I am now making Customize roulette, and players can input the text what they wanted.
when I click button, the renderRoulette function is work. And this is the inner context of renderRoulette function = "block"; // the initial state of rouletteCanvas's display is 'none'
// #customize elements are the inputs of the text that users made.
let customize = document.querySelectorAll("#customize");
let len = customize.length;
const canvas = document.querySelector(".roulette-panel"); // I want to draw here.
let width = canvas.width;
let height = canvas.height;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// ctx Initialization
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
const devide = len;
const degree = 360;
const goalDegree = 270 + degree / devide;
for (let i = 0; i < devide; i++) {
let json = {
first: (degree / devide) * i,
last: (degree / devide) * (i + 1),
text: `${i + 1}`,
// Draw a circular sector
data.forEach((item) => {;
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = "gray";
ctx.moveTo(width / 2, height / 2);
width / 2,
height / 2,
width / 2,
let half = Math.abs(item.first - item.last) / 2;
let degg = item.first + half;
let xx = ((Math.cos(degreesToRadians(degg)) * width) / 2) * 0.7 + width / 2;
let yy =
((Math.sin(degreesToRadians(degg)) * width) / 2) * 0.7 + height / 2;
let minus = ctx.measureText(item.text).width / 2;
ctx.font = "bold 15px sans-serif";
ctx.fillText(item.text, xx - minus, yy);
Every time I click the button, I want to delete all the previously drawn circular sector shapes and redraw them, so I used the code, ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); . However, even if you click the button after, it will be drawn over the existing picture. How do I initialize it?
I get a feeling that the save and restore in your code are causing some problems for you, I tried a simpler version of your code and the ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height) works just fine.
Here is the code:
const canvas = document.querySelector(".roulette-panel");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
let width = height = 100;
const devide = 8;
let data = []
for (let i = 0; i < devide; i++) {
first: (360 / devide) * i,
last: (360 / devide) * (i + 1)
function draw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
data.forEach((item) => {
ctx.moveTo(width / 2, height / 2);
ctx.arc(50, 50, 45,
item.first * Math.PI / 180,
item.last * Math.PI / 180
item.first += 0.5
item.last += 0.5
setInterval(draw, 40)
<canvas class="roulette-panel"></canvas>
This code uses setInterval to delete all the previously drawn circular sector shapes and draw new one on a new position creating the effect of movement
Here is that same code but with the clearRect commented:
const canvas = document.querySelector(".roulette-panel");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
let width = height = 100;
const devide = 8;
let data = []
for (let i = 0; i < devide; i++) {
first: (360 / devide) * i,
last: (360 / devide) * (i + 1)
function draw() {
//ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
data.forEach((item) => {
ctx.moveTo(width / 2, height / 2);
ctx.arc(50, 50, 45,
item.first * Math.PI / 180,
item.last * Math.PI / 180
item.first += 0.5
item.last += 0.5
setInterval(draw, 40)
<canvas class="roulette-panel"></canvas>
We can clearly see a different effect
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
b = canvas.getContext("2d"); = "canvas"
canvas.width = 900;
canvas.height = 600;
var posX = 430;
posY = 300;
var myArray = [-3.5,0,3.5];
var dX = myArray[Math.floor(Math.random()*myArray.length)];
var dY = myArray[Math.floor(Math.random()*myArray.length)];
setInterval(function (){
b.fillStyle = "steelblue";
b.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
posX += dX;
posY += dY;
if (posX > 875){
dX = 0;
posX = 875;
if (posX < 5){
dx = 0;
posX = 5;
if (posY > 575){
dY = 0;
posY = 575;
if (posY < 5){
dY = 0;
posY = 5;
b.fillStyle = "snow";
b.fillRect(posX, posY, 20, 20);
}, 20)
This is all my Code. I want to move the cube on the background randomly. Right now it moves in just one random direction. but I want it to change this direction every second. for that dX and dY have to change every each second.
Do it this way:
If you have any questions about the code. Feel free to write a comment.
