Create a loader component and call it from all other component across the project. Where I can pass the loader status and custom message every time I call the loader from different component. Hopefully a function with 2 arguments.
I konw two ways :
Inject the Loader component into the Header or Footer or into the Parent Component and you can call it with [ref][1]
Inject the Loader component into the Header or Footer or into the Parent Component and you can use a shared state lib like reduxto call it
Something like this:
Parent Component
import React, {useState} from 'react'
import Preloader from './Preloader'
import OtherComponent from './OtherComponent'
const App = () => {
//create loader message in state
const [loader, setLoader] = useState("")
//create message setter
const messageSetter = (message) => {
//render pre loader on whether loader message exists
//pass messege setter to other components
return (
{loader && <Preloader message={loader}/>}
<OtherComponent messageSetter={messageSetter} />
export default App;
Child Component
import React, { useState } from 'react';
const OtherComponent = ({messageSetter}) => {
const [data, setData] = useState("");
//mock api call
const yourFunction = async () => {
let mockApi = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(()=> {
resolve("Your data.");
//await data
let result = await mockApi;
//set data to state
//close loader
//call loader with custom message and api call on click
<button onClick={() => {messageSetter("custom loading message"); yourFunction();}}>Click</button>
<div>{data? data : "No data called."}</div>
export default OtherComponent;
Loader Component
import React from 'react';
//if needed give it absolute position via css and raise z index
const Preloader = ({message}) => {
export default Preloader;
I am beginner in JS and React.
I have a problem:
import React from "react";
import JsonApi from "../../services/jsonApi";
const UserPage = () => {
const jsonApi = new JsonApi(); //it is my class which has methods
//to manage with data(get,post,etc);
const user = jsonApi.getUser(); //returns promise,but i need an object with data!
//promise has such view:
//[[Prototype]]: Promise
//[[PromiseState]]: "fulfilled"
//[[PromiseResult]]: Object !!!!i need this data!!!!
console.log(user); //Promise.
/* i know that a i can do so:
user.then((data) => console.log(data));
but,using this way,i can only log!But i need an object with data!
return (
<div className="app">
<p>Here are info about users!</p>
export default UserPage;
I understand that i need to use await before const user = jsonApi.getUser();
but we can do that only inside async functions.
So,i tried to do that: const UserPage = async () => { }
but i had a mistake:
In order to perform side effects in react you should consider using useEffect hook. After the effect you need to store the data retrieved in react state by using the useState hook. In the end your code would look like below:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import JsonApi from "../../services/jsonApi";
const UserPage = () => {
const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
const jsonApi = new JsonApi();
jsonApi.getUser().then((user) => {
}, []);
if (!user) return null;
return (
<div className="app">
<p>Here are info about users!</p>
export default UserPage;
Keep in mind that the user is not populated until you async getUser resolves, so you have to handle the case where user data are not yet present, either by rendering nothing (null) or by showing some loading state in between.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Card } from 'components/Card';
import { dateFilter } from 'helpers';
import Chart from 'chart.js';
import 'chartjs-chart-matrix';
import chroma from 'chroma-js';
import moment from 'moment';
const WeeklyTrafficCard = (props) => {
const { start, end, data, store } = props;
const capacity = store && store.capacity;
var numberOfweeks = 0; //representing how many weeks back
const dateArray = [];
var today = moment();
while (numberOfweeks < 10) {
var from_date = today.startOf('week').format('MM/DD/YY');
var to_date = today.endOf('week').format('MM/DD/YY');
var range = from_date.concat(' ','-',' ',to_date);
today = today.subtract(7, 'days');
const [each_daterange, setDateRange] = useState();
I have this Component called WeeklyTrafficCard and I want to use the variable, each_daterange, in another component, which imported WeeklyTrafficCard as below to send the get request, clearly I cannot use each_daterange directly right here, how I can work around it?
import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { WeeklyTrafficCard } from './WeeklyTrafficCard';
import { AppContext } from 'contexts/App';
import { API_URL } from 'constants/index.js';
import { todayOpen, todayClose } from 'helpers';
import moment from 'moment';
const WeeklyTrafficCardContainer = (props) => {
const { API } = useContext(AppContext);
const { store = {} } = props;
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const open = todayOpen(store.hours, store.timezone);
const close = todayClose(store.hours, store.timezone);
useEffect(() => {
async function fetchData() {
const result = await API.get(`${API_URL}/api/aggregates`, {
params: {
every: '1h',
hourStart: 13,
hourStop: 4
You should use a useEffect(prop drilling) to pass your variable in your parent:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import "./style.css";
const App = () => {
const [myVar, setMyVar] = React.useState('');
return (
<Child setMyVar={setMyVar} />
const Child = ({setMyVar}) => {
const myChildVar = "Hello world !"
