is a cleaner example of what you're doing. To improve it more I need to know where you're going with your links and parameters.
var cos = (function (cos_in) {
return function cos(pret, box, configuratie) {
// Create a value (is different on every click; using different box)
cos_in.push(box + '|||' + pret + '|||' + configuratie + '||||');
// Insert values from array in some div with #cos id
Here is an example of an object version instead of an array...
var cos = (function (cos_in) {
return function cos(pret, box, configuratie) {
// Create a value (is different on every click; using different box)
cos_in[box] = (box + '|||' + pret + '|||' + configuratie + '||||');
// Insert values from array in some div with #cos id
This is a simple wrapper you could use:
function join(input, str) {
if(typeof(input) === 'object') {
if(input instanceof Array) {
return input.join(str);
} else {
var tmp = [];
for(var x in input) {
if(input.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
return tmp.join(str);
return input;
/* ... */
$("#cos").html( join(cos_in, '||||') );
However, you really need to differ between languages. JavaScript might not work as you expect it, at least in comparison with PHP.

Javascript for...in loop for objetcs not running on last property

this is my first post in stackoverflow.. I am trying to iterate over an object(my implementation is an associative array) which in turn has some properties. Now I wish to construct another array out of it in order to use it as a localsource in jquery autocomplete widget for seach operations. Now the problem is that i am using for in loop to that according to the documenations available... However the output is always one less than the original object. The itearation involving the last element is not performed at all. Below is the sample object that I am using as input.
SubTeachPair = object{"5CS1":{SubAbbrev:"CA-L",SubCode:"5CS1",SubName:"Computer Architecture",TeacherId:"1",TeacherName:"Ayush Pandey",label:"Computer Architecture",value:"5CS1"},"5CS2":{SubAbbrev:"CA-P",SubCode:"5CS2",SubName:"Computer Engg",TeacherId:"10",TeacherName:"MAyush Pandey",label:"Computer Engg",value:"5CS2"}}
It has this kind of elements and is dynamically generated so the property names are variable. The loop construct that I have written is
var SubSource = [];
var count = 0;
for(sub in SubTeachPair){
SubSource[count] = {};
However, the result for the given input is only:
object{{ label: "Computer Architecture", value: "5CS1"}}
Am I missing something here?
edit-- The function that produces the input object is as follows(It is triggered onclick by the next button).
$('#' + $(this).attr("id")).autocomplete({
source : 'search',
minLength : 1,
change : function(event, ui) {
if( typeof ui.item != 'undefined') {
SubTeachPair[$(this).attr("id")] = {};
// console.log(ui.item);
SubTeachPair[$(this).attr("id")]['value'] = $(this).attr("id");
SubTeachPair[$(this).attr("id")]['label'] = $('label[for="' + this.id + '"]').html();
SubTeachPair[$(this).attr("id")]['SubCode'] = $(this).attr("id");
SubTeachPair[$(this).attr("id")]['SubName'] =$('label[for="' + this.id + '"]').html();
SubTeachPair[$(this).attr("id")]['SubAbbrev'] =$('label[for="' + this.id + '"]').attr('id');
SubTeachPair[$(this).attr("id")]['TeacherId'] = ui.item.id;
SubTeachPair[$(this).attr("id")]['TeacherName'] = ui.item.value;
// console.log(SubTeachPair);
//window.SubTeachPair = SubTeachPair;
I think I have found the cause of the error -- the object that is the input is actually the out put of another form that uses jquery autocomplete . Now when I enter something in the input and then click on the suggestion, the suggestion is filled in the text input, however if i do not click outside the input text and directly click the button which triggers my script, I get that error. Otherwise its fine. Is there any way to avoid that?
In your code, the array SubSource and count are not defined, You have to declare:
var SubSource = [];
var count = 0`
before for(sub in SubTeachPair) {...}
See http://jsfiddle.net/abu5C/
Try this:
SubSource[count] = {};
for(sub in SubTeachPair) {