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
canvas.width = 100
canvas.height = 100 = 'steelblue'
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
const RADIUS = 5
const SPEED = 0.6
let pos = [canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2]
let direction = [0, 0]
setInterval(function() {
pos[0] += direction[0] * SPEED
pos[1] += direction[1] * SPEED
if(pos[0] <= RADIUS || pos[0] >= canvas.width - RADIUS ||
pos[1] <= RADIUS || pos[1] >= canvas.height - RADIUS) {
pos = [canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2]
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
ctx.fillStyle = "snow"
ctx.fillRect(pos[0] - RADIUS, pos[1] - RADIUS, 2 * RADIUS, 2 * RADIUS)
}, 20)
setInterval(function() {
const randomAngle = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI
direction = [Math.cos(randomAngle), Math.sin(randomAngle)]
}, 1000)
use setInterval()
var myArray = [-3.5,0,3.5];
var dX, dY
setInterval(() => {
dX = myArray[Math.floor(Math.random()*myArray.length)];
dY = myArray[Math.floor(Math.random()*myArray.length)];
}, 1000)
I would personally opt to use Array.prototype to add a method which will get a random element of the array, and then use setInterval to update the values evey second:
Array.prototype.getRandom = function() {
let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length);
return this[index];
var myArray = [-3.5,0,3.5];
var dX, dY;
function updateDerivatives() {
dX = myArray.getRandom(),
dY = myArray.getRandom();
console.log("Updated values:", { dX, dY });
setInterval(updateDerivatives, 1000);
var myArray = [-3.5,0,3.5];
var dX;
var dY;
setInterval(() => { // you could also use setInterval(function(){...},...)
dX = myArray[Math.floor(Math.random()*myArray.length)];
dY = myArray[Math.floor(Math.random()*myArray.length)];
}, 1000) // 1000 milliseconds
Am trying to make the background of this Codepen transparent I would like to have the Swirls on the a different backgrounds, instead of the colored background that is on the stated Codepen.
I have tried add css code but that did not seem to do anything. I tried messing with the Canvas RGB and that did not seem to do anything either.
// create a canvas element
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
// attach element to DOM
// background color [r, g, b]
var bg = [20, 0, 30]
var wh = window.innerHeight
// get the canvas context (this is the part we draw to)
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
function setup() {
// setup the canvas size to match the window
canvas.width = window.innerWidth
canvas.height = window.innerHeight
wh = window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight ? window.innerWidth : window.innerHeight
// set the 0,0 point to the middle of the canvas, this is not necessary but it can be handy
ctx.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2)
fill(bg, 1)
// fill entire canvas with a preset color
function fill(rgb, amt) {
ctx.beginPath(); // start path
ctx.rect(-canvas.width / 2, -canvas.height / 2, canvas.width, canvas.height) // set rectangle to be the same size as the window
ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(${rgb[0]}, ${rgb[1]}, ${rgb[2]}, ${amt})` // use the rgb array/color for fill, and amt for opacity
ctx.fill() // do the drawing
function drawCircle(x, y, r, color) {
ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
ctx.fillStyle = color || 'white'
function Particle() {
// initialize loopers with random trange and offset
this.loop1 = new Looper(500 + 200 * Math.random(), 860 * Math.random())
this.loop2 = new Looper(320 + 70 * Math.random(), 20 * Math.random())
this.loop3 = new Looper(120 + 20 * Math.random(), 140 * Math.random())
this.history = []
this.history_max = 40
// this.x = null
// this.y = null
this.offset = Math.random() // some color offset for the color
this.draw = function() {
// set x,y, radius, and color params
var x = this.loop1.sin * (wh / 4 - 10) + this.loop2.sin * (wh / 6 - 10) + this.loop3.sin * 60
var y = this.loop1.cos * (wh / 4 - 10) + this.loop2.cos * (wh / 6 - 10) + this.loop3.cos * 10
var r = 0.2 + 3 * this.loop3.sinNorm * this.loop3.cosNorm // set the radius
var c = `hsla(${280 + 60 * (this.loop3.cosNorm + this.offset) * this.loop2.sinNorm}, ${100}%, ${50 + 10 * this.loop3.sin}%, ${1})`
ctx.strokeStyle = c
ctx.lineCap = 'round'
ctx.lineWidth = r
var tx = x
var ty = y
for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(this.history_max * this.loop3.cosNorm, this.history.length); i++) {
ctx.moveTo(tx, ty)
tx = this.history[i][0]
ty = this.history[i][1]
ctx.lineTo(tx, ty)
drawCircle(x, y, r * 2 + 3, c); // draw the circle
this.loop1.update() // update looper
this.loop2.update() // update looper
this.loop3.update() // update looper
this.history.unshift([x, y])
if (this.history.length > this.history_max) {
// initialize a set of particle
var particles = []
for (var i = 0; i < 90; i++) {
particles.push(new Particle())
function draw() {
// fill context with background color
fill(bg, 0.36)
// update all the particles
for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
particles[i].draw() // do it once
// this is a draw loop, this will execute frequently and is comparable to EnterFrame on other platform
window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
// start enterFrame loop
// force running setup
// re-setup canvas when the size of the window changes
window.addEventListener("resize", setup)
// create a class to hold value and have built in incrementing functionality
function Looper(steps, start) {
this.val = start || 0 // set value to start value if defined, or 1
this.steps = steps || 100 // set steps to passed value or default to 100
