Cache Angular Component - javascript

I have two angular components. The first component has a list with picture items requested from a server. When the user selects one picture he is forwarded to the second page, the detail view, where more information is displayed. Now when he is hitting the browser's back button component 1 loads again and fires some heavy request for getting the pictures.
Is there a way I can cache component 1 so when the user hits the browser's back button component 1 is restored and the server request are not sendend again? I have read about Angular Route Reuse Strategy but I guess this applies not for browser navigation?

Just store the items in a variable inside a service


Angular2 - stepper and browser history's button

I would like to ask you how to solve problem with angular stepper and browser history's buttons.
When user making something which includes process steps its easy to controll steps with application button for prev and next step but when we make process step without changing route we are not able to use browser history's buttons, because route is not changing.
If we want to change funcionality to use different route for every single step maybe with only url step parameter. How we can prevent that user, which is on step1, cant rewrite url param to step2. Specialy if step1 has logic which send user to step3 without step2.
We tryed to use canDeactivate and on browser back we just do prevstep but its not so good solution and dont work as we expect.
Is there any solutin with single page app with Angular 10?

Is it possible to create a method that refreshes a single vueJS component?

I have an axios call that is attached to a notation log component. When a new notation is submitted, it updates the MySQL database, but I can't find a way to get the 'notation log' component to update. I may be looking at the problem wrong. I have it working where the enduser can click on a 🔃 refresh button by forcing the url to redirect to the same page.
You could force an update to re-render the component, but Vue should handle that for you. If you submit the data into the database, the backend could return an updated list for example. Or you just send another GET-request when receiving the answer of your submitting-request and then set properties of your component.
For forcing a re-render, check out this article:

Keep alert messages showing between different web pages

I am working on an angular web application where I want to show the user messages about different actions (like success, failure, etc.). These messages are set to clear automatically after 10 seconds, or when the user clicks the x button beside every alert. This is the easy part.
The difficult part is - I want to maintain these messages when the user navigates to different parts of the application. Something like facebook/google chat boxes.
I initially went through some ideas and decided on a solution where I stored the messages in an array in the local storage and every web page had code to look for these messages and display them if found.
But, I faced issues with the timing of the messages disappearing automatically (the timer reset to 10 seconds for all messages on page load). And also whenever the URL changed, the messages would go away and would load as new alerts after the new web page finished loading.
What is the correct way of doing this?
Whenever an alert appears in your application, you can store its timestamp together with the message. And on the page load call setTimeout for each alert with a callback of removing this message and the time difference between now and the timestamp+10sec.
Using your implementation, the timeout issue is easy to fix: when you store the alert, include an epiresAfter property as well. This property would be a timestamp af when you expect the the alert to no longer display.
Then you set up a timeout that either:
polls and checks the timeout, clearing it if the current time is past the expiration time
or a timeout that triggers after the difference between the expiration time and the current time.
I would consider treating your Message component as a singleton, i.e. it only ever has one instance. If the Message component is a child to other components, then it will be removed when it's parent component is removed from the DOM.
Consider moving your messages component to the root/app level (i.e. inside your AppComponent). This way as the user navigates around your app, the Messages component will always be visible. Further, the state of the notifications can be stored within this Messages component, so it's own timer wouldn't be affected by the rendering/removal of other components.
This all assumes you aren't using some sort of global store for your app state. If you are, consider Hyun Woo Krassilchikoff's answer which details implementing a global NGRX store.
The most efficient way is actually to use an NGRX store for your error message and a unique component in the main layout of your application rendering any message streamed from the store.
You'd need:
an action for pushing any kind of alert:. E.g. PushAlert
an action for clearing the alert. E.g ClearAlert
a reducer for managing both actions above
a selector to stream the portion of the state related the alerts
an effect which triggers ClearAlert 10 sec after detecting PushAlert
a component which displays the alert streamed by the store

Backbone differentiate client side rendering from server side rendering

I want to allow users to request webpages of my website both directly from the server or using links, which will be handled by Backbone's router.
When a user requests a webpage directly from the server, a full page is served (with html, head, body, stylesheets and scripts).
On the other hand when a user requests a webpage by clicking on a link, only the relevant part of the page is requested and then inserted in the correct place, and other elements of the webpage remain untouched.
By inserting in the correct place I mean creating a View once a particular route is reached. The view is then initialized and calls its render method to fetch the relevant part of the webpage and inserts it into DOM using $el.html(content).
But I do not want to call the view's render method when a webpage was fetched directly from the server, because all needed content has already been rendered, and re-rendering it only causes some ui-flickering effects.
Is there some common way to let Views know that they shouldn't render themselves, because the fully rendered webpage has been fetched from the server?
I could pass a flag like clientSideNavigation = true to the router, everytime a link is clicked, which then will be passed to views by the router so that they know whether to render the content or not.
But it does not work when user uses aa back/foward buttons.
I could also check in a view if within its $el there is some particular element that should be present on this webpage - for instance if I had a view called CatsView I could check if #cats-box is within its $el element. But it involves some more DOM manipulations, which I would prefer to avoid.
Have a root view and have place holder for child views. First time render the complete page from the server.
For rendering parts of the view on link clicks, you can define corresponding events hash on the root view.
Let the event handler callbacks call a controller(custom js object) which does the job of loading the data ,constructing the view and passing the data to it.
Finally also update the url with Router navigate( method with {trigger:false} to the corresponding url, so then when refresh is hit, the user comes back to the same view.
In the router callback for the specified url call the same method on controller object by passing a flag so that the functionality is in sync and also using the flag you can prevent calling router navigate method since its not required.

Recognise which tab made the request

This question probably doesn't have an answer. But, I thought I'd give it a shot.
I wrote a great one-page application. When the application starts up, the open tab "registers" itself with the server, which stores is as an "active" tab.
If user A changes XYZ in the workspace, every tab opened on that workspace, by any user, receives a notification that XYZ was changed. That triggers a reload in the clients, which will magically be updated. At the moment, I am doing this by polling. However, when it all works I can use things like WS or to make things even faster.
PROBLEM: every tab receives the notification. Even the tab that instigated it in the first place! (as a result, an already-updated screen gets updated)
I somehow need the server to know the tab ID of the tab making the request. Remember that a user might have 5 tabs open: if they change XYZ, all tabs should receive the notification, EXCEPT the one that actually triggered it!
At the moment, I am passing the workspace ID for every Ajax request ( a user might be logged in, and have access to several workspace at the same time).
Solution 1: append both workspace ID and tab ID for every request
Solution 2: only use the tab ID for every request. The app will work out the workspace ID from the tabID (which knows which workspace it belongs to)
Solution 3: ????? (Something that I am missing?)
Any ideas?
Instead of having the server worry about which tabs to send change notifications to you could have the tab that initiated the changes ignore the notification.
Two ways to do this come to mind:
After changing the content a tab will ingore all notifications for a brief period of time. (This will work fine unless changes on multiple tabs happen in a short amount of time.)
Have the tab create a "change id" that it sends to the server with the changes to xyz. The broadcast change notification contains this id and the sending tab recognizes it as the one it sent and ignores it.
You could experiment with HTML5 Visibility API with a fallback to window.onfocus & window.onblur events and suppress updating the page if it's currently visible/active.
