Guys I have a script that shows blogger articles, only the images of the articles are of poor quality.
Looking at the script the only part that refers to the image is this
// Get the post thumbnails
postimg = ("media$thumbnail" in entry) ?$thumbnail.url : imgBlank;
// Build the post template
output += '<div class="itemposts">';
output += '<h6>' + posttitle + '</h6>';
output += '<div class="iteminside"><img src="' + postimg + '" />';
output += '<span class="summary">' + postsumm + '</span></div>';
output += '<div style="clear:both;"></div><div class="itemfoot">' + timepub + replies + '<a class="itemrmore" href="' + posturl + '">' + rmoreText + '</a></div>';
output += '</div>';
css code:
.itemposts img {
margin:2px 10px 2px 0px;
border:1px solid #dcdcdc;
Does anyone know which part of the code needs to be changed to show the image with the original quality?
added full code full code
var showPostDate = true,
showComments = true,
idMode = true,
sortByLabel = false,
labelSorter = "Games",
loadingText = "Loading...",
totalPostLabel = "Jumlah posting:",
jumpPageLabel = "Halaman",
commentsLabel = "Komentar",
rmoreText = "Selengkapnya ►",
prevText = "Sebelumnya",
nextText = "Berikutnya",
siteUrl = "",
postPerPage = 6,
numChars = 370,
<script type='text/javascript'>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Original:
// Modified by Taufik Nurrohman
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var minpage = 6; // Minimum number to display the page
var maxpage = 10; // The maximum number of pages to display
var firstpage = 0; // Detect the first time it is executed
var pagernum = 0; // Contain the page number where we
var postsnum = 0; // Start the first page
var actualpage = 1; // Starting value of the current page (it will change if you click the pagination).
// This is the container template that will be used to insert the posts template, pagination and the posts count
document.write('<div id="toc-outer"><div id="results"></div><div id="itempager" style="position:relative;"><div id="pagination"></div><div id="totalposts"></div><a title="Taufik Nurrohman" style="display:block!important;visibility:visible!important;opacity:1!important;position:absolute;bottom:10px;right:14px;font:normal bold 8px Arial,Sans-Serif!important;color:#666;text-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.1);text-decoration:none;" href="" target="_blank">►TN</a></div></div>');
var _results = document.getElementById('results');
var _pagination = document.getElementById('pagination');
var _totalposts = document.getElementById('totalposts');
// Build the table of contents framework
function showPagePosts(json) {
var entry, posttitle, posturl, postimg, postsumm, replies, monthnames, timepub, output = "";
if (pagernum === 0) {
postsnum = parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t);
pagernum = parseInt(postsnum / postPerPage) + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < postPerPage; i++) {
if ("entry" in json.feed) {
if (i == json.feed.entry.length) break;
entry = json.feed.entry[i];
posttitle = entry.title.$t; // Get the post title
// Get rel="alternate" for truly post url
for (var k = 0, elen =; k < elen; k++) {
if ([k].rel == "alternate") {
posturl =[k].href; // This is your real post URL!
// Get the comments count
for (var l = 0, clen =; l < clen; l++) {
if ([l].rel == "replies" &&[l].type == "text/html") {
var commentsnum =[l].title.split(" ")[0]; // This is your comments count
// If the Blogger-feed is set to SHORT, then the content is in the summary-field
postsumm = ("summary" in entry) ? entry.summary.$t.replace(/<br ?\/?>/ig, " ").replace(/<.*?>/g, "").replace(/[<>]/g, "") : ""; // Get the post summary
// Reduce post summaries to "numChars" characters.