this.norm = this.val / this.range // initialize normalized value (between 0 and 1)
this.sin = Math.sin(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get sine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI]
this.sinNorm = (this.sin + 1) / 2 // normalize sin to [0,1]
this.cos = Math.cos(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get cosine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI]
this.cosNorm = (this.cos + 1) / 2 // normalize cos to [0,1]
this.update = function() {
this.val = (this.val + 1) % this.steps // update value
this.norm = this.val / this.steps // update normalize value (between 0 and 1)
this.sin = Math.sin(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get sine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI]
this.sinNorm = (this.sin + 1) / 2 // normalize sine to [0,1]
this.cos = Math.cos(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get cosine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI]
this.cosNorm = (this.cos + 1) / 2 // normalize cos to [0,1]
ctx.fillStyle = rgba(255,255,255,0)
// create a canvas element
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
// attach element to DOM
// background color [r, g, b]
var bg = [20, 0, 30]
var wh = window.innerHeight
// get the canvas context (this is the part we draw to)
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
function setup() {
// setup the canvas size to match the window
canvas.width = window.innerWidth
canvas.height = window.innerHeight
wh = window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight ? window.innerWidth : window.innerHeight
// set the 0,0 point to the middle of the canvas, this is not necessary but it can be handy
ctx.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2)
fill(bg, 1)
// fill entire canvas with a preset color
function fill(rgb, amt) {
ctx.beginPath(); // start path
ctx.rect(-canvas.width / 2, -canvas.height / 2, canvas.width, canvas.height) // set rectangle to be the same size as the window
ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(255,255,255,0)` // use the rgb array/color for fill, and amt for opacity
ctx.fill() // do the drawing
function drawCircle(x, y, r, color) {
ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
ctx.fillStyle = color || 'white'
function Particle() {
// initialize loopers with random trange and offset
this.loop1 = new Looper(500 + 200 * Math.random(), 860 * Math.random())
this.loop2 = new Looper(320 + 70 * Math.random(), 20 * Math.random())
this.loop3 = new Looper(120 + 20 * Math.random(), 140 * Math.random())
this.history = []
this.history_max = 40
// this.x = null
// this.y = null
this.offset = Math.random() // some color offset for the color
this.draw = function() {
// set x,y, radius, and color params
var x = this.loop1.sin * (wh / 4 - 10) + this.loop2.sin * (wh / 6 - 10) + this.loop3.sin * 60
var y = this.loop1.cos * (wh / 4 - 10) + this.loop2.cos * (wh / 6 - 10) + this.loop3.cos * 10
var r = 0.2 + 3 * this.loop3.sinNorm * this.loop3.cosNorm // set the radius
var c = `hsla(${280 + 60 * (this.loop3.cosNorm + this.offset) * this.loop2.sinNorm}, ${100}%, ${50 + 10 * this.loop3.sin}%, ${1})`
ctx.strokeStyle = c
ctx.lineCap = 'round'
ctx.lineWidth = r
var tx = x
var ty = y
for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(this.history_max * this.loop3.cosNorm, this.history.length); i++) {
ctx.moveTo(tx, ty)
tx = this.history[i][0]
ty = this.history[i][1]
ctx.lineTo(tx, ty)
drawCircle(x, y, r * 2 + 3, c); // draw the circle
this.loop1.update() // update looper
this.loop2.update() // update looper
this.loop3.update() // update looper
this.history.unshift([x, y])
if (this.history.length > this.history_max) {
// initialize a set of particle
var particles = []
for (var i = 0; i < 90; i++) {
particles.push(new Particle())
function draw() {
// fill context with background color
fill(bg, 0.36)
// update all the particles
for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
particles[i].draw() // do it once
// this is a draw loop, this will execute frequently and is comparable to EnterFrame on other platform
window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
// start enterFrame loop
// force running setup
// re-setup canvas when the size of the window changes
window.addEventListener("resize", setup)
// create a class to hold value and have built in incrementing functionality
function Looper(steps, start) {
this.val = start || 0 // set value to start value if defined, or 1
this.steps = steps || 100 // set steps to passed value or default to 100
this.norm = this.val / this.range // initialize normalized value (between 0 and 1)
this.sin = Math.sin(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get sine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI]
this.sinNorm = (this.sin + 1) / 2 // normalize sin to [0,1]
this.cos = Math.cos(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get cosine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI]
this.cosNorm = (this.cos + 1) / 2 // normalize cos to [0,1]
this.update = function() {
this.val = (this.val + 1) % this.steps // update value
this.norm = this.val / this.steps // update normalize value (between 0 and 1)
this.sin = Math.sin(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get sine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI]
this.sinNorm = (this.sin + 1) / 2 // normalize sine to [0,1]
this.cos = Math.cos(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get cosine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI]
this.cosNorm = (this.cos + 1) / 2 // normalize cos to [0,1]
I have got this function but i am unable to get the path to which the slider when dragged should change the background color of the circle...