React.useEffect( () => setMyVar(myChildVar),[]);
return <div> This is the child</div>
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
Here is the repro on stackblitz
Understanding of the Problem
You want to pass data up to the parent from the child.
Manage each_daterange in the parent:
Instead of creating your useState variable each_daterange in the child you can declare it in the parent and pass down it's setter function. For instance:
const WeeklyTrafficCardContainer = (props) => {
const [eachDateRange, setEachDateRange] = useState();
return (
{/* your return */}
<WeeklyTrafficCard setEachDateRange={setEachDateRange} />
If you need to display eachDateRange in the traffic card, or the traffic card needs to completely own that variable, you can create another state variable in the parent and pass a callback to the child (essentially what is above but now you have two different state variables).
The parent becomes
const WeeklyTrafficCardContainer = (props) => {
const [requestDateRange, setRequestDateRange] = useState();
const updateRequestDateRange = (dateRange) => {
return (
{/* your return */}
<WeeklyTrafficCard updateDateRange={updateRequestDateRange} />
Then in your WeeklyTrafficCard call props.updateDateRange and pass it the date range whenever each_daterange changes.
Ciao, of course you need a global state manager. My preferred is react-redux. In few word, react-redux allows you to have a state that is shared in all your components. Sharing each_daterange between WeeklyTrafficCardContainer and WeeklyTrafficCard will be very easy if you decide to use it.
This is the more appropriate guide to quick start with react-redux. have a nice coding :)
Keep the value outside of the component, where both can access it. There are other ways to do this, but just as a simple example you could create a simple "store" to hold it and reference that store from each component that needs it:
class Store {
setDateRange (newDateRange) {
this._dateRange = newDateRange;
get dateRange () {
return this._dateRange;
export default new Store(); // singleton; everyone gets the same instance
import store from './Store';
const WeeklyTrafficCard = (props) => {
// use current dateRange value
const dateRange = store.dateRange;
// set new dateRange
store.setDateRange( newDateRange );
// do other stuff
import store from './Store';
const WeeklyTrafficCardContainer = (props) => {
// use current dateRange value
const dateRange = store.dateRange;
// set new dateRange
store.setDateRange( newDateRange );
// do other stuff
If you want store updates to trigger component re-renders you'd need to add some higher order component plumbing, like redux's connect, or some other mechanism for triggering updates:
// pseudocode; make store an event emitter and return
// a component that re-renders on store events
store.connect = Component => {
return props => {
React.useEffect(() => {
store.addEventListener( ... )
return () => store.removeEventListener( ... )
Or if the components share a common parent, you could lift the state to the parent and pass the information to each component as props. If either component updates the value, the parent state change will trigger a re-render of both components with the new value:
const Parent = () => {
const [dateRange, setDateRange] = React.useState();
return (
onDateRangeChange={newRange => setDateRange(newRange)}
onDateRangeChange={newRange => setDateRange(newRange)}
Let's rephrase the objective here.
Objective: access each_daterange from WeeklyTrafficCard component in WeeklyTrafficCardContainer component.
Note: simply put, choose the following case based on your problem.
choose using prop if the variable is to be accessed by only one component
choose using context if the variable is to be accessed by more than one components
Solution Cases:
Case A: using prop.
Case A.1. WeeklyTrafficCard is the parent of WeeklyTrafficCardContainer
each_datarange being passed from WeeklyTrafficCard component as prop to WeeklyTrafficCardContainer component
working example for reference: codesandbox - variable passed as prop
// WeeklyTrafficCard.jsx file
const WeeklyTrafficCard = () => {
const [each_daterange, setDateRange] = useState();
return (
<WeeklyTrafficCardContainer eachDateRange={each_daterange} />
// WeeklyTrafficCardContainer.jsx file
const WeeklyTrafficCardContainer = props => {
const eachDateRange = props.eachDateRange;
return (
Case A.2. WeeklyTrafficCard & WeeklyTrafficCardContainer are children of a parent, say WeeklyTraffic component
each_datarange will be present in WeeklyTraffic component which is shared among WeeklyTrafficCard component & WeeklyTrafficCardContainer component
// WeeklyTraffic.jsx file
const WeeklyTraffic = () => {
const [each_daterange, setDateRange] = useState();
return (
<WeeklyTrafficCard eachDateRange={each_daterange} />
<WeeklyTrafficCardContainer eachDateRange={each_daterange} />
// WeeklyTrafficCard.jsx file
const WeeklyTrafficCard = props => {
const eachDateRange = props.eachDateRange;
return (
// WeeklyTrafficCardContainer.jsx file
const WeeklyTrafficCardContainer = props => {
const eachDateRange = props.eachDateRange;
return (
Case B: using context.