// "numChars" is a variable. You determine the value
if (postsumm.length > numChars) {
postsumm = (numChars > 0 && numChars !== false) ? postsumm.substring(0, numChars) + '...' : "";
// Get the post date (e.g: 2012-02-07T12:56:00.000+07:00)
var _postdate = entry.published.$t,
_cdyear = _postdate.substring(0, 4), // Take 4 characters from the "postdate" beginning, it means the year (2012)
_cdmonth = _postdate.substring(5, 7), // Take 2 character 5 step from "postdate" beginning, it mean the month (02)
_cdday = _postdate.substring(8, 10); // Take 2 character 8 step from "postdate" beginning. it means the day (07)
// Month array template
monthnames = (idMode) ? ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Agt", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Des"] : ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
// The final product of the post date = (07 Feb 2012) (cdday monthnames cdyear)
timepub = (showPostDate) ? _cdday + ' ' + monthnames[parseInt(_cdmonth, 10) - 1] + ' ' + _cdyear + ' - ' : '';
// The final product of the comments count & comments label (10 Komentar) (commentsnum commentsLabel)
replies = (showComments) ? commentsnum + ' ' + commentsLabel : '';
// Get the post thumbnails
postimg = ("media$thumbnail" in entry) ?$thumbnail.url : imgBlank;
// Build the post template
output += '<div class="itemposts">';
output += '<h6>' + posttitle + '</h6>';
output += '<div class="iteminside"><img src="' + postimg + '" />';
output += '<span class="summary">' + postsumm + '</span></div>';
output += '<div style="clear:both;"></div><div class="itemfoot">' + timepub + replies + '<a class="itemrmore" href="' + posturl + '">' + rmoreText + '</a></div>';
output += '</div>';
// Put the whole template above into <div id="results"></div>
_results.innerHTML = output;
// Build the pagination
function _create_pagination() {
output = "";
var starter = 0;
output += ((actualpage > 1) ? '<a title="' + prevText + '" class="prevjson" href="javascript:_init_script(' + (actualpage - 1) + ')">' + prevText + '</a>' : '<span class="prevjson hidden">' + prevText + '</span>') + '<em style="font:inherit;color:inherit;" class="pagernumber">';
if (pagernum < (maxpage + 1)) {
for (starter = 1; starter <= pagernum; starter++) {
output += (starter == actualpage) ? '<span class="actual">' + starter + '</span>' : '' + starter + '';
} else if (pagernum > (maxpage - 1)) {
if (actualpage < minpage) {
for (starter = 1; starter < (maxpage - 2); starter++) {
output += (starter == actualpage) ? '<span class="actual">' + starter + '</span>' : '' + starter + '';
output += ' ... ';
output += '' + parseInt(pagernum - 1) + '';
output += '' + pagernum + '';
} else if (pagernum - (minpage - 1) > actualpage && actualpage > (minpage - 1)) {
output += '1';
output += '2';
output += ' ... ';
for (starter = actualpage - 2; starter <= actualpage + 2; starter++) {
output += (starter == actualpage) ? '<span class="actual">' + starter + '</span>' : '' + starter + '';
output += ' ... ';
output += '' + parseInt(pagernum - 1) + '';
output += '' + pagernum + '';
} else {
output += '1';
output += '2';
output += ' ... ';
for (starter = pagernum - (minpage + 1); starter <= pagernum; starter++) {
output += (starter == actualpage) ? '<span class="actual">' + starter + '</span>' : '' + starter + '';
output += '</em>' + ((actualpage < starter - 1) ? '<a title="' + nextText + '" class="nextjson" href="javascript:_init_script(' + (actualpage + 1) + ')">' + nextText + '</a>' : '<span class="nextjson hidden">' + nextText + '</span>');
_pagination.innerHTML = output;
_totalposts.innerHTML = totalPostLabel + ' ' + postsnum + ' - ' + jumpPageLabel + ' ' + ((actualpage * postPerPage) - (postPerPage - 1)) + ((actualpage < starter - 1) ? ' - ' + (actualpage * postPerPage) : "");
// Functions to remove and append the callback script that has been manipulated in the `start-index` parameter
function _init_script(n) {
var parameter = (n * postPerPage) - (postPerPage - 1), old, s,
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],
url = (sortByLabel) ? siteUrl + '/feeds/posts/summary/-/' + labelSorter + '?start-index=' + parameter : siteUrl + '/feeds/posts/summary?start-index=' + parameter; // Optional: Sort posts by a specific label
if (firstpage == 1) {
// Jump to top
document.documentElement.scrollTop = _results.offsetTop - 30;
document.body.scrollTop = _results.offsetTop - 30;
// Remove the old callback script
old = document.getElementById("TEMPORAL");
_results.innerHTML = '<div id="loadingscript">' + loadingText + '</div>';
_pagination.innerHTML = '';
_totalposts.innerHTML = '';
s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = url + '&max-results=' + postPerPage + '&orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showPagePosts'; = 'TEMPORAL';
firstpage = 1;
actualpage = n;
// Execute the _init_script() function with parameter as `1` on page load
// So it will show the first page.