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#circle").append('<canvas id="slideColorTracker" class="slideColor"></canvas>');
var canvas = document.getElementById("slideColorTracker");
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var $circle = $("#circle"),
$handler = $("#handler"),
$p = $("#test").val(),
handlerW2 = $handler.width() / 2,
radius = ($circle.width()/2)+10,
offset = $circle.offset(),
elementPos = { x: offset.left, y: },
mHold = 0,
PI = Math.PI / 180
$handler.mousedown(function () {
mHold = 1;
var dim = $("#slideColorTracker");
if ($(".slideColor").length > 1) {
$(document).mousemove(function (e){
}).mouseup(function () { mHold = 0 });
function move(e) {
if (mHold) {
var deg = 180;
var startAngle = 4.72;
var mousePos = { x: e.pageX - elementPos.x, y: e.pageY - elementPos.y }
var atan = Math.atan2(mousePos.x - radius, mousePos.y - radius);
var deg = -atan / PI + 180;
var percentage = (deg * 100 / 360) | 0;
var endAngle = percentage;
var X = Math.round(radius * Math.sin(deg * PI)),
Y = Math.round(radius * -Math.cos(deg * PI));
var cw = X + radius - handlerW2 - 10; //context.canvas.width /2;
var ch = Y + radius - handlerW2 - 10;
left: X + radius - handlerW2 - 10,
top: Y + radius - handlerW2 - 10,
context.arc(($circle.width() / 2), ($circle.height() / 2), radius+20, startAngle, endAngle, false);
context.lineWidth = 15;
context.strokeStyle = 'black';
$circle.css({ borderColor: "hsl(200,70%," + (percentage * 70 / 100 + 30) + "%)" });
I do not want to use any plugin!
Any help will be much appreciated, since i am new to jquery!
Your $handler does not drag for me unless I change it to this:
left: mousePos.x,
top: mousePos.y,
When dragged passed $cirlce.width / 2 it does stroke it correctly.
I need to draw a circle and i have only two points.Now i need to find center point and radius of the circle? You can form the circle in clock wise direction.
Thanks in advance
Here is a Brute Force approach to the problem.
Added a max iterations limit to cut off calculations if the line between the two points is almost straight along x (meaning a radius would be nearing Infinity)
Also animations, because that makes everything better :)
var canvas = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("canvas"));
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = 1000;
canvas.height = 1000;
var points = [
{ x: parseInt(prompt("x1", "110")), y: parseInt(prompt("y1", "120")), r: 5 },
{ x: parseInt(prompt("x2", "110")), y: parseInt(prompt("y2", "60")), r: 5 },
function calculateRemainingPoint(points, x, precision, maxIteration) {
if (x === void 0) { x = 0; }
if (precision === void 0) { precision = 0.001; }
if (maxIteration === void 0) { maxIteration = 100000; }
var newPoint = {
x: x,
y: (points[0].y + points[1].y) / 2,
r: 50
var d0 = distance(points[0].x, points[0].y, x, newPoint.y);
var d1 = distance(points[1].x, points[1].y, x, newPoint.y);
var iteration = 0;
//Bruteforce approach
while (Math.abs(d0 - d1) > precision && iteration < maxIteration) {
var oldDiff = Math.abs(d0 - d1);
var oldY = newPoint.y;
newPoint.y += oldDiff / 10;
d0 = distance(points[0].x, points[0].y, x, newPoint.y);
d1 = distance(points[1].x, points[1].y, x, newPoint.y);
var diff_1 = Math.abs(d0 - d1);
if (diff_1 > oldDiff) {
newPoint.y = oldY - oldDiff / 10;
d0 = distance(points[0].x, points[0].y, x, newPoint.y);
d1 = distance(points[1].x, points[1].y, x, newPoint.y);
var diff = (points[0].x + points[1].x) / points[0].x;
newPoint.r = d0;
return newPoint;
function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var a = x1 - x2;
var b = y1 - y2;
return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
function draw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.moveTo(-canvas.width, canvas.height / 2);
ctx.lineTo(canvas.width, canvas.height / 2);
ctx.moveTo(canvas.width / 2, -canvas.height);
ctx.lineTo(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height);
for (var pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < points.length; pointIndex++) {
var point = points[pointIndex];
ctx.arc(point.x + canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2 - point.y, point.r, 0, Math.PI * 2);
ctx.arc(point.x + canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2 - point.y, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2);
setInterval(function () {
points = points.slice(0, 2);
points[Math.floor(Math.random() * points.length) % points.length][Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'x' : 'y'] = Math.random() * canvas.width - canvas.width / 2;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000 / 60);
}, 1000);
No that is impossible.
Create two circles with the same radius at centerpoints A + B. At the intersection of these two circles create an circle with the same radius....
Then make the same with an other radius....