follow blog example found: blog - react context
this is preferred way to implement if the variable/variables is/are shared or need to be accessed by more than 1 components
Essentially, I'm trying to test if my modal opens when my button is clicked & I'm a noob with Jest & Enzyme.
I am hitting an issue accessing the props on the button & I'm not sure if it's because it's nested inside of a third party package or if I'm not importing it correctly into my test. Please see my condensed(ish) code below as I wasn't about to recreate the code on CodePen..
const UploadDownloadComponent = ({ handleOpen }) => (
onClick={handleOpen} //this is what I need to access
Bulk Add Members
<SecondaryButton id="email-csv-button">
//beginning of data table component
export const Table = () => {
const [bulkUpload, setBulkUpload] = useState(false);
//upload modal
const openUpload = () => {
const closeUpload = () => {
//query container
const subHeaderComponentMemo = useMemo(() => {
{*/ other code /*}
return (
}, []);
return (
{*/ bunch of other things unrelated /*}
<UploadModal closeModal={closeUpload} open={bulkUpload} />
import React from "react";
import { configure, mount, shallow } from "enzyme";
import Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16";
import { Table } from "../components/MemberView/DataTable";
import { UploadModal } from "../components/MemberView/UploadModal";
import Modal from "react-modal";
configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
describe("<Table />", () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Table />);
//using .upDate() is the only way I can get this test to pass
it("should have upload button", () => {
const uploadButton = wrapper.find("#bulk-add-button").update();
//this passes
it("renders Upload Modal", () => {
const upModal = shallow(<UploadModal />);
it("opens Upload Modal when state is changed", () => {
const modal = mount(<UploadModal />);
const uploadButton = wrapper.find("#bulk-add-button").update();
//this is where my test fails as it cannot simulate click on uploadButton
//if I change it to:
//my error message says it expected 1 Node. ) found instead.
//I don't make it this far
I am also using Hooks if that makes any difference...
Any and all help/advice welcome!
When accessing props the following approach works for me.
Hope this works!
I am new to react hooks, however I have a problem that I would think is fairly straight forward. Here is my parent component:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import DragAndDrop from '../DragAndDrop';
import Attachment from './Attachment';
import API from '../../services/api';
import '../../styles/components/attachments.scss';
const api = API.create();
const Attachments = ({attachments, type, typeId}) => {
const [attachmentData, setAttachmentData] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [attachments])
function onUpload(files) {
if (typeId) {
api.AddAttachment(type, typeId, files).then(response => {
let newAttachments =;
let newAttachmentData = attachmentData;
newAttachmentData = newAttachmentData.concat(newAttachments);
return (
<div className="attachments">
<h3 className="attachments-title">Attachments</h3>
<DragAndDrop onUpload={onUpload} />
{, index) => (
<Attachment key={index} attachment={attachment} />
export default Attachments;
attachments is passed in from the parent component async, which is why I'm using the useEffect function.
This all works fine, and the child Attachment components are rendered when the data is received.
I have a callback onUpload which is called from DragAndDrop component:
import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
import {useDropzone} from 'react-dropzone';
import '../styles/components/dragAndDrop.scss';
const DragAndDrop = ({onUpload}) => {
const onDrop = useCallback(acceptedFiles => {
}, [])
const {getRootProps, getInputProps} = useDropzone({onDrop});
return (
<div {...getRootProps({className: 'dropzone'})}>
<input {...getInputProps()} />
<p>Drag 'n' drop some files here, or click to select files</p>
export default DragAndDrop;
My problem is, when the callback onUpload in the Attachments component is called, attachmentData is the initial value which is an empty array instead of the being populated with the attachments. In my onUpload function, I'm posting the new uploads to my API which then returns them in the same format as the rest of the attachments. I then want to concat these new attachments to the attachmentData. I need attachmentData to have it's filled in value within the callback. Why is the attachmentData the initial state []? How do I get this to work?