window.onload = function() {
Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of pictures or videos
So you need to get the original image
In some cases you have the size in the url, like in this one at the end of url
You can simply remove that part and get the full size of the image
In your case you have a url like this
you can change to
This post explain very well how you can use List of all the App Engine images service get_serving_url() URI options
I just want to create a multiplication table using Javascript but I don't want each row to have the same result. I will picture that table I want to be created for my work
In this code, the program will print 9 times
for (a = 1; a <= 9; a++) {
document.write('<div style= "float: left; margin: 25px">')
for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
document.write(a + ' x ' + i + ' = ' + a * i + '</br>');
I already make a table for multiplication but I don't want to make all print 10 times. I want to make different for each table cell
I want to make like this picture and I'm new with JavaScript
var times = 1;
for (a = 9; a > 0; a--) {
for (i = 9; i > 0 && i > (9 - times); i--) {
document.write(a + ' x ' + i + ' = ' + a * i + ' ');
You can simply add this to the second loop for (i = 1; i <= a; i++) that way you'll achieve what you want.
for (a = 1; a <= 9; a++) {
document.write('<div style= "float: left; margin: 5px">')
for (i = 1; i <= a; i++) {
document.write(a + ' x ' + i + ' = ' + a * i + '</br>');
The simple answer is replace this line for (i=1; i<=9; i++) { with this: for (i=a; i<=9; i++) {
for (a = 1; a <= 9; a++) {
document.write('<div style= "float: left; margin: 25px">')
for (i = a; i <= 9; i++) {
document.write(a + ' x ' + i + ' = ' + a * i + '</br>');
For having the exact same thing as you posted in your picture, this code do the job :
for (a = 9; a > 0; a--) {
for (i = 9; i > a - 1; i--) {
document.write('<td>' + a + ' x ' + i + ' = ' + a * i + '</td>');
Note the use of decrementing loop to match the order of your picture and the usage of the table
I am making a simple time calculator in javascript. I have converted the times into 12-hour instead of 24 hour time for simplicity, however the code I have for calculating am/pm always shows am. Any reason why this would be happening?
Here is my code:
function solveTime(x) {
var suffixSolve = (utcHours + x) % 24;
var suffix = "am";
if (utcHours > 12) {
var suffix = "pm";
if (utcMinutes == 0) {
utcMinutesLead = "00";
if (utcMinutes < 10) {
utcMinutesLead = "0" + utcMinutes;
var timeSolve = (((utcHours + x) + 11) % 12 + 1);
var timeTotal = timeSolve + ":" + utcMinutesLead + " " + suffix;
var utcMod = x;
if (utcMod > 0) {
utcMod = "+" + utcMod;
document.getElementById(x).innerHTML = "(UTC" + utcMod + ") " + timeTotal;
and here is the code behind utcHours
var masterTimeUTC = new Date();
var utcHours = masterTimeUTC.getUTCHours();
var utcMinutes = masterTimeUTC.getUTCMinutes();
var utcSeconds = masterTimeUTC.getUTCSeconds();
var utcMinutesLead = masterTimeUTC.getUTCMinutes();
Example here:
The issue is you should be checking whether suffixSolve is greater than 12 instead of utcHours, because utcHours does not change due to the value of x. Since you can shift the hours forward and backwards, I created a variable shift to handle that.