The problem is that you're accessing attachmentData in onUpload which becomes stale by the time you use it, so to get the latest attachmentData you can pass a callback function to you updater function setAttachmentData like this:
function onUpload(files) {
if (typeId) {
api.AddAttachment(type, typeId, files).then(response => {
let newAttachments =;
setAttachmentData(prevAttachmentData => ([...prevAttachmentData, ...newAttachments]));
If you want to access the attachmentsData inside onUpload, you can do so by creating a ref and then updating that ref whenever attachmentsData changes, that way you won't have to pass a function to setAttachmentsData also:
const [attachmentsData, setAttachmentsData] = React.useState([]);
const attachmentsDataRef = React.useRef(attachmentsData);
// Update ref whenever state changes
useEffect(() => {
attachmentsDataRef.current = attachmentsData;
}, [attachmentsData]);
// Now in onUpload
function onUpload(files) {
// Here you can access attachmentsDataRef.current and you'll get updated state everytime
if (typeId) {
api.AddAttachment(type, typeId, files).then(response => {
let newAttachments =;
setAttachmentData([...attachmentsDataRef.current, ...newAttachments]);
I need to write a test with the following steps:
get user data on mount
get project details if it has selectedProject and clientId when they change
get pages details if it has selectedProject, clientId, and selectedPages when they change
render Content inside Switch
if doesn't have clientId, Content should return null
if doesn't have selectedProject, Content should return Projects
if doesn't have selectedPages, Content should return Pages
else Content should render Artboard
And the component looks like this:
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from "react-redux";
import { getUserData } from "../../firebase/user";
import { selectProject } from "../../actions/projects";
import { getItem } from "../../tools/localStorage";
import { getProjectDetails } from "../../firebase/projects";
import { selectPages } from "../../actions/pages";
import Pages from "../Pages";
import Projects from "../Projects";
import Artboard from "../Artboard";
import Switch from "../Transitions/Switch";
import { getUserId, getClientId } from "../../selectors/user";
import { getSelectedProject } from "../../selectors/projects";
import { getSelectedPages, getPagesWithDetails } from "../../selectors/pages";
import { getPagesDetails } from "../../firebase/pages";
const cachedProject = JSON.parse(getItem("selectedProject"));
const cachedPages = JSON.parse(getItem("selectedPages"));
const Dashboard = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const userId = useSelector(getUserId);
const clientId = useSelector(getClientId);
const selectedProject = useSelector(getSelectedProject) || cachedProject;
const selectedPages = useSelector(getSelectedPages) || cachedPages;
const pagesWithDetails = useSelector(getPagesWithDetails);
useEffect(() => {
cachedProject && selectProject(cachedProject);
cachedPages && selectPages(cachedPages);
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (selectedProject && clientId) {
}, [selectedProject, clientId]);
useEffect(() => {
if (selectedPages && selectedProject && clientId) {
const pagesWithoutDetails = selectedPages.filter(pageId => (
}, [selectedPages, selectedProject, clientId]);
const Content = () => {
if (!clientId) return null;
if (!selectedProject) {
return <Projects key="projects" />;
if (!selectedPages) {
return <Pages key="pages" />;
return <Artboard key="artboard" />;
console.log("Update Dashboard")
return (
Where I use some functions to fetch data from firebase, some to dispatch actions, and some conditionals.
I'm trying to get deep into testing with Jest and Enzyme. When I was searching for testing approaches, testing useEffect, variables, and conditions, I haven't found anything. All I saw is testing if a text changes, if a button has get clicked, etc. but what about testing components which aren't really changing anything in the DOM, just loading data, and depending on that data, renders a component?
What's the question here? What have you tried? To me it seems pretty straightforward to test:
Use Enzymes mount or shallow to render the component and assign that to a variable and wrap it in a store provider so it has access to a redux store.
Use jest.mock to mock things you don't want to actually want to happen (like the dispatching of actions) or use something like redux-mock-store.
Use that component ".find" to get the actual button you want.
Assert that, given a specific redux state, it renders correctly.
Assert that actions are dispatched with the proper type and payload at the proper times.
You may need to call component.update() to force it to rerender within the enzyme test.
Let me know if you have more specific issues.
Good luck!