function solveTime(x) {
if (x < 0) {
var shift = 24 + x;
} else {
var shift = x;
var suffixSolve = (utcHours + shift) % 24;
var suffix = "am";
if (suffixSolve > 12) {
suffix = "pm";
if (utcMinutes == 0) {
utcMinutesLead = "00";
if (utcMinutes < 10) {
utcMinutesLead = "0" + utcMinutes;
var timeSolve = (((utcHours + x) + 11) % 12 + 1);
var timeTotal = timeSolve + ":" + utcMinutesLead + " " + suffix;
var utcMod = x;
if (utcMod > 0) {
utcMod = "+" + utcMod;
document.getElementById(x).innerHTML = "(UTC" + utcMod + ") " + timeTotal;
var masterTimeUTC = new Date();
var utcHours = masterTimeUTC.getUTCHours();
var utcMinutes = masterTimeUTC.getUTCMinutes();
var utcSeconds = masterTimeUTC.getUTCSeconds();
var utcMinutesLead = masterTimeUTC.getUTCMinutes();
<div id="4"></div>
<div id="-8"></div>
<div id="0"></div>
I need to transform 3 form inputs (HH, MM, SS) in seconds with javascript.
I have this code but it has only with 1 form input in seconds :
To do this I need a new javascript function.
window.onload = function () {generate()};
function generate() {
var width = 'width=\"' + document.getElementById('width').value + '\" ';
var height = 'height=\"' + document.getElementById('height').value + '\" ';
var ytid = "videoID";
var start = document.getElementById('start').value;
var end = document.getElementById('end').value;
if (start !== "") {
if(ytid === document.getElementById('ytid')) {
ytid += '?start=' + start;
else {
ytid += '&start=' + start;
if (end !== "") {
if (ytid === document.getElementById('ytid')) {
ytid += '?end=' + end;
else {
ytid += '&end=' + end;
document.getElementById('embedcode').value = '<iframe ' + width + height +
'src=\"\/embed\/' + ytid +
'\" frameborder=\"0\"><\/iframe>';
function clearall() {
document.getElementById('width').value = 550;
document.getElementById('height').value = 315;
document.getElementById('start').value = "";
document.getElementById('end').value = "";
The jsFiddle to play with what I need :
Do not display start and end when value is 0
if (start !== "") {
ytid += '?start=' + start;
if (end !== "") {
if (start == "") {
ytid += '?end=' + end;
else {
ytid += '&end=' + end;
You just need to get value of every fields, as int, then add it with the formula: ((hours * 60) + minutes ) * 60 + secondes
And you might ensure that the result is a number. (if user enter a char instead of a number, it should not display something wrong)
var starth = parseInt(document.getElementById('starth').value);
var startm = parseInt(document.getElementById('startm').value);
var starts = parseInt(document.getElementById('starts').value);
var endh = parseInt(document.getElementById('endh').value);
var endm = parseInt(document.getElementById('endm').value);
var ends = parseInt(document.getElementById('ends').value);
var start = (((starth * 60) + startm) * 60) + starts;
if(isNaN(start) || start === 0)
start = "";
var end = (((endh * 60) + endm) * 60) + ends;
if(isNaN(end) || end === 0)
end = "";
/* (...) */
JS is generally quite good at math.
sHour = document.getElementById('starth').value,
sMin = document.getElementById('startm').value,
sSec = document.getElementById('starts').value,
sTime = (sHour * 3600) + (sMin * 60) + sSec;
I'm using a server-side JS for a counter:
var date = new Date(2013,1,01);
var now = new Date();
var number = 0;
var increment = 3290;
var second = 1;
var secondTotal = (now.getTime()-date.getTime())/1000;
var incrementTotal = (secondTotal/1)*3290;
number = Math.round(number+incrementTotal);
function init() {
document.getElementById("kwh_fam_an").innerHTML = number;
function incrementation() {
number = number+increment;
document.getElementById("kwh_fam_an").innerHTML = number;
I'm trying to change the format by forcing a colon and a space every 3 figures but the code below doesn't work:
function lisibilite_nombre(nbr) {
var number = '' + nbr;
var retour = '';
var count = 0;
for (var i = number.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
if (count != 0 && count % 3 == 0)
retour = number[i] + ' ' + retour ;
retour = number[i] + retour ;
alert('nb : ' + nbr + ' => ' + retour);
return retour;
Do you have any idea ?
You're adding the space but not the colon. Change:
retour = number[i] + ' ' + retour ;
retour = number[i] + ': ' + retour;